6 Give an account of the part of Gawain in _Lancelot and Elaine_.

7 Describe the attack on the castle of Front-de-Buf.

8 (_a_) Explain the following lines in every detail:

I hear _it_ by the way; but _I will send_: There"s _not a one of them_, but in his house _I keep a servant fee"d_. I will _to-morrow_ (And _betimes_ I will) unto the _weird sisters_.

(_b_) What results from this resolution?

II--Study and Practice

_Discuss fully each topic in order as far as you go, even though you may not finish the paper._

1 Outline the part played by Casca, and quote any of his notable sayings.

2 Show in some detail what difficulties Burke finds in the attempt to change the spirit of the Colonists.

3 Who utters the following lines; to whom, where, and why?

Come lady, while Heaven lends us grace, Let us fly this cursed place, Lest the sorcerer us entice, With some other new device.

4 Give an account of Johnson"s friendship with the Thrales.

5 Macaulay"s defence of Milton"s political career.

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