Epilogue 2 of 2

(TN: sorry for the delay, I was not happy with the translation and tried to fix it but I’m still not happy and gave up)

The compet.i.tion in the morning was over, and an intermission set in. To escape the intense sun we migrated to the indoors.

「That"s… somehow amazing news」

Mayuha murmured next to me. It was because of the talk with the director of this athletic event a short while ago.

『If Yuuki-kun manages good results during this compet.i.tion, as a representative of our school, I will arrange a famous coach from the outside』

Yuuki"s results right now are close to the high school student record, and as long as she continues to improve it could be possible to enter the world championship at the Olympics and challenge the j.a.panese record.

We go to a private high school that is specialized in athletics clubs, and the board of directors has their eyes set specifically on Yuuki.

Obviously, having school girls that can challenge the j.a.panese record and j.a.panese national team, and especially if it is such a beautiful flower, it will be a good thing for the school. Actually, the local press came to this compet.i.tion and all of the attention was set on Yuuki.

(Well. Having her drink s.e.m.e.n, c.u.mming inside her… I mean seriously, I worked so hard to raise her for these results)

In reality, though, I actually feel like I enjoy this cultivation game.

It has been certain with this. To be able to have s.e.x with women is not the only thing this "ability" can do. More positively, developing a woman"s ability makes it possible to gain something back as well.

「A re. That"s Onee-chan over there」

It"s true. In the corridor stood Yuuki in a corner by herself.


「Ah…… Mayuha」

「It was amazing, Onee-chan. You jumped so high」

「Mm, thanks」

She gave an impression that she was very tense. I mean, like she is so nervous that she is not able to calm down at all.

「What"s wrong? Are you feeling sick or something?」

「It"s nothing like that no…… it"s just, earlier I was talking with some amazing person from school about various things」

It suddenly hit me. Today"s results will play a factor on the aforementioned coach for Yuuki.

(What kind of idiot is he?)

It seems that there was a school official who had said things she did not need to hear which made her upset.

Until then, Yuuki did not know. Which means that this official had lied and said that the famous coach will be settled for the athlete who performs the best, in order to make her concentrate on the compet.i.tion, I guess. It seems that his thoughtfulness has backfired.

「Are you alright?」

「Un. I"m fine. I"m all fired up and ready to go」

That"s what she says, but at the same time, it feels like she is telling herself in her mind to calm down.

She folded her arms in front of her body, but to me, it looked like she clutched her jersey with her hands in order to relieve stress.

(I guess I"d better do something about this)

After all, I have a method to do it.

「Yuuki, I want you to calm down」


「I want you to be able to concentrate on the compet.i.tion. I want to make sure your body is in a good condition for the second half」

With her looking this tense, I am unable to bear it, so while looking at each other face to face I pour a little "power" through my eyes.

「You have realized it, right Yuuki? Since you began to have s.e.x with me, did you not start to improve?」

「That"s, that"s true……」

Without a doubt, she must have come to this conclusion by herself at some point.

That since she started to have s.e.x with me, her physical condition and sports results were rising.

Not only herself but also the weak younger sister was getting better. Also, her mother is looking younger than before. Besides, the appearance of those three people became prettier than before.

「My sperm, do you want it? It"ll be like water and nutrition replenishment」

「Ah, oh…… 」

This place is not like our house. The surroundings are not ideal to make her in heat because there are people everywhere. We would have to find a secluded place.

Even so, I locked her gaze to mine using "power", so that she is not able to look away. The skin around her eyes was red, and the eyes themselves were wet. Her throat went up and down, "gokuri", swallowing saliva.

She chewed on her lower lip tightly and then slightly opened her mouth to speak.

「……I, I really want to win」

It was a tiny voice that could barely be heard, but it arrived clear as day into my ears.

「Keigo"s speー ……give me. please」

「Fuan~, n~, a, ah…… niisan, too strong…… ku」

The lower half of the body was getting wet while sounds of b.u.mping together appeared, I was having s.e.x with Mayuha.

This little sister is truly a cute and obedient child who listen to what I say, so with a personality like that, even at a time like this, she can be obedient towards me.

When I pierce her all the way to the back, my p.e.n.i.s is softly accepted, and while the shallow hole is rubbed it tightens up to pleasantly stimulate the glans.

If I thrust the p.e.n.i.s back and forth at various depths and angles, in various places inside her, I can experience various different kinds of pleasant feelings.

「An~, ah, this kind of, and outside…… hiu~, nfu~」

Upon the roof, here, in a place where the sunlight does not reach – in the shadow of the water tower, I had the hem of her dress rolled up to the waist and let the bare white small b.u.t.t stick out.

「Don"t worry. If a person comes then mother will let us know」

This location is not easily visible, so it should be fine as long as people do not come too close. And mother is keeping watch at the door that leads to this roof.

「bu- but…… nh」

With both of her hands on the wall, we were connected in a so-called standing back position.

Of course, because Mayuha is much smaller than me, I needed to open my legs and bend the knees in order to enter her. Although she is not heavy, due to her weight, it is a position that makes it easy to stimulate deep inside her.

「Hah, noo…… I don"t like…… and to be outside, I feel it, n, n~」

Under the blue sky, in the comfortable wind, I was excited about having s.e.x while outside for the first time.

Even though she dislikes me entering her hole, Mayuha also seemed to be more excited than normal. I can feel the insides of her v.a.g.i.n.a wrapping my p.e.n.i.s is awfully wet and hot. Every time I move my hips she squeezes hard and leaks out sweet breaths.

「Ah, ahh…… it"s unfair. At least give me that…… 」

Yuuki sounds like she is about to cry as she complains.

She had undressed and sat naked on the floor atop a towel. She sat with the wall and Mayuha on either side of her, with just the right height to have her face reach our waists.

My little sister"s secret place and my p.e.n.i.s entering it, it was as close to her as possible. It would be a bad idea to have her be in heat using my "ability".

「I can"t, you understand? Yuuki you continue the tournament after this so you can not get tired」

「But that"s……」

「Hau, nk, niisan…… n ah」

I can"t let Yuuki get tired. If she does not have strength in her waist, she cannot compete well.

That"s why I cannot have s.e.x with Yuuki.

「Don"t worry though. When I e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e, I"ll pull out and put it in your mouth. If you drink it, the afternoon half will definitely go well.」

「Uh, u……」

Under this blue sky, I have s.e.x with the younger sister while her elder sister is watching.

Because of that extraordinary situation, my lower back is more energetic because I get so excited. And while humping, I try to deliberately make as many lewd noises appear as possible.

「So, please Mayuha. Work harder and make him e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e quickly…… hurry it up and let me drink it」

「Hah, aa…… that"s」

Women manipulated with the s.e.m.e.n filled with power.

If I want to produce better results, to pour s.e.m.e.n with that power makes a woman in heat more effectively.

But, I can"t turn them into heat now and make them get tired. I better moderate it and have her drink it. It should still be enough to adjust her nerves for the better.

「Hey, Mayuha. Work harder. Make me feel better so that I can c.u.m sooner」

「Nh, ah, n, yes. I"ll, try harder, so…… n kiyu, uh~」

Like I thought, my younger stepsister is obedient and cute.

Even though it is a bit messy, she is still trying hard like she was told and strongly tightens around the p.e.n.i.s.

「This…… Mayuha,…… Keigo~o」

Unable to bear the excitement from watching us, Yuuki puts a hand in her crotch and start masturbating.

There spilled droplets from the place where we connected, and they landed on her face and naked body. It was a good thing she took off her clothes.

(Amazingly erotic)

When I was lost in thought while shaking my hip, the soft meat where my p.e.n.i.s was inside, suddenly shrank and became tucked in tightly.


「Fu ah, a…… oneecha- n, ku~uu!?」

Yuuki had stretched her neck and began to lick near the place where we were connected.

Just above the v.a.g.i.n.al opening where there was a p.e.n.i.s stuck inside, she licked from the urethra to the c.l.i.toris. It caused Mayuha to tighten up inside and erupt in heavy breaths that never seemed to stop.

「Y, Yuuki, you…… you"ll get tired, it"s better to watch instead……」

「Hah, ha~, but…… but I can"t hold back…… n, "lick"」

「Hi, a~, nisaan…… oneechan u~」

When my older sister wants to drink s.e.m.e.n this bad, she started to lick the younger sister"s p.u.s.s.y, like asking for it to appear.

My head started to boil when acknowledging this erotic situation, and since the p.e.n.i.s was also feeling pleasant it seemed like my posture was about to collapse.

「I"m c.u.mming, any moment…… Get your mouth ready, I"ll let it out properly!」

「Hah~, "lick", "kiss" ~yu~u~tsu ~tsu」

「Ah, no, no, ah, ahh, aaaahh!」

The first one to c.u.m was Mayuha. Her delicate body shook and became stiff.

「Ku~, Yuuki!」

「n, yes, let me drink…… n gu~u~u」

I"m afraid it will spill out too soon, so I forcibly tolerate it and withdraw it from the v.a.g.i.n.al opening to push it in front of Yuuki"s face.

As if waiting, Yuuki caught the p.e.n.i.s violently with her opened mouth. I think the momentum was too strong when the tip of the glans head struck the back of her throat, but she did not let go of it at all.

「Here it comes――」

「n "gulp", buho…… n, n ku, "gulp"……n」

I can feel Yuuki"s body as it shivers.

There"s no doubt. While I e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e into the back of her throat, and she drinks the forcefully expelled s.e.m.e.n and swallows it, I know what happens.

It"s a beautiful girl who c.u.ms from drinking a man"s s.e.m.e.n.

To be able to have such an ideal and erotic woman as mine, I appreciate this ability I developed for her, and release my c.u.m to the last drop.

「Hah~, hah~, hah~」

「Fu, uu~……」

「nku, n, puha~a, hah……ah~」

While I"m immersed in a great sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, I gently stroke Yuuki"s head who licks my sensitive p.e.n.i.s clean.

『Senpa~i! Do your bes~t!』

『No worries, just watch me~!』

Slightly raising her hands in response to the cheers from the other club members, Yuuki slowly makes her way to the position of her compet.i.tion.

She was already the only compet.i.tor remaining to stand in front of the bar. All the others had struck the bar and were dropped out.

Everybody in the vicinity had their eyes only on Yuuki.

「Hey, you two. Yuuki will jump you know?」

Yet, Mayuha and Asami-san did not see the field at all.

「n~, nn……」「Hamu~……n, "lick"」

We sat in the back of the vacant auditorium.

Everybody else sat at the front and if they were to look from down there they could only see from our chest and upwards. In such a situation, the two of them became obsessed and began to serve a b.l.o.w.j.o.b to me.

「Fu, a, niisan…… transparent liquid is appearing. It feels good, doesn"t it?」

「n, Keigo-kun"s smell…… n chi~yu, fuu~」

Although that place had become a blind spot from the surroundings, they sure are enthusiastic.

(Well, it"s not like it could be helped)

Mayuha especially, was a bit sorrowful because she has not been poured s.e.m.e.n yet. Because I needed to concentrate on taking care of Yuuki, they have both been left alone for a while. Was it bad of me?

「It can"t be helped」

At the very least I will try to support them while watching Yuuki"s jump.

Yuuki was doing well so far. I increased her mental strength with the power put in the s.e.m.e.n and even removed the fatigue in her muscles as much as possible. The b.u.t.terflies in her stomach have also calmed down.

The bar was steadily raised, and while her rivals had dropped out one after the other Yuuki was successfully making the leaps.

The bar being prepared right now is the same height as the high school student record.

(Do your best, Yuuki)

She adjusted the running distance carefully and tapped the toe on one of her feet on the ground to boost her into a rhythm.

「Just for a little bit, try to endure it. Because Yuuki is in a good spot right now」

「Fu, n~」「"lick"……~un」

Putting light manipulation in my voice, with their weak reasoning power the movements of their mouths slowed down.

I focus on Yuuki while feeling a soft pleasure from the calmed service on the p.e.n.i.s.

The voice of cheering gradually died down. I could feel the air change as everybody concentrated, I became quiet, too.

Yuuki adjusts the approach angle, taps the ground with her toe to take the rhythm again. Then, the first step is quietly made and from there the tempo increased all the way up to the bar.


The audience in the hall gave a cheer.

The bar shook a little bit but did not fall. Yuuki succeeded in jumping the high school student record at this prefectural convention.

『Yu~ki~! Yatta ~!』

『Senpai, kakkoi~~~!!』

Yuuki was looking up to the sky while sitting on the thick mattress.

It looks like relief, but surely it is a delightful expression.

「Yatta…… amazing, Yuuki! That"s so cool!」

I am excited at the success of my family, and my body gets hot.

That cool and beautiful girl is my family――and also my "thing"!

(Today, I"ll have to praise her a lot)

When I come home, I"ll help Asami-san and make lots of delicious things to eat. Everyone will share our joys and praise Yuuki a lot.

――After that, I’ll torment this precious pet and make her cry, rape her until she c.u.ms and have her gulp down s.e.m.e.n and c.u.m inside her many times.

「That"s enough. So, do it harder. As much as you can」

「Fugu~, nnn」「n chi~, wamu n u~」

I"m lost in this desire and force Asami-san"s head down hard on my waist.

Still, Asami-san obediently sucks strongly as ordered. I can feel myself hitting the limit, so I break them apart and have Mayuha lick the b.a.l.l.s and stroke her head gently.

「Here it comes~」

「ngu, nfuu~!?」「Okaasan, how nice for you……n,"lick"」

I"m attracted by the appearance of Yuuki who is receiving cheers out on the field. I breathe heavily while thinking about tonight.


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