
eXtasy"s Collective Mind She noticed the bulge clearly visible through his tight suit.

"Not fair," she said, her voice husky with the pa.s.sion she felt for him. "Get yours off."

He did. He stood up, peeled the suit off and stood before her naked. Now clean of hair, his body waxed, he resembled a Greek G.o.d from the pictures she"d seen in her history books. She could see he"d had sun treatment. His skin glowed a deep bronze. G.o.d, this man was so beautiful. How come she"d never noticed him in the past?

His hair was now cut to just below his ears, but the wayward tendrils still framed his handsome face. His c.o.c.k jutted out from his loins, throbbing, ready for her. She spread her legs for him, held her arms out. He knelt between her legs and stroked her belly. "Baby, you"re so beautiful," he whispered.

Her skin was on fire, blistering flames tore at her she wanted him so badly. Her c.l.i.t throbbed, it ached for his touch, his lips, his tongue. She lifted her torso, her aching hard nipples looking for his mouth. He leaned over her then, but first he took her in his arms and held her tightly, then nibbled at her ear, licked the side of her face. He briefly stopped at her lips and rained tiny kisses on them, before his tongue continued its journey down her chin, her neck, to finally circle her nipple. His fingers found her c.l.i.t. He circled it, played with it, pushed it gently, until she could hardly stand it anymore.

"Dammit, Remy, f.u.c.k me," she cried out. "f.u.c.k me, f.u.c.k me hard. I want you!"

"Patience, baby, patience," he murmured as his head dove between her legs and he sucked her c.l.i.t hard. Then he flipped around. His c.o.c.k hung above her lips, while at the same time his face was between her legs and his tongue entered her v.a.g.i.n.a. He sucked, his tongue rotating within her.

His c.o.c.k descended into her mouth and she let her tongue 337 Violet Visions play with the hole, then sucked gently on the head. He pushed in further, started to move within her mouth. She fondled his b.a.l.l.s while she sucked hard, felt a slight shudder start within his body, but that"s not where she wanted his c.u.m. She wanted to feel him inside her, all the way. She pushed hard against his belly until he swiveled again and lay on top of her. His c.o.c.k found its home almost on its own. He speared her then with one humongous thrust. She gasped.

"Yes...yes...yes...oh, more, more, f.u.c.k me!" She yelled. She wrapped her legs around him, drew him even further into her.

He slammed into her, over and over again, until she thought she"d burst. When she felt a huge shudder start throughout his body, she knew his climax was near.

"c.u.m for me, baby, c.u.m now," he said, his voice hoa.r.s.e.

"Yes, oh yes, yes... yes... yes..." she allowed the waves of pa.s.sion release, allowed them to join with him in the crescendo of their ultimate union, the ultimate joining of their bodies. No forced s.e.x now, no stimulants, just their love. He extinguished the fire raging within her.

For now.

She wanted more of him, needed more, but there were things to take care of. Her parents. The baby, unpack the stuff they"d just bought...

A few weeks later, they all gathered at Adia"s house. Adia"s partner was away on a mission, so they could talk openly. Her two children were already in bed as well as the infants. Adia had already told them that her partner had agreed to adopt the babies as his own. The authorities were dubious at first, but after tests it appeared the babies had more human DNA than alien.


eXtasy"s Collective Mind After Adia served refreshments and they were all sipping a gla.s.s of wine, she finally told them what she"d discovered about the ice planet.

"They were once a normal race. Explorers, much like us. As I suspected, the gas ring formed around their planet and hid it from the sun and the moon, turning it into an ice planet. They sought refuge underground. This all happened a long time ago.

The aliens we saw were fourth generation.

Years of living underground caused them to become weak.

The food they grew was synthetic, didn"t contain enough vitamins. Lack of proper light, sunlight, vitamins, turned them into the fragile beings we saw. So fragile, that the slightest push or shove could bruise them, kill them. The generation we met, the only colors they knew were the ones generated by the gas ring. All shades of mauve, purple and violet. That"s why everything they created was in those colors. They had archives of earlier times, the colors of the sun, rainbow, their planet, but were unable to replicate them.

Over time, they developed their powers and became telepathic. They forgot speech. They caused our controls to fail of our ship and your pod. As they did with many other alien explorers. They needed new blood, needed to strengthen their race before it became completely extinct.

Most of the alien creatures they captured weren"t suitable, not close enough to their DNA. When they captured us, they were very glad to have found humanoids compatible with them to impregnate with their stored sperm.

Their women were unable to conceive because of the years of deprivation of sunlight and vitamins. They no longer ovulated, their ovaries dead. Therefore, they needed females, females compatible with their species. They planned to produce many more infants from us, but were waiting to see how these three 339 Violet Visions would develop before attempting more impregnations. From what I read, most of the mutated infants we saw died soon after birth and they were very happy when we wandered into their system with our ships.

Their s.e.x play started earlier, about a generation ago. They became so bored with living underground, they started to experiment with s.e.x. They were able to tap into Earth"s satellites, and that"s how they found out about all that stuff.

Basically, they"ll all die within a few years, unless they can find more compatible hosts for their offspring. They"re really quite an advanced species."

"Wow. We were human incubators," Nittya said.

"And why did they keep us men around?" Remy asked. "For what purpose?"

"Well, for their entertainment, you goof," Adia said and burst out laughing. "How could we have orgies without men with the proper equipment? After all, because of their bodily deterioration, their men lost all functionality of their s.e.xual reproductive system. If it weren"t for the sperm the last generation had stored, they"d not have been able to do what they did."

"So why didn"t they store eggs as well as sperm? Did they write anything about that?" Nittya asked.

"Apparently, the females were a lot more fragile than the males. Their reproductive systems failed a lot earlier. When they discovered this, that"s when they decided to harvest the males"


Remembering what had happened on the planet, Nittya felt her cheeks grow hot, but her p.u.s.s.y dampened. They could never engage in that sort of play again, but the memories would stimulate her libido for years, and Remy"s too.

"Well, little mother, we have an infant to go home to," he 340 eXtasy"s Collective Mind said, nuzzling her neck.

"Yeah, and a bed," she answered and kissed him. "I love you, Captain Remy." She was forever grateful that Remy had accepted the baby as his, and that their superiors had allowed her to keep the little girl.

"And I love you, my brave s.p.a.ce explorer."


About the Authors.

Look for other books by these authors at www.extasybooks.com.

K. A. M"Lady.

K.A. M"Lady wishes that everyone can find that secret parallel universe to the dimension of their dreams within the turn of a phrase-like the one, so long ago that struck a cord within her heart and turned the beauty of words into the living, breathing dragon of inspiration that they have come to be for her.

To find some magic of your own you can read some of her other work on her website at www.geocities.com/mladyfair12.

Fawn Lowery.

I"ve been writing since grade school-erotica blossomed in 1992 with several short stories in men"s magazines. I signed on with Extasy Books in 2003.

Ca.s.sie"s Cowboy was my first e-book. I continue to freelance to various men"s magazines, online forums, and other paying markets. I"m happily married to Dave, my all-time love. When I"m not writing, I like to garden, host dinner parties, and travel.

Stone Richards.

I"m a person of many interests. I"m a weekend explorer. I love to poke around in caves and look for artifacts. I"m a frequent visitor to the track- horseracing, when in season. I"m a small bucks investor, dabbling in real estate. I savor fine wine, love to relax in front of the fireplace, and I"m still in love with my mate-perhaps my greatest accomplishment.

Evelyn Starr.

Evelyn Starr"s fascination with words and stories began at an early age. By the time she finished first grade she was writing her own one-page novels. But Evelyn"s all grown up now, and so have the stories!

Viola Grace.

Having just hit my first anniversary as an e-book author, I am drunk with my own power. People like me, despite all I do to drive them off. Sci fi is going to receive the bulk of my attention in the future, with some humor fantasy books creeping out of the woodwork now and then. I can"t stop writing, the screaming muses won"t let me. So, let"s just watch to see where they lead.

Jojo Brown Jojo Brown is a lover of all things erotic and a great storyteller. Her motto is "Everyone has fantasies!" She just enjoys writing them down!

Bonnie Rose Leigh Bonnie Rose Leigh lives in New York with her husband and trio of cats. To find out more about her, her writing and her upcoming releases check out her website at: www.mybonnierose.net.

Tianna Xander Tianna Xander is the author of several paranormal, time-travel and science fiction romance novels. She loves reading everything from romance novels, murder mysteries and encyclopedias, to handbooks on solar energy. Tianna is the first to admit she spends far too much time surfing the internet and chatting with her online friends and critique groups.

Madelaine Grant Madelaine Grant always wanted to become an author. Her life took a detour through fine art and art therapy until she moved to Florida. Now she writes short stories and novels that highlight her love of romance.

Sean MacReady After raising fiercely independent daughters Sean MacReady and his long-suffering wife live in an empty nest in Texas. His hobby is teaching people to shoot. Since a lot of the people he teaches about guns are women, his stories always show respect for the fair s.e.x.

Astrid Cooper Astrid Cooper is an award-winning, best-selling author of fantasy, romance and dark fantasy erotica. She judges national writing compet.i.tions and has presented workshops on various aspects of the writing process and publishing industry, and has just been offered a contract to teach on-line writing courses.

When she isn"t writing, she is studying feng shui, learning Chinese calligraphy and digging around in her garden. Her latest sales include 5 dark fantasy erotic short stories, and 2 fantasy novels are out doing the rounds of publishers. She has a fantasy romance novel coming out in the US in 2008, and is also compiling and editing an Arthurian anthology for Zumaya Publications. For further information about Astrid, please visit her website at: www.astridcooper.com D. J. Manly I write not only for my own pleasure, but for the pleasure of my readers. I can"t remember a time in my life when I haven"t written and told stories. When I"m not writing, I"m dreaming about writing, doing something wild and adventurous, or trying to make the world a better and more open minded place to live in. I adore beautiful men, and I know I"m not alone in this!

Eroticism between consenting adults, in all its many forms is the icing on the cake of life!

Gabriella Bradley Gabriella started to write stories as soon as she learned the alphabet. First published with a ten-line story at age six, Gabby has never stopped writing.

She has many stories yet to be told, and quite a few in progress. Gabby is single and lives in Canada.

Lynn Crain Lynn Crain realized at an early age she wanted to weave fantastic tales as a career. She took the long way to that goal by doing a variety of things like nursing, geologist, technical writer and computer manager. You can visit her at www.lynncrain.com and she loves hearing from her readers at

Alexis Anthony Alexis Anthony is a retired executive who has worked in the fashion industry for a well-known lingerie company. She earned her Bachelor"s Degree in Deviant s.e.xual Practices from Cooper Union while working as an exotic dancer in many of New York"s Greenwich Village nightclubs. Her interests include music, dance, and cooking, as well as writing. She is married to a Bohemian drummer who still works in many of the nightclubs of The Village.

They both refuse to grow up.


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