Sweet Wife in My Arms

Chapter 507: Stealing Grapes To Eat

Chapter 507: Stealing Grapes To Eat

She rested her elbow on the table, peeked to the left and then to the right, and saw the grapes on the table. I feel like eating them. Eating one won’t hurt, will it? Just one grape then watch what’s going to happen next. It’ll be a waste not to enjoy the drama.

When n.o.body was paying attention, she s.n.a.t.c.hed a grape and stuffed it into her mouth. However, she spotted the corner of Xu Nuo’s mouth twitch as she turned her head back.

Phew, Yan Huan straightened her body as she sat and pretended as if nothing had happened. She continued to pretend.

Lu Qin was carrying Su Muran as he walked down the stage where she was entirely in his arms.

“Are you okay?” The workers all hurried to them.

“I’m fine,” Su Muran smiled apologetically, her heart skipped a beat not knowing why. It was not that she had never come in contact with guys before – none of the drama lacked elements of romance – but she had never experienced something like today.

She moved her legs; her right leg was in pain, but the injury should not be too serious. However, she could not dance on stage anymore even though her injury was not serious.

She shut her eyes. When she fluttered her eyes open, she gazed into Lu Qin’s eyes. Lu Qin was also staring back at her, speechless, as if time whirled out of its dimension. Out of the dimension was the familiar feeling both of them shared with each other.

The medics arrived not long after.

“Don’t worry, she’s fine, just a slight twist.”

Another twisted ankle? Yan Hua seriously felt that this year was b.u.mpy. Not only did one twisted her ankle, but two.

“So, can she still dance?” Yan Hua asked abruptly.

“Dance?” The doctor glanced at the tall stage, “Well, she can dance after some rest,” Su Muran pulled her s.h.i.+rt tightly, clenching her teeth.

“But I think she better not,” the doctor added, “Walking is fine, but dancing, well, it’s not recommended. It’s not worth it if her injuries worsen.”

Su Muran finally let go of her hand which was pulling the s.h.i.+rt.

“I’m fine,” she sat up and added, “I feel fine, really. I’ll go on stage later. I shouldn’t delay everyone’s time.” As she was saying she tried to stand up, but nearly fell after a few steps. If it were not for Lu Qin who was standing beside her and held onto her, she might have fallen onto the ground.

“Thank you,” Su Muran murmured, straightening her body and was about to go on-stage again.

Yan Hua’s countenance was completely pale. Everyone knew that director Yan Hua was a superst.i.tious person, and the events that happened continuously today made him feel terrible.

Su Muran still wanted to go on stage, but the color drained from her face after she took a few steps. It must be hurting her, for the sweat perspired from her forehead dripped down, messing up her makeup.

What amazing acting skills, but why didn’t she use it properly? Yan Huan sneaked a grape and put it into her mouth, as if she was actually watching a melodrama.

Lu Qin got hold of Su Muran again, without moving his hand away.

Can he be anymore shameless? Yan Huan was smiling so much that her eyes felt like crying. Hah, how weird it is to be so amusing to the extent that causes someone to cry.

“You don’t need to go up since you can’t dance, ” Lu Qin said, turning to Yan Hua, “Director Yan, I think we should get another stunt, Miss Su really can’t go on stage for now.”

Su Muran flashed Lu Qin a grateful glance. She had not found this man to be pleasing to the eye, but after what had happened today, she thought he was not bad.

What else could Yan Hua say? Both of them twisted their ankles and no one was there to dance. Or was he supposed to go on stage and dance himself?

“Alright, alright, I’ll think of something else.” He let Lu Qin walk Su Muran down the stage. Lu Qin had become Su Muran’s knight, holding her with extra care, fearing that she might trip over.

Yan Huan felt familiar seeing this scene.

Lu Qin had managed to bewitch her back in the previous life just as such. He seemed to be a gentleman, but he actually had a disgusting personality. When he needs you, you are his queen; when he doesn’t want you anymore, he kicks you away.

And that’s because you’re blocking the progressing path of his career.

At this moment, Yan Hua was anxious, and his facial expression looked terrible. Everything was ready yet this happened, what could he do? What else could he do?

It was then a worker recalled something and whispered to Yan Hua in his ear. Upon hearing that, Yan Hua’s eyes lit up and glanced at Yan Huan. It just happened that Yan Huan was stealing another grape, stuffing it into her mouth. It was then she felt that few pairs of eyes were staring straight at her. She still had a grape in her hand, thus she gobbled up the grape, but it seemed like everyone found out she was sneaking something to eat.

Yan Huan straightened her body as she sat, putting her hands on her knees and appeared to be absolutely serious.

She had only sneaked a few grapes to eat. Did they have to stare at her like that?

Yan Huan turned her face away and pretended not to notice anything.

“Yan Huan,” Yan Hua called her name distantly.

Really? The corners of Yan Huan’s mouth twitched. Was he going to scold her just because she ate a few grapes? He was not that stingy, was he?

“What’s the matter, director?”

Yan Huan maintained a perfect smile on her face. No one could do anything as long as she did not admit it. The worst would be to just compensate them another bunch of grapes. Oh, if she did, could she take this bunch away? She couldn’t help it because she was really hungry, almost starving to death.

“Yan Huan, you do know this dance, right?” Director Yan gestured at the stage.

“This dance, which dance?” Yan Huan squinted her eyes. “Hmm, do you mean this one? I think I do.” She took it as a square dance.

“Well then…” Director Yan called for the makeup artist, “Help her get changed and put on makeup, we’ll film this immediately.”

Yan Huan had not regained her composure when she was pulled away. It could not be what she was thinking, could it?

Could she say no?

“Does Director Yan want me to be the dance stunt double?” The hairstyle on Yan Huan’s head hurt her neck. She had been sitting for such a long time, badly starved, and now she had to be a dance stunt double.

Stunt double?

It had been a long time since she was a stunt double, let alone a double for Su Muran.

“Exactly, please just help out.” Yan Huan had no other choice. His clothes were drenched in sweat; and finally he had someone to fix this. No matter what, he had to film this scene, and it must be a success.

“Please, Yan Huan, we’ve been preparing for such a long time, and if we can’t film this scene now and delay it, the effects may not be this good,” Yan Huan put his palms together as he really ran out of ideas.

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