1st Play: The Beat of the Unknown SongPart 1

Along the continent"s border was a single specialist school. It was a huge school with a headcount of several thousand students ーーーTremia Academy. In one corner of the enormous ground the school possessed, inside one of the rooms of the girls dormitoryーーー

"Kululu, I"m done over here!"

From the direction of the living room an absolutely cheerful voice rang out.

"Oh? You are already done?"

Resting her hand from polishing the kitchen sink, Kluele Sophi Net turned her head towards the voice and replied.

"Ehehe, it was quick and easy"

All of a sudden a childish looking girl showed her face from the living room. It was her friend Mio Lentear who had wavy blond hair and a childish face that looked 2 or 3 years younger than her actual age.

"All right, I"ll also help you out!"

While holding a drenched washcloth, Mio vigorously ran over.

"Ah, stop! Don"t swing the washcloth around!"

"Eh? Ah!"

Mio abruptly stopped in a panic but it was already too late.

Oh no... Even though after all that work I should have cleaned the inside of the room, the water from the washcloth is completely scattered all over.

"Kululu, I"m sorry"

"No no, don"t worry it"s fine."

With a downhearted look, Mio"s shoulders dropped. Kluele smiled at that figure and waved her hands.

There was one day left of summer vacation. Today they were doing a major cleaning in preparation for the new school term that started tomorrow. Kluele and Mio had promised to meet up in the school grounds with the kids from cla.s.s for a summer homework review session. Up until the agreed upon time, Mio promised to be her helper.

"Leaving that aside why don"t we take a small break. You"ve been helping me clean this entire time after all."

Just inside the front door was the kitchen and bathroom. In-between was a small living room and small bedroom. Even though it was a small one person bedroom that felt suffocating with two people in it, as expected it would take a while to clean with only one person. Like this if Mio hadn"t come it would have probably taken all day.

"hmm~..., then how about."

Letting go of the washcloth, Mio stared into s.p.a.ce for several seconds. It seems she was thinking about something.

"Kululu, how about I go to the school store and buy juice and snacks?"

"Ah, should I ask you to please do that I wonder?"

Since starting cleaning this morning they had worked through lunch without stopping. It was a good time for a break.

"Understood. Then I"ll see you in a bit."

With her wallet in one hand, Mio dashed to the door. Seeing her offーー

*Sigh*. Until Mio returns I"ll rest as well .

Rubbing away the sweat on her forehead, Kluele sat at the table in the living room. A gentle breeze blew in from the window and swung the curtains. It felt good on her sweaty body.

ーーAlready summer break is ending.

"......Recitations huh?"

All the students who attended this school had the goal of learning the technique called Recitations. It was a summoning technique to call out the things you wanted that were imagined in the heart. The process of the technique was to sing praise to the summoning target"s name. In other words this was the thing called Recitations.

"Somehow it"s mysterious."

Summoning the thing I imagine, at a glance recitations look like such a brilliant technique. But, not everything in school life is rose colored.

The disaster at the concours just before summer break. Just when she thought that her injuries from then were healed she got involved with enigmatic recited creatures causing turmoil at the research inst.i.tute while at summer camp .

After that situation was settled in the middle of summer, she thought about returning home. But there was one person living in the boy"s dorm, the night color boy, that she was unintentionally worried about. In the end she didn"t return home. Thanks to that this summer was steeped with accompanying him in practicing recitations everyday. Though she was princ.i.p.ally watching from the shadows.

"But... it was by no means unpleasant right?"

The words she spoke were as if she was asking herself a question.

Even though just this last January she was that indecisive at the recital school"s guidance counseling.

I wonder the thing that has grown so big within me. Just what is it I wonder?"


The summer camp incident.

No, before that... As I thought did it grow bigger when I met you?

A shy person is a very shy person, that night color boy. Yet if I said this in front of his face, he"d probably deny it with a bright red face.

"Mio is bad with jokes to an amusing level after all"

Remembering his figure facing away bashfully, Kluele laughed.

Altogether not every memory was a good one. But, even the undesirable ones drew them together little by little. She felt like her connection with recitations had grown deeper as well. ーーI wonder, have I come to like recitations?

She stared vacantly at both her palms.

No, it"s not just like. Lately her reciting condition was frighteningly good. She had realized this just a little bit before summer camp hadn"t she? No matter how sleepy or bad shape she was in, as soon as she started constructing the recital image in her head it no longer bothered her.

As if she was calmly cut off from the flow of time, it was a feeling of super creativity. When she was reciting it felt as if she was in a separate universe.

But, I wonder how it is for other people.

It was embarra.s.sing to ask about it and she unintentionally missed her chance to ask. Maybe I should be courageous and ask Neight next time.

"Well... regardless of that, this is the real problem isn"t it."

Stacked on the table was a mountain of exercise books.

It was the homework handed out in the middle of summer vacation. Incidentally 90% hadn"t been started yet. Even though it didn"t look like it each one took great effort.……I did them but, as I thought unreasonable things are unreasonable.

"As expected, I have no choice but to borrow Mio-sensei"s strength don"t I?"


On an expensive deep crimson carpet sat a luxurious leather sofa. Installed on the wall were wooden shelves that had all the awards the student"s had acquired up until now lined up.

Tremia Academy, headmaster"s office.

"It"s about time isn"t it?"

Glancing at the grandfather clock in the corner, head teacher Jessica opened her mouth.

"Well, it"ll be fun won"t it."

Along with the background noise, headmaster Zea Lordfill crossed his arms and stared at the student data on his desk.

At almost the same time a *Ton* knock sound rang out.

"Excuse me"

Along with a powerful and pleasant voice, a gla.s.ses wearing uniformed male student entered. Three blue lines were attached at the collar. In other words this was the proof that he was a 3rd year specializing in 『BlueRuguz』


One characteristic of recitations is this color coding.  From within the 7 foundational prismatic colors, 4 are used. Add in white and you get 5 colors. The students can pick any of these 5 colors for themselves to specialize in. Their objective is to call forth objects of the same color.

"Fernando-kun, sorry for suddenly summoning you.

"No, it"s not particularly a problem."

With an overly serious expression the student shook his head. Rather than too serious, maybe nervous would be the better way to put it?

"Since it"s your precious summer vacation, let"s keep this brief"

The doc.u.ments on top the desk were lifted up as if to show him as well.

ーThey were the letters of recommendation from the teachers.

"I saw your recital at the Concours. The appearance and technique of your large knight ice sculpture recital were at a very high level. The same goes for your paper test grades. Both your homeroom teacher and the 3rd year 『BlueRuguz』supervising teacher Mirror gave high evaluations of you.

Fernando ReibaーーThe student report from the supervising teacher said that he was always calm and collected, an exemplary student. As for his paper tests, he had several times had his name lined up alongside the top 12 seniors.

"Is that so, thank you very much."

Did his nervousness go away? The male student showed a gentle expression appropriate for his age.

"Accordingly at the opening ceremony the day after tomorrow, I"d like you to express your aspirations as the third year representative. I apologize the abruptness but this is a result of us having just barely finished racing to make our student selection."

"You want me?"

"You can"t do it?"

"No, please let me do it!"

His face pulling tight, the student fixed his posture.

"By the way, I wonder what is your current aspiration?

There was a somewhat hesitant pause in between with regards to head teacher Jessica"s question.

"Currently it"s to be able to perform a n.o.ble AriaSecond Scale Recitation"

Specifically every color had small existences belonging to it. If a student were to acquire one before graduating from the recital school then afterwards he would surrounded by many scouts after him.

"Good. Then I"ll request you go in that direction"

"Yes, well then."

The student began to exit.

"Ah, that"s right. Fernando-kun, I wonder if you have a little more time?"

Confirming that the feet had stopped, Zea uncrossed the arms that had been folded this entire time. He pointed at a painting that decorated the wall. It a painting covered in a deep blue paint that was far from fine arts.

"It"s just that I want to see your recital. I don"t mind if you use that painting as a catalyst. It"s especially suited for your『BlueRuguz』major right?" As for what you should recite out, I know, a small blue flower would be fine."

Catalysts are an indispensable tool for conducting recitals. Blue flowers, green leaves, and the like, the human perceptible color"s ident.i.ty was a visible wave of light. Recitations are a technique that use catalysts of the same color as their visible light to summon that which was imagined in the heart.

"Eh? A blue flower you said. Umm, is that really ok?

Did he think we were making light of him? His expression was frankly disappointed. If I look at it, it is his long awaited chance. He probably thought this was his best opportunity to appeal his strength to me as the school headmaster.

"Well, first give it a try and see."


While doing as he was told he touched the painting. He closed his eyes and entered the image construction phase.

Moreover several dozen seconds pa.s.sed, he murmured lightly.

『Blue SongRuguz』

They were the recital"s completion words, however, from those words nothing was born.

"...This is"

"Did you realize it?"

The student turned with a bitter smile towards the old man who asked the question.

"No, I completely forgot that was a possibility. This picture is a crime isn"t it."

Indispensable to the process of recitations, a catalyst of the same colored as the summoned things was required to open the ChannelRecital Gate. However, within that existed one trap.

Compared to the ease of opening the recital gate the first time, once it closed it was firmly locked.

For example after using a red paper to recite a red flower, if you used the same paper to call out another flower the degree of difficulty would immediately jump up. An expert was required to force open the ChannelRecital Gate for a OratorioSong of Praise. Furthermore a Prime AriaThird Scale Recitation was the limit of what could be done.

That being the case, switching out the catalyst each time for a new one was more reliable and faster too. In order for reciters to become skillful they would usually carry around large quant.i.ties of materials for creating their own catalysts. For the reason that if you compounded your own catalyst then no one else could have used that catalyst before you.

Consumer"s crime ーー It had the meaning of being the person who used the catalyst second. The painting Zea pointed at had been used for reciting numerous times. It was already a goods that had the ChannelRecital gate tightly closed to an atrocious degree of difficultly.

"Would you like to challenge singing the one more time?"

Implicitly he indicated that it was fine to abstain. However, by touching the blue painting, the student announced his stout-heartedness.

"……Let me challenge this one more time."

The flowed in the room.

Several minutes laterーー

"This is... my limit."

What he handed over with a fatigued expression was glittering blue ice fragments.

They were tiny, inanimate, and also in an imperfect condition. If the middle school students saw it they might have laughed from the shadows.

But even then his recital was more than enough to be praiseworthy.

"I"ll speak frankly Fernando-kun. You are an even more superior student than I thought.

There was no lie in those words. It had been a long time since Zea had witnessed a student succeeding in using this painting as a catalyst.


There wasn"t any power in his voice, did he concentrate too hard?

"No, it was truly magnificent. I"m looking forward to your efforts from here on out."

"Thank you very much. Well then, excuse me."

After a bow, the student left the room. They waited till his footsteps could no longer be heard in the hallway.

"So, what do you think?"

Zea turned towards his back and asked.

The school headmaster"s room extended into a small archive. The archive door opened and several teachers showed themselves.

"As the teacher of the BlueRuguz seniors, that student has a thoroughly promising foundation. I think it would be fine to antic.i.p.ate seeing a Second Scale Recitation at next year"s recital .

Wearing blue research clothes, the too serious teacher saved his gla.s.ses from the tip of his nose with a practiced action.

His neighbor was a teacher wearing a gaudy warm colored shirt with large patterns. This teacher scratched his head with a carefree appearance.

"Umm, Fernando-kun was it? No it"s just as Mirror said he is an excellent student. For him to be at that level as a third year is great. Right Enne?"

"Zessel...... Do something about those clothes! Mirror too, it seems lately like you"ve only been wearing those clothes."

With a disgusted expression face the female teacher called out both of their garments. She had a slim body wearing a white one peice dress without a single wrinkle.


Both teacher"s looked at there clothes. A little while laterーー

『I"m very pleased with him.』

In one voice as if they had prearranged it the male teacher duo spoke.

"……It"s only times like this that you are perfectly in sync isn"t it?

With a sigh mixed in, Enne shook her head.

"I"m never bored watching the two of you."

An astonished laugh slipped out of Head teacher Jessica unintentionally.

"Hrmm. In any case it looks like we are all in agreement about that third year student having a promising future. Butーー"

Zea slowly shifted his line of sight. Standing one step away from the three teachers, there was a woman wearing a leaf green suit.

"Kate-kun, your story is trustworthy right?"

"Umm..., That……I don"t have any proof myself. After all I was knocked out at that time."

Nervously the first year homeroom teacher gave an unreliable answer. She hung her head in shame. Her blond hair glittered in the sunlight as it quietly shook.

ーーYes, this time on top of his desk there were two student reports.

One was of the top third year student. An honor student with top cla.s.s recital technique and paper test results.

The other one was a certain first year female student. According to the records her recital technique at the Concours was about average. Amongst the first years exam results it would probably be easier to find her starting from the bottom, that kind of girl.


"Headmaster, If you see that child"s recital you"ll be so surprised you won"t be able to stand up."

"That recited creature. It"s a little unbelievable."

both teachers Zessel and Enne said those words.

It was about what happened over summer break at the seaside school. Without a single person becoming aware, a incident occurred at certain research inst.i.tute. What the girl who had been in high school for only half a year called out that time wasーー

"I can"t suddenly believe it but, if by some chance that story is true...."

Cutting off his words halfway, he stared at the student"s photo on the desk. It was the student"s enrollment photo. It was of a a girl with scarlet hair sitting down with a somewhat nervous expression.

ーーThis girl couldn"t have surpa.s.sed every student in my school, right?

"Kate-kun, this female student is living in the student dorms isn"t she?"


Now then, is this child currently in the dormitory?

The end summer vacation is close. It"s about the right time for the students to be returning to the dorm. If so then it is highly likely that this female student is already in the dormitory.

"Jessica, for the present please call the supervising teacher for the first year cla.s.s to our meeting here. Kate-kun will you find out whether or not your student is in the female dormitory?"

Part 2

200 meters in straight in front of Tremia Academy"s main gate was a huge lawn that spread out. There was a small white fountain in front of the benches for resting that looked pretty against the green. Whether during lunch break or holiday, regardless of season, it was a popular place with the students.

Sitting down sluggishly on the green carpet, Mio"s hair fluttered in the gentle breeze.

Kluele looked at her and multiple students surrounding her who were exchanging were going back. She absentmindedly watched the back and forth exchange between Mio and the student"s surrounding her.

"Yes, this is 『Language a.n.a.lysis』right? It starts on page 20 of the Serafeno Musical Language publication. And, umm this is 『Catalyst Epistemology』isn"t it? The deductive inquiry is closer to the end."

Mio pulled one ma.s.sive notebook after another from her bag and placed them on the lawn.

『Oooh! You saved us! Thank you Mio!』

The ones reaching out their hands as if jumping at the notes were the tall black haired girl and the suntanned boyish girl.

"Oh my! Benevolent Mio-sama! If Mio wasn"t here we"d be at the point our school credits would be destroyed. But, looking at these notebooks there"s about half of it that I don"t understand."

Staring at the notes with a tortured expression, the suntanned girl ーー Ada in a serious sort of way stuck out her chest.

"Noーthat was dangerous. I"ll treat you to something in the cafeteria as thanks."

While Ada murmured and nodded, the tall black haired girl lively struck Mio"s shoulder. This person was Serges. Ada was a WhiteArzus major and Serges was a YellowSurisuz major. They were school friends in the same cla.s.s as Kluele who studied together.

"Really? I think a parfait would be nice!"

Her grinning face brightened.

"Ah, err Mio-san"

The young boy, who had been watching intently the whole time, spoke in a subdued voice. A boy with night colored hair and night colored eyesーーNeight Yehlemihas. He transferred into this high school at the age of 13 instead of the usual 16. A boy studying the heretical night colored recitations.

His overall impression was very young, with regards to recitations his att.i.tude was straightforward to the degree it could be called pure white. Kluele thought at times that it was dazzling.

"Will you please look at this?"

Hugging his notebook tightly. he stared at the girl in front of him in a pet.i.tioning way.

"Aah, Neight-kun has a history report don"t you. Sure I"ll take a look, so lend me your notebook for a moment."

"Ye-, yes. Thank you very much. This is my first report after all."

"It"s fine it"s fine. Leaving that aside, Neight-kun eat some candy~, I bought way too much."

While she was saying so, Mio was stuffing her face with the candy spread widely atop the plaza.

......Mio, you are such a kid.

Having taken a look at the situation, Kluele stealthily wiped the sweat from shock.

Mio, what a terrifying child you are.

Without neglecting her own major"s lectures, in her spare time she would complete the other major"s homework. She received perfect scores in all of the general recitation fields which of course including her own major 『GreenBeorc』. Being that studying and reading were hobbies she didn"t shy away from, her knowledge of theory was by no means half-a.s.sed.

Even with regards to Neight"s report it was so. Without giving her candy eating hand a rest, her eyes moved with incredible vigor pursuing line after line of words. Furthermore her expression was consistently smiling in admiration.

"Neight-kun, it would probably be best if you fixed this expression a bit~."

"Eh... Ah, that"s true! You"re right, I"ll go fix it.

ーーGeez, she"s an oddball who"s gone beyond amazing.

Kluele watched the exchange with tepid eyes.

"By the way, Kluele?"

Ada poked her shoulder with her fingertip.

"Hmm, what"s up?"

"No, I was just wondering during summer vacation what did you do after we all returned home?"

……She was startled..

Similar to her, before her eyes Neight"s movements stopped.

"Me? I went home as well."

While giving a sidelong look at his movements, Kluele tried to keep her facial expression as calm as possible.

"But why do you ask?"

Thereupon Ada"s carefree voice rose in laughter.

"Ahaha, is that so. Nah because it"s Kluele, Serges thought maybe you spent the whole time with Chibi-kun. So I made a bet with her.

"Eeh.... ah, errーー"

The night colored boy panicked but before he could say anything.

"No way. As you"d expect even I have one or two things to do during summer vacation."

With a wry smile and a wave of her hands, Kluele shook her head.

Noticing Neight"s gaze like he wanted to say something, she stealthily winked.

ーーMatter of fact it was precisely that "no way".

After the Fidellia summer supplementary cla.s.ses were over , Ada and the other friends returned home.

Afterwards she who was left behind and Neight who couldn"t return home spent the whole time practicing recitations together.

"Ah, but what happened here during summer vacation is a secret. That includes Mio and Ada you know."

"...Ye, yes"

If their cla.s.s friends found out, there would be needless rumors floating about. If the teachers knew about it they"d probably be called to the staff room on the issue of public morals and the like. Antic.i.p.ating those sorts of things, "Kluele returned to her hometown" was the story the two had put together before hand.

"Ada as well, you are quite suntanned again. Did you go to the ocean again ?

"Noo, I practiced the spear with my dad all day long. I didn"t even have time to get a boyfriend."

Dejected, Ada flapped her hands.

"That old man, he hustled strangely in a way unsuitable for his age. "The way I hold my spear is bad. To begin with repairing the spear is bad." Saying these things he lectured me at every opportunity"

As if she was completely exhausted, she hung her head dejectedly.

At the same time a familiar voice flowed out from the school building"s speakers.

"ーーWill the student called out please come urgently to the headmaster"s room.ーー"

...Huh? They are calling out a student during summer vacation?

Kluele tilted her head inside her heart at the sudden broadcast echoing out.

"Say this is our homeroom teacher Kate-sensei isn"t it?

This was Mio with her usual absent minded expression.

"ーーFirst year, 『RedKeinez』Major, Kluele Sophi Netーー"

"ーーWould the student who"s name was just called please urgently come to the headmaster"s room. I repeatーー"

......Eh? Me?

Did I mishear? For a moment I doubted my own ears.

"The one called out just now, that was Kluele-san right?"

Flabbergasted, Neight looked up at me. In that case as expected, I didn"t mishear it.

"First year student 『RedKeinez』major, on top of being called out by Kate-sensei.... Hmmm, that"s just like Kululu."

Mio inclined her head nonchalantly.

"But I, I can"t remember anything that would get me called to the headmaster"s room."

"Kululu, did you something bad?"

……Mio. That"s disrespectful.

Being the number one late to cla.s.s? No that"s ridiculous. I"ve never heard of someone being called to the headmaster"s room for that degree of offence.

"..... Give up Kluele"

A hand slapped onto her shoulder.

Turning her head, Serges was there and, seemingly on purpose, there were tears in her eyes.

"I don"t know what kind evil deeds you"ve done but, be at peace. No matter what kind of evil path your are steeped in, we are your friends. Thereforeーー"


"Therefore, right here obediently accept your fate of dropping out of school"

"Don"t say such an ill-omened thing!"


Kluele clenched her fist and hit the girl"s head with a thump.

Good grief. To say I did something bad.... At the most it should be that I was the #1 being late to cla.s.s. Well, my final exam grades weren"t that good either though.

But other than that I don"t know. I haven"t done anything wrong after all.

"……Aa~ah, even though my mood hasn"t improved I"ll be back."

"Yes. Gather your bones."

....Neight, I don"t know who or where you picked that up from but, that"s somewhat wrong you know.

Though if I remember there were two problem children smiling as he said those words.

"Serges, Ada. you"ve been indoctrinating Neight with weird sayings haven"t you."

『Eh, uh, we haven"t done anything you know? Right?』

The two trembled excessively. Just as I thought, it was those two huh.

ーーWhy again weren"t these two called instead of me?

Accompanied by a sigh, Kluele walked towards the headmaster"s room.

Part 3

Now then, I wonder if the school broadcast properly reached that kid.

Looking at the teachers lined up in a row in the headmaster"s room, Kate leaned up against the wall at her back.

It had been confirmed with the student enrollment registry that she had stayed in the student dorms without leaving. Unless there was some kind of outstanding circ.u.mstances, all that was left was to wait for her to arrive.

……Even so, the headmaster was preparing a mean-spirited challenge wasn"t he.

The old man seated in the middle of the teachers had his eyes glued to the deep crimson carpet spread across the room. No way, to think that he would give a first year the same problem as the previous third year.

Tiny footsteps echoed from the hallway.

With a rusted creaking sound rising up, the door to the headmaster"s room opened. What appeared was a tall girl with fluttering scarlet hair. Her hair color as well as her uniform"s collar were RedKeinez in color.


Once she saw the teachers lined up, her countenance trembled.

"I"m sorry! I came to the wrong plaーー"

"No, you got it right Kluele"

Kate called out in a fl.u.s.ter towards the the girl who looked like she was trying to run away.

"Even though its still summer vacation, I"m really sorry"

"....As expected, it"s as the school broadcast said.

Surrounded by the many teachers, the student shrunk and looked uncomfortable. Receiving this many stares, it"s no wonder she"s shrinking huh?

"Errr, what"s your business with me? I don"t think I"ve done anything particularly wroー"


Suddenly Kate stepped closer than the other teachers. She walked halfway in front of her student.


"ーーCan you already use a High n.o.ble AriaFirst Scale Recitation?"

With a twitch she stiffened as if startled. Standing next to her it was too easy to notice.

"...... What are you talking about? It"s a little too abrupt.

She spoke her words ambiguously.

"Ah, you don"t have to particularly put yourself on guard. We just want to confirm it with you."

Carefreely waving one hand wearing un-teacher like clothes teacher Zessel expressed a wry smile.

"If I say it simply this is related to your rapid growth in your reciting technique. It"s fine to say that it"s become a topic of discussion in the staff room."

"In the staff room?"

"Quite recently at the Fidellia seaside school, as for the teachers who taught your RedKeinez lectures you were the only student who they remember sticking out amongst the first year students.

The teachers here had already heard the reports of that time from teacher Zessel.

"With a familiar catalyst call out a small red animal within 30 minutes." Amongst the many students given this problem who were desperately singing their OratorioSong of Praise, only this girl alone stood tightly grasping her red paint catalyst in her hand in silence.

"While I was getting close to thinking "What"s wrong?", there was already a red winged bird on each shoulder.

Without singing a OratorioSong of Praise, in the few dozen seconds that teacher Zessel had looked away the recital had finished.

"But, if it"s to that extent there"s nothing special about it."

"I wonder about that."

Without even waiting for his words to finish the teacher continued speaking.

"After that lecture ended, it should have been you alone who stayed behind in the courtyard for recital practice. ...No that"s not right is it. Rather than practice your expression was purely a look of 『verification』."

Recognizing anew one"s own true strength.

Teacher Enne also saw it, that humongous blaze.

"The gigantic blaze that flared up in the courtyard. That isn"t the sort of thing that a student calls out by chance on a whim."


Hesitantly, the girl surveyed the surrounding teachers.

"Even so, I don"t think is enough to expressly call me to the headmaster"s room. The bird, the blaze, neither should be that high of a degree of difficult after all.

Yes, if it"s just that then anyone would probably explain it away as "An excellent student existing in any recitation school." But the final thing came next.

"You know, Kluele,"

Kate took one more step towards the student under her care.

"When I had collapsed at the research inst.i.tute I heard that you came to my rescue."

"No, that was Ada thoughー"

"Of course I know that as well. But I want you to tell me, is it true that you called a True Spirit to save us?"

Yes. After the medical treatment had finished she had heard that from teacher Zessel. At that time she doubted her ears. The be told that girl she had thought was a normal female student had already summoned out a True Spiritーー Not only that but to hear that amongst True Spirits, it was the extraordinarily rare PhoenixDivine Bird of Dawn.

".....I, don"t know."

Kluele frailly shook her head.

However, that was a fairly clumsy lie. Because at the Fidellia boardinghouse, countless students and teachers witnessed her recite out the PhoenixDivine Bird of Dawn.

".....Kluele, let"s leave."

At the point they were escaping the collapsing research inst.i.tute, both teachers Zessel and Enne testified to the fact that the PhoenixDivine Bird of Dawn turned and addressed Kluele.

There was perhaps no longer any doubt that this scarlet haired girl had recited out a True Spirit.

"Kluele, I"m not trying to blame you here. Rather it"s the oppositeー"

"At the level of calling out a True Spirit, far from skipping grades you could even challenge the qualification exam to become a professional reciter.

The one who kept speaking was the supervising teacher of the 『RedKeinez』first year students.

"If you receive your reciter qualifications you can formally receive as much activity funds as you"d like. As for skipping grades it should be heaven sent news for your parents who are responsible for your tuition."

"At the same time we teachers have suitably collaborated and made arrangements for students who skip grades. If you are interested then there is a system to introduce you to a famous reciter with the school"s backing. This is a huge chance for you.

The standing teachers continued one after another without pause.

Yes, This should be a heaven sent opportunity for a student. It should be preferential treatment.

And yet... why?

The girl clearly wore an expression grief to the degree that everyone knew.

That...... What are they saying so suddenlyーー

Her mind had gone pure white. It felt like she was going to become dizzy from the bewilderment. Bitting her lip Kluele barelymanaged to endure.

Hadn"t it been less than half a year since she entered the recital school? She had finally made friends and had gotten used to school life.and studying. Despite this, skip grades? reciter qualification exams?

It was all too sudden, her real feelings couldn"t appear.

......I DON"T want that.

The as always innocently smiling blond childish girlfriend.

The promise to improve together with the night colored boy.

It"s not just that. It"s the same with the other kids in cla.s.s. I want to pa.s.s through the same time together with the others. Because that is what is truly precious to me.

"Thank you very much. But, Iーー"

Immersing the teachers before her in her gaze, Kluele shook her head sideways.

"I"m fine with the way it is now."

With a rustle the teachers began a commotion.

"You"d go to that extent?"

A teacher with folded arms who"s name she didn"t know asked again in a subdued voice.

"It"s because there is a child that I want to study recitations with."

Facing that person Kluele showed a sweet smile.


"It"s fine, because I truly think that what I have now is more than enough."

Before the teacher could say something for a second time.

"Understood Kluele. The break is over and you are my student again.

Kate-sensei, who was right next to her, said so.

"If that"s what you"ve decided then I"ll also support you." was whispered secretly in her ears.


Thank goodness... Kate-sensei isn"t mad.

"I see, Let"s fully respect the student"s opinion about this. And Kate-kun who is an excellent teacher is with her as well."

Putting the papers in order on top of the desk, the headmaster stood up.

"By the way, Kluele-kun, I have something I want to discuss butーー"

The serious expression the old man had up until now completely changed. Before her eyes a strangely calm expression rose up.

The dignity of one who governed the school disappeared. It was replaced by a friendly expression.

The truth is I, no including every teacher here, we"ve all seen many red True Spirits. But the PhoenixDivine Bird of Dawn alone none of us have seen you see"

"......Is that so?"

I have no choice but to have an extremely familiar image of the PhoenixDivine Bird of Dawn. But it"s hard for me to believe that amongst the various teachers, headmaster, and recital specialists here that none of them has ever seen it before.

"Just how many times has this thing been reported in history? Amongst the numerous True Spirits it is the one with the absolute fewest occurrences. And even in research it"s a phantom. At the very least in this present time there have been no confirmed cases of a reciter being able to perform this recitation. That"s how rare your True Spirit is."

The gla.s.ses wearing teacher clad in blue research clothes shrugged his shoulders.

"......I didn"t know that my True spirit was that like that to that extent.

"And so for the sale of my simple curiosity, if it is ok with you I earnestly request to see it..

It seems that there wasn"t any lie in the old man"s words. The gaze that came with the words was like a little kid"s filled with genuine curiosity. It was the same for the other teachers as well. In the first place it was probably in the nature of those who pursue recitating to be overflowing with curiosity.

"Err, I"m sorry."

And yet even though she noticed that, Kluele lowered her eyes.

"My feelings are that if there is anything I can recite for you I will. But...."

Pausing after her last word, Kluele searched about for the right words. She searched about for the words to properly express her true feelings.

"Merely wanting to see. With just that reason I don"t think my True Spirit would come. "I"ll sing at a truly important time, for the sake of my precious people." That"s what I swore inside my heart after all."

Within the majority of people interested in reciting, most of them partic.i.p.ated in relief and rescue type work.

Within recitations a Pegasus that flew in the sky could be used carry people. Or water recitations could be used when a fire started in a place without water. Fire recitations could be used to warm the frozen earth.

The ones who became teachers and researchers, like those before her eyes, were only a small handful. Amongst those paths I haven"t yet decided which one to pick.

HoweverーーI don"t want to recite just for an exhibition.

Because I think that would be an insult in regards to him who is seriously doing his best with the Night Color Recitations.

"I see"

The pet.i.te old man released a deep sigh.

"....I"m truly sorry."

She had decided to bluntly refuse none other than the headmaster"s request.

"No, it"s certainly as you said. I see, I feel like I understand just a bit. It"s probably because it"s someone like you possessing a pure heart that the appropriate True Spirit resides with you.

Without being offended the old man laughed.

"Well, Kluele-kun you don"t need to shrink back that much."

"U, Ummm..... Isn"t there anything that I could do as an apology? I can at least recite some flowers."

If it"s something like living flowers then I"ll surely be able to manage.

"Thank you for your consideration but right now there aren"t any flower vases or anything else."

She looked around and saw that he was rightーー Unexpectedly the old man"s line of sight stopped at what was under our feet.

"No, wait..... Well then there is one thing I"d like to request. I don"t care what it is just call out your favorite thing. For your catalyst, I don"t mind if you use the deep crimson carpet beneath your feet."

"......Eh, is it really ok for me to use this?"

"Of course."

While being told, she softly touched the carpet.

There was a vague out of place feeling for a momentーー This is?

"However, I don"t know if this will be harder than a number of catalysts."

"This, it"s that right? It"s, already, been, used, for, reciting, 6, times"

The name was, what again? It even came out in cla.s.s recently.

Ummm, If I"m not mistaken..... I feel like it was Criーーーsomething rather though.

"Huh? Is something wrong?"

Becoming aware of the surrounding commotion, Kluele raised her head.

Now that look, the old man looked like he was surprised and was watching very closely. The teachers too, they were talking about something secretly amongst themselves.

"What, did you realize it?"

".....no, somehow or other after I touched it I thought 『Aah, I wonder if it"s like that』"

"But what about the number?"

"That also was somehow or other...... But I think it"s probably right."

I heard a bird"s voice and then it was like I understood, if I touch it I"ll know. It was only that.

The moment she touched it, she could clearly imagine the catalyst"s gate in her mind. The gate"s mouth was closed just a little stubbornly unlike normal ones.

ーーAnd yet, I wonder why? I don"t feel that I can"t do a recitation.

No matter how obstinate the gate became, nor how pouty the gate was, I feel like if it is the me right now I can gently persuade them. No, I have that conviction. It"s like a mother persuading her beloved children.

She had an absolute hunch that it was already second nature to her, just like how living things unconsciously repeatedly breathe. That she could perceive everything about the laws that govern the thing called recitations.

Her consciousness was clear to a bizarre degree. Her feelings awakened.

The was no longer needed.

With only her feelings if she talked with just a few words that was enough.

ーーーCome wake up scarlet childrenーーー
ーーーIsa sia clue-l-soophie phenoーーー

The carpet underfoot shone red. Red particles of light whirled up bringing with it a refreshing feeling like powdered snow. They illuminated the headmaster"s room.

"No way, a crime catalyst without a OratorioSong of Praise?"

The teacher"s panicked voices rose one after another.

......How come? I wonder what"s so surprising?

Even though its just a normal thing to open the catalyst"s recital gate for use.

Now that I think of it, what should I recite?

I wonder if the flower I like the most would be fine?

More lovely than any jewel, my favorite scarlet flower.

ーー 『RedKeinez』ーー

And after the girl had sungーー


"Ah, then please excuse me. My friends are waiting."

Without a shred of arrogance the female student hurried in a rush down the hallways. It was as if what she had done was completely natural.

The girl left behind hundreds of red flowers that completely covered the room. They were the red flower ーーAmaryllis.

Sometime later.

"......That kid, who the heck is she? You can"t even expect a professional reciter to do that with such simple words."

The teachers who instructed the 『RedKeinz』 First year students wiped the sweat from their ghastly pale faces.

In the public records up till the present time there was not a single reciter existed that could recite without a OratorioSong of Praise while reusing a crime catalyst. Hypothetically, if it was possible to utilize a catalyst an infinite number of times, then it would not be an exaggeration to say that it exceeds the realm of what human recitation.

Furthermore it was hard to believe that they had been shown the bottom of the girl"s power.

Inside the now quiet headmaster"s room.

"ーーThe heretical night colored reciter. And immediately close to him was the monster like red...... No, the monster like recitation genius. That the person herself is unaware is kind of scary."

Zessel muttered as if speaking to himself while staring at the ceiling.

"The , in addition the grey recitations, everything is happening at the same time....... However, is all of this really happening by coincidence?"

Chance? No, that"s wrong.

The things that have happened around that child, and everything that will happen from here on out.

The superior melody of preordained fate, the timbre has already been etched.

Everything is happening for the sake of that child.

Everything is happening for the sake of that child and myself.

Very soon a time of comprehension will come. comprehend ーーand also understand!

The name of the distantly blooming scarlet child is Promised NameSelahphenosia

It has not yet arrived. Howeverーー

Kluele, I am always watching over you.

Because I love you so much.

It was a secretive whispering that reached no one.

The weak sound of that voice disappeared somewhere without anyone perceiving it.


1st Stanza of the Defeated: Deus, Arma? ~Why Do You Bare Your Fangs~

Mixed in the wind filled with sand--

The woman spoke words for the first time.

"You came all the way here just to tell me that 『Something is there』?"


The old man slowly nodded at the woman"s question.

"Why me?"

"When you get along in age, quite rarely you"ll be able to see through the true nature of things."

the old man gazed fondly at the earth underfoot and then the sky overhead as if it were precious.

"The flow that encompa.s.ses this world so to speak.... Only, it"s sad isn"t it. It"s only as a person grows old that they can see the flow. As they grow old that flow spills out and they think that it is good."

Fate. Destiny.

Yes, just when the promise we pursue is before our eyes, our feet give up treading the earth.

"My eyes may be old but they clearly understand. You alone have not lost yourself within that flow. Yes, you are a person who rejects the flow. --I"m truly jealous. I wonder, why are you able to bare your fangs at the flow?

"I don"t know."

The old man smiled at her blunt response.

"Well, please listen to this old man"s last request."

"Such a heavy thing, I"ll be troubled if you force it on me."

"Haha, no doubt."

The old man laughed in a deep voice.

The laugh--Before one knew it, the laughing voice became a crying voice.

"That"s right. If I think about it the fact that I encountered THAT and the meaning behind it was probably inevitable."

His voice was neither laughing nor crying.

His voice was horse as if he was afraid of something.

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