The Alpha's Breeder

Chapter 93

If I had known about this, I would have told him that I would be willing to do it for him, no matter how uncomfortable it would make me.

He"s given up so much for me, the least I could do was give some effort in our relations.h.i.+p.

It made me feel bad because I felt like I haven"t contributed anything.

He gave and I took.

Almost like a parasitic relations.h.i.+p where I was the parasite.

I know that Eros doesn"t mind but I do.

And I really wished that there was something that I could do for him, something within my capability, of course.

As I contemplated the options, my eyes s.h.i.+fted from Rora"s form until it landed on this rather tall blonde female who was glaring at me from the distance.

She had pretty light blue eyes lined with a thick layer of eyeliner and matted with a dark smokey purple eyeshadow, a tall nose accentuated with a tiny bit of highlighter on the tip, and full lips glistening in a shade of nude.

She was rather pretty, if she wasn"t viciously glaring at me.

Since I couldn"t do anything about it, I just shrugged it off and followed Rora.

Rora introduced me to her friends, and I could that tell some of them were still sort of awkward and tense around me.

That was expected.

Some smiled whole-heartedly while there were others whose smile seemed forced and rather strained.

I knew there was still a lot of work cut out for me in order to gain everyone"s trust, but I am willing to put in the effort.

I"m just glad that they tried to remain as neutral as they could with me.

How can I expect them to trust me knowing that I was working for the opposite team?

Even I wouldn"t trust me if I were them.

Well, at least no one has made any comments on my scientist background.

"Oh-em-gee! You"re the Alpha Female, aren"t you! I"ve been waiting so long to meet you," a female"s voice suddenly managed to cut through my engrossing thoughts when I looked up.

"I"m Brandy," she introduced with a wide grin on her face that showcased a full set of perfectly straight teeth and freckled cheeks.

"I"m Emi," I reply rather shortly, trying to catch my breath at her sudden appearance.

My eyes trailed from her happy face down to the biker jacket and extremely tight skinny jeans that she was wearing in question of her approach.

Brandy had piercings on her nose, eyebrow and lip.

Her hair was a mixture of different pastel colors starting from the root to the end.

From my observation of her, Brandy seemed quite tough and edgy.

"I hope this doesn"t offend you but you smell...thoroughly f.u.c.ked," Brandy said with this mischievous inflection in her voice.

A rather sly grin imprinted itself onto her lips.

I nearly choked on the spit in my mouth at her statement, and I couldn"t decide on swallowing it down or spitting it back up.

I suddenly noticed that Brandy had a rather uncensored mouth.

She spoke what she wanted when she wanted without a care at all the dumbfounded faces she left behind.

And I can"t help but wonder if all werewolves were this blunt like Brandy and Zanthos or were they the only exceptions.

My face was frozen for a split second before I choked out, "It"s nice to meet you too."

What else was I supposed to say?

Bye, Felicia?

"You"re so pretty! I am in love with your skin," she exclaimed with rather exaggerated hand gestures.

Then, she started asking me twenty questions on what products I used and how I take care of my skin.

"Like how old are you? 45? 175?"

My eyebrows furrowed together at her question.

I started feeling rather offended until I remembered that werewolf years and human years were completely different.

At least I hope she wasn"t trying to make a jab at me.

"36," I answered rather robotically, unsure of what else to say to her because it started to become awkward with Brandy continuously rambling on about who knows what and me just standing there.

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