Remembering yesterday, while destroying tomorrow

――Until yesterday, I lived a happy life.

My father was a serious but kind man. His wife was lost early, even so, he was hardworking and single-handedly raised me properly.

Last year, this father of mine remarried and our family grew to include a new mother and two new sisters.

『Good morning』

『Ara, morning. Keigo-kun』

It"s morning, I have changed into my uniform and headed for the kitchen.

It was my step-mother Asami-san who greeted me with a smile.

She had tied her calm, wavy long hair back behind her as she prepared breakfast.

Asami-san got married while still in junior college, and simultaneously with her graduation she had her first child Yuuki. So, at 37 years old, she is clearly younger than my friends" mothers.

Furthermore, she was a beautiful woman who worked at a beauty salon, so in our neighborhood, it was reputed that she looked much younger than her actual age.

『Keigo-kun, you are up early today』

Those are Asami-san"s words, but, she gets up even earlier than me to do housework. Even some outside work.

Regarding her job, she had been thinking about quitting now that she was re-married. However, when working from a store, the work-hours can be reduced, so when she was asked to do that instead, she continued to work there. The relation and reputation with customers and colleagues might also be good so that they could not let her go.

『I"ll help you. This vegetable, it should be cut into a salad to be served right?』

『Hee. Thank you, that will be a great help』

Since their re-marriage, my father has had a lot of business trips and was rarely home. So I am living with this newly made family of 3, an all women"s team just for me.

It could be said that it is enviable to be surrounded by beautiful women, but if you don"t act responsibly, you are alienated. So I helped with housekeeping as much as possible and made efforts to blend in a little more as a family member.

『Okaa-san, morning. Niisan, good morning』

While I was helping, Mayuha showed up.

She calls me "niisan", but because it is a siblings "niisan" between a sister to a brother, it is just normal. Still, I"m a little sad that she always speaks so politely towards me

『Ah, I will help too』

Although she is rather accustomed to it right now, for this gentle girl who grew up in a family of only women for a long time, it seemed scary. And she did not want to get too close to my father and me.

These days the distance has closed and it is a more normal relationship where it"s possible to touch shoulder to shoulder.

When I"m approached by such a precious child, I am pleased both as an older brother and a man.

『A re, Mayuha. Your face is not red?』

When a.s.sessing my younger sister"s face, in consideration of Asami-san"s word, I think it looks slightly different from usual.

『I"m fine, I think』

『Just in case let"s measure the temperature, here let"s find the thermometer, oh――sorry Keigo-kun, can I ask you to watch the pot?』

『Yes. I got it』

I succeed the preparation of the dish from Asami-san who needs to take care of Mayuha"s frail body.

It"s only breakfast, so it is simple. Toast and salad, sausage that boils in hot water, and then should I prepare some scrambled eggs?

『G"morning! I forgot that I must get to school early today』

Yuuki appeared noisily.
Like always it is the opposite of Mayuha, a completely energetic older sister.

『There"s no time, so, see ya!』

『Wait Yuuki. At least eat breakfast』

『Like I said, I don"t have time』

I noticed that Asami-san had a face like she felt deserted.
So since I was nearby, I decided to get a word in from the sidelines.

『Okaa-san kindly prepared it. So try to eat just a little at least』

『Uh……alright. Then, bread only』

Or so she says, but, she tosses sausage into her mouth and forcibly gulps down milk.

Although it is a way of eating that can not be said to be very girlish, I don"t socialize enough with girls to have built enough experience to say.

『Thanks for the me~al. Ah, Keigo. You still have bed hair』

『Eh? Right』

『Yea, right there. Correct it neatly ok? Well then, I"m leavi~ing!』

After pulling my hair tightly, she half ran out into the street. A busy thing, isn"t she?

I dragged my hand through the hair, stroking it and making sure it stayed down.

『Mou, really. That girl…… Mayuha, I"ll get the thermometer soon. Well, you probably have no fever, after all, your complexion doesn’t look bad.』

『I"m fine, I think』

『Is that so? But it"s not certain, right?』

While they were doing that, I prepared and arranged our breakfast.

『Ara, it"s already finished? Then, itadak.u.mashou』 (TN: the mother speaks this way)

『Itadak.u.masu, niisan』

『Un. Itadakimasu』

―――― I was supposed to have been living a happy life like that.

「Aa…… niisan, ha~h」

「Hah mg~u, n, n n~u, le~n」

In the living room, these two wet voices were heard.

One was on my lips and the other one on my crotch.

Yuuki has been successfully corrupted. So we took a little break to shower and wash our bodies. And then, again, I gathered both my sisters together like this.

「Niisan, more…… n~u」

I"m sitting on the sofa with the young childish body of Mayuha nuzzled against me, while she begs me for a kiss. I embrace her closer as we press our lips together deeply and she sticks out her tongue to let herself in, I"m pleased with this request and take my own tongue out to respond and entwines it with hers.

Her enticing nasal breathing tickles my face and satisfies me with a feeling happiness.

「ngh, fu haa, n, hau~un……」

While we were kissing and mutually rubbing our arms around each other, below us, Yuuki sat on the floor on her knees, giving service to my p.e.n.i.s with her mouth.

The embrace of the inside of the mouth is warm, and while the tongue wet with saliva is tracing the whole length of my member, every time, I feel a pleasant numbness all the way to around my tailbone.

(I wonder how I should "configure" Yuuki)

Since I like the charm of her cheerful and strong-willed personality, I don"t really want to tone these traits down too much.

It was only a brief moment of exploration, but when Yuuki had those m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t qualities it was a bit fun. Let"s strengthen that.

「Haa, n…… n? Fguh u u ! ?」

The naked and small back shook, from the gap between her lips where my p.e.n.i.s was held there leaked out a sigh.

Seems like the effect was immediate. While her hips were squirming, it felt like the b.l.o.w.j.o.b somehow became more pa.s.sionate. The sucking and the strength of her tongue increased, it feels better than before.

「ngh, nh, uh, nh, le……」

She must be remembering the m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic pleasures strongly, and while sucking me she started to feel good herself.

(She"s doing her best, maybe I should give her a reward)

I stretched out my foot, the toe reached to between her legs and touched. It was introduced to a wet feeling. I lightly rubbed the area with my toe and a seductive 「nau~u!」 voice was brought up that she was unable to hold in.

While she"s enjoying that, I pondered over what to make of these two people, and an idea popped into my head.

(My little sister Mayuha, she is adorable and obedient, like a little puppy.
   My older sister can be commanding, but when I command her now, she is delighted, like a female dog…… something like this?)

Besides, I should be able to enjoy manipulating them with various other things.

Like the body, I"ll make them even more beautiful, as much as possible.

Mayuha will have to one way or another deal with having a sick body.

It"s not possible to cure, so I"ll have to make do with other parts of her body so that overall she should feel fine.

Would it be a good idea to increase the athletic performance of Yuuki? It seems that it is possible to increase the height of a body by a little with this "power", and it would be profitable to her as a high jump compet.i.tor.

「Hau~ n…… niisan, u~」

It was when Mayuha moved closer and buried the tip of her nose into the nape of my neck trying to have more touching of skin against skin, and I felt her start to lick, that I heard it.

"Gachari"――the front door opened, and together with it 「I"m home~」a voice said.

「n, nn~! ?」

「ni, niisan」

My sisters said in a panic.

However, I will not panic. Because I knew it was only a matter of time before the last of the "small animal" in this house would come home.

「Hora, what are you guys up to? Because it"s dinner soon, so you mustn"t rest」

「Fughu, u, gu u u u!」

Rather, my excitement is rising and I move my waist hard to poke Yuuki"s throat.

「Ho bu, e go u, u bu! ?」

While listening to Yuuki vomiting, I hug Mayuha tightly to stop her from running away.

「Niisan, this, Okaa-san will……n, nn」

Devouring Mayuha"s lips, f.u.c.king Yuuki"s mouth, I wait for the figure of the third prey of "small animals" to appear.

My heart is pounding so hard it"s unbearable. In expectation that from today onwards every day will be of pleasure like it"s a dream, it is possible to see my heart pushing up at the chest.

(This is it. This is what I decided when I woke up today)

When I woke up and I found this power that I have.

I had already decided what would happen from today onwards.

「Waiting for you~ everyone, is hungry right?……, ……what!?」

Yes. I decided on this.

While my stepmother looked at us with eyes wide open in surprise, I entangled her with power from my line of sight, and let loose an unbearably good e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n into the mouth of my female dog.

        >> Epilogue (1/2)

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