And now with Casey happily married and living in Montana, Chester was on a bandwagon to get Clint and Cole to follow suit. He felt marriage should be in their future plans, the not-so-distant future. Chester claimed he wanted them to find the bliss he"d found in his own happy marriage of over thirty years. His beloved wife Ada died a few years ago. Even now everyone still missed the presence of the gentle and kind woman who had been the love Chester"s life.

Clint saw the way Chester was sizing Alyssa up. The old man was trying to see if she appeared st.u.r.dy enough to handle the roughness of a working ranch, and if she had enough brawn to handle Clint. According to Chester, the Golden Glade Ranch needed a mistress who was strong in both mind and body. Clint knew Chester believed Clint needed a woman who could take him on with fort.i.tude.

He had told Chester that morning about the agency"s mistake. Now he dreaded telling the old man he and Alyssa were being forced to live as man and wife for thirty days. Chester would somehow see such a thing as a sign that somebody up there was trying to tell Clint something. Clint easily recognized the calculating look in Chester"s eyes and frowned.

"I know I"ve said it already, Clint, but your home is beautiful," Alyssa said.

Alyssa"s words reclaimed Clint"s attention. He moved his gaze from Chester and back to her. The side of her face was highlighted by the sun. The soft glow of her features made him remember their kiss and how good she had tasted. Even now he wouldn"t mind devouring her mouth again, relishing her taste once more. She glanced over at him and he felt a fierce tug in his stomach. He didn"t like the feeling one d.a.m.n bit.

Knowing she expected a response from him, he said, "Thanks. Let me introduce you to Chester and then I"ll show you around."

As if impatient for an introduction, Chester came down the steps and went directly to Alyssa, offered her his hand and gave a half laugh and said, "Welcome to the Golden Glade. So you"re Clint"s wife. We"re mighty glad to have you." Before she could respond he added, "And you"re just what Clint needs around here."

And at that moment, Clint actually felt like slugging him.

The man"s words drew Alyssa up short. It was true that she and Clint were legally married, but as far as she was concerned it was nothing more than a mistake on paper. A mistake that needed to be rectified. But a comment like that made her aware of the seriousness of their situation and just how quickly they needed to resolve the matter.

Not sure how to respond to Chester, Alyssa decided not to address his statement of their marital status and to accept his comment on the ranch by saying, "It"s a beautiful ranch."

Clint had walked around the truck and appeared at her side. She glanced up at him and saw he was frowning at the older man. Evidently he hadn"t appreciated the reminder of their situation, either.

"Thanks, and Clint is doing a fine job keeping it that way," Chester said. "But what I"ve told him numerous times is that what this ranch needs is a-"

"Alyssa, this is Chester. Cook and housekeeper," Clint said, smoothly interrupting whatever it was the older man had been about to say.

Not to be outdone the man merely nodded. "What this ranch needs is a woman"s touch," he said as if he had not been interrupted.

Alyssa"s thoughts began to whirl. Why would Chester make such a comment? Didn"t he know that her and Clint"s marriage wasn"t real? Why would Chester make such a comment? Didn"t he know that her and Clint"s marriage wasn"t real? She gave a quick glance at Clint but his features were unreadable. Deciding it wasn"t her place to meddle in what was going on between Clint and one of his employees, she turned her attention back to Chester and said, "It"s nice meeting you, Chester." She gave a quick glance at Clint but his features were unreadable. Deciding it wasn"t her place to meddle in what was going on between Clint and one of his employees, she turned her attention back to Chester and said, "It"s nice meeting you, Chester."

The man gave her a huge smile. "No, Alyssa, it is nice meeting you you. Come on in and I"ll show you around."

"No, I"ll be showing Alyssa around," Clint said.

Both Alyssa and Chester turned to Clint. "I thought you had a lot of work to do," Chester said.

Alyssa had thought the very same thing and watched as Clint shrugged ma.s.sive shoulders before he said, "What I have to do can wait."

Alyssa glanced back at Chester and for a quick second she could have sworn she"d seen a sparkle in the old man"s eyes. "Suit yourself then," Chester said. "I need to start dinner, anyway." And then Alyssa watched as the older man gave her a final smile before going back into the house.

"I"ll take you to the guest room you"ll be using before giving you a tour," Clint said.

Alyssa turned in time to see Clint walk over to the truck to get her overnight bag. She inclined her head as she continued to watch him. The man had such a sensuous walk, she thought.

As if he"d felt her eyes on him, he turned with a concerned look on his face." Is everything all right, Alyssa?" he asked quietly.

She suddenly felt the need to hug her arms and protect herself from his intense gaze, but she didn"t. Instead she appreciated his thoughtful consideration. No one had asked if everything was all right with her since her grandfather"s death. "Yes, I"m fine. Thanks for asking," she said.

He only nodded before opening the truck door to pull out her bag. He then turned and walked back toward her. She knew that he was uncomfortable with the situation they had been placed in and he didn"t like it any more than she did. But, they would work things out. She"d discovered five years ago that Clint Westmoreland was a man who could handle just about anything that came his way. She saw that strength in him and admired him for it.

"Come this way," he said. She noticed he had come to a stop directly in front of her. His closeness caused her to breathe unevenly and she swallowed deeply to get control of her emotions. It wasn"t as if they hadn"t spent time together before. While working that a.s.signment five years ago, for one full week they"d been almost glued at the hip, trying to make their cover believable. They"d even shared a hotel room-although at night she would take the bed and he would crash on the sofa. But still they had shared close quarters and although she had been fully aware of him as a man, his presence hadn"t affected her like it did now.

It seemed she was now more aware of the opposite s.e.x. Actually, in this case, she was more aware of Clint Westmoreland. She had been fascinated with him when they"d worked together, but now he took her breath away. And back then she had been so focused on doing a good job on her first a.s.signment as a Ranger that everything else, including Clint, had been secondary. But that was not the case now. How on earth would she survive under the same roof with this man for thirty days? How on earth would she survive under the same roof with this man for thirty days?

He opened the door for her and then stood back for her to enter. Her stomach knotted and she felt her senses tingling. She had a feeling that once she walked over the threshold her life would never be the same.

Steeling himself, Clint watched as Alyssa entered his home. He couldn"t recall the last time he had been so fully aware of a woman to the point that everything about her-even her scent was registering in his mind-seemed branded onto his brain cells.

If she decided to stay the thirty days, she would only be here for a short while, he reminded himself. He could handle that. His work days at the ranch were long and grueling. If he just kept his mind on the job at hand-running the ranch and keeping his uncle"s legacy alive-he would be fine.

His thoughts shifted back to Alyssa as he watched her stand in the middle of his living room glancing around. She seemed in awe, incapable of speaking. Had she thought just because he spent most of his time outdoors that he didn"t appreciate having nice things indoors?

"Everything is so beautiful," she said in a low voice when she began to speak.

He wasn"t reluctant to agree and said thanks. "I hired an interior decorator to do her thing throughout the house. Especially in the guest rooms."

She glanced over at him. "Do you get a lot of visitors?"

He chuckled. "Yes. The Westmoreland family is a rather large one and they love to visit. They like checking up on each other. I have a bunch of cousins who were close growing up. Like I said earlier, when they found out about me, Cole and Casey, they didn"t hesitate in extending that closeness to us."

He glanced at his watch. "Come on and let me show you to your room so you can get settled in. I"ll show you the rest of the house later."

A few moments later Alyssa"s fingers trembled as she ran them across the richness of the guest room furniture. There had to be about ten or so guest rooms in this house. Clint had been quick to explain that his uncle loved to entertain and always had friends visiting.

The layout of the house actually suited the magnificent structure. Once you entered the front door you walked into this huge foyer that led into a huge living room. There was also an eat-in kitchen and dining room. The house had four wings that jutted off from the living room. North, south, east and west. Clint"s bedroom was huge and was located on the north wing, and although he"d only given her a quick glimpse, she"d liked what she"d seen of it.

The beauty of every room in his home made her speechless. It seemed to be fitting for a king...and his queen, from the expensive furniture to the costly portraits that hung on the walls. He evidently was a man who liked nice things and who didn"t mind paying his money for them.

Clint had left her alone to get settled and indicated he would be back in a few minutes. She knew he was trying not to crowd her, give her s.p.a.ce and she appreciated that. She wondered at what point her heart would stop beating so wildly in her chest. When would the rapid flutter in her stomach cease?

She glanced over at the overnight bag. It contained her toiletries, fresh underwear, an extra-large T-shirt to sleep in and a pair or jeans and a top. If she decided to stay the thirty days she would have to return to Waco and pack more of her things. She supposed that her friends were wondering where she had gone. She hadn"t mentioned her destination or the reason for her trip to anyone except her aunt Claudine. Aunt Claudine wouldn"t tell anyone about her trip, Alyssa thought with a chuckle. Her sixty-year-old great-aunt would be tickled that for once she knew something that the other family members didn"t.

Alyssa had already put away the few things she"d brought with her and was waiting for Clint when he knocked on the bedroom door. For some reason she felt restless and a call to Aunt Claudine hadn"t helped when she was informed that Kim had already begun asking questions about her whereabouts.

When Clinton knocked again she quickly crossed the room, not wanting him to think she had taken a nap or something. She opened the door. He stood in the hallway, towering over her. "I told you that I"d be back. Are you ready for me to show you around?"

Looking up at him, his penetrating dark gaze seemed to hold her captive and she became aware of how even more fluttering was going on in her stomach. And it wasn"t helping matters that she felt compelled to stare at his lips. Doing so reminded her of the kiss they had shared and how the moment his tongue had wrapped around hers an ache had begun within her. It was an ache that wouldn"t go away.

At that moment she wasn"t sure if going anywhere with him was a smart move. That and the fact that she seemed to be glued to the spot. But then she quickly decided that she wasn"t about to let another man get to her again. Kevin had taught her a lesson she would never forget. She studied Clint"s features again. They were still unreadable. "Clint..."


He took a step closer, stepping into the room, and since she was glued to the spot she couldn"t get her legs to move. She inclined her head back and looked up at him, thinking he was so tall, and much too handsome. She then saw the dark frown that creased his forehead. "What"s wrong?" she asked. The words had come tumbling out before she could hold them in.

One of his broad shoulders lifted nonchalantly. "You tell me," he said.

She had said his name; however, because of the way he had been looking at her, the way that look had made blood rush through her veins, she had forgotten what she"d been about to say. She then remembered. "I was going to say that if you"re busy I can just look around myself."

"I"m not busy, so let"s go," he said.

She noticed right before he turned to step back into the hallway that the frown on his face had deepened, and she had a feeling that although he had invited her to stay for the night he still didn"t like it one bit that she was there.

After giving Alyssa a tour of his home, he walked by her side down the steps to the outside. Her compliments had again pleased him, although he wasn"t quite sure why they had. He"d never been one to place a lot of emphasis on what anyone thought of what he owned. He bought to satisfy his taste and not anyone else"s.

"You said your sister moved to Montana. Does she come back to visit often?"

He glanced over at Alyssa as they walked down the stairs. She seemed to have gotten shorter and a quick look at her feet told him why. She had exchanged her three-inch high-heel shoes for a pair of flats. Smart move. A working ranch was no place for high heels. "Casey"s been back once since she left and that was to get her wedding dress made. Mrs. Miller, a seamstress in town, always said she wanted to be the one who designed Casey"s wedding dress if she ever got married," he said.

Her question quickly reminded him of something. "But she and McKinnon might be visiting within the next couple of weeks. Why?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "I was just wondering." And then she asked, "What about Cole?"

He glanced over at her again. "What about him?"

"Does he live here, too?"

"No, Cole has a place in town but most of the time he"s on a.s.signment somewhere." Clint had an idea why Alyssa asked about Casey and Cole and the chances that they would being paying a visit to the ranch anytime soon. "If you"re concerned what my siblings will have to say about our situation if they happen to pop in then don"t be. They won"t ask questions."

At the uncertainty in her eyes, he went on to say, "And no, it"s not because I usually let women stay over on occasion. It"s just that my family respects my privacy. Besides, it"s not like either of us has done anything wrong."

"So you plan to tell them the truth about who I am?"

"The part about you being my wife?"


He met her gaze. "I see no reason not to. Besides, Chester knows and if he knows then they know, or they will soon. He thinks I need a wife."

"Why does he think that?"

"He"s afraid that like Uncle Sid, I"ll get so involved with my horses that I won"t take time out to build a personal life or have a family. He"s determined not to let that happen. He would marry me off in a heartbeat if he could."

They said nothing for the next few moments, but as they continued to walk together around the ranch he was fully aware of the admiring glances Alyssa was getting from the men who worked for him. His mouth thinned; for some reason he was bothered by it.

"This is a huge place," she said, as if wanting to change the subject, which was okay with him.

"Yes, it is."

"Do you have a lot of men working for you?"

"Well over a hundred. And as I said earlier, Alyssa, if you decide to stay here, the chances of getting in each other"s way are slim to none." As far as he was concerned life would be much easier, less complicated that way. The last thing he needed was for her or any woman to get under his skin.

"Ready to head back?" he asked and watched how she pushed a wayward curl back away from her face.

"Yes...and thanks for the tour."

As they walked back toward the ranch house-strolling quietly side by side-he wished like h.e.l.l he could dismiss from his mind the memory of her taste that remained on his tongue, and how even now, the memory of his lips locked to hers was uncoiling sensations that were running rampant throughout his body. His loins were on fire just thinking about it. His body, in its own way, was sending a reminder of just how long it had been since he"d slept with a woman. It had been way too long and today he was feeling it right down to the bone.

That wasn"t good. He had told her that she wouldn"t become an itch that he couldn"t scratch and he hoped like h.e.l.l that he didn"t live to regret those words. He had to remain calm, in control and more than anything he had to remember that no matter how much desire was eating away at his senses, the last thing he needed in his life was a wife.


"I tell you, Alyssa, that girl is up to no good." tell you, Alyssa, that girl is up to no good."

Alyssa tugged off her earring and switched her cell phone to the other ear. Claudine often said that about Kim, but in this case she was inclined to believe her great-aunt. She hadn"t heard from Kim in months, at least not since her cousin"s last attempt to sabotage one of the projects she"d been working on for a client.

It had cost Alyssa two weeks of production time and she had had to work every hour nonstop to meet the deadline date she"d been given. Of course, as usual, Kim had denied everything and there hadn"t been any way Alyssa could prove her guilt.

"You"re probably right, Aunt Claudine, but there"s nothing that I can do. You know Kim, she"s full of surprises." Usually those surprises cost Alyssa tremendously. Kim"s bag of dirty tricks included everything from sabotaging important projects to sleeping with Alyssa"s fiance and then having a courier deliver the damaging photographs just moments before she was to leave her home for the church.

Her troubles with Kim started when Alyssa had arrived in the Barkleys" household to live with her grandfather and great-aunt. Her mother had never given Alyssa a reason for sending her away, but to this day Alyssa believed that Kate Harris had begun to notice her most recent lover"s interest in her thirteen-year-old-daughter"s developing body.

As Alyssa was growing up, her mother had never told her the ident.i.ty of her father. In fact, Alyssa was very surprised to learn that she had a paternal grandfather. Right before her mother had put her on the plane for Waco, she had told Alyssa that she was the illegitimate daughter of Isaac Barkley"s dead son, Todd. Todd had been killed in the line of duty as a Texas Ranger.

Alyssa had arrived in Waco feeling deserted and alone, but it didn"t take long to see that the arrival of Grandpa Isaac and Aunt Claudine in her life was a blessing of the richest kind. They immediately made her feel wanted, loved and protected.

Unfortunately, her new relatives" acts of kindness didn"t sit too well with her cousin Kim, who was the same age as Alyssa. Kim was the daughter of Grandpa Isaac"s only other son, Jessie. Jessie"s wife had died when Kim was six. From what Alyssa had been told, Jessie had felt guilty about driving his wife to commit suicide because of his unfaithful ways and had spoiled Kim rotten to ease his guilt. Kim was used to getting all the attention and hadn"t liked it one bit when that attention shifted with Alyssa"s arrival.

Alyssa couldn"t remember a single time Kim had not been a thorn in her side. First, there had been all those devious pranks Kim had played so that Alyssa could get blamed. Fortunately, Grandpa Isaac had known what Kim was doing and had come to her defense. But instead of things getting better, the more Grandpa Isaac stood up for her, the worse Kim got.

Alyssa"s teen years had been the hardest and if it hadn"t been for her grandfather and great-aunt she doubted she would have gotten through them. And it didn"t help matters that her mother never came to visit her, never bothered contacting her at all. Kim liked to claim that Alyssa was living off the Barkleys" charity and that there were some in the family who didn"t believe that Todd Barkley had been her father anyway. That claim hadn"t bothered Alyssa, because she could see that she favored her grandfather too much not to be his grandchild. Before he"d died everyone had found out that she had actually been his child. It had been a revelation that had shocked the entire family, especially when he had left her an equal share of everything. And in Kim"s eyes, Alyssa"s inheritance had been the ultimate betrayal.


Her aunt pulled her thoughts back to the present. "Yes, Aunt Claudine?"

"Will staying with that man for a month be so bad? At least the marriage will be dissolved...if that"s what you really want."

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