Thanks to a Different World Reincarnation

Chapter 4: For the first time of magic

Thanks to a different world reincarnation

Chapter 4: For the first time of magic

Author Note:
Thank you for your favorite registered and comments.
I’m glad for your reaction.

For the first time of magic

【Tutorial ③ Let’s use skills】 … Check possession skills, please use.

「Since Gin has an appraisal skills, please try appraised this.」

Chris pa.s.s a potion bottle.

「Skill are same as ever.  Please praying or put in the mouth and be aware of you want to use.」

 As said Gin muttered 『verification』 in his mind the potion that he has in one hand. Then, along with the feeling of reduced something although not unpleasant, information has been jumping out a window that was written from potions.

【HP Recovery Potion (small) … material HP will be 20 recovery ???  × ???  Remarks ???】

 It is the same items and had potion in a little while ago Gin possessions, but an increasing and could not be recognized item at that time by a  『?』.  The information can not be confirmed at the mark, it will blame expert level is low.

「You were able to confirm it.  So once done with the potion, please return it.」

 Gill immediately return the potion to Chris .

「Thank you very much.  『Verification』 is primarily, but ident.i.ty is unknown article skills to clarify the effect, that it be used for goods that have already found ident.i.ty, you can also find out more information. Now it’s impossible because the still low level appraisal of Mr.Gin, but it may become possible to confirm until more detailed information and hidden information if your skill level goes up.  Information obtained by so would be useful in production systems skills such as 『compounding』 or 『smith』.」

 Only a skill that he chose to give up the Shoku-waza skills at the end that he worried about, that it was good and a potentially useful skills Gin relieved.

「At any time you can say 『status』?」

 Chris indication to continues, it is something that Gin has gotten used to also come up here.
 If he tweet the status in his mind it isn’t an issue to mouth out, a window of the status menu appeared without problems in the same manner as before.

Name: Gin
Age: 18
Occupation: free man
Level: 1

HP: 23/23
MP: 7/10
STR: 13
VIT: 12
INT: 10
DEX: 12
AGI: 12

Your following details of each item:


Name … real name. In some cases to receive a new last name and the like are Jose to n.o.bility .

Age … at birth is 0 years old.  It is regarded as an adult at the age of 16 .

Occupation … belong to organizations and occupations. To get the profession needs to be registered in the guild.

Level … rated as organisms. Level to rise by defeating the demon. 

HP is negative when receiving a (life competence) … damage, and death to become 0.

MP (magic amount) … you can either use the magic and skills, etc., reduce damage to MP. 

It represents the strength of the STR ​​(strength) … force. The effect on physical attack in general. The more available equipment increases large.

INT it represents the magnitude of the (magic strength) … magic. The effect on the magic in general. The effect of the spell is increased larger.

VIT represent the magnitude of the (endurance) … body of robustness and endurance. The impact on the probability to receive the amount of damage or abnormal state. The more available equipment increases large.

DEX represent (dexterity) … ease of dexterity and mastery of the hand. The impact on the success rate of the hit rate and production behavior of weapons and magic. The fine effect on skills proficiency.

AGI represent the height of the (Dexterity) … quickness and agility. The effect on the behavior speed in general. Higher agile movement becomes possible.

 The initial value of the status is slightly different each customer weak in the suit by the tribe. For example, elves STR, VIT, and HP is slightly lower, but INT and MP is high instead.
 Gin chose the human race, it’s set that has an average capacity among all races. Its flat capacity value of skills correction amount is applied above status.
 These status slightly rises to every level up, but there are benefits, such as numbers to rise and there is a correction skills increase.

「I think whether noticed, but it is due to the use of appraisal skills of MP has decreased by 3.  Such is MP for the combined in each of the skills consumption with the skill. Also Gin does not yet have in, but consumes MP also in the same way when you use 『arts』 and 『spell』 to remember at the level up of job skills. MP will continue to recover gradually and if not nothing, but the recovery rate by making it to such rest sit will be doubled. In addition it will be stunned with HP becomes zero, but, MP is not particularly penalty occurs even at 0. Because it is that says usually can only physical attack is the fact that although MP0, and, it recommended to be placed leaving a certain MP in case of emergency.」

「Okay. Thank you for advice.」

 It’s certainly makes sense story. It’s important to limit it if you encounter a formidable when MP has expired. Although there is a MP potion, not that it better to keep being careful.
 Gin said a sincere thanks to Chris.

「No, no. So because it is long-awaited by using the time until the MP is restored, I will explain a little additiona . In image of seeing the overall information, could you open the 『menu』 ?」

 Chris and Gin no longer say with him at last aloud.
 When the street image ever, menu window, such as the screen of a smartphone came out. There with six of the 〔basic information〕 〔skill〕 〔equipment〕 〔tool〕 〔Quest〕 〔setting〕 , has been displayed.

「Is there a 〔tool〕 when you open the 〔equipment〕 opens a menu that you’ve done in the tutorial ①②.  When you open the 〔basic information〕, you can see a little while ago such as the status. 〔Skills〕 is and list of possession skills, list of learned in the job skill 〔Arts〕 and 〔spell〕, and also you can see the skill tree to understand the status of the skills of evolution and integration. Of course until the condition is satisfied they become blank, you can not know, such as conditions of evolution.」

 Anyway during the tutorial change in skills.
 Although once Gin skill menu display, now he close the lightly wash away menu did not as good without looking.

「The 〔Quest〕 , you can see in the main quests and subquests in progress on the list. There is also a log warehouse and Notepad in the same menu. Since the log is very c.u.mbersome a check as it is, you can change the importance of the information to be displayed at the time of confirmation, and I think that it 『combat -related』 and can be confirmed smoothly by making the conditioning of the 『system-related』, etc. you. Also, if there is such important information that you want to extract from the log, copy by drag-and-drop from the log in Notepad??」

「Wow, there is no confidence in memory, you are welcome.」

 In Gin elderly reality, it’s a sense essential function.

「Notepad is also possible to have it window display at hand alone. Gate of the tool also was true, but it is up to basically image. There is such a custom function also will now be described 〔setting〕.」

 Really advice Gin was thankfully to it.
 In all likelihood Chris is an AI Gin think, it felt concern that advice.Person of impersonal to be in it. If the heart is felt even AI does the same as human beings, Gin will appeared person who will meet in the game the future, including Chris without thinking such as whether AI, hr thought to try consciousness everyone as a human being.

 Gin with no reason to know to think such a thing while receiving the explanation, Chris talk about the end of the 〔Settings〕 in a row.

「〔Settings〕 is exactly as it is functional, where you can do the various settings. There is also the help, please see if there is something you do not know.  Setting is in a state of various useful functions were also limited at this stage. Content is sufficient if it is possible to check since the start the main part, it is recommended that the map and the navigation function, which is to set to ON so convenient. Map not only use outdoors, then is auto- mapping if you go in even buildings and dungeons, because it can use navigation function is also guidance to the destination will be simultaneous representation, I think it is almost no hesitation. There are a variety of useful functions to others, please try many things to try.」

 It was a very important information for him of sense of direction.
 Being lost is not fun in the game.

「Although I have to lengthy explanation, do you want to respect menu?」

「Okay. It became very helpful. Thanks you.”」

 Gin favorability rating for Chris is MAX. He say a heartfelt thank you with a smile.

「That was good.  Because I think that honesty default menu is a little difficult to use, please customize as Gin is easy to use. So Gin MP since seems to have recovered, it will be a description of the job skills newly learned.」


 Gin harden in words that unexpected. Since first Chris was saying that there is no new acquisition of skills in the tutorial, it’s bolt from the blue.

「No wonder even the be wondering,but one of which is also relief in the same way as the wooden sword. It is not in possession of a job skills, and is a hidden skill which is given to those who are in possession of three or more points worth of magic -based skills.」

【Job skills to manipulate magic that does not have a non-attribute magic … attribute (MAX)】

〔Spell: Mana Barrett … magic consumption MP8 power 5 of the non-attribute attack by skipping the ma.s.s of the magic of non-attribute〕

「Non-attribute magic skill level is at MAX, it does not grow any more. The spell also many MP consumption compared with other spells of the same level, also fell power. However, since the presence or absence of long-range attack attack means is important, I think at least the early stages come in handy.」

 And FYI, Chris has been described as an example the spell data of the same level.

〔Incantation: magic consumption MP5 power 8 of fire attribute LV1 to attack the enemy skipping the ma.s.s of fire Barrett … fire!〕

 While certainly the magic -based skills should spend more than 3P, one also when it comes and do not learn job skills of magic system, it becomes pretty tough start if you have not mastered the job skills of the weapon system. Usually wonder such guy is not, but the rescue skills of why would hidden skills. And power but on consumption MP also many be low, and further, not mean that preferential treatment until there if accustomed not to be growth .  Except for the collector ones, it may not be necessary to aim bother.

 If he remember the ordinary magic skill meaning there is no magic. So Gin wonder how to thinks him.

 Of course, it was a great joy.

「Magic that I thought it would be a while impossible, I’m happy to use it!  Thank you very much. Can I use it immediately?」
 Gin approach Chris in the state that he was excitement.

「Yes of course.」

 Gin was unexpected that pleased so far.  Indeed Chris also had gotten pushed to the momentum of Gin.

 It’s a matter of course from people but.
 First he is happy that what it gave him to care about. Person. It is intends little performance is nasty, it’s a million times better he compare to anything.
 By not considered for Gin such as complain about, it was not impossible except rather appreciation.
 It’s a long-sought magic. There was no reason that people do not appreciate it.

「Now look over at that please.」

 In the direction Chris pointing to there stood two bodies.

「Magic decided to target, collect power in the media their own magic, and then triggered by releasing toward your power to the other party. To collect force kneading the image in spells and say a little more concrete, and so on, such as fires in the cast of a spell a name is the keyword. Again, the important thing is the image. Since the first of us that brought to invoke a state capable of working the system a.s.sist in to cast a fixed spell, please cast a keyword in the subsequent their own timing. At first you ??」

 Chris pointing to scarecrows say so.

「I will shoot the enemy by gathering the power of Mana 『Mana Barrett』!」

 Wavering something around Chris fingertips flew vigorously, it flew to the Scarecrow .

「Is this good?  So, Gin-san please also try.」


 Gin stretched only his index finger and middle finger, he make the shaped like a handgun. And aware that a forces gather in his fingertips, to cast the spell.

「I will shoot the enemy by gathering the power of Mana 『Mana Barrett』!」

 Just as it flying lump of magic as when Chris, he was. .h.i.t on the Scarecrow.
 Gin while stared at scarecrows fallen, they are immersed in the magic of lingering in the impressed look on his face.

「Yes, that was perfect. It is that also true in other magic up to all of the images. As you become familiar with the image, it might also be possible to trigger the keyword only. Please, reference for the future」

【Tutorial ③ Let’s use the clear skill reward : HP recovery potion (small)】

 Shaking off the lingering, and returned Gin confirms his MP, his remaining MP had become 2 . 

「It is not possible to volley in your MP amount for now Gin-san, but I think that I can give a big blow when you face low-level monsters. If you level up because I think of them also made it possible in barrage, please, raise your good luck level.」

 In response to encouragement of Chris, Gin felt in style the Imagine himself to volley the magic also mind exhilarating for. It’s more than half a century, longing to magic than anything. He is of no ginger pleased that become a magician said that game.
 Gin attempt to work hard to level up, he thought again.
Author Note Con.:
Update tomorrow.

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