Sweet Wife in My Arms

Chapter 423: New Year Visit

Chapter 423: New Year Visit

“Alright,” Yan Huan agreed. She sat down, placed the dumplings on the table and grabbed the laptop which was showing the box office prediction for “h.e.l.lo, Uncle!” But could this be predicted?

Perhaps so, it may be calculated based on the arrangements of the film and the attendance. She was bad at maths so she couldn’t handle this, but Lu Yi could. Oh yes, she wanted to know about the current box office record of Su Muran’s New Year film at this time.

Su Muran took the main role again. It was a comedy film. Hmm, she changed her style from ice cold to comedic.

Lu Yi washed his hands and saw Yan Huan daydreaming in front of her computer when he walked out.

He poked her face with a chopstick.


“Hm?” Yan Huan snapped out from her trance.

“Eat.” Lu Yi dangled a dumpling in front of Yan Huan with his chopsticks. She lowered her head and swallowed it. She felt like she was turning into a baby under Lu Yi’s care.

Now Lu Yi even started to feed her.

No one knew when this started, it happened imperceptibly. They got used to it, liked it and loved it.

“One more.” Lu Yi stood up with his bowl and squatted down next to Yan Huan, trying to feed her again.

“I’ll eat by myself.” Yan Huan ate another dumpling but she felt that she has overeaten after a while. How could he feed her this way even though she couldn’t use her hands. She was an actress, who would invite her to star in a film if she became as chubby as a pig?

“I want to eat by myself.” Yan Huan couldn’t even move her mouth, how could she eat everything when he stuffed all of it into her at once.

“Eat properly.” Lu Yi sighed. Since she wouldn’t have her meals properly, he had no other way but to feed her. This was the only way she would eat more, or else her appet.i.te would be smaller than Little Bean’s.

“I don’t eat much in the first place, are you rearing a pig?” Yan Huan looked upset, “How could you feed me like this?”

Lu Yi was silent, but he still stuffed a plate of dumplings into Yan Huan’s stomach while squatting. He was worried every time when they were having meals. He was always trying to figure out a way to make her eat more and gain more weight.

She was way too thin, to the extent that she looked pitiful. He really had no idea what was wrong with women nowadays, each of them looked like a ghost from being underweight, he couldn’t see the beauty out of it.

But even if his Huanhuan was a ghost, she would still be a pretty ghost.

Yan Huan rubbed her plump belly.

She gave out a sigh.

There was a type of hunger called your-husband-thought-that-you-are-hungry.

Lu Yi only started to eat now. He took the mouse and asked, “What do you want to watch?”

“Hm.” Yan Huan rolled on the sofa as she rubbed her belly, “The movie starring Su Muran.”

Lu Yi clicked the mouse, and the box office for the movie starring Su Muran appeared on the screen.

There were five New Year movies premiering simultaneously this year, which was a lot. The movie starring Su Muran was ranked last in terms of box office record and it was also obvious that it didn’t have sufficient impact. It seemed like she will once again become the “box office poison”.

“I’m curious, what’s her true ident.i.ty?”

Until now, Yan Huan still has no idea why Su Muran could still do whatever she wanted in the s...o...b..z and there will still be a bunch of directors who were willing to let her star in their movie even when she was named “the Poison G.o.d”.

“Her father’s power is enough to influence the whole industry.” Lu Yi continued to nod as he was still clicking on the mouse. He didn’t make it too clear, but it was enough.

Solid background and thick thighs.

If she wasn’t someone that the Lu family and the Ye family protected, she would have been kicked out by Su Muran a long time ago. Even if she didn’t leave the industry herself, Su Muran wouldn’t have allowed her to survive for long.

So, the personal feelings between some people were destined, just like some hatred and resentment.

It’s either me or you.

This may be what’s known as a fated enemy. Even if she wanted to avoid Su Muran, she would still be unable to avoid meeting Su Muran, and prevent the incident that would soon happen if she was still in the industry.

As for “h.e.l.lo, Uncle!”, even if it couldn’t rank as the top among the other New Year films, it had utterly defeated Su Muran’s movie.

Yan Huan was not worried at all whether Su Muran’s comedy would make any waves later on, because it was impossible. The nickname “box office poison” was a nickname created exactly for people like Su Muran.

“One more,” Lu Yi picked up a dumpling. Yan Huan was dazed, she quickly stood up, ran into her room and covered her head under the blanket like she just saw a ghost…

She’s not eating it, no, absolutely not!

Lu Yi took the dumpling back. Ah, you don’t want it? He’ll eat it himself then.

He picked up the mouse again and observed the prediction curve of the New Year films’ box office while eating. The Su family was trying to push Su Muran to the top now, but some people just couldn’t achieve anything great no matter how much support they get, and Su Muran was one of them.

On the second day of Chinese New Year, the members of the Lu family were going to visit the Ye’s. This year was the best year for the Ye Family, constructions at the airport were going on swiftly and there’s nothing for them to worry about with the billions worth of investments. All they had to do was to wait for the airport infrastructure to develop.

The funds invested by the Lei’s and the Lu’s would become stocks in the airport. They would generate an incredibly hefty amount of bonus annually, and amongst everyone, the one person who was going to gain the most would be Lu Yi.

The Ye family members were busy early in the morning as it was indeed a busy year for them. They have got a G.o.d granddaughter, and a G.o.d grandson-in-law. So from now on, they could deal with the Lei family openly, along with forging an official kins.h.i.+p.

Lu Yi got married too, although it was still a secretive one, but still, he got married.

So Ye Jianguo was very happy this year that the house was suddenly full of visitors.

Ye Jianguo was more easygoing, he liked the fact that his house was filled with people. Unlike Old Master Lu’s grumpiness, although he rose from the people, joined the army, partic.i.p.ated in the war, but what made him different from Old Master Lu was that he got lazy as he grew older, but Old Master Lu was still so grumpy.

Everybody in the Ye family were busy sorting things out at the moment, Ye Xinyu came back from overseas too. This was requested by Old Master Ye, “No matter where you are, the members of the Ye family must return to celebrate the New Year.”

As soon as Ye Xinyu set foot on the grounds of the Ye family, it was like coming back to h.e.l.l. All those beating and punching caused him to lose weight, but on the bright side, he became stronger and firmer when he lost weight. He seemed manlier and of course, he could take more beatings as his skin became thicker.

“There they are.” The nanny at home opened the door with a bright smile, “Our granddaughter and grandson-in-law are back.”

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