He pointed to the old woman and said, "You, lead the way. I want to see what she"s so proud of. It"s just a smelly BIAO, a broken shoe picked up by a thousand people."

Very quickly, the Mulberry arrived outside the courtyard under the guidance of the wife.

The Aunt Li wasn"t someone who was easy to deal with. Although Mu Qingxi had banned his feet, Mu Qingxi didn"t dare to ban his feet. She sent that old woman to cook some hot soup, then stuffed silver into the back of her foot and told her to find a way to call the Old Master over.

It was fine if the Mulberry didn"t come, but if he did, it would be towards the mouth of the gun.

Aunt Li hid in her room and did not make a sound, but the more she cursed, the more spirited she became.

"Lee your mom owes you a favor, get the h.e.l.l out of here, you son of a b * tch, if you eat I"ll rush you to your death, your proper wife hasn"t even opened her mouth yet, you can just call her first, you s.l.u.t, all you know is to seduce men …"

"Who are you?" A strong, middle-aged ba.s.s voice interrupted her.

Mulberry did not know what to say, and did not care who the person was, and angrily scolded: "Do you think men like you can casually enter this backyard? Can"t you see I"m on business? Don"t tell me you came in and out of the same crotch as that coquettish fox. "

These words were really hurtful.

Master Zhou was so angry that his entire body was trembling. When had he ever seen such a shrew. Too disgraceful! "Someone, tie me up and lock me in the woodshed. Where are the women?"

Master Zhou had been very busy these past few days, and had not had a chance to see his new concubine.

It was rare to have time today. When the Master Zhou heard his concubine"s tactful words, he couldn"t help but come to the courtyard.

"Hmph. Quickly drag this b.i.t.c.h to the firewood house."

Mulberry looked at the middle-aged man in a daze. He did not understand why the would dare to speak in such a manner.

Master Zhou shouted for a long time, but no one around him dared to move. "What?

Master Zhou, who had been challenged, immediately flew into a rage.

"Old master, please calm your anger!" Aunt Li called out tenderly, lingering around until she could only call away Master Zhou"s soul.

Seeing her concubine that was in so much pain, she hurriedly took two steps forward to welcome her. "Rui"er, why have you lost so much weight?"

Aunt Li hated Mulberry to death, how could he not be skinny? She was given two small plates of vegetables and tofu every day. She had entered the house to be a wife, not to go to that nunnery to shave her head.

Who is the Aunt Li? In her early years, she was a person who roamed the world, and she had a set of ways to deal with this man, "Ah, Master, it"s all just a servant"s fault. This Madam Mu is the mistress of your family, and also Master"s sister-in-law. "You"ve poked a hornet"s nest."

Mu Qingxi"s methods were quite effective. That day, after the Aunt Li was slapped, he had immediately given her the best ointment to remove her bruises, and had instructed others to guard her and wipe the ointment away. However, two days later, there wasn"t a single injury that could be seen on her face.

Master Zhou did not know about this part, he only thought that Mulberry did not like Aunt Li, "Yo, sister-in-law, since when did I care about your backyard so much?"

Unfortunately, Master Zhou"s hidden irony was destined to be playing a lute to a cow. How could Mulberry understand the twists and turns involved in this, she really thought this brother-in-law was praising her.

"Yo, you"re my brother-in-law. You don"t have to be so polite. It"s not like I"m seeing how busy my sister-in-law is. Since I"m free, I might as well help out."

Only then did Master Zhou come to his senses. He spoke to an ignorant village woman in a euphemistic manner.

Mu Qingxi had already received the news long ago, so she arrived late. Seeing that the fire had died down from afar, she brought her maidservant along with her in a hurry, and the moment she opened her mouth, she set down a trap for the Master Zhou. "Master, are you busy today? "Why is it so daytime …" In the backyard?

Could the Master Zhou say that he had secretly come to find a concubine to enjoy gentleness? If word of this got out, where would he put his face?

"Cough, it"s nothing. Madam, your husband just happened to pa.s.s by and heard the commotion from far away. He came over to take a look, let Madam handle this!" The Master Zhou was so embarra.s.sed that he did not have the courage to run away.

Mu Qingxi watched as the Master Zhou left, then his icy cold gaze swept past everyone as he bit down on his silver teeth and said with a slightly raised voice, "Who gave you the guts!?"

When the servants heard these words, the skin on their bodies tightened. Mu Qingxi"s prestige in the Zhou Mansion had already surpa.s.sed the Master Zhou"s. This was all thanks to her liking of interacting with the county"s n.o.ble ladies.

When the servants heard the last bit of his words, everyone knew that the one in charge of the house was not the Mulberry, but rather, who was the one who informed the master.

Although Mu Qingxi had gone easy on this matter, she didn"t expect that someone who had eaten the heart of a bear would have the guts to notify the old master right under her nose.

"Men, drag these two traitors to the woodshed and lock them up." She wouldn"t easily let the informants in.

The corner of my lips curled up into a cold smile, "I am very bored looking at Aunt Li, so I am free. If only I could read more Buddhist scriptures in the house, then I could burn them to the ancestors during the sacrificial ceremony, showing my filial piety to my ancestors, not daring to forget our ancestors."

With just a few words, he locked Aunt Li in his courtyard. He probably wouldn"t have the time to deal with things before the new year.

Aunt Li gnashed her teeth. The trusted aides that she had painstakingly nurtured all had her sharp claws chopped off by Mu Qingxi with a single word.

At the same time, she was secretly annoyed that Mu Qingxi had already fallen for a trap and was waiting for her to jump into the pit herself. Even so, she couldn"t afford to fall for it.

"Madam, this servant didn"t know that our Zhou Mansion was under the command of someone with the surname Mu."

Only after looking over the Mulberry from head to toe did he enter the small courtyard.

Mu Qingxi came out at a very accurate time, when the old master had calmed his anger down and found out about the character of the Mulberry.

Of course, the most important thing was that the value of the Mulberry s" uses were already exhausted. Otherwise, how could Mu Qingxi, who was in charge of the Inner Palace, allow others to easily cheat her?

Mu Qingxi said to the Mulberry with a distressed expression, "Sister-in-law, how can you make the Master so angry!?"

The moment Mu Qingxi opened her mouth, Mulberry felt that something wasn"t right. "Uncle, I"m not angry at this BIAO who"s courting death, so I scolded him. What"s more …"

Unexpectedly, Mu Qingxi didn"t listen to her explanation at all. "Alright, sister-in-law, I"ve raised E before me, and the old master has already had some complaints. But now, the old sister-in-law has made such a ruckus, and calls me a sister-in-law "face", so I can"t help but lower my voice and be a bit more humble in front of the old master."

The more she thought about it, the more beautiful she became. When she thought about how she had offended the Master Zhou, she was worried that she would not like her own daughter, "Then, sister-in-law, what should we do?"

Mu Qingxi smiled and waved her over as she said, "Sister-in-law has also been out for some time, I presume you can"t relax even if you live here. Since I saw that everything was tidied up well tomorrow, I sent a wagon to send Big Brother and Sister-in-law home, and it looks like it"ll be the new year soon …"

No matter how unwilling Mulberry was, he could not stay in other people"s houses. Could it be that the Mu Family was going to stay in the Zhou Family to celebrate the new year, and there were still many relatives coming and going? What"s more, she had offended the biggest backer of the mansion.

After lunch the next day, Mu Qingxi called them over to bring the New Year gift back as well. However, no matter how valuable it was, these thing still had to be sold cheaply before they could exchange it for silver.

After returning home, Mu Yun was very unsatisfied with the porridge and pickled vegetables, "You d.a.m.ned woman, you should have taken out a needle and sewn it back then. Look at what you"ve done, otherwise, we would have been able to live for a few more days."

When the Mulberry heard him, he threw the chopsticks on the ground, "Good for you Mu Yun, do you think I am blind? "Don"t think that I don"t know that you"re eyeing those maidservants closely. Do you really think that I"m a little stiff? Eat, eat, eat, eat, I"ll give birth to you as a money loser. If you only know how to eat, why didn"t you learn from your elder sister and please your aunt?"

He was so angry that when he saw Mu Fengchai happily eating, he picked up his chopsticks and slapped her hand. Immediately, a few red marks appeared on her hand.

Seeing that the house was extremely uncomfortable, coupled with the fact that Mulberry had always been cursing, Mu Yun decided to take a smoke pipe and go outside to circle around. He did not expect him to ask around, and this gave him an idea, which also brought Mu Rousang a lot of trouble.

After learning the news, Mu Yun was so excited that he slept soundly the entire night. He sat on the doorstep and smoked all morning without caring about the curses of the Mulberry, and instead went to the Zhou Mansion to stay for a while. He grew up, looked at the servants who served him and compared them with each other, like old tree bark.

After eating breakfast, Mu Rousang, who had originally wanted to take a break, spun some thread, preparing to embroider some patterns on the side of her big brother"s New clothes"s collar.

The courtyard door was suddenly ruthlessly kicked. Unlike Yang Zixuan, who was teasing her, this person seemed to view this wooden door as an enemy and had to break it.

After Mu Rousang heard this, she put down the needle in her hand and quickly walked out of the house, and shouted towards the courtyard door, "Who"s kicking the door!"

"Stupid girl, hurry up and open the door!" Mu Yun was extremely excited. He wanted to do what he did in the past again, and s.n.a.t.c.h away her things. He urgently wanted to see the things that would soon belong to him.

Mu Rousang was annoyed by Mu Yun"s entire family for being able to apply for the Broken Paste, so she did not get angry even though she said it, "Who are you? My father pa.s.sed away a few years ago! "

When Mu Yun heard that Mu Rousang not only did not open the door, she even dared to choke, "You d.a.m.ned brat, I"m your uncle, and I"m not opening the door for you, do you think you deserve a beating again?"

Speaking of this, Mu Rousang felt such hatred, what kind of uncle was this, when she was only five years old, the original owner would never die because of him, "You"re not my father, why did you hit me?

She stood in the middle of the courtyard and looked at the door that was about to be kicked, then thought of Mu Yun who was so heartless, she turned around and went back inside the house. When she came out again, she held a dog beating stick, ahem, everyone must remember, that day, Mu Qingxi wanted to forcefully bring the two of them away, but it was so exciting for Mu Rousang. Her small body was not as hard as Mu Jinzhi"s, and her strength was also not as strong as his.

Then he thought he should guard against him a little more, so he locked the door.

The old Yang Mu Door finally crashed to the ground after Mu Yun forcefully stomped on it, vowing to protect its master. The flames in Mu Rousang"s heart burned even hotter. The heck, since he saw someone who was shameless, he had never seen someone who was so shameless, after Mu Yun kicked the door down, he immediately rushed to Mu Rousang"s house and looked around with satisfaction, the usually idle Mu Yun was not sure, but this pigsty had always been taken care of by Mu Yiyang.

Stupid girl, at the end of the year when you kill a pig, remember to send some to your uncle"s family. You also know that our family"s mouth is twice as big as yours, so we don"t need much pork, and we only need half of it, and we still have one or four pig"s feet.

He was very satisfied with the pig in the pigsty, the biggest and fattest pig, probably the one Mu Rousang prepared to eat during New Year"s Day.

How much pork Mu Rousang wanted could be produced in the s.p.a.ce? She could not stand Mu Yun"s shamelessness, how could she explain that? People were invincible in this world due to their shamelessness.

"Uncle, I can"t give you half of that pig"s money. It"s for selling. It"ll be my brother"s tuition for next year."

Mu Yun"s eyes were red, seeing this money loser angered him, "You d.a.m.ned girl, are you looking down on your seniors?"

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