(Fairy Joselines POV)

"We have incoming! We have incoming! Adventurers inbound!" The pheromones of Joe the Rose broadcasted as he ran into the grove. Once he was sure he had their attention, he reversed directions and ran back off into the forest. I looked over to my sister next to me who was currently knitting a blanket out of human hair.

"Looks like you should finish that knitting later," I said to her,

"Yup." Came her casual reply.

With that, I stood up from the stone I was sitting on and picked up an acorn cup (the top part of the acorn that looks like a bowl) and placed it upon my head. Using two straps made from sinew, I fastened the acorn cup tightly to my head as a helmet. Then I went with my sisters and started putting on sleeves for our limbs made from various small vines and leaves.

Along with that, came a covering for our torso and helmet. For some strange reason, Joe insisted we make these. He kept calling them ghillie suits, and that they"re a must-have for stealth operations. I have no idea where he keeps getting these crazy ideas, but I have to admit that these "ghillie suits," as he called them, are certainly good for blending into the foliage. But I have bigger things than ghillie suits to worry about. And that is seeing just how well these traps of Joe"s work against the adventurers.

With that I grabbed several bone spears as long as I am tall while my mana flowed through my wings and my flight skill activated, allowing me to gracefully fly up into the air and zip into the forest. The rest of my sisters did the same as we scattered into the forest. It didn"t take long for me to find the adventurers. They were at the edge of the forest and looked to be preparing to enter the forest. Joe said all we had to do was keep our distance and let them suffer the wrath of the traps until he started the attack. From there, the rest of the plan would come into play.

And we did just that. We waited. And waited. And waited. This is starting to get boring. I was following the humans from above in the foliage as they walked through the forest. It would be alright if the adventurers were walking at a normal pace but they were all taking their time. Looking around the area for any sign of us fairies no doubt. Too bad for them we now have these ghillie suits to keep us hidden.

While I was amongst the branches and leaves of the trees I was nigh invisible to them unless they had special detection skills. And with how they were all creeping towards the grove right below us, they obviously didn"t. Now when will tho-

"GAAAH!!" A shrill scream of pain pierced the air. Looking towards the front of the group, I spotted a human girl holding her leg as two nearby adventurers ran over to her. The first victim of many.


(Joe"s POV)

I watched from the treetops as the adventurer continued to scream while holding her leg. When the other two people who responded reached over, they began to search for the source of her pain. I couldn"t see it clearly from where I was positioned, but I didn"t need to be there to know what they"d find. They"d find dozens of thin but st.u.r.dy inverted spikes buried several inches into her ankle, with grime covering the spikes.

Just thinking about it makes me sick. I may have copied and made a smaller version of the trap, but whoever invented this inverted trap is most certainly a diabolical mastermind. Even if you manage to get out of the trap without getting more injuries, you"d still need to deal with infection from the grime. And if they don"t have any convenient healing magic that can purge infections they"ll be inflicted with, they will be in for quite the painful experience.

"Keep an eye out, everyone! It looks like there are traps in this forest!" One of the adventurers trying to help their wounded ally shouted to the others.

"Traps? Why the h.e.l.l would fairies and dryads be using traps?" One person asked.

"No idea. Maybe it"s that flower that made the traps?" Another voice piped up. This spurred on an onslaught of questions and conjectures about the traps. Perfect. They"re starting to question what they"ve been told. Information is key in any conflict, but what if everything you"ve been told ended up being wrong? Now to strike before they can recover from the confusion of traps.

My fireball glyph manifested itself and fired off a fireball that slammed into the chest of the adventurer who shouted the warning, sending him careening onto his back with a surprised yelp. The leather chest armor now was smoldering and blackened from my attack. Nowhere near enough to be considered lethal, but it sure as h.e.l.l is a good way to start off our battle!

Just after the signal for the attack hit the adventurer, dozens of bone spears started pelting those who are lightly armored. Most of them just bounced off of the thicker parts of the armor but those who were unfortunate enough to be targeted by the more accurate fairies had small spears embedded into cheeks, necks, and the occasional eye or two. And with the arrival of the bone spears came the pained cries from the unlucky people.

"What the h.e.l.l is attacking us!?"

"I can"t see the enemy! Where are they!?"

"They"re in the trees! In the tre- GAAAH!"

I watched as the adventurer I just shot in the face with a fireball collapse to the ground screaming. And bullseye! I fired several more fireb.a.l.l.s at the adventurers who were scurrying for cover. The only ones who didn"t bother to dive for cover were the half dozen or so adventurers in heavy plate armor. Any spears that happened to be aimed at them only bounced off of them like a rubber bullet would a tank.

Maybe bone spears won"t be enough to do any harm to them, but cranking up the heat will! I started launching fireb.a.l.l.s at one of the armored warriors, with each consecutive hit heating up the armor just a bit further. After the fireb.a.l.l.s began pelting the tin man, he began to sprint back out of the forest. As he ran away, I redirected my fire pelting at the other armored adventurers. They were trying to defend anyone with bows and magic capabilities as they fired off arrows, while the mages used their magic to blindly hurl several inch long steel spikes into the treetops.

Useless, of course, but at least they had enough sense not to start a forest fire. But soon enough, with the inside of their armor gradually heating up, the adventurers were forced to flee before they were cooked alive in their own armor. Upon seeing many of their ranks starting to run from the battle, the other adventurers began to retreat as well. First, it was little more than a trickle with only one or two of those with weaker wills running, but as our hidden onslaught began to chip away at their will, those who were left began to run in greater numbers.

Soon enough, even the two who were trying to help the one person who got caught in one of the traps were forced to run away, leaving behind the trapped person.

"HEY, YOU b.a.s.t.a.r.dS! DON"T LEAVE ME G.o.d d.a.m.n IT! GET BACK HERE!" She screeched as the others left her behind. Now to deal with her. Unfortunately for her, she wouldn"t be killed. Instead, a much more terrible fate awaits her. One that will require hitting her with several doses of numbing pollen. But all in all, this has been a huge victory for our forces.

The adventurers have been driven off without any casualties. Even though we didn"t manage to kill any of them, it"s still okay! They"re in all likelihood still shaken up, and by the time they muster up the courage to brave our trap ridden forest again, we"ll have more terrifying things in store for them. Now to set up the next trap…
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f.u.c.k. She won"t stop screaming. Time to knock her out before whatever counts as ears for me goes deaf. Sorry about this, but you made it personal.

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