Seeing that Qin Zhao didn"t interrupt him, Ning An continued, “War requires capital to promote it. Soldiers and weapons both require sufficient funding, and large amounts of capital also need to be invested during the war. When the war ends, various treaties are signed. Generally, the losing country is required to compensate the winning country. This compensation is usually used to contract intermediaries, and the majority of these intermediaries would be those who have invested capital into the war in the very beginning. So, why not think of it like the intermediaries initiated the war in the first place in order to profit from war compensations?”

“That"s a very interesting answer. Please sit down.” Qin Zhao looked at him thoughtfully. “What is your name?”

“Reporting to the instructor. My name is Ning An.” Midway through sitting down, Ning An sprang back up again.

“Sit down. Sit down.” Qin Zhao swiped a few times on his terminal and waved at Ning An to sit down. “Any other answers? How about this student.”

After Ning An sat down, he let out a sigh of relief. Turning his head, he saw He Xin staring at him with eyes filled with worship. “Ning An, you"re so awesome!”

“I made it all up.” He had indeed made up a part of it on the spot. Ning An patted He Xin and said, “Look, my answer isn"t even on the display screen. You talked about the right points.”

Right at this moment, Chen Siyu suddenly returned a message. As soon as Ning An read the contents, he frowned and looked inquisitively at Qin Zhao standing on the platform. Ning An wasn"t blocking He Xin, so He Xin leaned his head over and also read the message.

[Be careful of Qin Zhao!! I"ll tell you more when I get back to the dorm.]

“Ai. Be careful of Instructor Qin……”

Ning An put his index finger to his mouth, signalling to He Xin not to say any more. “We"ll talk about it in the dorms.”

After cla.s.s, the two of them first went to the cafeteria and happened to both buy nutrition packs. Ning An pinched his nose and held his breath. Tilting his head up, he drank the entire nutrition pack in one go, looking just like he was being tortured.

He Xin was still slowly drinking the pack in his hand. He smacked his lips, extremely content with the taste. Watching him, Ning An felt that he was simply outrageous. He Xin only finished drinking when they arrived at their dorm.

When they opened the door, they saw Chen Siyu anxiously waiting for them. He came up and circled around the two, looking them up and down. “What happened? Why did you only come back now?”

“We went to the cafeteria.” He Xin shook the empty bottle in his hand and then threw it into the bin outside. “What happened? Why are you so anxious?”

“Isn"t it because Ning An asked me what Qin Zhao was like? I initially still didn"t remember. Qin Zhao… Qin Zhao… How did he become your military instructor ah.” Chen Siyu said this as he circled around the dorm.

“Stop. You"re making me dizzy.” Ning An held him in place. “Say, what"s the problem?”

“Qin Zhao was originally a member of the military department"s political branch. He was later removed because of a scandal.” Chen Siyu took a deep breath before saying, “The scandal was on the s.e.xual hara.s.sment of visiting students by senior military officials.”

“I think I"ve heard of this before.” Ning An remembered that Ning Meng seemed to have mentioned this to him before, but he was playing a game at that time and didn"t take note of it. “Was Qin Zhao amongst the seniors?”

“He should be. Although the list of names haven"t been made public, the related members have either been removed or rea.s.signed. However, it can"t be ruled out that he was just an outsider eliminated due to political struggle. Anyway, you guys should be careful of him. I heard our instructor say that Qin Zhao"s reputation in school isn"t very good.” Chen Siyu patted a somewhat dazed He Xin. “That"s all I"ll say. You should keep this in mind. Ah, why did I come here as soon as cla.s.s ended to wait for you guys? You two actually first went to eat. I"m starving, I"m also going to eat now.”

“Instructor Qin doesn"t seem like that kind of person ah……” After coming to military school, He Xin felt like his three views had suffered a shock. He had never thought of these kinds of matters before.

“You shouldn"t judge a book by its cover, but rumours also can"t be trusted. We should just focus on studying.” Ning An glanced at the time and decided to pa.s.s on resting. He wanted to go to the training grounds again and find Derek. “Right, I"m going to the training grounds at night. Do you want to come with me?”

“Sure.” He Xin thought that Ning An was unhappy because his fight in the morning was interrupted and he wanted to go at it again. His heart filled with joy and he delightfully accepted.

“Ning An, why is he also here?” Because he was glared at this morning, Derek was already labelled as ‘dangerous", ‘fierce" and ‘stay away from him" in He Xin"s heart.

When He Xin first saw Derek, he was slightly terrified and hid behind Ning An, but then he suddenly realised that it was even more dangerous for Ning An to face him. He Xin quietly stood out again, looking like he wanted to conceal Ning An. Seeing this ‘mother hen protecting her children" kind of action, Derek couldn"t help but laugh.

“Pfft haha…… Sorry, sorry.” Derek extended his hand towards the two of them. “Good evening, student Ning An, student He Xin.”

“Why does he know my name?” He Xin hurriedly lowered his voice and asked Ning An.

“Did you forget that you two already added each other on your terminals? Relax.” Ning An shook Derek"s outstretched hand. “Good evening, student Liszt.”

He Xin also reluctantly followed after Ning An and shook Derek"s hand. “Good evening.”

“Time is precious. Let"s get started then. Which one of you is first?” The three of them were all standing outside the fighting arena. He Xin also understood what was going on.

“Excuse me. Please wait a minute. We first need to discuss this.” He Xin dragged Ning An to one side and said, “Answer my question first. What exactly is going on ah?”

“I think his close combat skills are very strong. I"m a little worried about my final exam results so I asked him if he could be my sparring partner. He agreed.” Although Ning An also couldn"t understand what happened in the morning, after considering that it was best to make full use of available resources, he took the initiative to contact Derek. The latter very straightforwardly agreed.

“Then, I"ll go first.” Since this was Ning An"s own decision, He Xin also couldn"t say much. Thinking for a moment, he still decided to go up first. Summoning up his courage, he looked at Derek and said, “Sorry for the wait. I"ll go first.”


Unsurprisingly, He Xin couldn"t even survive 3 moves before Derek performed a shoulder throw and threw him onto the soft mat.

“Are you okay?” Seeing He Xin sprawled on his back with a bewildered expression on his face, Derek felt a little guilty as though he had bullied someone. Reaching out his hand, he pulled He Xin up.

“I"m fine, I"m fine.” He Xin shook his head and returned to his senses. The suffocating oppression from just a moment ago was already gone, but getting knocked down so quickly still gave him a blow. He softly whispered, “I"m actually such a weakling ah……”

Derek laughed again, and after he saw He Xin stare at him with grievance, he hurriedly explained, “I"m not mocking you, really. I have systematically trained in close combat before, but this is probably your first time so it"ll be very easy for people to find openings and catch you. Also, the suppression from my pheromones is also a factor.”

“So it"s actually like this. Thank you.” He Xin was more or less comforted, especially when Derek gave an explanation for his sudden oppressive feeling during the fight. Otherwise, He Xin had still thought that it was because he was too much of a coward. Now, he seemed to be in a much better mood. “I will study hard in cla.s.s. Next time, I won"t let you win so easily.”

Derek"s eyes were shaken by that dazzling smile. “Okay. You"re welcome to come find me at any time.”

He then turned to Ning An, who was watching the fight from the side. “Student Ning An, do you want to come up?”


Ning An stood opposite Derek, while Derek continued to size him up. Physique thin and weak; slender arms and legs; at a glance, he didn"t have much meat on his body. Derek estimated that Ning An wouldn"t even be able to stand a single move.

That oppressive feeling came again. He Xin subconsciously sat a little further away. Seeing that Ning An did not seem the least bit affected by this oppression, he was first shocked, and then felt respect. So Ning An was actually stronger than what he had thought? Indeed, you can"t judge a book by its cover. When he goes back, he must tell Chen Siyu and w.a.n.g Yi.

Hm… This was a little interesting. Derek looked at the calm and tranquil Ning An opposite him and raised his eyebrows. He had only seen this kind of expression on Fu Ke"s face before. It seemed to be deeply hidden.

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