_The Destruction of the Tukuches, who were, in fact, Ma.s.sacred._

102. Ki [c]a ti pacatah ru xecah chi hulahuh Ah xboz pe Tukuchee [c]haka tinamit, cani x[t]ahan ru cubak, ru [c]habi tun ahauh Cay Hunahpu, vikital chi tooh, chi tunatiuh [t]u[t], chi tunatiuh [c]ubul, chi [c]alvach puak abah. Ok xboz pe [c]haka ya, kitzih tixibin maqui ahilam chi Tukuchee, mani xahu chuvy, ca chuvy. Tok xtiquer [c]a tzaloh chuvach tinamit tzam [t]am, x[c]ulu vi ri labal ha[c]a Chucuyba[c,]in [c]amol yuhuh c.u.ma Tukuchee; xa[c]a e cahi chi yxoki xevik chi achcayupil qui [c]ha xqui[c]exevachibeh labal, hunelic rucahichal ral; qui [c]ha xoc chuva ru pop Chucuyba[c,]in ruma achiha: tixibin chi nima yuhuh xquiban ahaua oher; ha [c]amol tzaloh [c]ate xqui[c]ut chic qui tiohil yxoki chuvach pa co[c,]il pa Xahil [c,]ak xeel vi yxoki; kina xeel pe chiri tok xboz chi[c]a hu [c]hob pa nima bey chi nima [c]otoh, ruyon [c]a achiha ri ah Tiba[c]oy, ah Raxakan huc.u.mah [c]a xpaxel ri pa nima bey; xa cay xutzak can ri ok xpaxel, ha[c]a ri xka ul [c]haka tinamit xyaloh tzaloh, ha[c]a xramon ri rahpop achi Cinahitoh ah Xechipeken.

102. When the dawn appeared on the day 11th Ah, the Tukuches began on the opposite side from the city, and the drums and trumpets of the chief Cay Hunahpu were heard. Then the warriors armed, and displayed their brilliant feathers and shining banners, and gold and precious stones. Then it began on the other side of the river, and truly it was terrible for the number of the Tukuches, who could not be counted by eight thousands nor by sixteen thousands. The battle began before the city, at the end of the bridge where Chucuybatzin, placed at the head of the struggle by the Tukuches, had brought the fighting. There were four women who had armed themselves with lances and bows, and taken part in the battle, fully equal to four young men. The arrows launched by these heroines struck the very mat of Chucuybatzin. Truly it was a terrible revolt which the chiefs made of old. The chiefs of the battle afterwards set up the images of these women before the buildings of the Zotzils and the Xahils, whence these women had gone forth. As they departed, there suddenly appeared a division in the high road near the deep trenches. It rapidly scattered the warriors of Tibaqoy and Raxakan on the high road. Only two of the men fell in this encounter, and he who led them beyond the city to prolong the combat was the same who had gained the previous victory, the counselor Cinahitoh of Xechipeken.

103. Tok xpe [c]a ramonel chirih Tukuchee, cani [c]a xucahmah mani chic x[c]ulelaan canih xpaxin rij, xyaar achiha, xyaar yxok aqual chi camic, xuyari ahauh Cay Hunahpu, xuya [c]a ri ahauh [c,]iriniyu, Tox[c]om Noh, ronohel [c]a ru mam ahauh ru [c]ahol ahauh. Cani[c]a xbe [c]eche ri Ah Tiba[c]oy, Ah Raxakan, xbe [c]a [c,]utuhil [c]hakap, xhito [c]a ri ronohel chucochol al[c]ahol, xpaxin ri ronohel. Quera[c]a tok xyaar Tukuchee ri oher, yxnu[c]ahol, he[c]a ka maa Oxlahuh[c,]ij, Cablahuh Tihax xebano, chi hulahuh Ah, [c]a xban xpax Tukuchee.

103. Then began a general attack on the Tukuches; they were cut to pieces at once; no one resisted; the rout was complete; men, women and children were given up to slaughter. The chief Cay Hunahpu was slain; the chiefs Tziriniyu and Toxqom Noh all perished, as well as their fathers and children. Immediately those of Tibaqoy and Raxakan retired, partly to Quiche, partly among the Tzutuhils. They mingled with their subjects and were thus dispersed. Such was the destruction of the Tukuches, in old times, O my children. It was our ancestors Oxlahuh tzy and Cablahuh Tihax who, on the day 11th Ah, undertook and accomplished the dispersion of the Tukuches.

104. Ru hulahu vinak ok [c]a tiban yuhuh, ok xrah cam chic Ah Tiba[c]oy, ruma [c]echevinak, haok xbe tiqeel Tukuchee Chiavar, xyaar [c]eche vinak chi camic chiri, xtzak can Yaxon [c,]ui ru bi, chi belehe Caok.

104. Thirty-one days after the revolt, as the Quiches desired to destroy those of Tibaqoy, these Tukuches removed to Chiavar and put to death the Quiches, who yielded in a battle at a place named Yaxontzui, on the day 9th Caok.

105. Ru vaklahu vinak, ok tiban yuhuh, xcam chic Cinahitoh, xax rah rumah ahauh atzih vinak Ahmoxnay, xa ruyon chi Chinahitoh xax rah y[c]o ru [t]a[t]al chi qui vi ahaua, quere[c]a xyaar vi Cinahitoh ri [c]iy chubinem achiha xcam pa tinamit chi hulahuh Can xban.

105. On the 36th day after the revolt Cinahitoh perished, because he coveted the position of the orator Ahmoxnay. Cinahitoh wished to exercise the power alone, above the chieftains, therefore Cinahitoh was condemned by all the chiefs, and his death was carried into effect in the city on the day 11th Can.

106. Xlauheh oktel huna yuhuh xhi[c,]ax chic ahauh atzih vinak Ahmoxnay, chi hulahuh Akbal, xa xuhaeh coboyel ahaua, ha xcam ri ahauh.

106. One year less ten days after the revolt was hanged the chief orator Ahmoxnay on the day 11th Akbal. This chief perished because he had stopped the messengers of the ruler.

Chi vahxaki Ah xel huna yuhuh.

The day 8 Ah was one year after the Revolt.

107. Xa[c]a halachic matel ru caba ru camic Tukuchee, ok xcam chic [c,]utuhile pa cakcab, ha chi hun Ahmak; xyaar chic [c,]utuhile chi camic, xqui ya qui ahaua Nahtihay, Ah[c]ibihay; xa [c]a ha chic maqui xu ya ri ahauh Vookaok Ah[c,]iquinahay, ha chic xtzain ru [c]ux chirih Cakchiquel.

107. It was not much less than two years after the defeat of the Tukuches, when the Tzutuhils were defeated at Zakcab on the day 1st Ahmak. The Tzutuhils were cut to pieces and their rulers Nahtihay and Ahqibihay were slain. Only Vookaok, the Ahtziquinahay, could not be conquered, and he tried his fortune against the Cakchiquels.

Chi voo Ah xel ru caba ru banic yuhuh.

The day 5 Ah was two years after the Revolt.

Chi cay Ah xel oxi huna ru banic yuhuh.

The day 2 Ah was three years after the Revolt.

108. Ha chi oxi Queh xban chic yuhuh [c]eche, xbe ru [c]ul vachih chi el Tukuchee yuhuh chiri [c]iche.

108. On the day 3 Queh there was a revolt in Quiche. The Tukuches went to take part, and joined in the revolt in Quiche.

Cablahuh Ah xel ru cah huna yuhuh.

The day 12 Ah completed the fourth year after the Revolt.

109. Chupam voo huna xcam chic Ah Mixcu tzukul richin ahauh Cablahuh Tihax xax rah ru [t]a[t]aricah ri; chi Vuku Camey, xka ru tinamit Ah Mixcu, xyaar chi camic ruma achiha.

109. During the fifth year those of Mixco were put to death; being tributaries of the king Cablahuh Tihax, they wished to make themselves independent. On the day 7 Camay, the town of Mixco was taken and its inhabitants slain by the chiefs.

110. Ok xcam chi[c]a Yaqui Ah Xivicu, xax rach [c]ul chijh ahauh voo kaok rahaual Akahal vinak, haok xti[c]e chic chuvach huyu, Akahal vinak, xrah [t]a[t]ar chic chiri.

110. At the same time were put to death the Yaquis of Xivico, because they had taken part with the king Vookaok, Chief of the Akahals, this nation of the Akahals having begun to lift itself before the town, desiring to obtain power.

111. Va[t]ih ok [c]atel Voo rubanic yuhuh ok xcam chic Akahal vinak chuvach huyu, xaxrah [t]a[t]ar chic ahauh chu vach huyu.

111. Six days were wanting to complete five years from the revolt when the Akahals were cut in pieces before the town, with their king, because they wished to be independent of the town.

Chi belehe Ah, xel voo huna rubanic yuhuh.

The 9 Ah completed the fifth year after the Revolt.

Vakaki Ah, xel ruvakah yuhuh.

The 6 Ah completed the sixth year after the Revolt.

Chi oxi Ah, xel ruvuk huna yuhuh.

On the 3 Ah there were seven years from the Revolt.

112. Chupam ruvahxak huna yuhuh xcam chic [c,]utuhile, ruma ah Xeynup, Xepalica, xe yaar vi chicamic, xtzak can cakbin Ahmak chi oxlahuh Ahmak.

112. In the eighth year after the revolt, the Tzutuhils were defeated by those of Xeynup and Xepalica; they were slaughtered, Zakbin and Ahmak having perished in the action on the day 13 Ahmak.

Chi oxlahuh Ah, xel vahxaka yuhuh.

On the day 13 Ah there were eight years from the revolt.

Chi lahuh Ah, xel ru beleh huna.

On 10 Ah there were nine years from the revolt.

113. Cablauheh oktel lauha yuhuh ok xi[c]o pokob Cakchiquel ruma ahauh kamama Oxlahuh [c,]ij, kitzih chi nima [t]a[t]al xban xul ronohel vuk ama[t] chi Yximchee, chi vahxaki Ymox xban.

113. Twelve days were lacking to complete the tenth year after the revolt when the Cakchiquels put on their shields on account of the king our ancestor, Oxlahuh tzy; for truly he showed great power in making all the seven nations come to Iximche, which he did on the day 8 Imox.

Chi vuku Ah, ru lauha rubanic yuhuh.

The day 7 Ah completed the tenth year after the Revolt.

Chi cahi Ah, xel ru hulauha.

On 4 Ah there were eleven years from the Revolt.

Chi Hun ah, ru cablauha.

On 1 Ah there were twelve years.

Chi hulahuh Ah [c]axel roxlauha yuhuh (Ahpoco[c,]il).

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