Unc" Billy looked. The sky was full of dancing snowflakes. They got in his eyes and clung to his whiskers. Unc" Billy shook his head in disgust.

"Ah don" see anything but mo" snow, and yo" know Ah don" like snow!"

he said. "What yo" driving at, Brer Squirrel?"

Happy Jack laughed. "Why, it"s just as simple as can be, Unc" Billy!"

he cried. "Just as soon as it"s dark, you start for home. It"s going to snow all night, and in the morning there won"t be any tracks. The snowflakes will have covered them all up."

Unc" Billy grinned. "Ah believe yo" are right, Brer Squirrel, Ah believe yo" are right!" said Unc" Billy.

And Happy Jack was right, for Unc" Billy got safely home that very night, and the next morning, when Farmer Brown"s boy visited the Green Forest, there wasn"t a footprint to be seen anywhere.

So Unc" Billy Possum learned how easy it is to get into trouble and how hard to get out of it. But he isn"t the only one who has found this out. Just ask Unc" Billy"s particular friend, Mistah Mocker the Mocking Bird. He will tell you the very same thing. He and Unc" Billy have been in all kinds of sc.r.a.pes together, and if you care to read about some of them, you may do so in the next book--The Adventures of Mistah Mocker.

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