127. Chupam [c]a voo huna, vae ok ixtiquer yauabil, yxnu[c]ahol, nabey xyabix ohb, ratzam xyavabix chi[c]a qui[c], [t]ana chuluh, kitzih tixibin chi camic xi[c]o oher. Haok xcam ahauh Vakaki Ahmak, xe [c]a hala chic ma tipe nima [t]ek.u.m, nima a[t]a pa qui vi ka tata ka mama pa ka vi [c]a, yxnu[c]ahol, ok xyabix [c]hac.

127. In the course of the fifth year the pestilence began, O my children. First there was a cough, then the blood was corrupted, and the urine became yellow. The number of deaths at this time was truly terrible. The Chief Vakaki Ahmak died, and we ourselves were plunged in great darkness and great grief, our fathers and ancestors having contracted the plague, O my children.

Chi hun Ah xel humay voo yuhuh, ok xyabix [c]hac.

On the day 1 Ah there were one cycle and 5 years from the Revolt, and the pestilence spread.

128. Vae chupam huna xyauabix vi [c]hac, ha ok xe[c]iz chi camic ka tata ka mama Diego Juan; chi voo Ah [c]axoc chi vi labal Panatacat, c.u.ma ka mama, ha[c]a ok xtiquer yavabil [c]hac. Kitzih tixibin chi camic xpe pa ru vi vinak, mani yabim viri quere ri x[c]hol vinak.

128. In this year the pestilence spread, and then died our ancestor Diego Juan. On the day 5 Ah war was carried to Panatacat by our ancestor, and then began the spread of the pestilence. Truly the number of deaths among the people was terrible, nor did the people escape from the pestilence.

129. Xcavinak ok xtiquer yauabil, tok xecam ka tata ka mama, chi cablahuh Camey xcam ahauh Huny[t] yxiquin mama.

129. Forty were seized with the sickness; then died our father and ancestor; on the day 14 Camey died the king Hunyg, your grandfather.

130. Xa[c]a ru cabih xcam chic ka tata rahpop Achi Balam ri y mama, yxnu[c]ahol; xa [c]a hunam xecam y mama ru[c]in ru tata ki tan ti chuvin, ti [c]ayin vinak chi camic. Tok xecam ka tata ka mama, xax be tzak chi el [c]hakap vinak chi civan, xa [c,]ij, xa [c]uch, xtiochic vinak; tixibin chi camic xecamican ymama, herach camic ru [c]ahol ahauh ru[c]in ru cha[t] ru nimal: quere[c]a xoh canah vi can chi mebail ri yxnu[c]ahol, [c]aoh ok [c]hutik [c]ahola, ok xoh canah can konohel.

Rupoyibal alaxic.

130. But two days afterward died our father, the Counselor Balam, one of the ancients, O my children. The ancients and the fathers died alike, and the stench was such that men died of it alone. Then perished our fathers and ancestors. Half the people threw themselves into the ravines, and the dogs and foxes lived on the bodies of the men. The fear of death destroyed the old people, and the oldest son of the king died at the same time as his young brother. Thus did we become poor, O my children, and thus did we survive, being but a little child--and we were all that remained.

Hence the putting aside of our claims.

_Quibi y mama vae xeru[c]aholah ahauh._

_Names of (our) Ancestors, Sons of the King._

131. Rahpop achi Balam, rubi, nabey ru[c]ahol ahauh Huny[t], ha ki tanti [t]a[t]ar chi quivach ahaua, ok xpe nima camic [c]hac.

131. The counselor Balam, the oldest son of the king Hunyg, was already distinguished before the face of the chieftains when he died by the great plague.

132. Ahmak rubi rucam al, ha ru[c]ahol can ri Don Pedro Solis. Tohin [c]a rox al, mani retal ri he [c]a xecam ru[c]in ahauh ri e oxi ka tata.

132. Ahmak was the name of the second son. His son is Don Pedro Solis. Tohin was the third. There is no record of him, as he died with the king and our three fathers.

133. Ha [c]a ka tata Francisco rahpop achi [c,]ian rucah al.

133. Our father Francisco, the counselor Tzian, was the fourth son.

134. Balam voo al, mani [c]a retal ri.

134. Balam was the fifth son; there is no record of him.

135. Ah[c,]alam Hunahpu ru vakak al, he [c]a xecolotah chic ri he oxi ka tata ruma [c]hac; [c]aoh ok, ok [c]a [c]hutik konohel cu[c]in ok xoh canah, xka [c,]et [c]a ronohel ri yavabil, ix nu[c]ahol; ha [c]a ri rubi ka t.i.t; nabey rixhayil ahauh Huny[t], Chuvy[c,]ut ru bi xo[t]ohauh, he oxi xerelah, ha ri ka tata, he[c]a ri ru tata Don Pedro Solis, mani [c]a ru [c]ahol rij Tohin: xcam [c]ari xo[t]ohauh Chuvy [c,]ut, xoc chipe xo[t]ohauh X[t]eka[c]uch A[c,]iquinahay, ha quite rahpop achi [c,]ian Balam, xa e cay ral.

135. Ahtzalam Hunahpu was the sixth son. He was saved from the plague with our three other ancestors. As for us, we were then little children, and we all escaped, and we saw all the pestilence, O my children. These are the names of our female ancestors: the first wife of king Hunyg was the queen Chuvytzut; she had three sons, our father, the father of Don Pedro Solis, and Tohin, who left no children. The queen Chuvytzut being dead, the queen Xgekaqueh, the female Ahtziquinahay, took her place. She was the mother of the Counselor Tzian Balam, and these were her two children.

136. [c]a vo vinak ok [c]a quecam ahaua Huny[t] Lahuhnoh, ok xechap chic ahaua Cahi Ymox Belehe[c]at, chi hun Can; xa[c]a hun chioc ri Belehe[c]at xcolotah, xa[c]a kayon chicoc a[c]uala mani hunchic ka tata xcolotah, [c]a e ok [c]hutik ri [c,]ian Balam, ri ki ok retal ahauh Huny[t]. Quere[c]a xahauar vi Belehe[c]at rij, xa huna [t]alel [c]amahay; chioc x[c]hao rahauarem maqui [c]a xrah raho ahauh atzih vinak Ba[c]ahol: vo quic chi ahauarem ri Belehe[c]at; hatah xoc chi ahauarem ri ka tata rahpop achi [c,]ian xraho ahauh atzih vinak Ba[c]ahol, quere[c]a roquic chi ahauarem ri.

136. A hundred days after the death of the kings Hunyg and Lahuh Noh, there were elected as kings Cahi Ymox and Belehe Qat, on the day 1 Can. For Belehe Qat alone remained. As for us we were little boys and our elders did not choose any of us. Tzian and Balam, the only other descendants of Hunyg, were also young. Belehe Qat was therefore chosen to rule but only as heir apparent, the orator Baqahol declaring that it was not proper that he should take the supreme rule. The honor of the royalty was decreed to Belehe Qat; but the orator Baqahol desired that the real chief should be our ancestor Tzian; therefore he entered into power.

_Xavi [c]a chupam ru vaka vae._

_What Took Place in the Sixth Year._

137. [c]a huvinak ok [c]a que chap ahaua, ok xban yuhuh chi Ah[c,]iquinahay; chi lahuh Queh xban xeul coloel qui ahaua Ah[c,]iquinahay [c]icihay chi Yximchee ruma yuhuh, xul qui yaca el achiha.

137. Twenty days after the chiefs began to rule there was an insurrection against the Ahtziquinahay. It occurred on the day 10 Queh, and the chiefs Ahtziquinahay and Qicihay went to Iximche on account of the revolt, coming to raise soldiers.

138. Xa[c]a ru cablah xcam chic ama[t] [c,]utuhile, ruma co[c,]il Tukuchee chi hulahuh Ymox, xyaar [c,]utuhile chi camic, xeyaar Ah[c,]iquinahay, conohel tzatz chi teleche chicana, quere[c]a xit puak tixibin chi camic xuban [c,]utuhile, xka tinamit xepoyom. Cani [c]a xetzolih ka ahaua Tepepul Ah[c,]iquinahay [c,]icihay chi cochoch.

138. Twelve of the Tzutuhil villages were destroyed by the Tzotzil Tukuches on the day 11 Ymox and the Tzutuhils were slain. Very many were taken prisoners. Therefore the Tzutuhils in fear of death were made to give up their treasures and the town of Xepoyom was taken.

Then returned the chiefs Tepepul Ahtziquinahay and Tzizihay to their homes.

139. Tok xebokotah chi [c]ape Ah Xecaka abah ronohel, xul colo chi el rij Cakchiquel, tzatz chi[c,]utuhile xel pe oher pa tinamit, he chi [c]arah xquiban labal chirih Ah [c,]iquinahay, Ah Pavacal, xrah cach[c]ul chijh chic c.u.ma, xa[c]a xboy chijx achiha ruma Ah Pavacal.

139. At that time the people of Xecaka abah, all of whom had been driven forth, were aided by the Cakchiquels. Many Tzutuhils also came to the villages to make war against the Ahtziquinahay, and those of Pacaval, and wished to join forces, their warriors having been provoked by the people of Pacaval.

140. Chi belehe Ba[c,], [c]a xban camic chuvi Lakanabah, pa Chitulul, mani [c]a nimak achiha xcanah. Xaki ruyon vinak Belehe[c]at, Cahi Ymox xebano.

140. On the day 9 Batz there was slaughter at the rock of Lakam at Chitulul. Not many warriors took part. Only the men of Belehe qat and Cahi Ymox were engaged.

Chi hulahuh Ah, xel humay vaka yuhuh.

On the day 11 Ah there were 26 years from the Revolt.

141. Mixka [c]iz can vae huna xeyaar vi katata ka mama ruma camic [c]hac.

141. Then was completed one year since our fathers and ancestors died of the plague.

142. Chupam huna ok xoh [c]ule ru[c]in xtee, yxnu[c]ahol, xhunabir ok quecam y mama; chi cablahuh Toh xoh [c]amo yxok.

142. In this year we married your mother, O my children, one year after the death of your grandfather. We took her to wife on the day 12 Toh.

Chi vahxaki Ah xel ru vuka vuhuh.

On the day 8 Ah was completed the 7th year from the Revolt.

143. Chupam huna xorotah vi labal [c]echee, [c]a ru hulauha xorotah labal [c]echee.

143. During this year the Quiche war ceased; the Quiche war ceased on the 11th.

Chi voo Ah xel humay vahxaka.

On the day 5 Ah was the eighth year of the first cycle.

_Culibal Castilan vinak Xetulul vae._

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