Final Play: The Joy of Your Desires —Evhe Smiles at Dawn—

 Part 1

"Say...... Ada...... What do you think that is?"

In cla.s.sroom 1-B. As they were taking refuge in the cla.s.sroom and holding their breaths, Serges came over and stealthily whispered in Ada"s ear. Because she didn"t see any chimera, she opened the closed curtains just a little bit and peeked outside.

"What do you mean? There"s nothing, isn"t there?"

Although they exchanged places and she looked outside, all she saw was the pitch-black sky spreading out endlessly.

"Wrong way. Look over in that direction!"

Serges"s finger pointed in the direction of the campus. They stared in that direction for a few seconds. The sky was wriggling.


Finally, she understood what her cla.s.smate had said.

That wasn"t the sky. What she had thought was the sky, were actually deep blueish-purple flames. The Night-colored flames burned in the campus were converging overhead. Their concentration turned to where the huge vortex of flames were concentrated at a small point. Before they noticed it, a dimly shining ChannelRecital Gate had been born. Because it was so big, she didn"t notice it until it had been pointed out.

What is that? The ChannelRecital Gate that they didn"t know the reason for, it was way too gigantic. They had never seen such a showy ChannelRecital Gate before.

The gate"s radiance increased and suddenly burst open.

That was proof that the Recitation had been completed.


Exhausted, Mio leaned against the railing on the rooftop.

The ChannelRecital Gate"s radiance grew. Even she clearly understood that at that moment, the ChannelRecital Gate had completely opened.

True Spirits called out by High n.o.ble AriasFirst Scale Recitations were extremely varied but they all had one thing in common. That hydra, the green wyvern, and other creatures summoned by High n.o.ble AriasFirst Scale Recitations were absurdly huge.

Just what sort of huge thing was coming out from that ChannelRecital Gate? She even forgot to blink while staring, but, even though the gate had burst open, there was nothing coming out.

No way, did it fail?

Although she wanted to confirm it, because the flames that were illuminating the campus had disappeared, the campus was plunged into darkness for a second time.

"What just happened......"

The only thing that entered her vision was the gigantic shadow that had broken into the school grounds. She didn"t know the reason why, but that monster suddenly changed direction and set foot into the campus.

If the recitation had failed, then there was nothing that could be done. There wasn"t enough time to conduct another High n.o.ble AriaFirst Scale Recitation. The hydra drew closer to the center of the campus, the place where Neight was until a little while ago. But because of the darkness, she couldn"t see his figure. She wasn"t even sure if he was able to escape.

Rather, she didn"t want to see him. If Neight was still there where the light turned on..........

But, with almost ironic timing, the neon lights that had been off now turned back on. The school lit up once again. For a second time, the campus was brilliantly illuminated.

—Please. Don"t be there. Please have run away.

Although her eyelids felt burned by that scorching radiance, nevertheless she stared at that place— and felt a burst of dizziness.

......I can"t believe it.

He remained standing in place. Furthermore, next to him was the figure of her friend who was supposed to be resting in the hall.

"Neight, Kululu, run awaaaaaaayyyy!"

Mio raised her voice from the rooftop. There was no way they could hear her. But even so, she couldn"t help but shout. At this rate the three of them would be trampled by that monster...... Eh?...... Three of them?

Her eyesight hadn"t gone bad. The boy wearing a deep blue colored robe, that was Neight. The girl wearing the white dress, that person was Kluele. The last person was also standing at the place where they was.

That person was pitch black, like their whole body was wrapped in black cloth. Who is that?

No. Impossible.

Although she had thought that the True Spirit of Night was something large, could it be—

"That" didn"t materialize from the ChannelRecital Gate.

Instead, at the moment the ChannelRecital Gate burst, something arose out of Neight"s shadow.

The three-dimensional shadow slowly straightened its back. But even so, it was clearly small, just like herself. No, it was even shorter. Height. In other words, not body length or size.

Because, the thing before eyes had the figure of a human.

Its body was jet-black, but gave a transparent impression. A human clad in shadows. Furthermore, its form seemed feminine. It was like the girl drenched in pitch-black paint from the beginning— In short, that was probably the closest a.n.a.logy.

But, not long before Kluele steadily gazed at it, the boy that it stood next to suddenly collapsed unsteadily.


The boy was on the verge of collapsing backwards. Barely in the nick of time, Kluele supported him with her right shoulder. But no matter how many times she called out, he didn"t reply. His eyes remained closed. Was he unconscious? At a time like this, when the hydra would be coming soon—

[Because that feeling of tension suddenly eased.]

Kluele looked over her shoulder. The True Spirit of Night had come and stood beside them.

[However, he should be praised for doing such a good job holding on.]

It stretched out a shadow in the shape of a hand. The fingertip of the shadow gently stroked the boy"s face.

"Are you the True Spirit of Night?"

[It would seem so wouldn"t it? Kluele-san.]

Kluele was startled after suddenly being called by her name. Just like the divine bird she had called out, why did even the True Spirit of Night know her name?

[Fufu, that child told me.]

The True Spirit turned her head, looking upwards. In that direction— Like it had a.s.sembled in the starry night sky, a large creature flapped its wings overhead. It was gigantic. Although she only measured it by eye, in terms of size it might even be comparable to the hydra.

The floating silhouette that the school"s lights shone on..... Is that a dragon?

The hydra increased its speed, causing cracks in the earth. While catching a glimpse of it in her peripheral vision, the True Spirit of Night looked up at the sky.

[Arma, I"ll take that on as an opponent. Go help Kluele-san and Neight hide.]


The low, heavy tone was like the ringing of the lowest key of a pipe organ. Was that truly its voice. It made Kluele wonder whether the sound’s vibration would land on her head. No, but more importantly.

Arma? Wasn"t that a name she know?

.....No way, this dragon overhead is.....

[Didn’t I say a long time ago that I’m not a lizard? But there’s no time to chat leisurely right now. It"s coming.]

The jet-black dragon landed right behind her. The gust of wind caused her hair to sway.

[Evhe, I"ll leave that to you. Little girl, carry Neight and quickly get on.]


For a moment, Kluele saw the illusion that someone was behind her. Just like the PhoenixDivine Bird of Dawn and Arma, that person had a voice that seemed to come out of nowhere. The voice suspended in air was a human woman"s voice.

"Thank you very much. Neight by himself would never have been able to call me out. It is surely because of you that I am now here. In Neight"s place, I thank you. If you are able to, please continue helping this child."

"This child"? That was not a normal way of speaking. It was almost like she was speaking about her own child. Isn"t it unfitting for a True Spirit to use such wording when talking about humans?

Before she had time to decide whether to ask that question or not, Kluele’s body floated upwards. Without any warning, the Night-colored dragon had grabbed the two of them in his foreleg and flapped its wings.

"Wa-Wait, carry us more carefully!"

While still burdened with Neight, Arma had grabbed them. Although he wasn’t flying very fast, because of the unstable footing, a little mistake could shake them off. And even more importantly, the dragon was flying in an awkward manner. Could it be a bad habit? Compared to the bird deity that she had come here with, he was too clumsy.

[Because I haven’t flown in a long time.]

He said brazenly with an innocent expression. That arrogant tone of voice made her even more convinced. She had no doubt. This dragon was truly the Recited creature that she was familiar with.

"....You gigantic flying lizard."

[Do you have something to say?]

At the companion who always constantly returned her questions, Kluele shook her head in resignation.

"Nothing. More importantly, if you"re so huge like that, you should have come out in the first place!"

[The and I are Duet-type Recitations. If one wing isn’t called out, the other wing can’t come out either.]

This was the first time she had heard of this special type. But other than that, there were still a lot of things she wanted to ask.

"......Just who is that True Spirit?"

The True Spirit of Night still stood below them. But somehow, it was different. Exactly what it was, Kluele didn"t know. However, it felt different from the divine bird from before and also from this Night-colored Lizard. If there was a line dividing humans and True Spirits, then that True Spirit was standing on the line.

“You called her Evhe, right? Is that the True Spirit’s name?”

[She doesn’t have a name. Evhe is the name I gave to the girl who voluntarily abandoned her own name.]

From the low alt.i.tude he had been flying at, the jet-black dragon suddenly flew higher. But despite the roar of the wind in her ears, the True Spirit"s voice still retained its clear quality.

[Evhe— The who brought the Night Color Recitations into this world.]

Brought the Night Color Recitations into this world? That reply made her stare at the boy she carried on her shoulder.

“Eh? But, wasn’t that Neight?”

[You’ve probably heard about it. The one who constructed Night Color Recitations wasn’t Neight, but his mother.]

Kluele became increasingly confused. Neight"s mother should have already pa.s.sed away. She understood that Neight"s mother had created Night Color Recitations, but why was the True Spirit of Night"s name Evhe?

Before she could ask, Arma quickly gave her a request.

[Cover your ears. There is something I must do.]

"......Must do?"


That one simple word caused her whole body to shake with fright.

Howl...... Wa-Wait a minute! My left hand is injured and my right hand is carrying Neight. There’s no way for me to cover my ears, so please restrain yourself—

Her wish was in vain. When the jet-black dragon let loose a howl, Kluele lost consciousness for a single moment.

Master’s single wing (transient master) — My name is

[O she saira qersonie Laspha — Armadeus. Captivated by the daughter of the dark lonely night, invited by that righteous successor. In accordance with the Recitation of Night, I will make it known to the world!]

That voice was not heard just at the school, but was even transmitted to the ends of the world.

The hydra didn’t chase the dragon flying in the sky, but set its sights on the small True Spirit remaining on the ground.

It smelt a dangerous scent from that gigantic dragon. However, even more unpleasant was the small True Spirit that still stood before its eyes.

It could sense something threatening coming from this True Spirit.

The hydra spat out a long, scorching hot breath and once again changed the campus to a sea of flames. The place where the True Spirit of Night stood up until now had completely burned up.

Without a trace, the True Spirit of Night disappeared from the place it had just been standing. Just before the hydra judged that it was too quick.

"Too bad, but this school is also an important place to me."

The hydra heard that voice coming from overhead. Turning in the direction of the voice, its five heads glared at its surroundings in search of the enemy.

"Let me express my thanks for coming along and doing whatever you please."

Before long, ten eyes concentrated on one end of the campus. At a height of easily twenty meters above ground.

At the center of the campus, on a metal pole used for lighting, the jet-black True Spirit towered directly overhead.

"Hey, Mirror, are we dreaming?"

Forgetting to even wipe away the sweat running down his face, Zessel continued to look up at the dragon overhead. In the middle of the night-colored curtain, the jet-black dragon that flapped its wings in the air was too large and majestic. It should unmistakably be a Recited creature, but just what color did that True Spirit belong to?

"......I just remembered something from long ago. Something from a very long time ago."

The teacher who wore sighed.

"How unexpected. So did I."

Forgetting to blink at the Night-colored True Spirit, Zessel let out another sigh.

Even though half of it had already settled into the deepest parts of his memory, he recalled the words that had lain dormant for ten years.

—What I want to do is Night Color Recitations—

In the time of Elfand Academy, the one girl in the cla.s.s who hadn’t socialized with anyone and sat by herself in a corner of the cla.s.sroom. When he had chosen to devote himself to Red Recitations, Mirror chose Blue Recitations, and Enne chose White Recitations, only one girl struggled to pursue a non-existing color.

However, it couldn’t be her, could it? First of all, if she had completed Night Color Recitations, her name should have resounded throughout the world. Just like the Rainbow Reciter’s had been.

And then.

At that moment, the jet-black dragon howled.

Master’s single wing (transient master) — My name is

[O she saira qersonie Laspha — Armadeus. Captivated by the daughter of the dark lonely night, invited by that righteous successor. In accordance with the Recitation of Night, I will make it known to the world!]

In accordance with the Recitation of Night—

Daughter of the dark lonely night—

No Way......

"......Ha, Ahahaha, how could it be!"

With his hand on his forehead, Zessel let out a loud laugh. From the corners of his eyes, something spilled out.

He could only laugh self-mockingly. The girl who had been looked down upon by everyone in the cla.s.sroom. The girl who had been neglected by the teacher and the school. And yet, isn’t this school being protected right now by her hands?

Should he praise her? Or should he mourn for her? What on earth should he do?

What have we—

"Just how foolish have I been, I wonder."


It was the one who should have been inside the school building leading students to refuge, Elfand’s former teacher.

"You...... You were right, weren"t you, Evhemary."

Without even wiping away her tears, the head teacher just wholeheartedly and repeatedly called out her former student"s name.

“Wha-What’s with that sudden howl!”

With her hands covering her still-buzzing ears, Kluele roared back. From her point of view, it really was a terrible disaster.

[The girl knew that her time of death was approaching. Tales like that can be found all over the world. However, even though most of humanity had accepted this, she was unwilling to accept her fate. If I disappear without doing anything, then for what purpose did I exist— She wished to leave behind proof of her existence in this world.]

In contrast to the prior roaring sound, with a voice like it was suppressing the silence, Arma continued to speak as if he was talking to himself.

[What she thought of was Recitations. Embracing the idea to create a new type of Recitation, she threw herself into her research. But when her newly-invented Recitation was half-complete, her body had already begun to erode from her illness. While feeling uneasy and afraid, unsure if she had enough time, she met a boy. That encounter literally changed her fate.]

After pausing for a while, as if hesitating to find the right words, Arma continued talking.

[Not long after their encounter, the boy requested a compet.i.tion with her. Or maybe it would be more accurately called a challenge. What they had bet on was— To see who could first master the Recitation they were pursuing.]

"Why did something like that change her fate?"

[Because the girl felt fulfilled. Until then, she had always been lonely. Because she knew her time of death was approaching, she did not a.s.sociate with other people. Then she found someone willing to acknowledge her. Someone to acknowledge her, meaning someone who would remember her. Because of this, she didn’t need to create a Recitation as proof of her existence anymore. After that, the girl’s feelings began to waver.]

Kluele also knew that feeling, to the point of being pained. She also understood why she sympathized with the girl.

Because a few days ago, she had a similar experience herself.

—Kluele-san is definitely suited to becoming a Reciter—

Only because there was someone to acknowledge her, she was able to feel at ease.

[Just like what the boy had done to her, the girl also wanted to become a person who could cure someone’s loneliness. That was the conclusion she arrived at. She wanted to travel across the world, comforting people with the same pain as her. But even if she wanted to do that, she did not have much time left to live. At the same time, she also sincerely wanted to fulfill the promise with the boy of who could master their Recitation first. But no matter what she did, there was no way to accomplish both of those desires. Therefore—]

The talkative creature’s crescent-moon pupils wavered slightly.

[For the sake of accomplishing both, the girl threw away her name.]

Regret. Indecision. Envy. Lamentation. Just how many emotions were mixed together in his eyes? Despite seeing it from up close, Kluele couldn"t tell.

[The so-called Recitation called out the things she longed for. The girl thought, ‘Since it’s like this, could I be called out after I am dead?’ She willingly became the ruler of the Recitation she constructed— in other words, she became the True Spirit.]

Such a thing, is that even possible? It wasn"t something she could immediately believe.

———And yet, why?

The eyes of the speaker seemed like it could compel anyone to believe it…… No, it caused others to have no choice but to believe, filled with an ice-cold yet beautiful sorrow.

"That, was that a story about something that really happened......?"

[Who knows? Perhaps there’s no meaning to it, or perhaps it’s merely a fairy tale…… But……]

The corners of the dragon’s mouth softened slightly. The facial expression wasn’t as clear as that of humans, but Kluele understood. Certainly, that was a smile.

[The roar from before was my farewell gift to the girl.]

That girl? This time, Kluele didn’t ask the question, but instead shut her mouth.

[Well, let’s take care of the chimera. Hold on tight!]

Right now? While carrying me?

Don’t joke around. With your clumsy way of flight, it’s scary enough just flying around, and now to have a battle in the air? No matter how many lives I have, there wouldn"t be enough for this!

[This is a great opportunity to prove that I’m not an ordinary lizard, don’t you think?]

“……Didn’t you hear me? You gigantic Night-colored flying lizard with wings……”

He grinned broadly. But unlike before, the True Spirit had a clearly mischievous smile.

Well then......

From the top of an iron pole, the Night-colored True Spirit surveyed the academy. Flames rose in every direction. The school buildings and other buildings had all suffered damage. In the dark sky overhead, a considerable number of chimeras still remained. How dare those things rampage around this place.

—Please protect this school.

That was that child"sthe Reciter"s wish.

Since the True Spirit had been called out, she had to fulfill her duty. But moreover, there was one more thing. If her personal feelings were to be considered, then that hydra had already committed an unforgivable crime.

Yes. It"s your fault that his arm is broken.

"Even though it"s our first reunion after about ten years, ruining it is a great sin!"

The leaped off the iron pole into the air.

Her voice was filled with anger, but also included a faint feeling of delight.

Part 2

One versus several tens. Although they faced only one opponent, of the original nearly one hundred chimeras, less than half remained. Just when she wanted to confirm the exact number, another one was shot down. Some were knocked down by a sweeping tail, others were batted away by wings. Their overwhelming number didn’t give the chimeras an advantage.

“What is……that?”

It was only a single intruder, a dragon with a midnight-colored appearance. Not counting the hydra, this was Enne’s first time seeing a Recited creature with such a large body. A True Spirit? But what Color is it?

“—Seems like it was in time.”

The close voice made her jump. The voice sounded like it came from directly behind her. It was just between Xins and herself, from a place where their shadows overlapped.

She didn’t reply. Turning her head, she saw a “shadow” the size of a human standing there. Its whole body wasn’t dark like being covered in black paint. Instead, it had a transparent impression and gave off a Night-colored l.u.s.ter. Also, its shape reminded her of the silhouette of a ten-year-old girl.

A True Spirit? It was a First Scale Recitation’s Recited creature, surpa.s.sing things like n.o.ble AriaSecond Scale Recitation’s Will-o’-wispsmall yellow spirit and Salamandessmall red spirit. Those were generally enormous creatures like a dragon, but it was the first time she had seen a True Spirit with a human figure like this.


When the Recited creature suddenly called out her name, her body automatically stiffened.

“It’s already too dangerous here. You should know, right? A fight between True Spirits will turn their surroundings into scorched earth. I don’t know when the sparks will start flying, so take refuge near the first-year school building.”

Her heartbeat became noticeably louder. You should know, right— what did those words mean? This True Spirit spoke as if she seemed to know her.

It was the first time she had seen it. That’s right, this should be the first time she had met the True Spirit. ……But, why did she feel so uneasy?

“Xins and I will draw away the hydra. Those two friends by the first-year school building seem to be getting tired, so you should go help them out.”

The figure of the girl threw at her a leather bag that she had gotten somewhere. As she caught it, a jangling sound rang out from the leather bag. It was filled with catalyst gemstones?

“Now, go.”


The True Spirit seemed to sigh and crossed her arms.

“Enne Revinesia. Your personality of being concerned about everyone still hasn’t changed.”


Forty-first key from the , Focalor
—orbie clar, dremre : Goetia : Focalor—

At that moment, the shadow stretching beneath Enne’s feet swelled. A griffon with wings the color of wet feathers floated up. This is, using my shadow as a catalyst?

“Take her with you. When you arrive, lend your a.s.sistance there.”

[As you wish.]

A low, heavy voice seemed to resound directly into Enne’s head. Nodding, the griffon began to flap its wings.

“W-Why does a True Spirit know my full na-……”

The rest of her words were drowned out by the sound of the griffon’s wings.

Just who are you? Before she received an answer, there was a breath of silence.

The True Spirit’s body that was made of shadow had no eyes or mouth. Her expression couldn’t be read. But strangely, she knew that the True Spirit had winked at her.

“Because I’m your cla.s.smate.”

……What’s that supposed to mean?

The griffon picked her up and left the ground. In the split second that she blinked, it had already flown up three stories high. Xins and the mysterious True Spirit who remained on the ground had become the size of her pinky.

“Hey…… Really, who are you?”

She muttered, unable to be heard by anyone but herself. Even if she shouted, they probably couldn’t hear her. An empty feeling like she had been left behind remained in her heart.

If you’re someone I met long ago—

Long ago, just how far back is that? Definitely before I became a teacher. Then before that… When I was still a student?

She thought back. When she was a student, her dream had been to call out a Pegasus. Zessel and Mirror were also now teaching students about Recitations. They had also achieved the Recitation they wanted during middle school. Xins had also become the Rainbow Color Reciter recognized by everyone.

Many people had achieved their dreams. They had all become Reciters acknowledged by everyone. Their Recitations were accepted by everyone. n.o.body could laugh at their ambitions.

—Speaking of which, hadn’t there been a child who was the complete opposite?

A girl who always sat in a corner of the cla.s.sroom. A single girl not acknowledged by anyone.

But Enne couldn’t remember her name. Only the Recitation she aimed for still remained in Enne’s mind.

Night Color Recitations. The Recited creature that she was riding on was the same color as the sky overhead. Speaking of which, the mysterious knight that had helped her and Xins a while ago was also the same color—

“No way…… Is it you? Hey, is it you———”

Why? Why?!

Although she seemed to call out in midair, the only thing she couldn’t say was the girl’s name.

Night Color Recitations. Moreover, this is a First Scale Recitation, the True Spirit of Night?

Why the girl before his eyes was here, Xins instinctively realized. It didn’t matter who had called her out. As he clenched his teeth at the dull pain that came with every breath, he saw the sudden visitor.

Was this by chance……

The voice of the True Spirit before him was the same as the voice of the girl in his memories. And not just the voice. Her height. Figure. Everything reminded him of the girl. But, how could such a thing happen?

Not even a drop of moisture remained in his parched mouth. Therefore, he couldn’t gulp. Unnoticeably, the pain in his left hand and the noise of his surroundings had faded away.

He felt a strange sensation of floating, as if he had entered into another world.

Just like a world in which only he and the True Spirit before him existed.

“Is your hand okay? It’s fractured, isn’t it?”

All too suddenly, the True Spirit touched his left hand, something that a shadow shouldn’t be able to do. He didn’t consider her to be acting too intimately, because from a long time ago, there was a single person he was this familiar with.

Just one person. In other words, there wasn’t any other person who came to mind. Everything was the same as back then. A nostalgic feeling that he couldn’t put into words filled the crevice in his heart. A crevice that had lasted more than ten years.

“You acted rashly, didn’t you? How unlike you.”

A finger that should have been made of shadow traced over his left hand. There was warmth in that finger. There was no way he could accept everything that was happening before his eyes. But, he simply couldn’t deny that warmth.

“……Is it you?”

Amidst his chaotic emotions, something even he didn’t know emerged. An imperceptible fear and awe. Nostalgia and love. Xins put all of these feelings he couldn’t understand into a word.


“I kept my promise.”

It was unclear which was the front and which was the back of the jet-black figure. But despite that, Xins certainly saw. From inside the Night-colored veil that the girl wore, she smiled teasingly.

“Are you surprised?”

Her simple way of talking resounded in his chest.

……You haven’t changed.

She was just like before. After a long time had pa.s.sed, the girl he knew was in front of him.

The rainbow color that expressed everything wasn’t there, replaced by a single color. She was his only rival, the friend who acknowledged him, and possibly above all else, his companion.

Narrowing his eyes, Xins shook his head.

“I’m already used to you doing things that go against common sense.”

From a distance away, the shaking of the ground drew closer.

Don’t you want an explanation? The girl seemed to say.

“You kept the promise. That’s more than enough……”

The girl turned around. So he wouldn’t see. So he wouldn’t find out. She rubbed her eyes.

“But, I still haven’t seen your Recitation yet.”

The girl turned to face the hydra that gradually drew closer.

“He seems unexpectedly strong. Can you be my backup, Rainbow Color Reciter-san?”

He didn’t answer. Simply nodding once, Xins turned around as his coat fluttered.

[I’ve disposed of most of them.]

Landing on the rooftop, Arma folded his wings. Rather than saying most, it would be more appropriate to call it entirely wiped out. Looking up at the sky, there was only the pale white moonlight and twinkling of the stars.

“……I’ll never accompany you on flying practice again.”

For the sake of dodging the chimeras’ attacks, he had dived down and swooped up, making Kluele lose her breath. As for the number of somersaults the Night-colored lizard did, she had lost count after ten. Because of all that, Kluele felt like her lifespan had shortened. She envied Neight, who had lost consciousness.

“Hey, don’t you need to help over there?”

“You mean the ?”

Shouldn’t this dragon be suitable for fighting against the hydra? The size of their bodies was on par, and he probably wouldn’t lose in terms of strength either. So then why was the True Spirit with the appearance of a girl purposely taking on the monster? That, she didn’t understand.

[Leaving this warm and safe place isn’t an easy thing to do.]

Like always, she didn’t get the point of this Recited creature’s words.

[Those two have already crawled out of their That’s why I’m leaving it to them. There’s no need to worry.]

“Who do you mean by ‘those two’?”

[The girl and the promised boy. Those two have already wasted more than ten years, so it can’t be helped.]

It was useless. Before the lizard had started explaining, he was already in his own world.

Turning away from Arma, Kluele leaned Neight against the railing.

[Someday you will understand as well.]

Kluele turned around at the meaningful words. At the same time, a flash of light burned her eyes. Before she had realized it, the eastern sky had become brighter.

—Dawn was drawing closer.

Part 3

The Night-colored spear that the released pierced the hydra. Letting out an angry roar, the blue head spat out a large amount of water like a sudden rain shower. A second later, it turned into an enormous block of ice. Immediately, the yellow head let out a roar accompanied by lightning.

The red snake spat red-hot breaths at the dodging girl.

——[Blue SongRuguz]——

Just before the flames. .h.i.t the True Spirit of Night, they were blocked by a film of water that Xins called out.

……This is bad.

As far as he could tell, the strengths of the two seemed roughly equal. However, the girl was being pushed around.

The disparity was probably because of the difference in their awareness of the surroundings. The hydra was only thinking of knocking down his opponent. On the other hand, the Night-colored girl was restraining her strength to prevent damage to their surroundings.

Xins, who was watching, had his hands full blocking the attacks directed at the girl from the side. He had no time to go on the offensive with a High n.o.ble AriaFirst Scale Recitation. His catalyst was also running out.

“Is this the last Recitation……?”

Five jewels rolled in his palm. Five colors, a bit of every Recitation. Should he call out five small spirits with a n.o.ble AriaSecond Scale Recitation and go on the offensive? Or should he respond like before by defending against the hydra’s attacks? These weren’t the best options, but the only two left after eliminating all the other choices.

That’s right, he had to pick one of these options.

It should be like that, but why did he feel a sense of loathing……?

He held onto the five gems, not letting go. Somewhere, a part of himself stubbornly refused.

—I still haven’t seen your Recitation yet—

The girl’s words repeated over and over in his mind.

Your Recitation. Your……

What is my Recitation?

No…… Deep down, he understood. Even he himself knew. He was the Reciter able to use all five colors. If a master Reciter of each color a.s.sembled here, there wouldn’t be much difference.

That would be different from “Xins Airwincle’s Recitation”.

"Xins, let’s keep working hard. We can’t give up at the very end."

In these ten years, Enne’s heart had become stronger.

"After seeing Kluele-san’s Recitation today…… I thought that I should reconsider a bit…… Kluele-san seemed to be having so much fun. Therefore, I thought that I also want to have fun while Reciting."

The young Reciter reconsidered his way of life.

The Night-colored girl was like that. After throwing away everything, she ended up here.

How was he compared to her? Does the fact that he was still the same as before, mean that he hadn’t advanced since that time?

……Could I be the one who was hiding in my sh.e.l.l all this time?

In the setting sun, the place was illuminated by the spotlight from the recital— He searched for the scenery of an unchanging school.

He had continued to deceive himself that he hadn’t changed, relying on his memories of the past.

……Admit it already. The times that he remembered won’t come back. Accept it. Time won’t flow backwards.

“Evhemary, I might not be the Xins you know anymore.”

He couldn’t discard his memories of the past. But even so, he had to change.

If that hydra could use five colors at once in its excitement, he should be able to do it as well. That venomous thing was only haphazardly mixing the five colors together.

That day, at that time. The Rainbow Color he had promised Evhemary wasn’t something like that.

His oath hadn’t been fulfilled yet. I still haven’t shown you the true Rainbow Color Recitations.

—Idiot. You were so late to realize it—

The wind carried along the girl’s voice. In this battle that was frozen at a stalemate, being distracted for a single instant could be fatal. But even so— even though the opponent was an unprecedented monster, the promised girl looked only at him.

Now, what to Recite?

He asked himself. Hesitation was unforgivable. He understood that there would be no return if he stumbled into the maze of hesitation a second time. Can I really do it? Will what I Recite really overcome this situation? His self of the past questioned him.

—But it’s alright now…… The me of right now is able to cast aside everything.

He closed his eyes. He didn’t need a OratorioSong of Praise. What he was Reciting was himself. A mirror that reflected his true self. It took the form of his inner thoughts. It will be fine if I call out that.

—That’s right, he finally understood what was truly important. He had remembered.

A ring of light formed in his right hand. Closing his eyelids, he could feel on his pupils the radiance growing in his right hand. Rainbow-colored sparkles. Brighter than starlight, more elegant than moonlight.

The gemstones fell from his hand, and he felt something Rainbow-colored be born in his right hand.


In response to Xins’s shout, the snapped the fingers of her right hand.

Underneath the monster’s feet, the hydra’s own shadow entwined itself around the real body. It wasn’t an offensive or defensive maneuver, but simply for restraining. The hydra tried to slip out, but the five necks were all tightly bound. Although they had been struggling until now, the spell did not break.

The True Spirit of Night and the five-headed monster were equally powerful. But if her opponent’s movements were sealed, but if there was no need to worry about damaging their surroundings, the girl could also fight with all of her strength.

“……Or perhaps the one who called you out was me.”

In the very beginning. The first thing was that he had touched the located in this school.

Unleashing five colors at the same time— the hydra in which five colors independently existed.

In other words, it was the false “Rainbow Color” he had boasted about in the past.

—That is why I won’t hesitate anymore.

Aiming at the monster before his eyes, Xins threw the gems he was gripping in his right hand.

It was simply a rapid stream of light, without shape or form. A light shining with the seven colors of the rainbow. All of the colors equally and harmoniously mixed together, into a color in a different dimension from the five Recitation Colors.

The flow of light was like a spear that pierced the hydra. The spear shot through the hydra’s body and flew out into the jet-black night. In the instant when it penetrated the infinitely wide black sea.

Black clouds split apart, giving rise to a radiance like the birth of a new world.

The whole world was enveloped in a flood of light, rainbow light that seemed to spread like what was foretold in the gospel—

Around the world, everyone closed their eyes at the dazzling light. It wasn’t simply because of the brightness. Everyone who saw the radiance realized that it wasn’t a blessing for them.

The light was only truly illuminating a single person.

It was for the sake of a girl who hadn’t basked in the sun even once.

“……Thank you.”

Only one person in the world, the Night-colored girl, continued to gaze at the light for eternity.

Part 4

“……Is it over?”

When the radiance had finally ended, Kluele timidly opened her eyes.

The hydramonster’s figure had disappeared, as if it had never existed in the first place.

[It seems that it was skillfully sent back. Because it was originally an irregular existence, we shouldn’t worry about what happened to it afterward.]

Because the crisis was over for now, Kluele breathed out in relief, and turned her eyes to the boy who had fallen asleep with his back leaning against the railings on the roof. Although there had been such a commotion, he had a peaceful look on his face.

“And so, you should turn small as well. It’s tiring to have to look up at you.”

[It’s too troublesome. I’m fine staying like this.]

“Staying like this……”

After it had become dawn, support troops had come. If he continued to stay this enormous, he would undoubtedly cause a fuss.

[It’s fine. Before they catch a glimpse of me, I will have also disappeared.]

Disappear? No way, you—

She received no response. Keeping his mouth shut, Arma averted his eyes. More than anything, that gesture confirmed her premonition. ……Well, it can’t be helped.

“Fine. But I’ll stay with you until then.”

[……Don’t expect any thanks from me.]

As if he was embarra.s.sed, the True Spirit of Night turned his head away as he said that.

Gradually, the starlight in the eastern sky was concealed by the bright sun.

On the roof of the first-year school building.

Although she had come many times before, it was her first time spending the night here.

[It’s almost time……]

The lizard resting on her knees muttered. Before the sky had brightened, the Recited creature had already returned to the size that Kluele was used to.

“Is this farewell?”

[When a True Spirit completes its goal, it disappears. Even I have to follow such a rule.]

From the way he spoke, Kluele realized. This Recited creature had surely chosen to leave Neight of his own free will.

“Do you have anything you want to convey to Neight?”

[I have nothing that I want to convey. Although there are things I want to say, I can’t say them now.]

“I see.”

[I didn’t expect you to accept it that easily.]

Since Arma seemed to be playing dumb, Kluele replied in an ambiguous tone of voice.

“I just somehow understood.”

[……Well, that’s how it is.]

Seeming embarra.s.sed, he flapped his wings as if he was escaping.

“Hey, you Night-colored flying lizard.”

[……That again, even at the very end?]

Stopping the movement of his wings, the lizard that was called turned around. At his amazed voice, Kluele winked.

“Like that, you won’t forget me, right? The girl who called you a lizard until the very end.”

After a second of silence.

[What a clever idea. But there’s no meaning to it.]

Flapping his wings, his body rose into the air.

[Even without such a thing…… I won’t forget you.]

Leaving behind those words, the Night-colored Recited creature flew away.

“I wanted to talk with you for a bit longer…”

On the roof of the fourth-year school building, a coat flapped in the wind.

“I’m only accompanying you because it’s our reunion after so many days. Don’t you think that if we were to meet every day, there would be nothing to talk about?”

You’re still saying that even at the very end? Raising the collar of his coat, Xins secretly smiled.

“Even like that, I think we wouldn’t run out of topics to talk about.”

“Wouldn’t we?”

Gazing at the sun rising above the horizon, the shadow in the figure of a girl tilted its head.

For a little while, there was silence. Although they were about to part, he couldn’t find any words to say.

The sound of someone’s flapping wings broke the silence.


The Night-colored lizard landed on the shoulder of the same-colored girl.

“Thanks, for a variety of things.”

[It wasn’t much. Anyways, it’s about time.]

After those words, the lizard’s figure was the first to disappear.

In the sunlight, the figure of the shadow-colored girl was the next to fade.

Even though it was the very end, the girl’s mouth was firmly shut. Why was she……

—I see.

Xins finally understood the girl’s intentions. She was waiting. Waiting for him to speak first.

……Really, you have such a bad habit. But it was also the same back then. In the cla.s.sroom at twilight, when we made the promise, I was always the one speaking.

“Hey, Evhemary.”

Silently, the girl waited for him to continue.

“I wonder if we’ll see each other again.”

“Someday, when Neight becomes capable of using First Scale Recitations.”

Gradually, the girl’s figure faded away. It melted in the sunlight, becoming faint. Both of her hands disappeared, the lower half of her body disappeared, and in the last moment before her whole body disappeared, the girl spoke teasingly.

“But I don’t know. Let’s think of this time as getting lucky. His one in a hundred chance came during the first time, that’s all. This may be the first and last time.”

The morning glow signifying the start of a new day approached.

She teased him even until the end. Before he could reply, the True Spirit that should have been before his eyes seemed to have completely faded.

But instead.

“I wonder why? Maybe I just want to tease you.”

The shadow-colored True Spirit disappeared, and there stood a girl with the same figure and voice; a girl who hadn’t changed at all since that time.

There stood the girl who had been crying in the cla.s.sroom at that time.

The girl he remembered.

The one difference was— the girl here right now was smiling.


“Bye bye, Xins. ……I’m sorry, I couldn’t say it even at the very end. I lo—”

The dawn shone behind her back. The girl tried to speak her last words.

Along with her words, she reached out her hands as if seeking for an embrace—

But— their bodies did not meet.

Before that, the girl became particles of the dawn’s light and faded away.

“……I don’t mind.”

Looking up at the sky, Xins hummed to himself. I don’t mind. I don’t need a goodbye.

“Because I will surely meet you again somewhere.”

The Rainbow Color Reciter looked at the place where the girl had stood.

Forever and ever, he hummed a Rainbow-colored song without lyrics or a melody.

He hoped that it would reach the girl who was somewhere far away.

Awarded Play: Dawn-Colored Song User


The school after a few days.

Looking out the window, the scenery still retained painful-looking scars from the events of a few days ago.

On the morning of the next day after that incident, in the bas.e.m.e.nt of the resources center that should have been forbidden to enter, the finding of a student who had lost consciousness resolved the situation.

The student seemed to confess to the majority of the incident, and was now transferred to a criminal inst.i.tution and receiving a formal interrogation. Thanks to the leadership of the Rainbow Color Reciter and the efforts of every teacher, the fact that there were no deaths was a piece of good luck among the misfortune.

“……But, that isn’t really something to smile at.”

Although there were no casualties, the one among the injured who most resembled the dead was herself.

Her left shoulder was very tightly wrapped in a bandage to the point of feeling uncomfortable. Touching the rock-solid knot with the fingertips of her right hand, Kluele heaved a large sigh. ……Really, how troublesome. Although the long-awaited summer vacation would start tomorrow, with this injury, she couldn’t play around.

The school seemed like it would use the long summer vacation to do repairs. Because of that, summer vacation began slightly earlier. Today was the last day before summer break that they needed to attend school, and was the closing ceremony.

“Kluele, good morning. You’re early today. What happened to morning practice?”

The tanned girl poked at the bandage.

“……Are you serious?”

“No, just saying.”

With a laugh, Ada jokingly ran away. The surprising thing was, like her other cla.s.smates, she didn’t receive much of a shock from the incident. Well, most of the students had immediately taken refuge in the first-year school building, so that could be the reason.

“Kluele, long time no see!”

“’Morning, Mio.”

It seemed that this girl hadn’t changed either.

“That’s right, listen! My dress from that time, when I went home and looked at it, there was a really huge hole in the knee. And even though I’d only worn it once…”

“As for me, my dress got stained with blood. ……Want to see?”

“Um…… No, I don’t need to see.”

Mio, who had unwisely imagined it, grimaced. But although the idle chatting had ended, the girl suddenly peered at Kluele’s face.

“—By the way, Kluele.”

“What is it? You seem so serious…”

“Although I was on the rooftop at that time, it was amazing. I saw the PhoenixDivine Bird of Dawn!”

“……Ehh. Isn"t that great for you then."

Although she tried to respond as calmly as she could, Kluele couldn’t help but avert her face.

“I mean, listen. That time, there was even a girl riding on it!”

“It was amazing, was it? I wish I’d seen it too.”

Imperceptibly, an evil look appeared in the girl’s eyes.

“……And, there was a bandage wrapped around that girl’s left shoulder.”

“Bandage? Maybe she was also injured?”

“She wore a white dress—”

“Mine was stained with blood, so it wasn’t white.”

“……I see.”

Noisily getting up from her chair, Mio smiled evilly while looking down.

“Kluele-san, do you insist on playing dumb?”

“What do you mean?”

That seemed to be the limit. Suddenly, Mio grabbed Kluele’s uniform and shook her back and forth.

“Wa-Wait! I’m still injured……”

“Aaah, that’s enough, stop it! Confess everything! What happened?!”

“W-Well, let’s talk later when I have more time.”

Seizing the opportunity, Kluele stood up from her seat. If the clock in the cla.s.sroom was right, there were still ten minutes until the closing ceremony would start.

“Ah, where are you running away to!”

“I have some things to do. If I don’t hurry, I won’t make it in time for the closing ceremony.”

Carrying a paper bag in her right hand, Kluele sneaked out of the cla.s.sroom.

She went from the third floor to the fourth floor. From the fourth floor, the stairs leading up were barricaded by a rope with a sign hanging from it that prohibited entry. Because the railings of the rooftop had been damaged, students were prohibited from entering until it had been fixed.

Ducking under the rope, Kluele went up to the roof. She opened the door leading to the rooftop. Just when she opened the door, the rising sun blinded her. She shaded her eyes with a hand to dim the sun’s light and walked slowly along the roof.

“Like I thought, you’re here.”


The short boy with a still young-looking face gazed up at the sky with an empty look.

“Only your bag was in the cla.s.s, so I wondered where you were.”

“I just…… wanted to be lost in thought for a moment.”

“Thinking about something?”


Once again, the boy looked up at the sky.

“When I wake up, I don’t use an alarm clock. Arma doesn’t sleep, so he wakes me up every day…… But yesterday and the day before yesterday, Arma, who should have always been by my side, wasn’t there…… Kluele-san…… Did Arma really disappear?”

That voice sounded hoa.r.s.e, and at the same time, like it was crying.

“That’s right. Arma and the True Spirit you called out, both went back.”

Still with the posture of looking up at the sky, Neight closed his eyes.

After the True Spirit had completed its duty, it had disappeared. This young Reciter should have also known this. He had made the choice after acknowledging the fact. But it was still unbearable. It was so painful that it felt like his thoughts would tear apart his chest.

“I have nothing that I want to convey. Although there are things I want to say, I can’t say them now.”

At her quick speech, the boy before her opened his eyes, surprised.


“It’s a message from that lizard, addressed to you.”

“—Is there anything else?”

“Nope. That’s all.”

The dancing breeze overhead caused the unmoving Neight’s hair to sway.

“Do you get the meaning?”

With a completely confused face, the boy shook his head from side to side. Now then, what should she say? She thought about it for a few seconds. Instead of telling him the answer, Kluele held out the paper bag that had been waiting in her right hand.

“I’ll give this to you.”

“Eh…… T-To me?”

“There’s n.o.body else here but you.”

With a small smile, she forcefully placed the paper bag into the hands of her companion who acted as reserved as always.

You can open it, her gaze encouraged. From within the bag, the boy took out a cloak. At first glance it looked like a coat with a hood, but made to be looser.

“This— Is it a robe?!”

“It’s a present. Because your robe had become fairly dirty.”

A little bit of radiance returned to the grieving boy’s eyes.

“Thank you very much! ……Although it’s quite extravagant, isn’t it?”

It was a white-blue color. Kluele had chosen a pale blue color reminiscent of the dawn sky. Its vividness couldn’t be compared to the deep blue one he wore right now.

“Something this much is fine.”

Sure enough, the boy seemed embarra.s.sed to suddenly wear something of this color. But there was a reason why she chose this.

“Night Color Recitations are naturally a dark color, so I think wearing a refreshing color makes a pretty contrast— When someday, that Night-colored flying lizard rides on your shoulder again.”


Shocked, with the robe still waiting in his hands, Neight let out a sigh. Leaning her back against the railing, Kluele gently brushed Neight’s forehead with her fingertips.

“Although there are things I want to say, I can’t say them now. That was his message, right? In that case, you should call out that lizard again and listen to the things he wanted to say. If you don’t, you can’t help but be worried.”

“I should call out Arma….. again……?”

Slowly, as if like a baby, the boy repeated her words.

“The one who first called that guy out was your mother, right? This time, you should call him out yourself.”

The things that he wanted to say were as much as a mountain, and he couldn’t rely on people to pa.s.s on all those messages.

Therefore, for the sake of allowing him to say them, he would be called out once again.

‘The truth is, I just want to see him again’, but that perverse lizard would never directly say such a thing.

As evidence, that Night-colored flying lizard didn’t say anything similar to “goodbye” even until the very end.

“—Kluele-san, may I try this on?”

He put on the dawn-colored robe over his uniform. Although it was his first time wearing it, he felt a familiar feeling like he had worn the robe for many years already. With regards to both the material and the color, what a wonderful robe it was.

“Yeah. Not too bad. It suits you!”

At the moment when he wanted to express his grat.i.tude once again to the girl who sounded satisfied.

—It’s still slightly too big for you—

Was that a trick of the wind?

It was a voice that sounded like it was teasing, but was also familiar.

“……What’s wrong?”

“N-No, it’s nothing.”

Excitedly, Neight waved his hand. It seemed that only he had heard it.

Suddenly. This time it was real; the clear sound of the bell rang out. It was time for homeroom to start. In today’s case, it was a bell signaling the start of the closing ceremony.

“Well, let’s go, Neight.”

After saying that, the girl walked in the direction of the stairs. Nodding, Neight followed after her.

I see. That’s right.

Wait for me.

Wait for me, Arma. And you too, Mother.

Someday, definitely someday.

I will meet you two again.

“Hurry up, Neight, hurry up. The closing ceremony will start soon!”

The girl who descended the stairs one step in front of him raised her voice.

“Ah, I’m coming!”

Without looking back, Neight ran down from the roof.

It’s okay to not look back, right?

Because I will definitely meet you again!

On the empty rooftop.

—Arma, what’s wrong? You have a displeased look in your eyes—

—That little girl……—

—What’s wrong with Kluele-san? —

—My name certainly isn’t ‘that Night-colored flying lizard’……—

That faint murmur was not heard by anyone.

However, it was certainly carried over by the dawn-colored wind.


Afterword by Sazane Kei

No matter how closely you look at it, I seem like I’m singing a storyshowing off my tone of voice. Has it already been four years since I took on this pen name and started submitting my works?[1] I’ve thought up many stories during this time, and the fact that I can show everyone a work like this— Once again it makes me feel the meaning and mysterious power behind my name.

Nice to meet you, my name is Sazane Kei. Thank you very much for reading my work ‘Evhe Smiles at Dawn’.

Was it boring or interesting? Unsatisfactory or satisfying? I think there will be a variety of thoughts from everyone who has read it.

It reminds me of books and music.

I sometimes think there is nothing that divides people’s interests as much as those two. A friend may not be able to appreciate the music I like and I may not be able to appreciate the books that my friend recommends me. Everyone has probably experienced that at least once. (For me who is very picky, that is sadly an everyday occurrence.)

There isn’t an ultimate music that will be praised by everyone, nor is there an ultimate book. But because of that, there can be as many new books and pieces of music created as the number of people in this world. That’s how I feel.

……That’s right, there is surely no work that can be accepted by every single person. After all, everyone perceives things differently and this difference is what makes things amazing.

But even while I think like that—

I hope that this work can bring pleasure to many people, or even one person— The fact that I wish for this from the bottom of my heart is also an honest truth. ‘I’m glad I read this book.’ To this day, it’s been my dream to make someone think that.

And in the process of heading towards that dream, I have been supported by a great number of people.

Those who read over my rough draft. Everyone in the Fujimi editorial department who allowed my work to enter the final round.[2] And finally, the judges who chose my work as the honorable mention in the final round.

When I was revising the ma.n.u.script after winning the award, I was tru

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