,June 29, 1985 Bianca was. .h.i.t by a car in East Hampton while she was trying to learn how to ride a bike. Gold and Fizdale hit her. They"re those two old dual pianists who write about cooking together now. Steve Rubell sees a big settlement.

Sunday,June 30, 1985 It was Gay Day parade day. Got in a cab and the driver was a happy f.a.ggot, he said, "Hi! Did you go to the parade?" and I just said, "What parade?" "What parade?" and he dropped the subject, talked about the weather (cab $5). And on the news the hostages from TWA 847 were free, and then they weren"t free and then they were free. and he dropped the subject, talked about the weather (cab $5). And on the news the hostages from TWA 847 were free, and then they weren"t free and then they were free.

Stephen Sprouse called and we made plans to meet. I said I"d pick him up at 9:00 and we"d go down to Odeon for dinner (cab $7). It was sort of empty (dinner $70). Then we walked over to Area. Then I remembered there was a Gay Day party at the Palladium. We started to walk up. Saw some cops by the stable where they keep their horses on Varick Street. They were just back from the parade, laughing. One of them had his nightstick pointing out from his basket and they were laughing about their experiences of the day. A cute one said hi to me (cab $7).

Tuesday,July 2, 1985 It was Emanon the fourteen-year-old rapper and the little Latosha girl at the office for lunch, and Emanon"s so cute, he really is. I think he should expand from rapping into singing. And Latosha does sing like Ella Fitzgerald. I want to adopt little black kids.

Keith called me and wanted to know if our date for Jerry Hall"s birthday party was still on. He said he"d pick me up at 9:00. Worked till 8:00. Keith picked me up in red patent-leather shoes and we went to Mr. Chow"s (cab $9). Mr. Chow"s is fighting having to unionize, because he said he needs the kind of young attractive waiters that you just get off the street. I had a gla.s.s of champagne. Jed was there with Alan Wanzenberg. And I notice that Jerry"s birthday parties have gotten more hardcore every year. It used to be her model girlfriends and their boyfriends, but now it"s heavy-duty, no model friends.

Thursday, July 4, 1985 Stayed home during the day, the dog was sick. Watched the soaps and they"re all great, handsome guys and good-looking girls, and they really know how to kiss.

The Forbes boat was parked at 30th Street and the East River, not the Hudson River like I thought. And when Stephen Sprouse and Cornelia and I got there there were all people on the highway screaming my name as I went in so that distracted me and I didn"t take pictures.

Peter Brant was on the boat, he told me that he"d tried to buy the Voice Voice, that he"d really wanted it, but that he lost out when Leonard Stern paid $55 million because he"d only offered $51 million.

Anne Ba.s.s was there with her husband Sid and kids, and I didn"t make a fuss over them which I should have. I sat with Mick and Jerry while I ate. Watched the fireworks and it was like they were floating by the boat. "Suzy" was there with her son, and I didn"t know she had one. Then the boat left and sailed around the tip of Manhattan up to where it usually docks on 23rd Street in the Hudson. Going fourteen miles an hour.

And Cornelia"s still with Philippe Junot and Mrs. Vreeland is mad at her for wasting her life, which she is, but she says she doesn"t want to get married, she just wants to have fun.

After I got home Stephen called and said, "Thank you for a really good time," and for a few seconds I (laughs) (laughs) couldn"t think who it was. couldn"t think who it was.,July 6, 1985 Got up to get to work but decided it wasn"t going to happen and I stayed in and read. Tried to read Dominick Dunne"s book The Two Mrs. Grenvilles The Two Mrs. Grenvilles but it"s too boring because it"s not real and it"s not fiction. Then I started reading the copy of but it"s too boring because it"s not real and it"s not fiction. Then I started reading the copy of Savage Grace Savage Grace that Steve Aronson autographed for me. It"s about the Bakelite woman and her beautiful fairy son who killed her, and it"s all the real society people talking and these fascinating letters from the father-I guess someone will make a good movie out of it because the people are glamorous and it"s a good story-mothers who want their sons to be fairies so they sleep with them. that Steve Aronson autographed for me. It"s about the Bakelite woman and her beautiful fairy son who killed her, and it"s all the real society people talking and these fascinating letters from the father-I guess someone will make a good movie out of it because the people are glamorous and it"s a good story-mothers who want their sons to be fairies so they sleep with them.

Told Stephen to meet me at 7:30 sharp at Diana Vreeland"s for dinner. It was a huge rainstorm but it stopped at 7:40 and I walked over. Stephen Sprouse was already there and sweet. He"d brought Mrs. Vreeland some outfits. I had my tape recorder on and she came in and said, "What"s that?" and I (laughs) (laughs) told her, "A camera," because I thought she couldn"t see. And she said, "No it"s not." So then I told her it would be like old times, taping again, and she said okay. She said she has a girl sit in the room with her while she sleeps. I thought that was so strange, that she would want that. But then, I guess she is sick, so ... She had four vodkas and she smoked about fifteen cigarettes. told her, "A camera," because I thought she couldn"t see. And she said, "No it"s not." So then I told her it would be like old times, taping again, and she said okay. She said she has a girl sit in the room with her while she sleeps. I thought that was so strange, that she would want that. But then, I guess she is sick, so ... She had four vodkas and she smoked about fifteen cigarettes.

Andre Leon Talley was coming the next day to read the Rothschild book to her, she said. She can"t remember names, but then she never could could. And the funniest thing was she said that someone who was going through things for her found her birth certificate, and it was August 29th and not September 29th, the date she"d been celebrating all her life because that"s when her parents had told her her birthday was. So she"s a Leo, she finds out.

Monday,July 8, 1985 I forgot to say that over the weekend I saw an old Naked City Naked City episode from the sixties on TV that had Sylvia Miles and Dennis Hopper, and it was during the filming of this episode that I met Dennis, when Henry Geldzahler took me up to 128th Street on the East Side where they were shooting it, and I guess Sylvia must have been there, too, but I didn"t know her then. And she was playing old episode from the sixties on TV that had Sylvia Miles and Dennis Hopper, and it was during the filming of this episode that I met Dennis, when Henry Geldzahler took me up to 128th Street on the East Side where they were shooting it, and I guess Sylvia must have been there, too, but I didn"t know her then. And she was playing old already already.

Fred was just back from L.A. and we may be getting the building off Doheny and Melrose for our Interview Interview office out there. It"s a house, but it"s zoned for business. Down from a million to $500,000. And he"d said at first that it didn"t need work, but now he said that it needs air conditioning and wiring. office out there. It"s a house, but it"s zoned for business. Down from a million to $500,000. And he"d said at first that it didn"t need work, but now he said that it needs air conditioning and wiring.

Dr. Bernsohn told me that Jon is going to Tibet with Dr. Reese-for his health, maybe, I guess. And to research his scripts on crystals, I guess. I don"t know ... he"s completely gone from New York now. He"s just working out there in L.A. I guess I"ll find someone better to work on movie projects with. I mean, that was the main reason I got so involved with him, so ...

Anyway, Dr. Bernsohn said he"d been to Sedona, Arizona, that and his back was cured. I didn"t know anything was still wrong with it. Sedona is one of the three big points. The others are the pyramids and the the Bermuda Triangle.

Went and looked at the September Movies issue of Interview Interview that they"re working on, and I didn"t like the illuminated ma.n.u.script kind of lettering that heads each category-I think they should"ve just done a new kind of modern type, not the curlicue look. And the Stallone pictures that Herb Ritts took don"t look any different than movie stills, there"s nothing that makes them unique, because Stallone"s just in his boxing trunks. Why didn"t Ritts at least have him hold a that they"re working on, and I didn"t like the illuminated ma.n.u.script kind of lettering that heads each category-I think they should"ve just done a new kind of modern type, not the curlicue look. And the Stallone pictures that Herb Ritts took don"t look any different than movie stills, there"s nothing that makes them unique, because Stallone"s just in his boxing trunks. Why didn"t Ritts at least have him hold a hanky hanky in one shot or something, to establish that it was our picture, not just some still from in one shot or something, to establish that it was our picture, not just some still from Rocky IV Rocky IV.

Tuesday,July 9, 1985 I met a guy from Paramount last night named Michael Bessman, and I guess he has the job that everybody wants-in charge of development. I think he must have just gotten the job that Jon was wanting. I don"t know if Jon would have been good at it. He never liked any of the projects I thought of, but now that he"s trying to go into production, I"m just waiting-I"ll probably see my ideas my ideas being announced as being announced as his his new projects. Like the "Music Hotel," that one I was doing with Maura Moynihan. Jon always thinks it was his idea after the movie comes out. Like new projects. Like the "Music Hotel," that one I was doing with Maura Moynihan. Jon always thinks it was his idea after the movie comes out. Like Footloose Footloose. He knew Dean Pitchford, the friend of Peter Allen"s, and he remembered that they were all talking about it at a party once and then after Dean Pitchford did it as a movie Jon would always say it"d been his idea, too. But these things are all in the weather, and it"s whoever does does it that counts. it that counts.

They were telling me that Cosima von Bulow cancelled her shoot for Interview Interview because she got a sunburn. But I mean, she lives in Newport, and she doesn"t know about the sun? because she got a sunburn. But I mean, she lives in Newport, and she doesn"t know about the sun?

Sent Benjamin out on a simple errand and it cost me a thousand dollars! I"d given him $2,000 to go get the large-size sculpture of the Last Supper that we"d bargained the guy down from $5,000 to $2,000 on. So he went there and it wasn"t there anymore. The Last Supper comes in small, medium, and large. So then at this other place, I"d gotten the guy down from $2,500 to $1,000 for the medium. But Benjamin forgot we"d gotten them down down, and he bought the medium one for $2,000! He didn"t remember! didn"t remember! It was actually the size I really wanted, anyway, but he wound up giving the second store for the medium one what he was supposed to buy the large one for. So this means he hasn"t got a head for figures-a thousand dollars is a lot to waste. I just couldn"t believe it, after I"d haggled so hard. It was actually the size I really wanted, anyway, but he wound up giving the second store for the medium one what he was supposed to buy the large one for. So this means he hasn"t got a head for figures-a thousand dollars is a lot to waste. I just couldn"t believe it, after I"d haggled so hard.

Went to Marylou"s on 9th Street for a models dinner (cab $5). Joey Hunter was there. And all the boy models at one end of the table were desperate that they didn"t have girlfriends, and then the girl models were at the other end of the table tired and complaining that they didn"t have boyfriends.

Wednesday,July 10, 1985 I"d redone the portrait of a lady from Boston and we had lunch for them so they could see the new ones. I learned a lesson: I should never show a portrait when I know know it isn"t right. The first time around I knew that I"d made her look like a horse, and still I showed it to them. And the thing is, this woman"s actually nice-looking, it"s just one of those people who photographs all the wrong way-all the b.u.mps are in the wrong places. Like the of her nose just goes the complete wrong way in pictures, and it"s actually a perfect nose in life. But now they loved them, they took three. it isn"t right. The first time around I knew that I"d made her look like a horse, and still I showed it to them. And the thing is, this woman"s actually nice-looking, it"s just one of those people who photographs all the wrong way-all the b.u.mps are in the wrong places. Like the of her nose just goes the complete wrong way in pictures, and it"s actually a perfect nose in life. But now they loved them, they took three.

Jean Michel came by and did a masterpiece upstairs. He wants to get work done before he goes away again. He had Jay filling in paintings, and I"m going to have Jay fill in, too. He tried to hire Jay away, but Jay didn"t want to work for him.,July 13, 1985 Watched the Live Aid thing on TV. Bobby Zarem"s office had been calling, wanting me to go down there, but when you"re with that many big celebrities you never get any publicity. Later on that night Jack Nicholson introduced Bob Dylan and called him "transcendental." But to me, Dylan was never really real-he was just mimicking real people and the amphetamine made it come out magic. With amphetamine he could copy the right words and make it all sound right. But that boy never felt a thing-(laughs) I just never bought it.

Someone gave me a copy of Leo Ford"s s.e.x video and I put it on when I got into bed and he was ma.s.saging this limp sausage of his for so long and there was another guy there doing the same thing with his his limp one, and I fell asleep and when I woke up they were limp one, and I fell asleep and when I woke up they were (laughs) (laughs) still doing it. still doing it.

Monday,July 15, 1985 Saw Dr. Li and had fun. We were going to go back to the East Side but it was such awful muggy weather that we just went downtown. A girl came by with the Edie look, but I told her there wasn"t anything I could do for her. I guess she wanted me to wine and dine her and change her life, but I mean ...

Gael came in and she"s losing weight. I told her she should start going on TV shows to promote Interview Interview and make it sound glamorous. and make it sound glamorous.

Tina Chow went out today and got her crystal. The crystal in the kitchen at the office still isn"t working-it still isn"t repelling the roaches. Vincent says the roaches even run around the clock in the stove, under the gla.s.s. I"m going to bring it back to Bernsohn again.

Thursday, July 16, 1985 Cabbed to meet Ric Ocasek of the Cars who"s doing a solo alb.u.m, and we were filming him for our MTV pilot show, Andy Warhols Fifteen Minutes Andy Warhols Fifteen Minutes (cab $6). (cab $6).

And there was a big rainstorm with big hailstones and that was exciting. We ran around with buckets, putting them under all the holes in the roof. Worked with Rupert until 8:00.

Then I went to dinner with Susan Mulcahy of the Post"s Post"s Page Six. And you know, I realized watching her last night that she"s gotten more tough. She"s still sweet and everything, but the job has put her into a power position, which is weird. She does have to fill up the page and I see her becoming more like Bob when Bob got aggressive and tough. She acts more like a man now, and she"s now accepting the idea that she"s beautiful. Page Six. And you know, I realized watching her last night that she"s gotten more tough. She"s still sweet and everything, but the job has put her into a power position, which is weird. She does have to fill up the page and I see her becoming more like Bob when Bob got aggressive and tough. She acts more like a man now, and she"s now accepting the idea that she"s beautiful.

Wednesday,July 17, 1985 Ran into Sylvia Miles and I told her that we really had to go together to the opening of Marianne Hinton"s tromp l"oeil gallery show this coming Tuesday because it"s called "Opening of a Loo." So then Sylvia and I can both finally say we"ve been to the opening of a toilet.

Monday,July 22, 1985 Went up to the Kiss of the Spider Woman screening (cab $5) Kiss of the Spider Woman screening (cab $5). This is the movie Jane Holzer produced with that David Weisman, the Ciao Manhattan Ciao Manhattan person. I can"t stand him so I hate to say it, but I liked the movie. And I guess people are wanting arty movies now, or something, it"s the right time. person. I can"t stand him so I hate to say it, but I liked the movie. And I guess people are wanting arty movies now, or something, it"s the right time.

I had to get home early and dye my hair because of my public appearance at Lincoln Center for Commodore Computers the next day. Dyed my eyebrows, too. Black. I always dye it black first, and then leave some white and everything. I"m artistic, sweetheart.

Tuesday,July 23, 1985 The day started off with dread as I woke up from my dreams and thought about my live appearance and how nothing is worth all this worrying, to wake up and feel so terrified. Had to be over at Lincoln Center at 9:00, so I was up at 7:30 (cab $4). Debbie Harry got there before I did. She"s a blonde again and she"s lost another ten pounds. And she was wearing the outfit from Stephen Sprouse that I"ve never seen anybody else wear yet-the shoes glued into the leg stocking. We ran through it, and the easiest part is running through our thing for the press, that"s so easy. They said we had to be back there at 5:30.

The whole day was spent being nervous and telling myself that if I could just get good at stuff like this then I could make money that way and I wouldn"t have to paint.

Then when I went back there at 5:30 we went on and I thought I was going to pa.s.s out. I forced myself to think about the next job I could get if I didn"t. Went along and the drawing came out terrible and I called it "a masterpiece." It was a real mess. I said I wanted to be Walt Disney and that if I"d had this machine ten years ago, I could have made it. Then afterwards people saw the portraits of Debbie and thought those were (laughs) (laughs) the Xeroxes. the Xeroxes.

And the news is full of Rock Hudson having AIDS in Paris. And now I guess people will finally believe Rock Hudson"s gay. When you"d tell them before, they wouldn"t believe it.

Thursday, July 25, 1985 The doorbell rang, it was Doc c.o.x picking me up for the dinner at II Cantinori with Chris and some Interview Interview contest winners. And I told him that even though I haven"t been to see him for a while, I"ve been examined by insurance company doctors so not to worry. These kids looked great until a real model came along, and then you could see the difference and you realize that a model is a model. contest winners. And I told him that even though I haven"t been to see him for a while, I"ve been examined by insurance company doctors so not to worry. These kids looked great until a real model came along, and then you could see the difference and you realize that a model is a model.

Then I took everybody over to the Palladium for the sixties party there, and it was easy to get them all in because Steve Rubell was right at the door. So we went in and G.o.d I hate that place, so packed, so hot. And I never sweat. Never. But at this thing I started to a little. Every girl who said h.e.l.lo was an "Edie." And somehow they never get the hair right-Edie"s was straight back and dyed like a boy and really white, but they usually give themselves bangs or something. Everybody gets the Edie look wrong and I don"t know why. They do something different that"s not the way (drinks $20).

Martin Burgoyne came over and invited me to be his date to the Madonna wedding in L.A. in August.,July 27, 1985 I called Keith to tell him I was invited by Martin to Madonna"s wedding. Keith"s invited, too. We cabbed with Paige down to Wooster and Broadway ($5). It was a party for Clemente that the Artforum Artforum girl was giving in a big beautiful loft. Bianca was there on crutches so I was glad I"d sent her flowers. She thanked me for telling her about Eizo because he helped her leg. Rammellzee the black graffiti artist was there and he threw me by saying, "Entertain me, show me why you"re great." And I froze up. He has long long eyelashes. We decided to go to II Cantinori to dinner. girl was giving in a big beautiful loft. Bianca was there on crutches so I was glad I"d sent her flowers. She thanked me for telling her about Eizo because he helped her leg. Rammellzee the black graffiti artist was there and he threw me by saying, "Entertain me, show me why you"re great." And I froze up. He has long long eyelashes. We decided to go to II Cantinori to dinner.

We got there and we were waiting for Jade and her boyfriend. And Jade, she really has to grow another head or she"s finished-you know what I mean? She"s really beautiful but she"s still smaller than Bianca. And for a while she"d been the tallest girl in her cla.s.s. She was saying how everybody thinks she"s the luckiest girl in the world for having these two great parents, but that they just don"t know how hard it is. She also said that she couldn"t wait to get married and have a baby who"ll scream "Grandma!" and "Grandpa!" at Bianca and Mick. I told her she should marry Steve Rubell and she said, "He wouldn"t be faithful," and Steve said, "Well would you you be faithful to be faithful to me?" me?" and she said, "I"d have to think about it." Which was a good answer. and she said, "I"d have to think about it." Which was a good answer.

Keith said he was going up to 108th Street for an acid party, so he dropped us off.

Monday,July 29, 1985 Keith called and said that Calvin told him that the Bel Air was for old ladies and that Steve Rubell was trying to get a deal at the Beverly Hills. For Madonna"s wedding. I guess they want to be able to bring people home and I guess you can"t at the Bel Air.

I went to see Dr. Li and she took everything out of my pockets and tested the phone numbers that I had there for black magic. She does do that stuff. She puts your hand on your chest and you see if the energy is there. You put your arm out in front of you and she tests for resistance-you"re lying there like a horizontal Hitler youth. Last week she took the stuff out and it was the same stuff I always carry. Two keys, stuff from j.a.pan that John and Kimiko Powers gave me, and some phone numbers.

Went over to Cafe Luxembourg (cab $4). Carl Bernstein was there and waved across the room. He was with three girls. And David Byrne the Talking Head was there but I never know how to talk to him. Martin Burgoyne was with us and he put his hair up and looks like a girl. He"s twenty-one but he looks jaded. And Keith said that when Madonna was staying at Keith"s, sleeping on his couch, the stories he could write about the people she had s.e.x with...

Tuesday,July 30, 1985 Ran to meet Patty Raynes and the baby. This is Marvin Davis"s daughter (cab $4). She was sweet. She told me Tatum was also going to get her portrait done, so that was exciting.

Fred decided he"d go to L.A. for Madonna"s wedding with us.

And later on that night Keith told me that he"d asked Yoko Ono for $200,000. I was shocked. He wanted it for his store. I said, "But Keith, you"ve got enough money," but he said he didn"t want to sell his paintings now to get money because he thinks they"ll be worth more later. And he said she said all her money was tied up, that yes, she had a lot but that it wasn"t at her fingertips, and I was just shocked that he would ask, I really was, but he seemed to think nothing of it.

Ran into Yoko and her boyfriend Sam Havadtoy and went back to the Dakota with them. He"s Hungarian, it turns out, and he"s going back to buy a big house there. And he doesn"t let Yoko push him around. He eats sugar and drinks and doesn"t pay attention to her, and I guess she wants to be pushed around now. And he was saying that he didn"t want Sean to be an actor, that he felt he should go into something else, so he was sounding like a father. I guess he just takes care of Yoko. But that"s hard. There were three cats in the apartment and Yoko said that the cats hadn"t talked since John died until she put a record on. And Sam gave us a tour of the place and it"s so big. I"d never seen all all the rooms. The bedroom and everything, so I guess they do sleep together. But he"s looking for an apartment of his own, too, so I don"t know what that means. Sam made hot chocolate but then n.o.body sort of wanted it. Sean"s away at camp and loves it. the rooms. The bedroom and everything, so I guess they do sleep together. But he"s looking for an apartment of his own, too, so I don"t know what that means. Sam made hot chocolate but then n.o.body sort of wanted it. Sean"s away at camp and loves it.

Friday,August 2, 1985 The Tina Turner concert was great. I thought she was copying Mick Jagger but then somebody told me she taught him she taught him how to dance. And oh, what is Ron Delsener"s problem? He never got us backstage and he"s complaining to me about Cornelia wanting free tickets, and I felt like saying to him, "Look, you want to get into society-well, someday she might invite you to that big party, you know?" how to dance. And oh, what is Ron Delsener"s problem? He never got us backstage and he"s complaining to me about Cornelia wanting free tickets, and I felt like saying to him, "Look, you want to get into society-well, someday she might invite you to that big party, you know?"

The wife of Glenn Frey of the Eagles came over to me, and Cornelia screamed. "Get away, you groupie!"-so mean and rude. She picked all that up from hanging around with Boy George and Marilyn.

Monday,August 5, 1985 The Enquirer Enquirer and and Star Star and and People People and and Newsweek Newsweek and and Time Time all had Rock Hudson on the cover. We should"ve had him on all had Rock Hudson on the cover. We should"ve had him on Interview"s Interview"s cover. It would have been funny to have a phony baloney interview with him on all the newsstands now-"Why I"m Straight," by Rock Hudson. cover. It would have been funny to have a phony baloney interview with him on all the newsstands now-"Why I"m Straight," by Rock Hudson.

Gael called and said that Kim Basinger is going to be the cover for November and I said, "Whaaat?" I mean, she"s older and she"s not going to be anybody and even if she is, so what, you know? I"m just so bored with movie-stars-for-yuppies.

I was at Dr. Li"s and she told me to give up bananas and wheat and broccoli and hot food.

And I want to do a Madonna headline-the Post Post one: "MADONNA ON NUDE PIX-"SO WHAT?" "-and use a photograph of her from a different day that would fit right in, but Keith wants to use a photo one: "MADONNA ON NUDE PIX-"SO WHAT?" "-and use a photograph of her from a different day that would fit right in, but Keith wants to use a photo he he took of her and Sean Penn. Which is kind of grey. But I"ll do it both ways. We"re doing a painting together for her wedding present. took of her and Sean Penn. Which is kind of grey. But I"ll do it both ways. We"re doing a painting together for her wedding present.

Walter Stait called and said that Ted Carey had pa.s.sed on in East Hampton. He was having an opening on out there of all his paintings. I didn"t know he lived in Jed"s building on West 67th. In Stuart Pivar"s building. With this Italian kid. I knew he was about to go, Walter had called me last week.

Tuesday,August 6, 1985 In the morning Benjamin picked me up and it was a pretty day. And since it was my birthday I decided to do all sugar, just an all-sugar day, not deny myself anything (cab $6).

All this Happy Birthday stuff. Bernard the drag performance artist brought me the greatest present, he"s really clever. A beautiful package from Van Cleef & Arpels, and inside was a big beautiful bracelet box, just everything perfect and beautiful, and I was so excited, and inside the bracelet box was a typed card and it said, "Andy Warhol wants nothing for his birthday," because that was what I told a magazine was the best present. "Nothing." I don"t know if he had to pay for the packaging or what. So I came face to face with my own philosophy and I was (laughs) (laughs) so let down. It was great. It"s worse than eating your own words, getting them back in a Van Cleef & Arpels box. so let down. It was great. It"s worse than eating your own words, getting them back in a Van Cleef & Arpels box.

Cornelia called and was so sour. She never even sent a gift or anything and didn"t mention my birthday.

Stephen Sprouse brought me a gift, one of his old paintings. Keith asked me who I wanted for the dinner. He said his birthday present was to take me down to Glenn O"Brien"s softball team"s game where Matt Dillon was going to be playing down on Leroy Street with the graffiti artists against them, so that was something to look forward to.

Glenn"s team was playing against Futura"s graffiti team with Matt Dillon. And Ronnie was on Glenn"s team and then this girl was walking by with a little dog, and she stopped and said hi, and guess who it was. Gigi! She said she and Ronnie have been back together for two weeks. And I just looked at that dog and all I could think of was how Ronnie drowned the cats when he and Gigi were breaking up. And now he"s broken up with Tama Janowitz who was really nice. And Maria the jewelry designer was nice, too. Gigi said that she works for the movies.

And Matt Dillon struck out with three people on base, but he was cute. And then Lidija came by, they"d told her at the office that I"d be there. Jay wasn"t playing because he"d hurt his arm or leg. And Wilfredo is so crazy about Matt Dillon that he carries around a paperback called (laughs) The Life of Matt Dillon (laughs) The Life of Matt Dillon. I"m not kidding, it"s a real book.

Wednesday, August 7, 1985 Somebody told me that Jon Gould has gotten a rich South African to finance movies and has a deal where Paramount will match the money the South African invests.

I had a dinner date with Fred last night, and Bob Denison and his new wife, so I couldn"t go with Karen Lerner and Steve Aronson to see John-John Kennedy in his play at the Irish Theater-it"s invitations only, you have to be invited by someone in the cast. John-John turned us down for the Interview Interview cover. I guess he would have to give away too much talk to be on our cover, but with cover. I guess he would have to give away too much talk to be on our cover, but with People People he"ll just get a big story and not have to say a thing. he"ll just get a big story and not have to say a thing.

Bob Denison married the kind of girl that his kind of person should marry-upturned nose, blonde, sort of the Joan Lunden-type, a little past thirty, she was in a Valentino dress and she had a good sapphire ring on. She does the morning Today Show Today Show, the segments on beauty and fashion. I don"t know her name. And I was complaining so much about money that Bob gave me a dollar and I had the wife sign it so I could find out her name, but then I couldn"t read her name and Bob never called her anything. And Fred"s still talking with a British accent. He is smart, though, that"s the good thing. He knows how to bring up topics, which I don"t know how to do. And we talked about the chic-est perfume and the chic-est man and the chic-est show and the chic-est car.

On the way home from Le Cirque this well-dressed guy with a briefcase stopped Fred and me and said his wallet had just been stolen and everything and Fred believed him and gave him money. I didn"t though, because a real person wouldn"t ask, they"d do something else, go someplace else. But Fred gave him money and he went toward the subway. But then Fred realized he"d left his umbrella so we went back, and there was the guy doing the same thing to somebody else. And Fred screamed at him that he was a crook.

Thursday, August 8, 1985 Tama Janowitz came by the office to see Paige. Tama"s upset because Ronnie"s gone back with Gigi and I kept slipping and bringing up Ronnie without meaning to. She seemed like she was holding up well but then later she broke down and said she was still so in love, that she didn"t know what to do, and I told her that she was so talented and pretty, and that she had everything and I didn"t know why Ronnie would leave her to go back to a really awful person like Gigi, and she said she was thrilled to hear me say that. I told her she had to get over her romance and just use it for material to write about.

Monday,August 12, 1985 Cornelia looked great last night at the party for the movie Key Exchange Key Exchange. It was at Harry Winston"s jewelry store on 5 5th Street and Fifth because his son Ronnie Winston helped produce it I think. Cornelia was in a golden yellow dress and she was wearing her long blonde braid. A few weeks ago she saw somebody with it, and she"s good that way, she finds out right away where they got it and goes the next day and gets it. And the dress was $40 from Bloomingdale"s and on her it looked like it cost thousands. Floppy on top and a miniskirt. She was the best-looking girl there. She"s got to lose her champagne double chin, though, that"s the only thing. And they were making her feel bad about not being in Hollywood.

And she was in a sweet mood last night, not being a brat. She was saying that her mother never helps her-that she competes with her and she won"t get her on the cover of Town and Country- Town and Country- and I told her that she could get herself on the cover but she should wait until she"s selling something or it"ll be a waste. And I told her not to be hard on her mother, I explained to her, "You know, when you"re old and you don"t and I told her that she could get herself on the cover but she should wait until she"s selling something or it"ll be a waste. And I told her not to be hard on her mother, I explained to her, "You know, when you"re old and you don"t feel feel old, you want to be in with the new generation and be part of it...." And she said that she really misses her father because he was the only one who cared about her. So I think she"s going to go out to Hollywood for a month and try to get parts. old, you want to be in with the new generation and be part of it...." And she said that she really misses her father because he was the only one who cared about her. So I think she"s going to go out to Hollywood for a month and try to get parts.

Tuesday,August 13, 1985 Dolly Fox came by the office and I wanted her to meet Cornelia. And they got along great, they were talking about the people they"ve introduced that then fall in love and why can"t it happen to them and Dolly came up with that it was because they were rich. Because Dolly had to talk Julianne into going to see Bruce Springsteen and then they went backstage and Bruce and Julianne"s eyes met and that was it. I asked Dolly if she"d f.u.c.ked Bruce before she introduced him and Julianne, and she said no, but that she"d been just about to. And I asked if Julianne had done it with Bruce on the first night and she said no, not on the first night. And Dolly also introduced her friend Dana to Eric Roberts and he immediately left Sandy Dennis and now they"re going to get married. Dolly looked beautiful-her eyebrows are so perfect and so is her eye makeup.

Wednesday,August 14, 1985 Keith came by yesterday and he wanted to use my tracer, so I guess he knows I had one, so (laughs) (laughs) I had to admit it. He had a baseball player with him. And my date for the Madonna wedding, Martin Burgoyne, is being wined and dined by I had to admit it. He had a baseball player with him. And my date for the Madonna wedding, Martin Burgoyne, is being wined and dined by People People magazine because they"re trying to get information about the wedding out of him-he and Madonna used to be roommates. n.o.body knows where the wedding"s going to be, yet. And Martin is going to have to be at the door to let all the right people in, like the important ones Sean and Madonna are running into and inviting at the last minute. magazine because they"re trying to get information about the wedding out of him-he and Madonna used to be roommates. n.o.body knows where the wedding"s going to be, yet. And Martin is going to have to be at the door to let all the right people in, like the important ones Sean and Madonna are running into and inviting at the last minute.

And I picked up the phone yesterday and it was Dolly Parton and she was cute, she said, "Hey, Andy! You know who this is?" And I said, "Oh G.o.d, with that voice ..." And what she wants to give her agent Sandy Gallin is a portrait of her and she asked how much it was, and I just was too embarra.s.sed, I said she"d really have to talk to Fred or Vincent for that. She said she was leaving for L.A. Friday afternoon so we made a date to take the picture at 11:00 on Friday morning, so I hope it works out.

They should be getting the Stallone issue in today. Everybody was talking about the Stallone interview-they said he sounds smart. Is that possible?

Thursday, August 15, 1985-New York-Los Angeles We were on the ground for twelve hours. We couldn"t get the go-ahead because of storms in the areas we"d be flying through. And then Diane Keaton had a fight with the stewardess, she wanted to get off the plane and they wouldn"t let her because they were finally second in line, and the captain by the end almost was crying and saying it was his worst experience, and that he wasn"t going to turn it around at this point to let them off. And Steve Rubell had a big fight with the stewardess. Not while we were on the ground because he didn"t want to get thrown off, but as soon as we were in the air, he started, "You b.i.t.c.h, give me your name." It was Pan Am.

Finally we got to L.A. at about 1:30 and went to the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Friday,August 16, 1985-Los Angeles It was just the most exciting weekend of my life. Martin went down to the hairdresser earlier in the day to have his hair done. We rode in a limo out to Malibu and when we saw helicopters in the distance we knew we were at the wedding. Somebody had tipped the reporters off about where the wedding was and about ten helicopters were hovering, it was like Apocalypse Now Apocalypse Now. And one helicopter had a girl hanging off with a camera and they were all trying to get in close. And the security people found camouflage-outfitted photographers in the bushes. And I looked really close at Madonna and she is beautiful. And she and Sean are just so in love. She wore white, and a black bowler hat, I don"t know what that was supposed to mean. And someone said that Sean had shot at the helicopters the night before. The only boring celebrity there was Diane Keaton, really. And it was the right mixture of n.o.bodies and celebrities. Sean came over to say h.e.l.lo, and the good-looking family of Madonna was there, all the brothers. And you can see Madonna and Sean love each other so much. Really, it was the most exciting thing ever.

And at the wedding Steve Rubell was really out of it on I guess Quaaludes. And I think I saw Madonna kick him away from her and later he threw up in the car. She was dancing with the only little boy there. And you could see everybody who was there, it was under a tent, it wasn"t too crowded. And those young actors seemed like they were in their fathers" suits, like Emilio Estevez and Tom Cruise. All those movie-star boys with the strong legs who"re 5"10" or so. I guess that"s the new Hollywood look. Like the actors in Matthew Rolston"s big photo spread in the Stallone issue. Have I said how great that looked? Matthew is our best photographer now-he uses good locations and gives the kids "a look." He made these new kids look stunning-like stars-he gave them all cla.s.s. Oh, and as we were leaving I just couldn"t believe my eyes because Tom Cruise jumped into our car to get away from photographers. His car was down the road. I took a picture of him.

Fred and I thought Marisa"s wedding was more glamorous, but this one was spectacular because of the helicopters., August 17, 1985-Los Angeles I just hated the Beverly Hills Hotel. There were two TVs but no clickers. And the bathroom was worse than a 1950s Holiday Inn. I don"t know how a girl could manage in it-I wasn"t doing too well myself. There was no light. But they had a new gadget in there, I think it might have been a hairdryer. Or maybe it was just a phone. And the security at the Beverly Hills looks like it- at the Bel Air they just blend in.

Steve Rubell decided not to go over with us to see Dolly Parton. He stayed in bed and made phone calls. You know, it"s odd to watch Steve, because it"s like he"s trying so hard to be "a character." Like the way he eats his ketchup and his Coca-Cola and he repeats over and over that these are the things he likes and that this is the way he likes them. So that people will remember him as "a character." It"s like he might have read a book on how to be remembered and make an impression and he"s doing everything it said. He"ll order the food and then let it sit there. And we all ordered ice and he made this big thing about waiting till the bottom melted and then sucking it out, saying that"s what he liked to do because when his father used to buy him ices when he was little, that"s what he did.

Got a cab over to see Dolly Parton at Sandy Gallin"s. Dolly doesn"t want anyone to know where she lives because she"s had death threats. So we were there and I guess Dolly was appalled that we brought as many people, but Keith and everybody had wanted to have a totally star-filled day. Sandy Gallin had the spots measured where he wanted the portraits to go on the walls and everything. And then we walked back to the hotel.

Called Cher"s number and it was a recording that said that anyone calling this private number was automatically invited to the barbecue going on there.

So we went over to Cher"s and the door opened and they let us in, but we could see that Cher and her boyfriend were shocked to see us. And Cher served good pork and beans and she wouldn"t say what the secret was, and finally she admitted it was that she opened a can of Campbell"s and poured in a lot of hot sauce. The little Allman boy, Elijah, was being a brat and going around cutting the buds off every flower, any one that was just about to open. And Cher was funny, she told a story about this crane that came and stayed two days and ate all the fish. And then later on we went to Lisa Love"s and she said, "Gee, a crane just landed in my yard and he"s eating all the fish." So the crane gets around. And she told us that at the wedding Madonna had asked her how to cut the cake. Cher said, "As if I know." And then Madonna was asking people if she should put the cake on plates, and she was just handing it to everyone in her hand. You know, being "earthy."

And there was a copy of the Star Star there that had this story about Cher in it. And somehow there that had this story about Cher in it. And somehow everybody everybody wound up reading it. And Cher was upset because it said she never bathed. And it said, "Next week: Cher"s meeting with Jackie Kennedy." And n.o.body wanted to ask if she"d ever had one or not. And Cher talked about meeting me in an airport in someplace like Atlanta in "65. On one of our first tours. She was with Sonny. wound up reading it. And Cher was upset because it said she never bathed. And it said, "Next week: Cher"s meeting with Jackie Kennedy." And n.o.body wanted to ask if she"d ever had one or not. And Cher talked about meeting me in an airport in someplace like Atlanta in "65. On one of our first tours. She was with Sonny.

David Horii, that new Interview Interview ill.u.s.trator, came to dinner with us at Mr. Chow"s, and I was telling Fred that David was very good, and Fred was in one of those moods, he said, "I"d have to see his work. I haven"t seen his portfolio." And I said, "Well Fred, I am telling you, this person is very good" (dinner $530). ill.u.s.trator, came to dinner with us at Mr. Chow"s, and I was telling Fred that David was very good, and Fred was in one of those moods, he said, "I"d have to see his work. I haven"t seen his portfolio." And I said, "Well Fred, I am telling you, this person is very good" (dinner $530).

And then we went to Brad Branson"s. He was Paul Jasmin"s a.s.sistant and now he"s a photographer, too. It turned out they had the best time there because they took Keith and everybody to a store where they got a spray called "Fart" and they sprayed it in the car and everybody had to jump out (hotel tips $50).

Sunday,August 18, 1985-Los Angeles-New York We got back to New York and I had the limo (my share $50) drop me on my corner and as I walked down 66th Street to my house some girl yelled, "Andy!" And when I didn"t turn around she screamed, "Your mother"s a wh.o.r.e." That"s a strange thing for a girl to yell. It brought back bad memories of Valerie Solanis and getting shot.

Thursday, August 22, 1985 Talked to Sandy Gallin about the Dolly Parton thing. Fred asked him to send a deposit and he said he would.

Monday,August 26, 1985 Looked at the TV kiss of Linda Evans and Rock Hudson in the Enquirer Enquirer.

It was so muggy out.

I tried to read Final Cut Final Cut but it was like reading but it was like reading The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal.

Tuesday,August 27, 1985 Stayed at work till 7:15.

Susan Blond called and said she had tickets for Boy George that night in Asbury Park and she said I could have two and Keith could have two. It was a benefit for B"nai Brith. Ron Delsener did it, and he was there and wanting me for publicity, and I said, "Oh what about that night at Tina Turner where you just couldn"t get us backstage?" And he said, "Uh-uh-uh, oh it was impossible." I didn"t tell him off but I wanted to. So we went out there with Susan and we were late, we missed his first number. We went backstage. And then we went back out and the kids were screaming, "An-dee, An-dee!" To be funny. George did three encores. And he signed a million autographs now that he"s come down in the world-he always refused to before. He was thrilled to see us. Marilyn wasn"t around and we were told by Susan not to mention him in front of George"s boyfriend because I guess he"s jealous of him. To be funny. George did three encores. And he signed a million autographs now that he"s come down in the world-he always refused to before. He was thrilled to see us. Marilyn wasn"t around and we were told by Susan not to mention him in front of George"s boyfriend because I guess he"s jealous of him.

And Keith and everybody were making fun of Asbury Park, of George being there, and it was, "Oh! The Asbury Park news is here." And "Oh, the Asbury Park TV station is doing an interview!" And George said to Keith, "Where"s my painting?" Because when it was Keith"s birthday George had he said he"d sing "Happy Birthday" if Keith would give him a painting. And Keith said he would give him a painting but because he wanted to, not because George sang "Happy Birthday."

Wednesday,August 28, 1985 Miami Vice called and offered me $325 to be in an episode. And Fred just sort of laughed and said when they raise more money to call back. Anyway they sent the script over and I couldn"t figure out which part would be mine. They said I was a "Puerto Rican crook," but called and offered me $325 to be in an episode. And Fred just sort of laughed and said when they raise more money to call back. Anyway they sent the script over and I couldn"t figure out which part would be mine. They said I was a "Puerto Rican crook," but everybody everybody on on Miami Vice Miami Vice is a Puerto Rican crook. is a Puerto Rican crook.

Gael looks really great now, thin. She came in, and Chris predicted it was going to be about a birthday present, and (laughs) (laughs) it was. it was.

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