“Oh, what is it?” Ning An was somewhat surprised as he accepted the bag and opened it. The first thing he saw was some snacks. “Peanut chocolate candy, cheese stuffed pie, beef jerky……”

Ning An took then out one by one in confusion. “Why did he send me these?” Could it be because Fu Ke had said that he was too thin? Ning An divided a portion of the snacks to give to He Xin and the others.

“There"s also a book.” Ning An took the book that was wrapped in paper from the bottom of the bag and cut it open with a knife. After reading the name on the cover, he scratched his head in confusion. “‘Carry out your own duties - knowing yourself correctly". What the h.e.l.l is this?”

“Ah, I"ve heard of this book before.” Chen Si Yu chewed on a peanut chocolate candy. This kind of sweet snack was pretty good. “The book talks about the formations and rules of our society, although I think the author is a little, um, what"s the word?”

Chen Si Yu licked off the remaining chocolate that was stuck to his teeth. “Well, the author is a bit of a ‘straight A cancer". It"s almost like he thinks Alphas are G.o.dly. But some of his a.n.a.lysis is still quite reasonable. You can read it to pa.s.s the time. Also, the section on the origins of our society is pretty useful.”

“Oh, I see.” Ning An then shoved the book under his pile of reference materials. Looking at the snacks on the table, he ended up choosing the beef jerky. “This tastes pretty good. I should ask what brand it is.”

When Fu Ke returned to his dorm, he received a message from Ning An. He apprehensively opened it and read the contents.

[I"ve received your package. The snacks are very tasty. Thank you. Do you want to go to the training ground tonight?]

Fu Ke quickly thought of the things that Fu Yue had told him to take note of and found that none of them fitted with Ning An. Hence, he still decided to accept.

[Okay, I"ll see you later.]

Also that book. Fu Ke remembered the book he had put in the bottom of the bag. Did Ning An see it? Should he ask? But would it be too obvious?

After receiving Fu Ke"s reply, Ning An stopped paying attention to his terminal. He remembered that when he had found Qin Zhao to hand in his homework today, Qin Zhao had asked him if he wanted to partic.i.p.ate in mental training. However, since he was in a hurry to go back to his dorm, he didn"t ask what it was about and only said that he needed some time to think about it.

“Chen Si Yu, what do you guys do in mental training?”

“Well…” Chen Si Yu"s expression slightly distorted. “How should I describe it…… the instructor would make you put on a helmet and then look at some…… um, some images that you might not have wanted to see. Sometimes…… what you see is different for each person.”

“Is there any use to this training?”

“You can only become the commander of a starship if your mental strength has reached a certain level. There is also a theory that if your mental strength is high enough, it can even promote the evolution of your body. This is a voluntary partic.i.p.ation activity; there have also been people who weren"t able to persist and quit halfway.” w.a.n.g Yi rarely involved himself in their conversations. He was clearly very interested in this topic.

“Ning An, if you partic.i.p.ate in this training, it might make it a little easier for you when you"re drawing sectional diagrams.”

“Urgh, don"t even mention sectional diagrams to me. I almost threw up drawing them.” Ning An made a retching expression. “But I think this training is pretty interesting.”

“We can choose to drive mecha in our second year right?” He Xin was clearly very interested in those big machines. He had also learnt a few of the moves he had seen in propaganda videos. “Super cool!”

“Driving a mecha requires a lot of physical strength. Otherwise, why do you think almost all the mecha soldiers are Alphas? He Xin, you should consider the political science faculty.”

“But I don"t know much about politics.” He Xin felt a little frustrated. w.a.n.g Yi"s physical strength was outstanding, the same goes for Chen Si Yu in terms of mental strength, and Ning An was great in theory cla.s.s. It just seemed like he was the only one who didn"t have anything he was good at. “What should I choose ah……”

“What"s the hurry? Why don"t you think about it next semester? Perhaps after you work hard for a semester, your physical strength would reach the standard for driving a mecha.” Ning An wasn"t in any hurry. He just wanted to take it a step at a time. He hadn"t considered this kind of thing at all.

“En, I will work hard!” He Xin knew the Ning An was trying to comfort him. “Do you want to go to the training ground in a bit?”

“Okay, then we should hurry up.”

Ning An and He Xin arrived at the training ground pretty early and ran into Xu Yu Sheng. After giving each other a friendly greeting, they each went off to do their own thing.

Not long afterwards, Fu Ke and Derek also arrived. Seeing Ning An and He Xin doing basic training, they decided not to disturb them. After a while, Ning An decided to take a rest and walked over towards them.

“Wow, Fu Ke, you"re really strong.” Fu Ke was currently lifting weights, and they seemed to be quite heavy. Ning An carefully poked it with his finger.

“I"m just so-so.” Fu Ke placed the barbell back on the rack. “Did you finish training?”

“No, I"m just taking a break.” Ning An raised the water bottle in his hand. “Right, I brought some things for you and Derek. I left them outside.”

“Then I"ll thank you in advance. Did you rest well during your vacation?”

“It was okay. I feel like I got a lot fatter, so I need to strengthen my training today. I also have to catch up on the lessons I missed. Now that I mention it, why are there so many people in the training ground today?”

“It"s because we"ll have our final exams soon. Some people are making a last minute effort.” Fu Ke looked at those people with disdain.

“Right, the final exam……” Ning An"s face scrunched up again. “My goal is to get first place in the exam.”

“Well, you"ll do well if you work hard for it. There"s no need to worry.” Fu Ke even wanted to smooth out the frown on his face. Compared with when he had just entered the school, Ning An"s progress could be said to be huge. “Just do your best.”

Ning An thought of his scholarship and was a little fired up. “Fu Ke, have you partic.i.p.ated in mental training before?”

“I did the test when I first entered the school. I"m already above the standard needed to drive a mecha, and I also don"t intend to operate a starship, so I didn"t partic.i.p.ate in this training.”

The majority of second year students would choose to become mecha soldiers. Because of the large number of applicants, the selection criterion was set very high. Hence, most of the accepted applicants were inherently superior Alphas.

“Why? Do you want to become a mecha soldier? Or drive a starship?” Fu Ke saw that Ning An hadn"t said anything and thought that he had hit the mark. “They"re both very difficult to do.”

“No, it"s not that. I still haven"t figured out what to choose yet.” Perhaps he"ll end up choosing to quit school and apply for business school. “It"s more important for me to focus on the final exam.”

After all, the scholarship was worth a lot of money.

In Fu Ke"s eyes, Ning An"s behaviour was just like he urgently wanted to prove himself. It was very clear that he hadn"t read the book he gave him. Was it because he wasn"t interested, or that he was too busy and didn"t have time to read it?

Looking at the things on the table that Ning An had given him, Fu Ke felt that it should be the latter. The final sprint at the end of the semester was a very busy period. Military academy was no place for an Omega; he would surely understand soon enough.

Fu Yue had basically determined that Fu Ke had found herself a sister-in-law. She definitely wouldn"t be able to get anything out of Fu Ke, so she chose an indirect route.

[Derek, I want to ask you something about my brother.]

Derek also had the same thought as Fu Yue. For the past few days, Fu Ke had been absent-minded with everything he was doing. Derek was even able to defeat him for the first time. This situation wasn"t right; he must be in love.

[I also have something about your brother that I want to tell you.]

[Then let"s type out and send a message at the same time.]

[Did my brother find me a sister-in-law?]

[Your brother seems to be in love.]

“What?!” Fu Yue immediately sent a video invite and shouted the moment Derek appeared on the screen. “Really?!”

“Girl, keep your voice down. Your brother is inside.” Derek sneaked a peek inside the room and found that Fu Ke hadn"t noticed the situation on the balcony. “I think it"s true. It"s just that I still haven"t found who the other person is.”

“Watch over him for me and don"t let my brother find out.” Fu Yue lowered her voice. “Exactly what kind of person would he fancy?”

“I also want to know.” Derek didn"t stay on the balcony for long. The wind was indeed really strong at night and caused him to feel a little cold. He also saw He Xin waving enthusiastically at him from across the balcony. “Well, that"s all. I"ll tell you if I find anything new.”

Yay I"m back! Sorry for not releasing a chapter last week. I was really sick (people who are in the discord server would already know). Schedule should be back to normal~

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