Very few monster species will cooperate together. Certain types of insects like ants will and most plants are generally willing to work together because of their mindless nature. However, most will refuse to do so and will fight each other to the death. The only exception is when facing sentient surface dwellers and even then, they will take the opportunity to kill each other if one gets in the way of killing a human or demi-human. This is especially true with monsters like dryads who develop an ego from an early stage usually resulting in them being haughty creatures that believe in their own superiority over other monsters.

But that"s not the case for all monsters. There are like with humans a few who are different. These monsters are capable of actually negotiating with other monsters and seem to have an inherent ability to put other monsters with egos off guard. Through this ability, they can coerce and convince other monsters to ally with it to work towards a common goal. It is because of this very ability that guilds no matter the country make them high priority targets.

Along with swarm insects, they are some of the biggest threats to small kingdoms and taxing on the larger empires. While swarm insects commonly have unG.o.dly numbers and overwhelm defenses set up with said numbers the monsters that can properly form groups take a different approach. Instead of using large armies of monsters they"ll use relatively small groups of very powerful monsters to do surgical strikes against nations.
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Several of the most disastrous battles in monster hunting history were caused by powerful groups made up of dozens to hundreds of city-destroying monsters working together as a proper army. It"s the possibility of events like these reoccurring that lead to adventurer guilds targeting them with the appropriate level of response.

Now there are a few other things that most people don"t mention when it comes to monsters like this. For one their own ability to negotiate with other monsters can end up with them being controlled and being turned into a puppet leader. It"s through these types of strategies and various others like suicide attackers that their threat levels increase. If any type of species that stands a chance at ruling the world that"s not a swarm insect, demi-human or human it would be these intelligent cooperative variants we call ascended. Or as the more popular mainstream term calls them. Demon Lords.

-Excerpt from the monster encyclopedia by Xander freerider


d.a.m.n it! Several of the adventurers led by the blonde girl just ran off into the forest! But there"s still plenty of adventurers here to deal with… I"ll have to help deal with them. By then the other adventurers would have probably put a good distance between here and there. And with how clever humans are and my lack of tracking knowledge I probably couldn"t find them even if I went after them. I"ll cross that bridge when it comes to it for now.

I jumped forward wrapping my vines around the legs around one of the smaller adventurers wielding daggers just as he was stepping backwards. Through a combination of my rapidly tightened grip and his own movement he lost his balance and tumbled to the ground with a gasp of surprise. Using my thorns, I started to shred his legs and tendons gouging out chunks of flesh containing arteries in the process.

A blood-curdling scream tore out of the young adventurer"s throat catching the attention of several nearby adventurers. Before they could take action to save the young adventurer"s life the swarm of fairies slammed into them attacking and tearing away at their vitals resulting in fountains of spraying blood.

[Human scout slain. 9 XP earned. 3 skill points and 3 mutation points earned.]

No time to pay attention to that. More adventurers. The adventurers were beginning to panic. Forming up into a defensive circle barely defending against an onslaught of branches from the dryads and getting picked off by the fairies. I crept along the edge of the group watching for any openings in their defense when I spotted it. My opening. One of the large stocky adventurers flinched backward as the fairies attacked the woman next to him.

I used both my roots and my vines to push forward off the ground towards the man"s stomach and crashed petals first into it. I then wrapped my vines around his waist and slithered half a dozen others underneath his clothing and drilled my thorns deep into his body. The man screamed in anguished pain and grabbed me by my stem and tried and failed to yank me off him. My vines dug deeper into his innards slashing open his entrails and other organs.

The man started coughing and collapsed onto his knees before finally collapsing face first with one final death gurgle. I leaped off of him just before he hit the ground and managed to avoid being smashed by his bodyweight.

[Human berserker slain. 9 XP earned, 3 skill points and 3 mutation points added.]

If this guy was anything other than human, I would have made another one bites the dust joke. But that would just be too f.u.c.ked up for even my desensitized self. s.h.i.t!

I abruptly slid myself to the right, narrowly dodging the boot quickly eclipsing me with its gargantuan size. That was too close! If it weren"t for my nigh not truly but still seemingly omnipotent mana sense, I would have been smooshed flat! I lashed forward with my vines to force the adventurer back before I started escaping out of the adventurer"s reach. I was just about to charge forward again when a pheromone signal from Amelia reached me.

[Joe you go after the adventurers that ran away. We"ll handle the rest of the adventurers that are here.]

[Amelia? What about the ones that are here?]

[Don"t worry about them. Without the mages they"re no real threat to us.]

[Alright. I"ll be back soon. Be careful.]

[You be careful too.]

With that farewell, I ran from the battle with the adventurers towards the direction the uniformed adventurers ran off in. Pheromones really are convenient to talk with since noise doesn"t affect it. But now. Now I have a team of experienced, dangerous adventurers to hunt down. This is not going to be one of my finest nights, is it?

Upon entering the forest, I found that tracking wouldn"t be a problem. For now, at least. There were plenty of signs of where they went in the form of stamped down shrubbery and broken sticks, and branches. Maybe they were too busy fleeing to bother with covering their tracks? Whatever it just makes my job easier. If they had taken the time to cover their tracks there might have been a chance that they would have gotten away unharmed but now I may actually be able to catch up and kill some of them.

Using my vines, I pulled myself up a tree and into the branches and began swinging through the tree canopy much like certain marvel heroes would. With my mana vision navigating the treetops even in the middle of the night wasn"t very difficult. But that didn"t help with tracking the adventurers which left me with no choice but to continue traveling in the vague direction they went in and hope I"d eventually find them.

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