Sweet Wife in My Arms

Chapter 176: That Illness Can Be Treated, Can’t It

Chapter 176: That Illness Can Be Treated, Can’t It

He stood up and poured a gla.s.s of cold water. He leaned back and sipped on it till there was none left. Only then, the things in his vision slowly subsided and disappeared.

He silently let out some turbid gas from his chest before taking the things that he had bought into the kitchen. He placed them in a pot to keep warm before opening the door and walking out. When he returned, there was a set of woman clothes in his hands. He wasn’t good at buying them, but he had followed what others said.

He placed the clothes at the corner of the bed and saw that she was still sleeping. Being able to sleep so peacefully in a foreign place, he wasn’t sure if she had a big heart or she was foolish.

But he knew deep down that she was able to sleep so peacefully because it was him.

When she woke up again, Yan Huan was already much more conscious. She opened her eyes and sat up. The clothes that was wrapped around her had fallen off. This was a coat from Lu Yi and it explained why she didn’t have a good sleep. The b.u.t.tons on his coat had almost rubbed her skin off.

At the corner was a pile of clothes that had been folded neatly. She brought them over. She gathered that they were for her, even the tag hadn’t been ripped off yet.

She picked up the clothes and changed into them. She wasn’t as open as to wander around naked yet. Even though she had run over in the morning, she wasn’t wide awake then. Although at that time, she involuntarily covered her face, almost as if she had been seen through.

However, was Lu Yi too… A naked woman running into his embrace, did he not feel anything? Or could he really not get it hard? If not, why would he be in his thirties but not have any thoughts of getting married. He had already dated his girlfriend for 5-6 years, but they were still on their own.

She couldn’t help but pity that guy. However, that was an illness and it should be able to be treated, right?

She went into the washroom and there was a set of was.h.i.+ng products that hadn’t been used in there, it must be for her. She took them unceremoniously – whether she wanted to use them was up to her.

Since she wasn’t as abashed as to walk around naked, she hadn’t reached the stage where she would walk around without brus.h.i.+ng her teeth and was.h.i.+ng her face.

She walked out refreshed. Her clothes were a little too big for her but it didn’t matter in the winter. She couldn’t be too particular about her clothes right now, as long as they kept her warm.

The house was warm as the heater was turned up high. As she walked out, she saw the man sitting in front of the table with his legs crossed. He was looking intently at a pile of notes, at times doing some calculations.

As the foreign footsteps sounded, he lifted his head, looking expressionlessly at Yan Huan. He finally stopped at her legs.

“There are shoes outside,” He said with a frown.

Yan Huan knew that there were shoes outside, they were Fang Zhu’s. However, she didn’t have the habit of wearing other women’s shoes. Of course, Yi Ling’s one didn’t count.

She still walked out barefooted; she didn’t want to wear the shoes. What if that woman’s feet stunk? What if her feet got infected?

When it came to Yan Huan’s stubbornness, Lu Yi could do nothing about it. He stood up and walked in front of Yan Huan. He was already taller than her by one and a half head and he looked down commandingly at her, his brows were still locked in a frown the whole time.

Yan Huan lifted her head, not showing any terror at all.

Why? Do you want to beat me? Beat! Beat! Beat me on the face. She was shouting in her heart.

“I will help you put on some medication.” Lu Yi turned around and opened a cabinet at the corner. He took out a first aid kit from there.

Yan Huan touched her neck, she didn’t want to put on any medication at all as they hurt the most.

However, she was clear that if she didn’t put any medication, her wound would take a long while to heal and might even get infected. It wouldn’t be as easy as putting on medication then.

She sat on the sofa as Lu Yi knelt in front of her. He took a cotton swab and some medicated solution, applying it onto her wound. As soon as the solution touched her skin, the pain caused Yan Huan to frown.

“Endure it.” Lu Yi raised his head and took a look while continuing what he was doing. He had no idea that she was in pain. Perhaps he couldn’t feel any pain, that was why he couldn’t feel for others too.

Yan Huan pouted. If she didn’t endure it, was she supposed to scream?

Lu Yi raised his head again as he took the cotton swab and gingerly disinfected her wound.

“Relax, your face is fine. It is only a small scratch and it won’t leave a scar. If it really does leave a scar, there are many ways of removing it.”

Yan Huan stared into his eyes like this without blinking as she saw two small version of herself in them. She grabbed a pillow and hugged onto it tightly.

Lu Yi thought she was in pain and relaxed a little.

Putting back the first aid box, he went to the toilet to wash his hands. He then went to the kitchen to take out some breakfast that he had bought earlier: Buns.

“Eat some.” He placed them on the table for Yan Huan.

Yan Huan took one and started munching on it without much thought. However, she took a glance at Lu Yi. He was back at his work, staring seriously at the pile of papers on his lap, looking up some information on his computer at times.

She thought for a bit before taking another bun and placing it before him.

Seeing an extra bun in front of his eyes, Lu Yi took it. However, seeing that it was from Yan Huan, he didn’t say anything. He didn’t have much to say to begin with and perhaps just like what Lei Qingyi said, anyone who could live with him was either a G.o.d or someone who had lost their mind.

Yan Huan ate one and gave one bun to Lu Yi. She didn’t eat a lot and was full after only 2 buns.

“Eating so little?” Lu Yi had a lot to say about how much Yan Huan ate. He could eat two baskets of buns in one sitting, yet she was full after only two buns.

“I always eat little,” Yan Huan swiped her hands as she took a look at the remote controller at the side. Could she watch TV with that?

Lu Yi brought the controller over to her and said, ‘Watch it yourself.”

Yan Huan grabbed the controller in her hands. Wouldn’t she be disturbing?

Lu Yi continued to turn the papers as he scribbled furiously on them. Yan Huan sat in boredom as she turned on the TV. She stole another glance at Lu Yi who was buried in his pile of doc.u.ments, almost oblivious to the noise around him.

Since he didn’t care, then she couldn’t care less too. She started looking for an interesting TV show to watch. At one point, she seemed to come across a familiar figure, a plump looking body as well as an oily face.

However, her fingers were a little quick and, in an instant, she had jumped over that scene. When she turned back to that channel, she had no idea which TV station it was nor any idea what show it was. She couldn’t find it in anymore.

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