dicotyls took a sniff, "Peach Blossom, I"m not talking about you. With your current lack of teeth, it would be strange if Jin Huang likes you! "It"s better for you to marry me and be my wife. My father is a pig slaughterer after all. In the future, there will definitely be plenty of meat for you."

Mu Rousang was exasperated as she looked at the Little Peach Blossom who had changed her front teeth. She really couldn"t see the aesthetic feeling, and dicotyls"s words had even struck a chord with her. Oh G.o.d, she had never held hands with a man in her previous life, much less put her arms around his shoulders.

Looking at the group of brats who had just put on their pants, everyone began to discuss the deep problem of human origin.

Mu Jinzhi looked at the stunned Rou Sang, "Enough, stop speaking nonsense. My little sister doesn"t understand anything. You two better behave properly in front of her, don"t be shameless!"

dicotyls stuck out his tongue, rubbing the back of his head in annoyance, "Rosin, about that, we didn"t do it on purpose just now, don"t mind us." Mu Rousang rolled his eyes, he had already said it, what use did he have if he said it? "It"s fine, second baby brother!" Her soft and sticky voice immediately coaxed the dicotyls into losing his mind.

"Jin Zhi, tomorrow my dad is going out to help people slaughter pigs. When that happens, I"ll steal some pig water to give you guys." dicotyls felt that he should give some sort of expression so that Mu Rousang wouldn"t have a bad impression of him, "Ah, there"s no need! Brother dicotyls, don"t you guys want to go to the mountain tomorrow? "When my brother collects a few more wooden ears on the mountain, we can exchange them for some copper coins. When that time comes, we can go to your house and buy pig water. You can be considered cheaper."

was really afraid that this brat would do such a thing. These days, the supplies were tight, the adults in any family would know what to do, furthermore, Mu Rousang would not go and get this small benefit, she felt that the dicotyls was a good person, she was too lonely, and it would be good if she had a little companion to play with.

Hearing that his family"s condition should be good, Mu Rousang asked him, "Oh yes, brother dicotyls, have you studied yet?" Qin Taohua jumped to his side and said, "dicotyls, look, even Rosin thinks that studying is better, you are truly shameful, you must be blessed to not think of that!"

Peach Blossom used her little finger to scratch dicotyls"s face, unexpectedly, there was a suspicious red cloud on dicotyls"s face, "I didn"t do it on purpose, when Mister was studying, he kept shaking his head, and it was like he was singing a big joke. When I sat down, I wanted to sleep, but he dazzled me so much that I fell asleep whenever he thought about it!"

Pfft, it seems like this little friend from dicotyls can"t stand that mister! Mu Jinzhi looked at dicotyls with his eyes dimmed, his head lowered in silence. Mu Rousang walked over and held his hand. His hands were a little thick, and the hard coc.o.o.n in his hands caused her hands to feel a little sore. "Brother, in the future, we will have the chance to study and read." Mu Rousang thought that he must send Mu Jinzhi to study, even if he could not become an official and read as much as he could, he was not afraid of anyone bullying him when he had money to do business in the future.

Mu Jinzhi pinched her small hands. Ever since he had gotten sick, his little sister had become even more sensible. "The elders often say that once you"ve made a trip to the gates of h.e.l.l and survived, you will be blessed." "Brother is fine. In the future, my family"s Rou Sang will live a good life. For you, I will work hard." Mu Rousang being unmoved was fake, it seemed like whatever he did was for her sake. Big brother, you will still get a wife in the future, and at that time, big brother won"t think that little sister is important anymore. Could it be that I"ve been bullied by sister-in-law! "

Grandpa Deng once said, "Education, must be taken from the child!" Mu Rousang had already unscrupulously taken Mu Jinzhi on a crooked path. Mu Jinzhi said to Mu Rousang in all seriousness, "Silly sister, you are my own sister, you are my closest kin, in this world, no one can take over your position in my heart. Even if you have a wife in the future, I will not let her bully you, don"t worry!" Ha, you should first give me a preventive measure, and when I have a template in the future, I need to carry out education on the spot. Only then will I be able to leave a deep impression on Mu Jinzhi. He had to firmly remember that there was only one person in this world who shared the same bloodline as him, Mu Rousang.

said. He still had to finish digging, so dicotyls and the others did not disturb him, and only said that they would go to the mountain early tomorrow morning. Then they would call him. In the evening, Mu Jinzhi still had a small piece of land to dig.

He carried his hoe and entered the kitchen. Mu Rousang"s skinny little figure was squatting on the ground and washing some vegetables. When he heard the sound of the kitchen door, he said, "Brother, you take a rest first. Dinner will be ready in a moment." Mu Rousang planned to steam some corn mantou so that she could boil some hot water to cook some soy sauce for the wild vegetables.

"Little sister, it"s better for big brother to cook!" Mu Jinzhi didn"t want to make her work too hard at such a young age. Mu Rousang smiled sweetly, "Brother, if you can"t stay idle, help me light a fire." With regards to the current flint picker, Mu Rousang was powerless to help. She had also tried to take the flint picker"s stone before, but he did not recognize the flint picker"s stone. scooped up two gourds of water and put them in the pot, covering the pot with the lid. She dragged a small stool to the chopping board and set it under it. There was no helping it, she was not much taller than this cutting board.

First, Mu Jinzhi slapped the ginger and garlic into pieces, then waited for the water in the wok to boil before carefully opening the wok. Poor baby, he had to put up a stool to hook it. Mu Rousang got off the stool and gave the wild herbs and leaves to him: "Bro, as long as I can plagiarize these leaves in the boiling water, it"s fine." He then gave the strainer to him, the Brother and sister coordinated well, pouring all the copied wild vegetables and leaves into a wooden basin filled with cold water.

Mu Jinzhi was very suspicious of the food his sister cooked! "Brother, it"s settled. I"ll keep you in mind that you"ll love to eat later!" After asking Mu Jinzhi to change the water a few more times, when the wild vegetables had become completely cold, he ordered Mu Jinzhi to chop the leaves. Mix the ginger, garlic seeds, and chilli sauce together. Add in some soy sauce fried with chopped onions. Seeing this made Mu Jinzhi"s heart ache. His family did not rely on these seasonings to cook, but Mu Rousang used a lot of them in one go.

Even though he was distressed about these seasonings, he was also unwilling to say half a word about Mu Rousang being wrong. Brother, let"s see how the taste is! " Mu Rousang picked up a pair of chopsticks and gave it to him to taste, her face filled with antic.i.p.ation. "Mmm, it tastes really good. Little sister, how did you learn to make it? Oh, it"s something a mother would say."

Mu Rousang nodded, "Perhaps at that time, Mother would know that her body would not be able to recover well, and that Mother has taught me many things. Brother, do you remember? Previously, didn"t I learn embroidery from my mother? "When I have some free money in the future, I will buy some needle and thread to do my embroidery work." Mu Rousang thought of an excuse and conveniently mentioned the matter of the embroidery activity on that cheap mother"s shoulders.

"Little sister, big brother can support you. You"re still young, don"t hurt your eyes." "Mother did a lot of embroidery, so her eyesight was no good …" Mu Jinzhi lowered his head. If he was a little older and helped his mother do something, his mother might not have left.

"Brother, don"t be sad. Mom has taught me so much, so of course we have to learn to use it. After I earn some silver, we"ll raise dozens of chickens, feed a few pigs, and plant some fruit trees in the corn field. These will all be enough for us to chew on." Mu Jinzhi never thought that his sister would think this far. In the past, he was too young and his mother"s health was not good.

"Little sister, when our family"s condition is better, big brother will teach you how to read. Mother once said that women need to be able to read so that they won"t be bullied!" Mu Jinzhi was determined to work hard. After he obtains the corn this year, he might have the money to raise chickens next year. That way, his sister would be able to eat to her heart"s content.

That night, after the two of them finished dinner, Mu Jinzhi dug up the remaining ground under the moonlight. Mu Rousang kept on bringing out hot spring water from the s.p.a.ce. This was for bathing, so he carefully poured the water into the nest. The fire in the kitchen kept the temperature of the water constant. After she finished her work and finished bathing, she went to call Mu Jinzhi.

"Brother, are you not done yet? You still have to go to the mountain tomorrow morning! " Mu Rousang was still a little worried about his little body, "Ah ~, Rou Sang, I"m almost done!" "There is only a width of one or two feet on the ground. I"m not done digging. I"m glad that I"m fast!" "Brother, the water is already hot in the pot. I"ve sweated all over today, hurry up and take a bath." Sweating in spring was an easy thing to catch a cold, coupled with the warm spring water that he had soaked in before, Mu Rousang"s body felt much better. She also hoped that Mu Jinzhi would have a good body.

Mu Jinzhi dug around and entered the kitchen. There was nothing he could do, his family only had three rooms, one bedroom, one bedroom and one kitchen. He could only bathe in the kitchen. Mu Rousang really couldn"t take it anymore, but luckily he had brought a spy on him that could cheat. Seeing Mu Jinzhi entering the kitchen to bathe, she hurriedly went into the s.p.a.ce to gather some Phoenix Gra.s.s for the bamboo basket to bathe in. The reason why Mu Rousang agreed to go up the mountain the next day was because the Phoenix Gra.s.s in the spatial s.p.a.ce had already matured. At night, Mu Rousang carried the rabbit into his s.p.a.ce. When he came out tomorrow, it would be more than a kilogram. In any case, she wouldn"t admit it even if she was beaten to death. He wouldn"t know why the rabbit grew up so much in one night.

"The next morning, as expected, Mu Jinzhi found out that the rabbit had grown up quite a bit, and he had already become calm, so he was not surprised at all. "Jin"zi, hurry up and come out, we"re going up the mountain ~ ~!" dicotyls shouted loudly from far away, a group of children were chasing after them happily. "Little sister, big brother is going up the mountain. Close the door by yourself, don"t run around!" Mu Jinzhi warned Mu Rousang again.

Mu Rousang pointed to one of the lotus leaf packet s on top of the Phoenix Gra.s.s and said to him, "I got it, big bro, hurry up and go. dicotyls and the others are all waiting for you. Well, the lotus leaf packet in this bamboo basket was steamed buns steamed buns steamed with corn from last night, and some leftover pickles. Also, this is the Phoenix gra.s.s that I went to harvest while you were working in the courtyard yesterday. Divide some to them later, don"t let the poisonous snakes in the mountain bite you. "

Mu Jinzhi carried the bamboo basket and left. He did not know that Mu Rousang had given him all of the steamed buns from last night to wrap in the lotus leaves. Mu Rousang waved his hands until they were only left with the little black dot at the foot of the mountain, then walked back to the house proudly. After closing the door, he picked up the rabbit and disappeared into the s.p.a.ce. Tossing the rabbits into the pasture, he patted his hands and ran off to the field to take a look.

"Wow, wow, we"re rich! Haha, silver taels, here I come!" The seeds sowed two days ago had grown a lot. When the afternoon came, Mu Rousang could dig up the vegetables. She went for another walk in the corn field. The corn stalks had grown taller than she was, and the corn stalks had burst out of them. She smiled as she squinted her eyes. This amount of corn was enough for her to eat with Mu Jinzhi for a long time. The vegetables and corn in the field were growing well. When she got out of the s.p.a.ce, she went to the vegetable field and poured water over them. Fortunately, the plants and plants were grown from the s.p.a.ce. It didn"t freeze to death last night, and it grew up a little.

In the afternoon, when Mu Rousang saw that the time was about right, she found a bamboo basket from the kitchen. She went to the s.p.a.ce vegetable patch and pulled out the cabbage. There weren"t many varieties except for chicken hair vegetables and two kinds of cabbage. There were also some cuc.u.mber vines crawling all over the vegetable field. Mu Rousang was speechless when she saw this. It was her negligence in finding a bamboo pole to insert into the ground. Since she was already crawling on the ground, she couldn"t be bothered to care. In any case, it wasn"t like she would break in s.p.a.ce. She left the vegetables in the vegetable patch and put the rest in the vegetable patch. This time, she was worried. How could she turn it into silver?

Since he couldn"t figure it out, he decided not to think about it anymore. First, he would go out and solve the problem of oil and salt at home. She had packed the bamboo basket at around fifty catties. She had no idea what the purchasing power of this world"s copper coins were like, she only knew that vegetables were worth eight gold coins a catty. However, Mu Rousang was careful, she was afraid that dicotyls and the rest would stop at her place. He put all the vegetables from the bamboo basket at the back of the house and covered them with a bamboo lid.

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