The Alpha's Breeder

Chapter 87

"I"ve tried. Each time I try to get the words out in his presence, he flashes in front of me and knocks me unconscious. And then next thing I know, this is on my neck." She pointed her perfectly manicured finger at the ugly swollen mark on her neck with such anger I am sure that Zanthos could feel it from wherever he is. "Can you believe the nerve of that a.s.shole?"

Knocking a girl unconscious is definitely a good way to woo them.

Way to go, Zanthos.

"Well, you"re stuck with it until you either mate with him or reject him," I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

"Does killing him count in making this disappear?" she asked seriously because it was obvious that she lacked knowledge in the werewolf field unlike me.

"Probably," I replied rather ambiguously.

If she does manage to get rid of Zanthos, it would be one less headache for Eros and I.

But I highly doubt that she would succeed.

I sighed.

The only thing I can do is support her and her choices, no matter what they are.

"Do you guys keep silver in the packhouse, Rora?" I joked again, turning my head to look at Rora who was silently trying to hold in her laughter as we plotted Zanthos "death".

"Very little of it," she replied with a wide smile on her lips.

"That settles it then. I am going to kill him with my bare hands," Ani said through the cracks of her teeth as if killing a werewolf like Zanthos was going to be that easy.

We"re not really going to try to kill him.

I just want to see him struggle to get what he wants.

That doesn"t make me evil does it?

"Good luck," I replied.

Hopefully it doesn"t backfire on her.




After some careful thinking, I decided not to meddle in Ani and Zanthos" situation.

Zanthos is a real b.u.t.t-head but I don"t want to be the reason he loses his mate again, that would be far too cruel of me.

But he is going to have to do the work himself until Ani decides on either him or her fiance, Wyatt.

It"s blatantly obvious that Ani is choosing Wyatt, yet I have a nagging feeling that things might not be what they seem.

And if I did meddle, Ani may or may not blame me in the future when she realizes she made a bad decision(this has happened multiple times before).

She"s a grown woman.

She can make her own decisions.

That"s it.

I have enough on my own hands at the moment with Eros, if you know what I mean.

But if I were to choose, I think Wyatt would be the better of the two.

He is a lot more mature and understanding compared to Zanthos who is rather immature for being Eros" older brother.

"Younger brother," Eros corrected.

His long tapered fingers weaved through the long strands of my damp hair and untangled the knots.


"Zanthos" is your younger brother? Really?" I was mildly surprised by his words.

But, then again, with Zanthos immature behavior, I wouldn"t question it.

Eros hummed a response.

He pulled long strands of my hair back and over my shoulders so that it would be easier access for him as he continued to help me dry my hair.

I never did realize how relaxing it is to have someone play with your hair.

But the only problem is that I have become lazier now with Eros spoiling me so much.

He did everything while I mostly just laid on my back and waited to be fed.

I feel kind of useless because I don"t really have a purpose yet.

"Then how is he the Alpha before you?" I was terribly curious by now, tipping my head to the side as I started to think of all the possibilities.

"He was born Alpha with dominant traits known to most leading wolves while I was born with more...recessive traits in the pack. I was more..submissive to him," he explained as I pondered on this new bit of information.


Submissive to Zanthos?

No freaking way!

This is totally news to me.

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