"But what happened once you found out?" her father asked quietly.

She sighed deeply. "Once we found out, it didn"t matter. Our involvement had no bearing on your campaign," she said.

Senator Reed chuckled. "And I"m sure he convinced you of that. It"s obvious he wanted to make a spectacle of you and your father. It"s a good thing I stepped in when I did."

Olivia glared at the man. "You would like my father and brothers to believe the worst of Reggie, wouldn"t you?" she said in a biting tone. "Well, it truly doesn"t matter, because it"s what I don"t believe that does."

"And what don"t you believe, Libby?" Duan asked, standing next to her.

She glanced up at her oldest brother. "What I don"t believe, Duan, is that Reggie had anything to do with this." She turned back to her father. "And knowing that only makes me wonder who does."

At that moment the doorbell rang. "I"ll get it," Terrence said, walking away, but not before gently squeezing his sister"s elbow, giving her a sign that she had his support.

"So if you don"t believe Westmoreland sent out these photos, Libby, then who did?" Orin asked his daughter.

"That"s what I"d like to know," said a male voice behind them.

Olivia swung around. Terrence had escorted Reggie into the kitchen.

Orin frowned. "Westmoreland, what are you doing here?"

Reggie looked at Orin. "Someone thought it was important that a courier deliver these to me before eight in the morning," he said, throwing copies of the same pictures Olivia had just seen on the kitchen table. "I figured someone was trying to play me and Olivia against each other, and I wasn"t having it."

Reggie then turned to Olivia. "I had nothing to do with those photos, Olivia."

"I know you didn"t," she said softly.

"Well, the rest of us aren"t so gullible," Senator Reed snapped.

Duan stepped forward. "Excuse me, Senator, but why are you here? What goes on in this family really doesn"t concern you."

The man seemed taken aback by Duan"s words. "If it wasn"t for me, those pictures would have been on the front page of today"s paper. I saved your father the embarra.s.sment of this entire town knowing that his daughter is having an affair."

Terrence"s smile didn"t quite reach his eyes as he came to stand beside Duan. "You do mean his grown grown daughter, don"t you?" daughter, don"t you?"

"She is having an affair with him, him," Senator Reed said, almost at the top of his voice, pointing at Reggie.

"And what business is it of yours?" Olivia snapped.

"It is my business because I had your father bring you home for me, me," Senator Reed snapped back. The entire room got quiet, and the senator realized what he"d said. Five pairs of eyes were staring at him. "What I meant was that I-"

"We know exactly what you meant, Al," Orin said in a disgusted voice, seeing things clearly now. "And just to set the record straight, I didn"t ask my daughter to come home for you. The only reason I summoned Olivia home was to be here with me for the campaign."

Seeing he had lost his footing with Orin, Senator Reed said, "Aw, come on, Orin. You know how I spout off at the mouth sometimes. Besides, why are you getting mad at me? She is the one who is sneaking around with your opponent behind your back. She reminds you of your ex-wife, don"t you think?"

Before anyone could blink, Orin struck the senator and practically knocked him to his knees. "Get up and get out, and don"t ever come back. You"re no longer welcome in my home, Al," Orin said, barely holding back his rage.

The senator staggered to his feet. "Fine, and you can forget my endors.e.m.e.nt," he said heatedly, limping toward the door.

"I don"t need it," Orin shot back. "I plan to pull out of the race."

When the door slammed shut, Olivia quickly moved over to her father. "Dad, are you going to pull out because of what I did?" she asked softly.

Orin pushed a strand of hair out of her face. "No, sweetheart. Your old man realizes that he"s not cut out to be a politician. Al had convinced me that running for office was what I needed to do, but it was not truly what I wanted to do. I never really had my heart in it."

He glanced down at the pictures on his kitchen table and then over at Reggie. "I hope for your sake that you care for my daughter, Westmoreland."

Reggie smiled as he came to stand beside Olivia. "I do. I"m in love with her, sir," he said.

Orin"s features eased into a satisfied smile. "And the way she defended you a few moments ago, I can only a.s.sume that she"s in love with you, too."

"I am am in love with him," Olivia affirmed. in love with him," Olivia affirmed.

"Good." Orin then looked at his two sons. "It seems our family will be increasing soon. What do you think?"

Duan chuckled. "He loves her. She loves him. It"s all good to me."

Terrence smiled. "As long as they don"t decide to marry before today"s barbecue. I was looking forward to checking out the single ladies there today."

Orin rolled his eyes and shook his head. He then offered Reggie his hand. "Welcome to the family, son," he said.

The barbecue was truly special. Orin made the announcement that he was pulling out of the Senate race, and he gave his endors.e.m.e.nt to Reggie. In the next breath, Orin announced that there would be a Jeffries-Westmoreland wedding in the very near future.

With Olivia by his side, Reggie introduced her to all the many Westmorelands in attendance.

"Just how many cousins do you have?" she asked him a short time later.

He smiled. "Quite a number. Just wait until you meet the Denver Westmorelands at the family reunion in a few weeks."

"Have you met them all?" she asked curiously.

"No, but I"m looking forward to doing so."

Olivia nodded. So was she. She and Reggie had discussed her move back to the States, and a wedding was planned for next month after the election. She was truly happy.

Reggie held her hand as they walked around the grounds, greeting everyone. She smiled, thinking she was beginning to like the idea of becoming a politician"s wife.

"You know what I think?" Reggie whispered to her when they claimed a few moments to be alone.

She glanced up at him. "No, what do you think?"

He smiled. "I think we should go to the Saxon Hotel tonight and celebrate. What do you think?"

She chuckled. "I think, Reggie Westmoreland, that you are a true romantic."

He pulled her into his arms. "If I am, it"s because I"ve got a good teacher." And then he sealed his words with a kiss.


T he following month, in a church full of family and friends, newly elected senator Reginald Westmoreland and Olivia Marie Jeffries exchanged vows to become man and wife. Reggie thought Olivia was the most beautiful bride he had ever seen. His mother was crying. The last Atlanta-based Westmoreland was now married. he following month, in a church full of family and friends, newly elected senator Reginald Westmoreland and Olivia Marie Jeffries exchanged vows to become man and wife. Reggie thought Olivia was the most beautiful bride he had ever seen. His mother was crying. The last Atlanta-based Westmoreland was now married.

At the reception, when they made their rounds to speak with everyone, Reggie got to spend time again with his new cousins, the Westmorelands of Denver. Everyone had met and gotten acquainted at the family reunion. Talk about a good time. And it was great knowing there were more Westmorelands out there. Everyone on both sides was looking forward to spending time together, getting to know each other and having family reunions each year.

"I can"t believe how the men in the Westmoreland family favor each other," Olivia said, glancing across the room at five of Reggie"s cousins from Denver-Jason, Zane, Dillon and the twins, Adrian and Aidan. They were just five of the tons of cousins from Colorado, and she had liked all of them immediately, including the women her age.

Olivia had enjoyed the family reunion and getting to know Reggie"s family. And they had accepted her with open arms. She felt blessed to be a part of the Westmoreland clan.

Later that night Reggie presented his wife with her wedding gift. They had flown to the Caribbean right after the wedding reception to spend a week at the Saxon Hotel that had recently been built in St. Thomas.

"This, sweetheart, is for you," Reggie said, handing her a sealed envelope. They had just enjoyed dinner in the privacy of their room.

"Thank you," Olivia said, opening up the envelope. It contained a key. And then she glanced at the card. She suddenly caught her breath and then stared over at Reggie as tears sprang into her eyes. "I don"t believe it."

"Believe it, darling. You once told me what you wanted, and as your husband, I want to make it happen for you. Years ago I bought the building and when my first partner and I dissolved our business partnership, I kept the building. I think it would be perfect for your art gallery. It"s in a good location."

She got out of her seat and went around the table to thank Reggie properly. He pulled her into his lap and kissed her with the pa.s.sion she had gotten used to receiving from him.

"Thank you," she said through her tears. "I love you."

"And I love you, my Wonder Woman."

Reggie gathered her into his arms, and when she leaned up and caught his mouth with hers, he shivered as a profound need rushed through him. This was their wedding night. They were in a Saxon Hotel. And they were in each other"s arms.

Life was wonderful.

Books by Brenda Jackson

Kimani Romance

*Solid Soul

*Night Heat

*Beyond Temptation

*Risky Pleasures

In Bed with the Boss

*Irresistible Forces

Just Deserts

The Object of His Protection

Temperatures Rising

*Intimate Seduction

Bachelor Untamed

*Hidden Pleasures

Star of His Heart

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