h.e.l.lo everyone, I"m Fort and I"m starting a new , for posting translated works. Translating has always been my hobby, and seeing words of one language change into another always filled me with admiration. As such, I thought of starting a WordPress.com blog. I don"t remember when I first became fascinated by the concept of translating, or just languages in general. Computer or Human didn"t matter to me at that time. However, over the years I"ve realized it"s a really fun hobby, and a beneficial skill in this day and age.

Despite the paragraph above, I"m not starting this blog for the sole process of pursuing my hobby. No, I"m doing this because this is my final struggle. I have been dealing with many problems, from lack of money to pay rent that will lead to me being homeless by the 28th of this month, to dealing with stress and anxiety, and also a gallbladder stone that"ll cost me more than my kidneys to get out of my body. Haha…not that I"m willing to sell my kidneys as it"ll only cost me more in the long term.

Some might be wondering why don"t you have a job? It"s because I had to give up school in high school. Yes, you guessed it right, mental and financial problems. Mental problems are in boom nowadays.
During the second year I became my only family, and the only breadwinner. I couldn"t handle part-time jobs that fed me and my school, and I gave up on the latter. I truly lament that choice till this day.

This and that happened, and earlier this week my landlord handed me an ultimatum. To get out or pay the overdue rent of 4 months. I had been reading novels online for some months whenever I got some free time, and saw that people could make money off of it. It was at that point I thought maybe if I can make enough to just pay the rent from a hobby of mine. Sounds impossible? Yes, even to me, as I"m writing this post, it sounds and seems impossible, and I can see my future as a sweetheart on the street with a comfy quilt just around the corner.

I know this post won"t be read by most, or even laughed at or maybe thought of as scam, or me being not serious enough. Whatever the case may be, I"m tired of living life like a zombie, working tirelessly from day to night every single day and still not making enough to pay my rent or to eat heartily whenever I want. And finally, I don"t want to give up my home as it"s the only place I"ve lived with my parents. With that as my only conviction, I"m shamelessly imploring to anyone who reads this to help me save my parent"s only memento. I don"t need a lot just $2500, but for many even that may be a lot. 

As long as I can get as little as just $1 from a person really wanting to help me, it"ll mean a lot to me. I ask to share this post through link, twitter, facebook, heck maybe even email to people.
Sharing and spreading this post as widely as possible may restore my faith in humanity. I"ve been treated too badly to believe something as humanity.

I will be translating every single day till the 28th, which is the day I either make it or lose it. If I"m able to survive, I"ll never stop translating. And maybe, probably, I hope I"ll have enough money in a year to maybe redo my schooling years, so I can get a proper job that pays a lot and get done with my gallbladder surgery.

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