The Alpha's Breeder

Chapter 76

With my eyes closed, the intensity was almost amplified until I could feel every movement from him, every breath and every touch was like a trail of fire.

"You"re so sensitive, mate," he said, blowing hot air against my dripping sheath.

I felt his fingertips touch my quivering flesh, lathering my sopping juices across his fingers.

My mouth hangs agape at the initial touch and white lights flash before my vision.

It felt so good.

My abdomen clenched painfully, and more wetness trickled out.

Eros pressed his lips lightly against the heated flesh that seemingly begged for his touch.

At the sensation of moist heat, my entire body arched upwards and a choking sob manages to leave my lips in a whining cry.

Eros" tongue licked across my opening.

His fingers pushed open the lower lips to expose my flesh to his heated gaze and hot breath.

I was shaking like a willow in the wind, unable to control the whimpering cries that left my lips.

When his tongue makes another round against me, dragging across the protruding nub, I lurch off of the bed and arch into his mouth.

I was breathing heavily, panting for breath as he plays with my c.l.i.t, sucking and kissing at it with just the right pressure that I thought that would explode.

His sharp canines grazed and nipped my swollen c.l.i.t several times only to lather it with his hot tongue right after.

The sensations were overwhelming, to say the least.

And, before long, his talented tongue dipped inside of me.

He pushed my folds aside and drank my juices like a man thirsty for water.

By this point, my entire body was thras.h.i.+ng on the bed, barely recognizable cries of his name leaving my lips as he wors.h.i.+ps my body.

"E-Eros..." My eyes were wide open now while wanton moans left my lips, no matter how hard I tried to swallow them down.

His head was still in between my parted thighs, wreaking havoc on my core with his tongue.

My hands dug into the bedspread, quivering at the intensity of his touch on my heated flesh.

I could see sweat beaded on his brows when he lifted his face to me with blue eyes dark and beautiful.

He looked feral, more beastly handsome with his chin and cheeks glistening from my juices smeared across his face.

I was extremely embarra.s.sed but couldn"t help the swell of pleasure at the arousing image.

I was getting even wetter just because of it.

And I couldn"t get myself to look away as he pleasures me.

"So wet and hot and tight. And all for me," he murmurs huskily, his tongue licking across his sharp canines as he looks up at me with a decadent smirk on his delicious lips.

My head tips back with a grunt when he blew hot air against my pa.s.sage and a long finger was slowly inserted into me.

The tapered appendage eased its way into my wet pa.s.sage only to be removed and harshly shoved back in at an exhilarating rate.

Then, another finger is added to the first, moving rapidly in and out of my flesh while his mouth attaches to my c.l.i.t, nibbling against the terribly swollen flesh with just enough force that leaves me even wetter.

The mind-numbing sensations were starting to build up, making my hips move back and forth as the feelings of arduously climbing a mountain came back.

It was as if Eros could tell that my climax was coming because just before I could reach that pinnacle of deafening pleasure, he stopped.


A displeased whine left my lips when his fingers slickly left my body, and his mouth stopped that pleasurable sucking action.

"Beg me, mate," he said darkly, kissing my quivering c.l.i.t with s.h.i.+ny lips. "Tell me you want to c.u.m."

Teasingly, his fingers filled me up again and just as my womb starts to clench at the building of an o.r.g.a.s.m, he pulls his fingers out, leaving me mighty frustrated at being cut off.

Frustrated tears were building on my lashes at the sensation of being so close to that pinnacle of ultimate pleasure that I wanted to strangle Eros for being the tease he always was.

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