First correspondence with Sir Henry Clinton 218

The court-martial acquits Arnold of all serious charges, but directs Washington to reprimand him for two very trivial ones (January 26, 1780) 219

Arnold thirsts for revenge upon Congress 220

Significance of West Point 221

Arnold put in command of West Point (July, 1780) 222

Secret interview between Arnold and Andre (September 22) 223

The plot for surrendering West Point 224, 225

Andre takes compromising doc.u.ments 226

And is persuaded to return to New York by land 227

The roads infested by robbers 228

Arrest of Andre (September 23) 229-232

Colonel Jameson"s perplexity 232

Washington returns from Hartford sooner than expected 233, 234

Flight of Arnold (September 25) 235

Discovery of the treasonable plot 236, 237

Andre taken to Tappan (September 28) 238

Andre"s trial and sentence (September 29) 238

Clinton"s arguments and protests 239

Captain Ogden"s message 240

Execution of Andre (October 2) 241

Lord Stanhope"s unconscious impudence 242

There is no reason in the world why Andre"s life should have been spared 243

Captain Battersby"s story 244

Arnold"s terrible downfall 244-246

Arnold"s family 247

His remorse and death (June 14, 1801) 248

Reflections 248-250

Mutiny of Pennsylvania troops (January 1, 1781) 251, 252

Fate of Clinton"s emissaries 253

Further mutiny suppressed 253, 254



Cornwallis invades North Carolina (September, 1780) 255

Ferguson"s expedition 255

Rising of the backwoodsmen 256, 257

Battle of King"s Mountain (October 7, 1780) 258, 259

Effect of the blow 260

Reinforcements from the North; arrival of Daniel Morgan 261

Greene appointed to the chief command at the South 261

Greene"s daring strategy; he threatens Cornwallis on both flanks 262-264

Cornwallis retorts by sending Tarleton against Morgan 265

Morgan"s position at the Cowpens 265

Battle of the Cowpens (January 17, 1781); nearly the whole British force captured on the field 266

Brilliant movements of Morgan and Greene; they lead Cornwallis a chase across North Carolina 267-269

Further manoeuvres 270

Battle of Guilford (March 15) 270, 271

Retreat of Cornwallis 272

He abandons the Carolinas and marches into Virginia 273

Greene"s master-stroke; he returns to South Carolina (April 6-18) 273

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