Tempt My Heart

Chapter 6

Who to do Lists.


"Can you believe we"re going on tour with Beyond Redemption?" I ask my bandmates Lawson, Jayson and Zane as the bartender slides shots of whiskey in front of us all.

Tipping back a shot and slamming the empty shot gla.s.s down on the bar, Jayson our ba.s.sist, flashes a c.o.c.ky grin, "I can"t wait! I heard that the guys from Beyond Redemption only allow the finest p.u.s.s.y backstage. It"s going to be a f.u.c.king v.a.g.i.n.a oasis every d.a.m.n night!"

Zane, our lead singer, burst out laughing, spewing his whiskey across the bar. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand he says, "Did you seriously just say v.a.g.i.n.a oasis?" Shaking his head he lets out a deep chuckle, "The s.h.i.t you come up with."

Jayson gives Zane a light shove and rolling his eyes, grabs himself another shot, "You"ll be saying v.a.g.i.n.a-f.u.c.king-oasis too once you see the number of hot babes ready to jump on our d.i.c.ks after our first show."

Natasha, Lawson"s girlfriend, shoves herself between Zane and Jayson, and swings her neon animal print "blind-your-f.u.c.king-a.s.s" index finger between the two, "I don"t care how many ho"s are jumping on your d.i.c.ks, as long as you keep them away from Lawson."

Lawson is our drummer and is currently engaged to his girlfriend of three years, Natasha. She will be joining us on our tour bus for the first few stops, but then she"ll be flying back to Chicago where we"re all from.

Being down here in Miami, partying it up, is a h.e.l.l of a lot better than being back in Chicago freezing our a.s.ses off! We can"t wait to get on the road and perform at the venues we have lined up. We"ve spent the last two years traveling around in a beat up van with four guys ranging from twenty-two to twenty-seven years old; it"s beginning to feel cramped. A big a.s.s f.u.c.king tour bus is going to feel like the penthouse suite at the Ritz.

After our last single, Never Ending, hit number one on iTunes, we had Razor Records calling our agent asking to meet with us. We"ve had a huge following on YouTube for the last couple of years, but this industry can be a b.i.t.c.h. There are a lot of talented bands out there, so you need to find a way to brand yourself so you stand out.

Our unique sound helps us stand out in this ever changing world of music. After traveling around on a tour all summer with a group of Indie bands and selling out everywhere, we got the call that the label wanted us to open for Beyond Redemption on their new Finding Redemption Tour.

We were so f.u.c.king ecstatic. Good-bye small outdoor concerts and smoky bars, and h.e.l.lo big a.s.s f.u.c.king arenas!

Tonight we"re all at Club Vertigo in South Beach, Miami. The label is throwing a big party to celebrate the tour kicking off here in Miami next Sat.u.r.day at the American Airlines Center. It"s already sold out and going to be the biggest show we"ve ever performed at.

"You jacka.s.ses can sit at the bar all night talking about getting some p.u.s.s.y, but I"m going to go find me some!" Jogging by them laughing, I smack each of them on the shoulder before making my way out onto the dance floor.

This place is packed.

It"s a who"s who of the music industry here tonight, and anyone lucky enough to be considered a friend.

Katy Perry"s, Dark Horse is blasting through the sound system with the beat of the music acting like electric voltage shocking my body, making it want to b.u.mp and grind on one of these fine a.s.s women on the dance floor.

Swaying to the music, I maneuver through the tight dance floor that"s packed with bodies, making it almost impossible to move. That"s when I spot my prey. She has long tanned legs that go on for miles, a nice round a.s.s that"s sparkling in her sequin skirt under the strobe lights, and toned arms with the left one sporting a beautiful tattoo with an array of colors that go perfectly with the lights that are raining down around her as they sway in the air above her head. She has curves in all the right places, instantly making my c.o.c.k spring to life.

I slide up behind her, thankful no other a.s.shole has swooped in to dance with her. Now, I just hope she ain"t no f.u.c.king paper bag chick.

You know the ones: hot a.s.s body, with a "make you want to throw a paper bag over her face because she so f.u.c.king ugly".

Throwing caution to the wind, I decided I"ll worry about seeing what she looks like after we"re done dancing, because her body is beckoning me to run my hands all over it.

The way she"s swaying that voluptuous a.s.s of hers has me in a hypnotic-state.

I slowly slide my fingers along her sides, stopping when I reach her hips. She"s about four inches shorter than me, even with her stilettos on, but she"s just the right height for her a.s.s to fit perfectly against my d.i.c.k that"s now aching to be touched.

As if our bodies are being taken over by the music, we begin grinding in a perfect rhythm to the beat. Her long brown hair is pulled up in a tight ponytail giving me perfect access to her neck. I don"t know what"s come over me, but the second her perfume hits me I wanted to smell every inch of her.

She presses her back to my chest and slides her fingers between mine, guiding them down her thighs. Not being able to control myself, I begin kissing a path along her shoulder that is exposed thanks to her opting for a tube top that stops just above her belly b.u.t.ton.

I hear a faint moan escape her, as my fingers toy with her belly b.u.t.ton ring. I work my hands over her, exploring her body. Between the alcohol coursing through my veins, the music and the feeling of this mystery woman pressed against my body, I feel like I"m floating on a euphoric high.

The people around us fade away.

As the song is ending, I feel her pull away, but my hands, working on their own accord, hold her against me. I press my lips to her ear and whisper, "You and I both know this feels way too f.u.c.king good to end this before it"s even begun."

I hear her suck in a sharp breath of air as Zedd and Hailey William"s, Are You Going To Stay The Night begins thumping throughout the club.

Spinning around and catching me by surprise, she flashes me a Cheshire cat grin. She laces my fingers with hers as she begins bouncing on the b.a.l.l.s of her feet, slashing her head left to right with the techno beat that"s electrifying the air between us.

She looks like a dream dancing before me. I wouldn"t think it was possible that one of the most beautiful women on the entire f.u.c.king planet was dancing here with me at this very moment, if I didn"t see her for myself.

It"s Brittan-f.u.c.king-McKenna.

I know her whole no fraternizing with the guys she works with rule, so I pray to G.o.d she doesn"t recognize me because right now, I am definitely putting "banging Brittan" at the top of my, who to do list for this evening.

Lacing her fingers behind my neck, she straddles my right thigh and begins grinding against me to the music. Avoiding my gaze, she closes her eyes and tilts her head towards the ceiling. It"s addicting watching her, the way the music seems to put her in a trance, where she sees and feels nothing but the music.

I grip her a.s.s with one hand, watching to see if she"ll shoot a death glare at me, letting me know I"ve over stepped. Instead she presses against me harder giving me the green light to continue.

With my free hand, I slide it under her skirt and slip my finger under her lace panties.

She moans as my fingers slide into her soaking wet p.u.s.s.y. She"s hot and ready for me...I think I just got harder, if that"s even f.u.c.king possible.

Knowing we"re surrounded by hundreds of people makes this moment that much more intoxicating and thrilling. The danger of someone seeing me finger her tight p.u.s.s.y here on the dance floor is the most arousing thing I"ve ever experienced.

Brittan surprises me as she connects her teeth with my neck, slowly and erotically grazing my skin with them, sending a shiver down my spine and making my d.i.c.k throb as pre-c.u.m coats the tip.

f.u.c.k me.

If she does that again, I swear I"m going to blow my f.u.c.king load like a fourteen year old virgin the first time he got touched by a girl.

The most erotic moans are vibrating from her lips against my skin. As she rubs her c.l.i.t against my jeans, I work my fingers in and out of her. I feel her nails digging into my t-shirt as her breathing increases. She"s on the edge, and I"m about to give her that final push to send her flying.

I release my grip from her a.s.s and fist her ponytail, pulling her head back so I can see into her eyes, full of l.u.s.t and want; I crash my mouth against hers and begin f.u.c.king her mouth with my tongue.

She tastes of pink lemonade, which surprisingly turns me on even more. I feel her b.r.e.a.s.t.s against my chest with her nipples so hard right now; I bet they could cut through the big a.s.s diamonds decorating her ears. She tenses against me momentarily, as our tongues tangle together. I am sliding my fingers in and out of her at a perfect rhythm as she rotates her hips just right to stimulate her c.l.i.t. Within second"s, she"s moaning into my mouth as I feel her p.u.s.s.y squeezing around my fingers.

The second she comes down from the o.r.g.a.s.m I just gave her, she grabs my hand and begins leading me off of the dance floor. We"re just making our way past the bathrooms to a storage closet, where I suspect they store all the toiletries, when I hear a voice come over the sound system calling her name.

Double f.u.c.kity f.u.c.k!

"Brittan McKenna! Get your sweet lil" a.s.s up here and say h.e.l.lo to this awesome crowd we have here tonight!" The DJ shouts into the mic, his words echoing throughout the club, causing everyone in here tonight to begin chanting her name.

Taking me by surprise, she slams my back against the wall pressing her lips against mine for one more intense, melt in your mouth, kiss. My c.o.c.k is throbbing so hard right now; I know I"m going to have the worst case of blue b.a.l.l.s if I don"t blow my load soon.

Pulling away, she licks her lips as an impish smile dances across her lips, "Until next time...?." She says as a sly way of trying to learn my name.

Raking my fingers through my hair, I let out a small chuckle and answer, "Jordon."

"Well, Jordon. Maybe we can finish what we started later." With those words, she spun on her heels and sashayed back out into the club, leaving me panting and trying to wrap my head around what the f.u.c.k just happened?

I"ll Save Regrets for Tomorrow.


Climbing down from the DJ"s stage, I wave to all the fans before heading back to our VIP booth where Holden, Casper, Nash and Levi are partying. As soon as my feet hit the upper level they falter.

The guy from the dance floor, I now know as Jordon, is standing beside our lounge area resting against the wall, sipping on a bottle of beer.

My stomach instantly flip-flops when I see him.

I"ve been with more than my fair share of guys over the last eight years since Cane died, and not one of them had any effect over me beyond a s.e.xual level. Sure, they knew how to make me o.r.g.a.s.m in record time, and that was all I cared about, but no one has taken my breath away with a kiss besides Cane.

The instant Jordon"s lips touched mine; my heart actually fluttered, and my breathing hitched as I melted into his hard body. It terrified the h.e.l.l out of me, but I wasn"t able to break away from him because the magnetic pull I had to him was too strong.

I inhale a deep intake of air and slowly exhale as I begin maneuvering through the VIP area over to our table. I think I"ve made a long enough appearance here and can leave without anyone finding it suspicious.

The last thing I need is everyone thinking I"m trying to leave so I can go score some blow.

The thought crossed my mind for a brief moment, but I sent a quick text to my sponsor and she talked me off the ledge I was about to jump over. My head is reeling from all the s.h.i.t bouncing around in there.

Being near Jordon is dangerous because he"s awakening things inside me I don"t want woken. Ever.

He looks downright sinful right now with his black hair tussled with a s.e.xy just f.u.c.ked look thanks to me and my unruly hands sliding through his hair a little less than thirty minutes ago. It doesn"t help that my body is still humming from the o.r.g.a.s.m he gave me on the dance floor. I spot a breathtaking Asian dragon tattoo along his upper right arm with the tail stopping just below his elbow; I didn"t notice it earlier since I was preoccupied playing tonsil hockey with him.

I would love to run my tongue over that tattoo.

s.h.i.t! I have to push these thoughts out of my head. f.u.c.king Jordon will only end in disaster. I need to forget about him and the way his mouth felt on my body.

"Brittan! You finally made it back up here! Come have a drink and chill with us." Nash shouts, slurring his words across the room at me as soon as he spots me in the crowd.

"Yeah, I could use a drink. Then I"m getting outta here. I"m going to have the driver bring me back to my house. It"s been a long day."

All my bandmates know today is the anniversary of Cane"s death and all nod giving me sympathetic smiles.

"Okay, well here, take a shot of this s.h.i.t." Levi says handing me a shot gla.s.s as I plop down in the booth beside him. I can feel Jordon"s gaze, and it feels like he"s stripping me bare.

Holding the shot up, I sniff it. It smells like Peppermint Schnapps, "What shot is this?" I ask as I toss it back. Closing my eyes, I stomp my heels on the tile floor as I feel the cool liquid slide down my throat.

"It"s called, pa.s.s out on the bathroom floor naked...now that"s a party in a shot gla.s.s if I"ve ever heard of one!" Nash replies as he pours himself another. I can tell he"s had more than a few already.

He"s going to be hurting tomorrow.

"It tastes really good! Pour me one more then I"m bouncing outta this joint." I tease b.u.mping my shoulder into his and flash him a wicked grin.

I can feel Jordon behind me and its causing my entire body to flush, as the alcohol mixing with the hunger for him consumes my body. My head is telling me to leave the club alone but my v.a.g.i.n.a is screaming at me to let it have a go with that very nice sized c.o.c.k he has tucked away in his jeans that was teasing me on the dance floor.

Nash shoves another shot in my hand, snapping me out of the internal battle I"ve got going on between my head and my very h.o.r.n.y body.

"Oh...I am too f.u.c.king drunk to even think straight..."Casper slurs as he holds his hand up, letting Nash know he is done with shots. Turning his attention to me, he lets out a deep husky laugh as he swings his hand towards Jordon and his friends who are hanging out by our table with him. "I totally forgot to introduce you to Tempting Tomorrow!" He shouts over the music at me.

I feel like ice water was just dumped over my head.

Ohhh s.h.i.t!

Of course, Jordon is in the f.u.c.king band going on tour with us for six months!

Snapping my head around and twisting my body so I"m facing the band that"ll now be our opening act, I give them all a big, all teeth, mega-f.u.c.king-watt smile as I try to hide the major panic attack brewing in my chest.

"Hey! Hope y"all are enjoying yourselves tonight. I"m Brittan." I mentally hi-five myself for being able to form a coherent sentence and not fleeing the fricking VIP area and making an a.s.s of myself in front of everyone.

All the guys and one girl, who"s wrapped in the arms of the guy sporting long blonde dreadlocks, take turns shaking my hand and telling me their names.

Dreadlocks name is Lawson Edwards, the bands drummer. He looks to be about 5"10 with a lean muscular build; he introduced me to his girlfriend, Natasha next. She"s an inch shorter than him and has long black hair to her b.u.t.t, gorgeous dark skin and an amazing sense of fashion. I so need to know where she got those heels!

The whole time everyone is introducing themselves, Jordon doesn"t move. He"s just kicked back against the wall sipping his beer with a c.o.c.ky f.u.c.king grin across his face that I"d love to smack off of him at this very moment.

Everyone knows I don"t like mixing business with pleasure. The last thing I need is drama on my tour, especially after the s.h.i.tty year I"ve had. Thank G.o.d I have my own d.a.m.n bus, because I think he"s going to test my sobriety; I can feel it deep in my bones.

The next guy that steps up to shake my hand has to be over 6"0" easily, with his auburn hair styled slightly as if he rubbed some product in it just before walking out the door. He"s also a thinner build, similar to Lawson. He has tattoo sleeves up both arms, as well as "love" tattooed across his right knuckles that are now extended out to me.

Shaking his hand, he flashes a sly grin that makes my girly parts tingle...this man has charismatic charm radiating out of him! "It"s an honor to finally meet you, Brittan." I smile like a school girl as my name rolls off his tongue. He is definitely a player. "I"m Zane Cooper, the lead singer."

That explains his "I can get in anyone"s pants" charm. He"s the front man! I laugh to myself.

"Nice to finally meet you too, Zane. Bada.s.s name, by the way! Real or stage name?" I ask narrowing my gaze on him waiting to see if he"ll tell me the truth or try to lie.

"Real name. My parents were hippies back in the day, wanted something cool and "Zen"." He mocks jokingly with air quotes. I can"t help but laugh with him.

The next band member to introduce himself has a gorgeous flower tattoo covering the entire left side of his neck and looks like it continues down and travels along his upper left bicep. I hope he plays shirtless on stage, because I"d love to see his tattoo under the strobe lights.

One thing about me, I"m addicted to tattoos. After I got the b.u.t.terfly music note with Cane, the night we got engaged, I"d been itching to get another. A year after he died I started my sleeve tattoo. It"s a gorgeous variety of flowers, b.u.t.terflies and twisting green vines. So far I"ve had my entire left bicep finished, and it"s going to extend down my entire left side of my ribcage. It"s truly a work of art, and the way I see it our bodies are our canvases.

He rubs his palm over his shortly shaven hair and extends his hand out with a small smile curling up at the corners of his lips, "I"m Jayson Kingston, and I"m the ba.s.sist. My friends call me everything from Jayson, Jay, Kingston to hey, a.s.shole. So feel free to call me by any of those names." He says with a thick husky voice that will have every girl around him falling to their knees.

Laughing again, I tell him, "I think I like Kingston. It suits you." He flashes another panty droppin" grin before giving me a wink and taking a long pull from his beer.

My heart begins to race against my chest as Jordon pushes off the wall and steps in front of me. He arches an eyebrow as he extends his hand to me...the same one that was just fingering me on the dance floor making me come so hard and fast that my head was spinning like a f.u.c.king dis...o...b..ll.

Blushing, I take his hand, shaking it as he says, "Jordon Valentine, lead guitarist. Glad we finally get to properly introduce ourselves."

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