Publishedat 4th of June 2017 01:46:31 AMChapter 15

Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho was written by Karasawa Kazuki and this chapter was translated by yAmi on www . yamitranslations . com

After that, the Magic Sink barrier inspection job ended without a hitch and we stayed overnight in the outskirts before returning back to school .

The entire excursion was mainly about the country’s mages visit the various regions’ Magic Sink to maintain them . As usual, it was tough on the mages .

I made cookies for snacks and they were so good that I ate them all by myself . I had planned to distribute them to everyone and have them praise me, for example, by saying, “I have never eaten such good sweets! As expected of Ryou!” A fine plot to obtain the nickname of “Genius Ryou” . . . I should have made more cookies .

Speaking of which, I was in a rather empty lecture hall, attending the Magic History cla.s.s . This week, all the except Magic History were taking a break . It was because the Magic Sink inspection trip might take 5 days for some people .

It took that long because of the travelling distance but still . . . seems tough on them .

I had arrived early so to kill time, I was aimlessly flipping the pages of the Magic History textbook . Alan, Charlotte-chan and Ritz-kun were not back yet, hence, I was seated alone and lonely .

“May I take this seat?”
I was turning the pages of the textbook when someone spoke to me and I looked up . It was someone I didn’t expect to be here . . .

“S-Sarome-sama? How do you do? I don’t really mind . . . ”

I was slightly taken aback . She was Sarome, the girl with a s.e.xy mole underneath her eye . She was with Katrina all the time .

Could the Katrina Faction be planning to strike when I am alone?
I was getting the jitters but I had subconsciously allowed her to sit beside me so she took her seat in an elegant motion .

d.a.m.n, I am super nervous .

“Ryou-sama, I was planning to talk to you for quite some time . ”
Sarome laid her elbow on the desk, rested her chin behind her hand and stared at me .

I had to lift my line of sight several degrees up and looking at her from that angle, her eyes were so s.e.xy! She is just a 10 year old freshman right? I-Is it alright for her to be this seductive?

What if this was actually a honey trap!?

W-Wha! I am girl! Not to mention, I’m a hot girl! Did you think that you can attract me so easily by just being s.e.xy!

“M-Me? It is really my honour that Miss Sarome thinks so highly of me . ”

“Fufu, please don’t be that stiff . ”

S-She saw through me! B-But, wasn’t she part of Katrina’s clique? Wasn’t she the kid who was close to Katrina? The Katrina who would always look at me, no, glare at me and dismiss me with a “Hmph!”?

“Well, as someone close to Katrina, you would obviously harbour some suspicions on why I am here . ”
She laughed playfully but suddenly changed to an all-serious expression .

“It is because Katrinsama, and all her other followers included, have not returned . I thought that today was the best day to have a little chat with Ryou-sama and that was how I spontaneously got here . I have no other intentions . ”


“So then… What do you want to talk about?”

“Nothing special, I just wanted to have a conversation with you . . . . Katrinsama seems to have a rare fixation on you, that’s all . ”

The corner of her lips were raised to a smile .

F-Fixation… Somehow I have the feeling that I am being hated here…

“Why does Katrinsama hate me… Did I do something to offend her?”
I finally released the doubts that I have held for a few months . The only reason I could think of was that Alan had screwed up somewhere .

“I don’t think you did anything discourteous to her directly… Maybe she couldn’t stomach the fact that Ryou is able to stand on the same ground as other mages . ” 

Equally… Is she referring to Charlotte-chan and Ritz-kun? Alan was my henchman so his considered lower than me…

Could Katrinsama be unable to accept me for interacting with mages despite being a human without magic ability?

That said, doesn’t Katrinsama have followers who cannot use magic who she is friendly to! Not to mention that Sarome herself cannot use magic .

“That being said, isn’t Katrinsama together with the others who cannot use magic?”

“She might be with them, but not on equal standing . I mean, to mages, we are worthless existences and that she has to guide our poor souls so that we can live on . That’s how we see it . . . ”

I-Isn’t that too much!?

“I-I don’t think there exists such a huge gap between us and mages . . . ”

Sarome eyes opened wide in surprise .

“I am envious that you think that way . There might be some variation between territory, but . . . for the students here, majority would share the same opinion as I do . ”

R-Really? It didn’t appear that way at Rainforest and Rubyfallen… Well, Rubyfallen is the exception since it hardly has any mages in the first place . Still, as far as I can remember, there . . . might have been a difference .

“For Katrinsama, she gets irritated whenever she sees you . That’s amazing, really . That basically means that you stand on the same stage as her . Despite the fact that you should be a worthless existence . ”

No… All I get for standing on the same stage as her is to be stared at and be “Hmph!” at!

“I am just hated by her . Compared to you who stands by her side all the time, I’m sure Katrinsama takes you as a friend . ”

Sarome could only give smile of self-derision, not the kind you can find from a ten years old .

“I am already unable to stand equally with Katrinsama . It is because I have betrayed her expectations once . That’s why, things cannot go back . ”

Sarome said so while smiling, but there was deep shadow behind that smile, creating a heavy atmosphere . I did not say anything and by then, the Magic History teacher had walked into the lecture hall .

I glanced back at Sarome again and she was back to her old self, flipping the textbook and facing the teacher so I too acted like nothing happened and attended the cla.s.s .

However, my mind kept drifting towards those gloomy thoughts during the lecture .

In the end, I was completely unable to concentrate in the cla.s.s, and when I somewhat gotten to the point of depression, the cla.s.s ended . I thought I should just go back to the dormitory when Sarome turned to face me .

“It’s still a long way off, kdp palul bx t shgz otvtpbhg tp pal lgw hy pal tvtwlibv rltu, ubzap? Ntpubgt-xt.i.t tgw B mhdsw kl zhbgz ktvn ph hdu ahilphmg . Ntpubgt-xt.i.t mhdsw fuhktksr kl bg t ktw ihhw malg otvtpbhg lgwx, xh B pahdzht it would be better if I warned you first . ”

With her bewitching smile, she left behind words that could be taken as both an advice and a threat before leaving .

It’s a matter for the future but I’m somewhat freaked out for the first day of school…


Sarome had spoken much then and I pondered about it much, though, other than the usual “Glare and Hmph!” from Katrina, our daily ordinary lives moved on .

After that day, I did not have any conversations with Sarome .

In the meantime, I started a simple research on magical gems and managed to understand the basics of the gem’s structure .

In any case, the fire gem was dangerous to some extent so I kept it in a bottle and was preparing to investigate the structure of the ice gem .
I mean, if I am going to do experiments with this, I want to make some delicious food and test the gem with it .

“Heeey, Ryou, what’s with the smirk?”
I was holding onto my bread and dreaming about tomorrow’s dessert when Alan asked .

Oh, how wrong of me . We are still having lunch and I am still fantasizing about another food . How disrespectful to bread .

I said as I pinched a piece of the bread and put it in my mouth .

“I am planning to make something delicious on tomorrow’s rest day . ”
Ugh, this bread is hard . I want to eat something softer . If I let this continue, won’t my finger grow muscular?

“Eh? Where?”

“For now, I’m planning to use a fire to cook, so I am going to Kou-san’s place . ”

“Then I am going too . ”


I stopped tearing the bread and paused to look at Alan .
He had the kind of “Yeah, I’m going; I am the type that will definitely go; Nothing will stop me from going” look .

What a failure! If there are more people, doesn’t it mean my share would be whittled down! And I wanted to have fun with just Kou-san…!

“D-Delicious stuff as in sweet stuff?”
This time, the one making the twinkly eyes was Charlotte-chan . Her face read, “I wanna go too!”

Seated diagonally was Ritz and he too listened with glistening eyes .

Apart from Alan, I don’t really want to disappoint Charlotte-chan and Ritz-kun…
However, from the allowance I make from helping at Kou-san’s, I don’t have enough for three…
Maybe I should postpone this . I need to save a little more money . . . Wait a second .

Eureka! Charlotte-chan said she uses ice spirit magic didn’t she!

“Charlotte-sama, you use ice spirits right? Can you create ice?”

“Ice? If we have water, I should be able to make some . ”

Alright, we managed to save the cost for ice!
With the extra money, I can buy more ingredients, and in fact, increase my individual portion!

“In that case, I would like your help! We will be able to make more sweets!”

“If it is okay, I’ll like to help too! I like sweets! Yay!”

“C-Can I join in too?”
Together with Charlotte’s cute smile, Ritz appeared immensely interested .

Alright, alright, I greatly welcome you!
I nodded gladly .

I have no choice but to use this chance to promote the name of “Genius Ryou-sama!” with my patissier powers that I couldn’t realise during the excursion!

We were discussing on how fun tomorrow will be when Alan b.u.t.ted in .

“Hmm, won’t Ryou’s guardian be troubled if this many people went? If these two tag along, would it be alright? Ryou . ”

Alan appeared to be very proud of himself as he indulged in an air of gentlemanliness .

Alan has a gift of deciding for others doesn’t he!

“I don’t think Kou-san would be that bothered by our numbers… If you do think so, we have to reduce our numbers slightly . The people who will be going would be me, Charlotte-sama and Ritz-sama . ”

That’s my final answer!

“Y-you forgot about me!”

I entertained for Alan a little longer but in the end, the generous me decided to add Alan back on account of our friendship . Also, Cain-sama might be coming too .

Tomorrow will be fun!




Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho was written by Karasawa Kazuki and this chapter was translated by yAmi on www . yamitranslations . com After that, the Magic Sink barrier inspection job ended without a hitch and we stayed overnight in the outskirts before returning back to school . The entire excursion was mainly about the country’s mages visit the various regions’ Magic Sink to maintain them . As usual, it was tough on the mages . I made cookies for snacks and they were so good that I ate them all by myself . I had planned to distribute them to everyone and have them praise me, for example, by saying, “I have never eaten such good sweets! As expected of Ryou!” A fine plot to obtain the nickname of “Genius Ryou” . I should have made more cookies . Speaking of which, I was in a rather empty lecture hall, attending the Magic History cla.s.s . This week, all the except Magic History were taking a break . It was because the Magic Sink inspection trip might take 5 days for some people . It took that long because of the travelling distance but still . seems tough on them . I had arrived early so to kill time, I was aimlessly flipping the pages of the Magic History textbook . Alan, Charlotte-chan and Ritz-kun were not back yet, hence, I was seated alone and lonely . “May I take this seat?”. I was turning the pages of the textbook when someone spoke to me and I looked up . It was someone I didn’t expect to be here . “S-Sarome-sama? How do you do? I don’t really mind . ” I was slightly taken aback . She was Sarome, the girl with a s.e.xy mole underneath her eye . She was with Katrina all the time . Could the Katrina Faction be planning to strike when I am alone?. I was getting the jitters but I had subconsciously allowed her to sit beside me so she took her seat in an elegant motion . d.a.m.n, I am super nervous . “Ryou-sama, I was planning to talk to you for quite some time . ”. Sarome laid her elbow on the desk, rested her chin behind her hand and stared at me . I had to lift my line of sight several degrees up and looking at her from that angle, her eyes were so s.e.xy! She is just a 10 year old freshman right? I-Is it alright for her to be this seductive? What if this was actually a honey trap!? W-Wha! I am girl! Not to mention, I’m a hot girl! Did you think that you can attract me so easily by just being s.e.xy! “M-Me? It is really my honour that Miss Sarome thinks so highly of me . ” “Fufu, please don’t be that stiff . ” S-She saw through me! B-But, wasn’t she part of Katrina’s clique? Wasn’t she the kid who was close to Katrina? The Katrina who would always look at me, no, glare at me and dismiss me with a “Hmph!”? “Well, as someone close to Katrina, you would obviously harbour some suspicions on why I am here . ”. She laughed playfully but suddenly changed to an all-serious expression . “It is because Katrinsama, and all her other followers included, have not returned . I thought that today was the best day to have a little chat with Ryou-sama and that was how I spontaneously got here . I have no other intentions . ” R-Really? “So then… What do you want to talk about?” “Nothing special, I just wanted to have a conversation with you Katrinsama seems to have a rare fixation on you, that’s all . ” The corner of her lips were raised to a smile . F-Fixation… Somehow I have the feeling that I am being hated here… “Why does Katrinsama hate me… Did I do something to offend her?”. I finally released the doubts that I have held for a few months . The only reason I could think of was that Alan had screwed up somewhere . “I don’t think you did anything discourteous to her directly… Maybe she couldn’t stomach the fact that Ryou is able to stand on the same ground as other mages . ”  Equally… Is she referring to Charlotte-chan and Ritz-kun? Alan was my henchman so his considered lower than me… Could Katrinsama be unable to accept me for interacting with mages despite being a human without magic ability? That said, doesn’t Katrinsama have followers who cannot use magic who she is friendly to! Not to mention that Sarome herself cannot use magic . “That being said, isn’t Katrinsama together with the others who cannot use magic?” “She might be with them, but not on equal standing . I mean, to mages, we are worthless existences and that she has to guide our poor souls so that we can live on . That’s how we see it . ” I-Isn’t that too much!? “I-I don’t think there exists such a huge gap between us and mages . ” Sarome eyes opened wide in surprise . “I am envious that you think that way . There might be some variation between territory, but . for the students here, majority would share the same opinion as I do . ” R-Really? It didn’t appear that way at Rainforest and Rubyfallen… Well, Rubyfallen is the exception since it hardly has any mages in the first place . Still, as far as I can remember, there . might have been a difference . “For Katrinsama, she gets irritated whenever she sees you . That’s amazing, really . That basically means that you stand on the same stage as her . Despite the fact that you should be a worthless existence . ” No… All I get for standing on the same stage as her is to be stared at and be “Hmph!” at! “I am just hated by her . Compared to you who stands by her side all the time, I’m sure Katrinsama takes you as a friend . ” Sarome could only give smile of self-derision, not the kind you can find from a ten years old . “I am already unable to stand equally with Katrinsama . It is because I have betrayed her expectations once . That’s why, things cannot go back . ” Sarome said so while smiling, but there was deep shadow behind that smile, creating a heavy atmosphere . I did not say anything and by then, the Magic History teacher had walked into the lecture hall . I glanced back at Sarome again and she was back to her old self, flipping the textbook and facing the teacher so I too acted like nothing happened and attended the cla.s.s . However, my mind kept drifting towards those gloomy thoughts during the lecture . In the end, I was completely unable to concentrate in the cla.s.s, and when I somewhat gotten to the point of depression, the cla.s.s ended . I thought I should just go back to the dormitory when Sarome turned to face me . “It’s still a long way off, kdp palul bx t shgz otvtpbhg tp pal lgw hy pal tvtwlibv rltu, ubzap? Ntpubgt-xt.i.t tgw B mhdsw kl zhbgz ktvn ph hdu ahilphmg . Ntpubgt-xt.i.t mhdsw fuhktksr kl bg t ktw ihhw malg otvtpbhg lgwx, xh B pahdzht it would be better if I warned you first . ” With her bewitching smile, she left behind words that could be taken as both an advice and a threat before leaving . It’s a matter for the future but I’m somewhat freaked out for the first day of school… . ------------------------ Sarome had spoken much then and I pondered about it much, though, other than the usual “Glare and Hmph!” from Katrina, our daily ordinary lives moved on . After that day, I did not have any conversations with Sarome . In the meantime, I started a simple research on magical gems and managed to understand the basics of the gem’s structure . In any case, the fire gem was dangerous to some extent so I kept it in a bottle and was preparing to investigate the structure of the ice gem I mean, if I am going to do experiments with this, I want to make some delicious food and test the gem with it . “Heeey, Ryou, what’s with the smirk?”. I was holding onto my bread and dreaming about tomorrow’s dessert when Alan asked . Oh, how wrong of me . We are still having lunch and I am still fantasizing about another food . How disrespectful to bread . I said as I pinched a piece of the bread and put it in my mouth . “I am planning to make something delicious on tomorrow’s rest day . ”. Ugh, this bread is hard . I want to eat something softer . If I let this continue, won’t my finger grow muscular? “Eh? Where?” “For now, I’m planning to use a fire to cook, so I am going to Kou-san’s place . ” “Then I am going too . ” What? I stopped tearing the bread and paused to look at Alan He had the kind of “Yeah, I’m going; I am the type that will definitely go; Nothing will stop me from going” look . What a failure! If there are more people, doesn’t it mean my share would be whittled down! And I wanted to have fun with just Kou-san…! “D-Delicious stuff as in sweet stuff?”. This time, the one making the twinkly eyes was Charlotte-chan . Her face read, “I wanna go too!” Seated diagonally was Ritz and he too listened with glistening eyes . Apart from Alan, I don’t really want to disappoint Charlotte-chan and Ritz-kun…. However, from the allowance I make from helping at Kou-san’s, I don’t have enough for three…. Maybe I should postpone this . I need to save a little more money . Wait a second . Eureka! Charlotte-chan said she uses ice spirit magic didn’t she! “Charlotte-sama, you use ice spirits right? Can you create ice?” “Ice? If we have water, I should be able to make some . ” Alright, we managed to save the cost for ice!. With the extra money, I can buy more ingredients, and in fact, increase my individual portion! “In that case, I would like your help! We will be able to make more sweets!” “If it is okay, I’ll like to help too! I like sweets! Yay!” “C-Can I join in too?”. Together with Charlotte’s cute smile, Ritz appeared immensely interested . Alright, alright, I greatly welcome you!. I nodded gladly . I have no choice but to use this chance to promote the name of “Genius Ryou-sama!” with my patissier powers that I couldn’t realise during the excursion! . We were discussing on how fun tomorrow will be when Alan b.u.t.ted in . “Hmm, won’t Ryou’s guardian be troubled if this many people went? If these two tag along, would it be alright? Ryou . ” Alan appeared to be very proud of himself as he indulged in an air of gentlemanliness . Alan has a gift of deciding for others doesn’t he! “I don’t think Kou-san would be that bothered by our numbers… If you do think so, we have to reduce our numbers slightly . The people who will be going would be me, Charlotte-sama and Ritz-sama . ” That’s my final answer! “Y-you forgot about me!” I entertained for Alan a little longer but in the end, the generous me decided to add Alan back on account of our friendship . Also, Cain-sama might be coming too . Tomorrow will be fun!.

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