The Alpha's Breeder

Chapter 12

No human would build a gigantic house in the middle of nowhere, especially inside of a forest where dangerous animals lurked unless they were predators themselves.

A packhouse.

I stumbled onto a werewolves" packhouse.

d.a.m.n it.

Before I could take another step forward, a vicious growl from behind made me stumble two steps ahead.

At the scary sound, the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and my legs gave out on me, sending me plummeting onto the floor beneath with limbs akimbo.

I tumbled forward and rolled down from the uneven ground before coming to a complete halt on the gra.s.s, gasping for breath as I stopped.

Truthfully, I wished that I had continued rolling, barreling as far away as I can without stopping. But it was too late for wishful thinking.

My limbs had soon turned to jelly and I could barely even roll myself onto my stomach to attempt to stand up straight because my vision had long gone blurry with tears of desperation.

I was too dizzy to even stand properly but I continued to try to push myself upwards only to stumble back onto my b.u.t.t like a newborn fawn.

A loud rumbling growl echoed throughout the entire forest and spurred me back onto my feet faster than ever before.

I hurriedly trudged forward and relied on my instincts to guide me only to come to a halt when I ran straight into a line of overly built werewolves.

And, once again, I found myself on my b.u.t.t while both exits were completely blocked off.

"Please let me through," I whisper with my slightly strained and hoa.r.s.e voice from yesterday"s near death experience.

The three werewolves continued to stare me down before the chilling howl, that sounded vaguely familiar, cut through the air.

At the howl, the guard werewolves became further enraged.

Their hackles raised and canines bared.

I choked down a terrified scream before attempting to stand again.

My head whipped around to spot the enraged Alpha barreling through the grove and coming to a standstill behind me.

Kent and the Beta was right behind his tail, almost running straight into their tall Alpha before stilling.

"Alpha Jared, you have crossed our borders," one of the rather bulky males voiced in a rather annoyed tone of voice.

His eyes narrowed into a glare at the 3 behind me but it felt like he was also glaring at me.

I inhaled sharply.

"It was not planned, Beta Toren. I have only come to collect something of mine," Alpha Jared states with a slightly uneasy frown on his lips.

I attempted to flee again through the gap of men only to hear the slightly peeved growl beneath Alpha Jared"s breath.

His eyes stared straight into my own frightened ones, and the sharp glare managed to freeze me in my spot.

"No matter, Alpha Jared. You have breached our peace treaty and this must be reported to our Alpha," the man replied sternly before turning right towards me, glancing down his nose to inspect my disheveled form.

The two guard wolves standing by Beta Toren"s side dragged me up by my forearms with a seriously painful grip that brought tears to my eyes.

I was dragged up the porch, straight into the white pack house with Jared and his 2 pack members trailing right behind us.

And I soon found myself, once again, captive to another group of werewolves.

If this new Alpha sides with stupid Alpha Jared than I might as well put my head—womb—on a platter for them.

I"m praying that they would be so p.i.s.sed off at Alpha Jared for crossing their borders that they would let me go.

Before they realize that I"m the breeder that is.

If stupid Jared opens his mouth and lets them know then all h.e.l.l will break loose.

I was really petrified of what was to come and terribly embarra.s.sed as the pack members all stared at me with their mouths wide open in shock and possibly disgust.

Some even covered the younger werewolves" eyes so that they wouldn"t be able to see the pathetic sight that I made.

My cheeks burned hotter with each step I took.

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