Tenonaru Hou e

Chapter 28

Tenonaru Hou e - Part 1 Pg 31

He could hear his text-to-voice software, the voices on his phone, and everything else he needed on those headphones. It also drowned out the outside noise. After Tatsumi graduated from high school, he was hired at this company. It had been three years since then. He was starting to get used to his work, but there wasn’t a single coworker who would exchange words with Tatsumi. It was partly because it was a workplace with mostly women, but that wasn’t the only reason. It was a comparatively large call center introduced to him by a former teacher from his school for the blind that would employ him with his disability. No matter how prepared or interested his boss was from talking to his former teacher, hiring a visually impaired employee was naturally confusing for the both of them when Tatsumi first started. He heard there was a deaf woman in another department, but Tatsumi had never met her. Even his little sister’s friends have asked him, how do you work if you can’t see, but the work he did wasn’t actually all that difficult. He currently had text-to-voice software on his computer and the same application on his cell phone. Since Tatsumi had no friends, he didn’t need them, but things like sending e-mail, posting on social networks, checking net news, were no problem for him once he got used to them, even if he couldn’t see. With all of the tools he could use for the visually impaired, there was actually very little he couldn’t do. He needed help from others when circulated forms went around, or when doc.u.ments needed his seal, but that was about it.

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