Sweet Wife in My Arms

Chapter 727: Her IQ Was On Point

Chapter 727: Her IQ Was On Point

“Daddy stinky, Lei Lei won’t eat.”

Lei Qingyi’s eyes widened in a glare as he pointed a finger at his son. He was sorely tempted to give the little tyke a stern scolding, but he had no choice but to suppress that urge as he pa.s.sed the bowl to Yan Huan.

Little brat, how dare you? Just wait until we get back and I’ll kick your a.s.s.

However, can he really do that? Little Lei’s position in the family was higher than everyone else. A mere commoner like Lei Qingyi did not even have the right to touch his little b.u.t.t, let alone kick it.

Once, Little Lei had peed on some of his important doc.u.ments. Lei Qingyi was so angry that he pulled down his son’s pants and started to deliver a series of firm smacks to his b.u.t.tocks. Little Lei was so scared that he started to wail at the top of his lungs, giving Madam Lei and Yi Ling quite the shock.

Yi Ling nearly tore the door off its hinges when she barged into the room. The first thing she saw was her son’s rosy b.u.t.tocks, the poor boy crying so much that his voice was hoa.r.s.e. Upon seeing his mother, he kept sniffling as he sobbed about how his father was a bad guy, a bad guy who hits people.

Madam Lei, who was right at Yi Ling’s heels, promptly picked up a broom and chased after Lei Qingyi to give him a whacking. Lei Qingyi’s dignity was crushed to dust, and at one point he was even denied entry to his own house.

Ever since then, Lei Qingyi could only be a paper tiger. All he could do was admonish and threaten his son verbally, but Little Lei was smart enough to know that although his dad stood like a giant, he was actually afraid of Yi Ling, and Yi Ling was afraid of Little Lei.

He then s.h.i.+fted his little b.u.t.t and parked himself in front of Yan Huan, waiting for her to feed him eggs. Yan Huan could only pick up the bowl obediently and started to feed him, spoonful by spoonful.

All of a sudden, the door was pushed open and a woman ran into the room in a hurry.

Yan Huan raised her head to see who came in and was surprised to see Luo Lin. Why is she here? Shouldn’t she still be at Linlang?

At this moment, Luo Lin looked like a war G.o.ddess, flames practically oozing out of her body.

“Yan Huan, where is your phone?” Luo Lin was so furious that she wanted to throttle Yan Huan. If she died from the throttling, then so be it. How dare she hang up on me? I’ve never seen such an uncooperative artist before.

Yan Huan pointed at the phone that was still sealed and untouched at her side. “My old one drowned, this is a new one. The SIM card isn’t installed yet.”

Upon hearing this explanation, Luo Lin did not know if she should yell at the human or the phone. Out of all the times to lose her phone, of course she had to lose it now.

Yan Huan fed the last spoonful of eggs in the bowl to Little Lei, who opened his mouth to accept the offering. His stubby limbs were like lotus roots, fair and chubby, making him appear cuter than ever.

“Come, give aunty a hug.” Luo Lin dumped everything that was in her arms onto a table and leaned down to pick up Little Lei. She was shocked when she hoisted him into the air.

“Oh dear, isn’t this little guy a little too chubby? He’s so heavy now.”

“He’s just healthy. Such a good boy,” Yan Huan praised as she pinched Little Lei’s chubby cheek lightly. She then brought him over to Ye Shuyun for her to look after him. As for herself, she had to settle whatever Luo Lin brought over here by today, otherwise with Luo Lin’s persistence, her manager would definitely stick around and never leave.

“These are the companies that are asking for you to endorse their products in commercials. I don’t care about most of them, but these two must be accepted no matter what. If you refuse, then I won’t leave, leeching off of your food and hospitality until I annoy you to death.”

Luo Lin plonked two doc.u.ments down in front of Yan Huan. She was practically grinding her teeth as she threatened her artiste.

Yan Huan picked up the doc.u.ments and skimmed through them. Finally, she understood why Luo Lin was so persistent. One of them was an internationally renowned perfume brand, while the other was a chocolate company that enjoyed international popularity. Both were international brands, thus they rarely chose Asians as their brand amba.s.sadors.

This time, they were looking for an Asian to become their brand amba.s.sador for the year, and they had decided on Yan Huan. Of course, there were other companies that were clamoring for Yan Huan’s attention, which she did not have to reject personally as Luo Lin must have already rejected them for her. However, both of these offers could not be turned down lightly, as they were crucial to building up Yan Huan’s international fame.

She had achieved local recognition ages ago, back when she ascended to the throne of Best Actress. Despite that, on an international scale, she was still relatively unknown when compared to Su Muran.

It was an honor to be chosen as the Asian amba.s.sador for these two companies. If she accepted their offers, then Yan Huan would bring glory to her country. However, if Yan Huan refused to take them up on this opportunity, then it was likely that the offer would be extended to Su Muran or some other idol from another Asian country. That notion did not sit well with her.

Yan Huan sat down and flipped through the doc.u.ments briefly. Then, her eyes honed in on the chocolate advertis.e.m.e.nt. “Can I bring some of it back to eat?”

Luo Lin stood up abruptly, and proceeded to wrap a hand threateningly around Yan Huan’s neck.

“Yan Huan, I swear, if your IQ deteriorates any further…”

However, Yan Huan did not think that her IQ was deteriorating at all. On the contrary, she believed that her IQ was on point, not a single deviation from her usual intellect. Little Lei loved to eat, so he would definitely enjoy the newest products offered by the company, those that might not even be available in local markets yet.

In the end, Yan Huan accepted the offers of both companies to be their brand amba.s.sador. Of course, she preferred the chocolate company, but the products of the perfume company would make great gifts for her friends too.

The perfume advertis.e.m.e.nt was filmed in France in a breathtaking sea of flowers, whereas the chocolate one was filmed in a beautiful town. Both of the advertis.e.m.e.nts took two whole months to be completed, filming and editing taking place intermittently, again and again. Finally, the companies approved and green-lit their respective advertis.e.m.e.nts. Yan Huan went home with several bottles of perfume and a mountain of chocolate, which were complimentary gifts from the companies.

She gave the perfumes to Ye Shuyun to be gifted to others, while the chocolates went to Little Lei and his stomach. Chocolate was his favorite snack, so he gorged himself until his face was smeared with it. Of course, this had made him love his Aunt Yan Huan even more.

Every time he opened his mouth, he would sing Yan Huan’s praises, talking about how much Aunt Yan Huan loved him, how her chocolates were the tastiest, while the ones that daddy bought was horrible.

This infuriated Lei Qingyi so much that he nearly tried to pull down the little brat’s pants for another spanking. Little Lei crawled under a chair and wailed obnoxiously.

“Grandma, daddy’s. .h.i.tting Lei Lei again.”

In the blink of an eye, Madam Le stormed out of her room with a broom in her hands. She proceeded to run all over the house in pursuit of her wayward son as Little Lei cheered enthusiastically for his daddy at the side.

“Good luck, daddy!”

Lei Qingyi was so incensed that he almost vomited a litre of blood onto the floor.

As for Yan Huan, her life went on as usual. It had not changed that much since the beginning, and she had gotten used to days like this. In fact, she had started to enjoy days like this.

As time went by, the snow started to thaw and the weather became warmer. Winter had pa.s.sed, relinquis.h.i.+ng the country to the warm embrace of spring and its blooming flowers. The worst of the storm had pa.s.sed, leaving behind sunny days and gentle breezes in its stead.

Time flew by so quickly. She would turn 27 soon, and in another year, she would be 28. It would be a critical year for her, a year that determined if she would live past her death in her previous life. However, she had faith that she would not die this time. She would live on and make the most out of her life.

Yan Huan put on her black rimmed gla.s.ses and got into her car, preparing to pay Liang Chen a visit. Liang Chen had given birth a few days ago to a daughter. However, the infant was born slightly underweight, so it was still being monitored in an incubator. As Liang Chen herself had faced complications while going into labor, she was also asked to remain in the hospital for further monitoring.

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