Sweet Wife in My Arms

Chapter 734: Buying A House

Chapter 734: Buying A House

What sort of ring was worth 1.2 million? She had expected it to fetch 5-6k at most, which was enough to last them for a long time.

Receiving over 20 times the money she had hoped for had put her in great shock. She turned back and looked at the man, whose thoughts were unknown to her. His height alone made him stand out from the other men, and there was cla.s.s in his every movement.

The woman bit her lips. She had not wanted to sell the ring since it was one of the man’s few possessions. He had a watch too, but it had stopped working after prolonged exposure to water. When she brought it to the repair shop, the owner told her that the reparation cost would cost a few thousands, so she just brought it home and left it sitting around. Afterward, she had thrown it out after mistaking it as trash.

She tried looking for it, but to no avail. The man never blamed her for it, though.

She turned around again. Gritting her teeth, she decided to sell it. What other options did she have? They were living in a tiny apartment, and she was already two months behind on rent. If she failed to pay her rent in the next month, they would no doubt be evicted. On the other hand, her company had still not paid her for her past few months of work. If she doesn’t do something soon, they would end up starving on the streets. There was always the option of becoming a waste collector, but…

I ought to kill myself for being such a failure, she thought.

No, I would never become a waste collector, she decided.

Think about it, 1.2 million was a huge amount of money. Her monthly pay was a measly 1.5k, and even that had often been late. Even if she worked her whole life, she wouldn’t be able to make 1.2 million.

With this money, they could buy a second-hand house, with around 500k to spare, using which she could buy a shop and become a lady boss. She could even buy a second shop and rent it out! That would make her a landlady!

It’s a necessary evil, she decided in the end.

“Please sign here, Miss,” the staff slipped a receipt before the woman. She took a pen and wrote down three, rather unsightly, words.

Sun Yuhan.

That was her name.

Once the 1.2 million had been credited to her account, she did not even want to go back to her rented apartment anymore.

She walked to the man and tugged his sleeves.

“Jiu Yue.”

The man turned around, responding to the name. He had lost his memories, and according to her, Jiu Yue had been his online ID, so he stuck with the name.

“Did you sell it?” asked the man, straightening and looking down.

“Yes, I did,” replied Sun Yuhan, still giddy from the sudden acquisition of 1.2 million dollars. “I sold it for 1.2 million, Jiu Yue! You never told me you were this rich. A 1.2 million ring, for goodness’s sake. You must have been from a rich family, right?”

Sun Yuhan wound her arm around the man’s once again. She doesn’t care anymore. He was her man now, a gift from the heavens. No one was allowed to touch him, and she would fight whomever that tries.

“I don’t remember,” said the man, though he didn’t look very confused. If he couldn’t remember, then so be it. He would eventually get his memories back someday. That was his philosophy.

It wasn’t an illness after all, so there wasn’t a point in seeing a doctor either.

“Let’s buy a new house together, alright?”

“Okay,” agreed the man. He seconded the notion. The place they were currently residing had its fair share of inconveniences; even showering and going to the toilet were unpleasant experiences.

In a shared toilet, things would have been fine if everyone had the decency to flush after use, but there were always inconsiderate people who refused to. That’s why the smell was always horrible when he went in.

With him by her side, Sun Yuhan went straight to a property agent. Poor as she was, she always paid close attention to property news, dreaming about what kind of house she would purchase if she had the money. However, loans didn’t come easy since she wasn’t a local, and had no guarantors or a stable income. A house was, simply, financially beyond her.

Still, she had the freedom of window-shopping, even if she couldn’t afford it.

That’s why she knew where the best properties were, houses they could move in without renovation.

She felt a little nervous, however. She had her eyes on this particular house for a while already; it was well-situated, close to the cities, and highly-convenient. She wondered if someone might have beaten her to it. What was she to do if that happened?

She heaved a sigh of relief when the property agent company informed her that the house was still available.

The house required full-payment, a condition that made many potential buyers balk. 400k was no small amount for an average family, after all. And for her, someone who hadn’t received her pay in months and had an extra mouth to feed, even calling it a dream was too much. Fantasy would have been a better word.

When the property agent had brought them to the site, Sun Yuhan found the house exactly like how she saw it on the web. It looked a little newer, in fact.

She couldn’t have been more satisfied with it.

The house, with two rooms and one living room, was fully furnished with air-conditioning, a refrigerator, a television, beds, and wardrobes. They could move in right after a bit of cleaning.

The house was very new too. According to the property agent, the house had been renovated less than half a year ago, and all the furniture had been newly bought. The owner of the house had relocated to another place for work, not long after he settled in. And thence, the house was very clean.

They didn’t really have to buy anything, since the original owner had installed everything that would make life comfortable. He had renovated the house for inhabitation in the first place, not for sale.

As a result, there was really nothing they needed to buy. The toilet was nearly unused, and speckless.

The range hood and cabinets in the kitchen were new as well, some with their protective film still intact.

The more she saw, the more pleased Sun Yuhan was with the house. She had been following it for a long time, so it couldn’t have been bad, but what she saw exceeded her expectations.

“What do you think about this place, Jiu Yue?”

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