His words made every single cell in her body multiply with excitement. Then, as if the kiss they"d just shared would not be enough to sustain him through the day, he took hold of her mouth with lightning speed once more. She returned the kiss. She hadn"t been aware that she was so starved for such male interaction until now, but not interaction from just any male. She wanted it only from Clint.

When he finally released her mouth she knew her lips would be swollen again. Anyone seeing her would know why, but at the moment she didn"t care.

"I have to go," he said again, and as if fighting the urge to take her into his arms yet again, he stepped back. He stared at her for a long moment before reaching out and gently touching her swollen lips with his fingertips. "I promised myself last night that I wouldn"t do this," he said in a low, throaty voice. "But I can"t seem to help it. You, Alyssa Barkley, are more of a temptation than I counted on you being."

Without giving her a chance to say anything he turned and she watched him walk away.

"Hey, boss, are you okay?" one of Clint"s men inquired some hours later as he was saddling one of the horses.

Clint glanced up at Walter Pockets, frowned and said gruffly, "I"m fine. Why do you ask?"

The man, who had only been working for him a couple of years, hesitated. "Well, because you"re putting the saddle on backward," he said.

"d.a.m.n," Clint said and quickly removed the saddle. He placed it on the horse"s back correctly, grateful that only Pockets had seen him make such a blunder. "My mind was elsewhere," he said. He knew that was a lame excuse. He would be the first to get on his men if they were to let their minds wander while performing even a menial task. Working on a ranch required focus. And yet, he was not focused at all today.

"I can ride out and check on things if you want me to," Pockets said.

Clint thought about the man"s offer. It was almost lunchtime already. He had pretty much decided to stay out on the range and eat with his men, but now he was thinking differently. Kissing Alyssa had not gotten her out of his system. Instead it seemed that each time their lips connected she was getting even more embedded under his skin. Yet he could no more seize an opportunity to kiss her than he could stop breathing.

"Thanks, Pockets," he finally heard himself say. "I"d appreciate it if you would. I"ve got a matter up at the house I need to take care of." That was saying it as honestly as he could.

Less than thirty minutes later he was walking into the kitchen. Chester glanced up from stirring a pot with a surprised look on his face. "I didn"t expect you back until late tonight."

Clint shrugged. "I finished early. Where"s Alyssa? Is she in my office?"

"No, she asked if she could borrow the truck to go into town. She said she was going to take a shower, so I guess she"s in her bedroom getting dressed."

The thought of a naked Alyssa standing under a spray of water got him even more unfocused and aroused and he was grateful to be standing behind the kitchen table. Wondering why Alyssa needed to go into town, Clint headed toward his office.

"Maybe you ought to think about going with her," he heard Chester say. Clint drew up short and turned around.

"Why should I think about doing something like that?"

Chester smiled. "Because you could help her with all those bags and boxes she plans to bring back."

Clint frowned. "What bags and boxes?"

"From shopping. I figure she"s going into town to do some shopping," Chester said.

Clint folded his arms over his chest. "Why in the h.e.l.l would I want to accompany any woman shopping?"

Chester chuckled. "That would give you a chance to spend time with her under the pretense of being helpful. And don"t insult my intelligence by asking why I think you"d want to spend time with her, Clint. I saw her lips at breakfast."

Clint"s frowned deepened. "And?"

"And I think you need to go easy on them," the older man said with a sly chuckle.

Clint honestly didn"t think he could. Instead of telling that to Chester he turned and walked out of the kitchen.

"Where are the keys to the truck, Chester?" Alyssa asked, glancing around. She could have sworn when Chester had given them to her earlier she had placed them on the top of the breakfast bar.

"Clint has them," Chester said.

She whirled around with a surprised look on her face. "Clint?"

"Yep," Chester answered without looking up from stirring the pot on the stove.

"Oh. I thought he was going to be gone all day," Alyssa said.

The older man did manage to smile. "Yeah, I thought so, too, but I guess he had a change in plans."

"Does that mean he needs to use the truck?"

"No," Chester said, chuckling. "I think it means that he"s going into town with you."

Alyssa swallowed the lump in her throat. "Are you sure?"

"Positive. In fact he"s waiting outside for you," Chester said.

Alyssa knew she looked startled, but Chester wouldn"t know because he didn"t seem to be paying attention to her. He was focused on his cooking.

"Well, I guess I"ll see you in an hour or so," she said, glancing at her watch.

"Don"t count on it," Chester said.

"Excuse me?" she responded, not sure she had heard Chester correctly.

"Nothing," the older man said.

Alyssa eyed Chester in confusion, certain that he had said something. However, instead of questioning him further, on wobbly legs she headed toward the living room to leave. Why would Clint want to accompany her into town? Had he gotten a call from Hightower? Surely he would have told her if he had. Why would Clint want to accompany her into town? Had he gotten a call from Hightower? Surely he would have told her if he had.

She stopped short of opening the door, needing to pull herself together. This would be the first time she saw him since their morning kiss. It was a kiss from which she still hadn"t fully recovered. And she had a.s.sumed that since he would be away from the ranch all day and she wouldn"t see him again until tomorrow at the earliest, that she would have time to compose her senses.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and saw Clint standing in the yard. He was leaning against his truck and her stomach became filled with b.u.t.terflies when she realized that he was waiting for her.

She was careful walking down the steps, trying not to trip. She was amazingly aware of the appraisal he was giving her with his dark, intense eyes. He was looking her up and down, from the top of her head to the toes of her booted feet.

She decided to return the favor and check him out, as well. She saw that he"d taken the time to shower and change, too. He looked good enough to eat leaning against the truck in a pair of jeans and a blue chambray shirt. His legs were crossed at his booted ankles and he wore a black cowboy hat on his head. He was the epitome of s.e.xy, the essence of what she definitely considered a fine man and the personification of everything male.

As she walked up to him she saw desire in his eyes and she took a misstep. He reached out and caught her arm and brought her closer to him. The front of their bodies touched and his lips were mere inches from hers.

"Are you okay?" he asked in a low, husky tone.

She wanted to tell him that no, she wasn"t okay, and she wouldn"t fully recuperate until she left his ranch for good. In the meantime, for the first time in her life she was beginning to think about all the things she could get into while she was there. And when she left, she would have solid, red-hot memories to hold on to during the night while lying in her bed alone. "Yes, I"m fine," she finally managed to say.

In response, as quick as a cricket, he swiped his tongue across her lips just seconds before releasing her. She blinked, not sure he"d done it until she felt the wetness he had left behind.

"Ready to go?" he asked in a husky voice, transferring his hold from her arm to her hand. The feel of his touch had her heart thudding in her chest.

"Yes, I am," she said.

He opened the truck door for her and she slid inside. He stood there a moment and she wondered if he was going to kiss her again. He leaned closer but instead of kissing her he snapped the seat belt into place around her hips.

"Thanks," she barely managed to get out.

He smiled. "No problem." And then he straightened and closed the door.

With almost stiff fingers she clutched her purse as she watched him walk around the front of the truck to get inside while whistling a tune she wasn"t familiar with. Then he was buckling up his own seat belt and starting the engine. "Where to?" he looked over and asked her.

Her eyebrow arched. He definitely seemed to be in a good mood. "You"re taking time away from your busy schedule to be my personal chauffeur," she said as a grin touched lips that were still warm and wet from his kiss.

He grinned back. "I guess you could say that. When I heard you were going to do some shopping in town I decided that now was a good time to get that new belt that I need."

"Oh." But that didn"t explain why he was back at the ranch when he had mentioned that morning he would be gone all day. Alyssa decided it really didn"t matter why he had altered his plans. He had and she was glad about it.

"So where to first?" he asked her again.

"What about the Highland Mall?" she asked. That particular mall had been her favorite when she lived in Austin as a Ranger.

"The Highland Mall it is."

She settled back in her seat, antic.i.p.ating how the rest of the day would pan out.


I t was late afternoon before Clint and Alyssa returned to the ranch. In addition to shopping, Clint had suggested they see a movie. He could tell that Alyssa had been surprised by his suggestion. There were ten movies showing and they had narrowed their selections down to two. They couldn"t decide which of the two to see, so they ended up viewing both. t was late afternoon before Clint and Alyssa returned to the ranch. In addition to shopping, Clint had suggested they see a movie. He could tell that Alyssa had been surprised by his suggestion. There were ten movies showing and they had narrowed their selections down to two. They couldn"t decide which of the two to see, so they ended up viewing both.

Clint had enjoyed Alyssa"s company immensely. He"d discovered several new facets of her character. For instance, Alyssa loved Mexican food and she was thrilled about her work as a Web designer. During the course of the day, she"d explained the process of setting up a Web site and how each design was tailored to the individual needs of each client. She"d also gone into detail about search engines and how invaluable they were to anyone who frequented the Internet.

They ate lunch at the mall food court and he had enjoyed watching her eat every single bite of her meal. In fact, he had gotten turned on just from watching her eat. Was that crazy or what? Was that crazy or what?

And another thing that was crazy was that he had enjoyed being with her while she shopped. In his opinion, she was a smart shopper. He had definitely learned a lot today about working a clearance rack.

"So where do you want these bags and boxes?" he asked as he followed her into the house.

"You can carry them into my bedroom."

He glanced over at her and grinned. "Is that an invitation?"

She shook her head and grinned back. "You may enter my bedroom this time, but only to deliver my packages, Clint."

As they walked together down the wide hallway that turned off into the wing where she was staying, a part of him regretted his decision to make sure the guest room she used was so far from his bedroom.

"Did I tell you how nice you look today?" he asked softly as they neared her bedroom.

She glanced over at him. "Thank you."

He could tell his compliment had caught her off guard. When they reached the bedroom, he stood back while she led him in. "You can place everything on the bed."

"Sure," he said. He had come into the bedroom last night while she had slept and the memory of seeing her so relaxed and at peace sent sensations of desire spiraling through him now.

After placing the items on the bed, he turned and saw her watching him. And there it was again. He had felt it all day around her-the spark, sizzle and steam that seemed to emanate between them. He knew she was aware of it, too.

"I believe this one is yours," she said, retrieving a single bag from the bed and offering it to him.

"My belt," he said and chuckled.

He took the bag and then gently pulled her to him. He saw the flicker of pa.s.sion in the depths of her eyes. "I always say I"m not going to kiss you and end up doing it anyway," he said.


A smile touched his expression. "I"ve told you why. Do you want me to remind you?"

"Yes, why not?" she teased.

He leaned into her, let her feel the evidence of his desire that was pressed hard against her. He spread the palms of his hands at the center of her back, bringing her closer to the fit of him. "Should I say more?" he asked in a voice that sounded deeper to his own ears.

She held his gaze. "Yes, say more," she said daringly.

He leaned over and licked her cheek with the tip of his tongue. "I like tasting you and one of these days, Alyssa, I plan on tasting you all over."

He heard her sharp intake of breath. He was being blunt, but he was also being truthful. Things couldn"t continue between them at the rate they were going. They hadn"t made it to their second week together and already things were almost sizzling out of control. Hadn"t Chester just today hinted that he should go easy on her lips? As if he ever really could.

"Remember our agreement," she said in a quiet voice.

"I remember it," he said, still holding her close. "Do you?"

She tilted her head up and looked at him. "Yes, I do."

"You"re the one who initiated this, Alyssa, and you"re the only one who can finish it. I will adhere to our agreement as long as you want me to," he said.

"B-but what about all these insinuations you"re making?" she whispered accusingly.

He smiled, thinking about all he had said. "What about them?"

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