The Antelope And Night Wolf

Chapter 8 - Not Reading Gu Long That"s Too Much

Chapter 8 - Not Reading Gu Long That"s Too Much
  Sender: Antelope (Little Antelope Also Wants to Go to Training Camp), Sub-Forum: h.o.m.os.e.xual
  Topic:Training Camp is a Breeding Ground for Adultery
  Location:YanShan University A Century to Educate BBS
  A group of hot-blooded athletic guys living together, without paying attention they might
  help each other out mutually and start getting into it.
  Topic:Re:Training Camp is a Breeding Ground for Adultery
  Location:Luo Ming Sports Inst.i.tution Clear Jade Water BBS via YanShan University A
                          Century to Educate BBS  

  Heheh, hopefully your words come true.

Bell was kicked from the party by Night Wolf.
Of course this was only understood by people who had a grasp on the situation, in front of the team, this was how Night Wolf acted:
[Party] Night Wolf: I"m very sorry, my wife forgot how to do this raid, with her current condition doing this 
                                raid is a little tough for her, we"ll let her rest ok? Just deduct the DKP from me.
[Party] Bell: Sorry sorry sorry, I didn"t mean to do that %>_                     it from me, if there"s not enough then please let me owe it first T___T
[Party] MourningMo: It"s me who didn"t consider it properly, forcing Bell to join, I"m also responsible.
[Party] DevotedCouple: No need to deduct DKP, old Wolf can just pay for the repair fees it"ll be fine.
[Party] FlowerHouse: Ah, Sister DC is fishing in troubled waters, but... please pay repair fees +1
[Party] LittleBottomDon"tRunAway: Please pay repair fees +2
[Party] SproutingEgg: Please pay repair fees +10086!!!
[Party] NightWolf: No problem, I"ll pay for the entire team"s repair fees today.
The party chat was full of "Brother Wolf is mighty!", "Old Wolf bansai!" and other such phrases for a moment.
Everyone while ridiculing Night Wolf did not forget to console Bell.
[Whisper] MourningMo: Bell are you ok, don"t worry too much, n.o.body is blaming you, they"re just 
                                          joking with old Wolf.
[Whisper] Bell: It"s all my fault, just let my husband pay for it if not I"ll feel guilty >_[Whisper] FlowerHouse: It"s my fault, I should have reminded you earlier.
[Whisper] Bell: No such thing! I clicked it wrongly myself, Flower don"t feel guilty, if not I"ll feel even guiltier!
[Whisper] DevotedCouple: We"ll still bring you on the next dungeon, you"ll disturb Snoring Awareness again 
                                              after we defeat the boss, then we"ll save on the repair fees for that day again.
[Whisper] Bell: ... I will follow the team"s instructions, and carry them out to the best of my abilities!
[Whisper] NightWolf: Congratulations you"ve again increased your debt, what"s there to be happy about?
[Whisper] Bell: I won"t be able to pay it back anyway, an increment doesn"t affect me, I"ve cost you money,
                          husband ~~~~╭(╯3╰)╮
[Whisper] NightWolf: You actually did it on purpose didn"t you, now you can go meet your lover secretly.
[Whisper] Bell: Aiyah so mean I"ve been exposed by you.
[Whisper] NightWolf: But your adultery partner doesn"t seem to be online today.
[Whisper] Bell: So concerned about him? He"s out, he"ll only be back next week, do you want to grab this
                          opportunity XD
For the past few nights when the guild was raiding, LingYang would always hang out with LuoMingWind, any news to do with the G.o.d would always spread very quickly on the server, almost everyone knew that Night Wolf"s wife after cheating a huge sum of money had disappeared, and when she re-appeared she then also seduced the G.o.d, within a short period of time all sorts of rumours were flying around.

[Whisper] NightWolf: You better know your limits.
[Whisper] Bell: Husband you"re getting jealous again.
[Whisper] NightWolf: You"re not allowed to call me husband in private chat.
[Whisper] Bell: But you were the one forcing people to be your wife.
[Whisper] NightWolf: That"s in front of others, in private no matter how well you perform there"s still no
                                     overtime pay.
[Whisper] Bell: I"m the same both inside and out~
[Whisper] NightWolf: Shut your mouth, you"re not allowed to fool around.
[Whisper] Bell: I won"t I won"t I won"t~~~~~~~~~~~
[Whisper] NightWolf: Why are you so talkative?
[Whisper] Bell: You can"t stand it? If you can"t stand it you can divorce your wife.
[Whisper] NightWolf: You"re agitating me on purpose, aren"t you, I won"t fall for this.
[Whisper] Bell: Fine, I admit I"m trying to push your limits so as to make you want to break up with me.
[Whisper] NightWolf: That"s impossible, stop daydreaming.
[Whisper] Bell:╭(╯^╰)╮
LingYang was about to put in more effort in teasing Night Wolf, but a message telling him his friend was online attracted his attention.
[System] Your friend is online.
[Whisper] Bell: ??
[Whisper] Bell: Didn"t you go for the training camp?
[Whisper] LuoMingWind: I brought my laptop, there"s internet available at the guesthouse.
[Whisper] Bell: Seems like the conditions aren"t too bad, I still thought you guys were sleeping on mats in the
                          sports hall.
[Whisper] LuoMingWind: Heheh, you"ve read too many mangas, to do that you"ll still have to bring mats.
[Whisper] Bell: That"s true.
LingYang while chatting he was foraging, suddenly he discovered his character had been attacked and could not longer move, then he received a system message, another player was attacking him.
This sort of archetype that can turn invisible and freeze people from the back, there was only one in the game, and that was the shadow archetype warrior.
The cleric that LingYang used was the least afraid of warriors, what fury archetype, monk archetype, shadow archetype, when fighting them it was like chopping melons or vegetables, according to previous encounters, LingYang"s little finger only had to move a little and the other party was defeated.
That shadow warrior really had too much time on his hands to do a sneak attack on a cleric.
LingYang snorted thinking. The tiger doesn"t demonstrate its power, and so you"re treating me like a little antelope?
So with a few clicks he demonstrated his abilities and threw out a few skills.
Even before his third attack, he died.
[Local] Bell: Cough, technical error, technical error.
LingYang embarra.s.sedly apologised to the other party.
[Local] HandsomePeng: ... I"ve seen stupid people, but I"ve never seen anyone as stupid as you.
LingYang again felt the urge to hit his keyboard with his head.
[Local] Bell: I"ve already said it was an error! Error! I"m very skilled ok!
[Local] HandsomePeng: ........
[System] wants to revive you with the revival scroll, do you accept? Confirm/Cancel
LingYang selected confirm.
Both of them refilled their mana, HandsomePeng slowly faded away in front of Bell, then immediately froze him from behind again.
This time LingYang"s reaction was faster, once he unfroze himself he threw a HOT on himself, then he started attacking.
This time he only managed to attack twice before dying.
[Local] Bell: Ah... You"re using a cheat!
[Local] HandsomePeng: You"re the one using a cheat!
[Local] Bell: Then how could you kill me twice in a row?
[Local] HandsomePeng: Looking at your skills just now, this is very normal, it would only be abnormal if I was
                                          killed twice by you.
[Local] Bell: How could that be... I"m supposed to be skilled...
[Local] HandsomePeng: I"ve never solo-P with you before, but everyone said that you"re were decent at 
                                         raiding, now that I"ve seen it, this should only be a rumour.
[Local] Bell: Eh? You know me?
[Local] HandsomePeng: You don"t know me?
LingYang tilted his head, why is this question so familiar, it seemed like the first thing Night Wolf said to him was also this sentence...
Could it be????
[Local] Bell: You"re also my husband???
[Local] HandsomePeng: f.u.c.k off! Who is your husband, you ladyboy!
[Local] Bell: Ah, then that"s fine that"s fine.
LingYang patted his chest, he was really afraid that the previous Bell had again handed him another problem from the past. 
[Local] Bell: You must not have been online recently.
[Local] HandsomePeng: Yes, I"ve been busy these days, so I didn"t play.
[Local] Bell: Too bad, you missed the epic drama where I was proven innocent.
[Local] HandsomePeng: Oh?
[Local] Bell: I was hacked last month.
[Local] HandsomePeng: This excuse is too lousy...
[Local] Bell: It"s true!!
[Local] HandsomePeng: Then how do you explain taking so long to recover your account, and also not even
                                          recognising me?
[Local] Bell: I was in a car accident! I lost my memory!
[Local] HandsomePeng: What the f.u.c.k this lousy excuse...
[Local] Bell: You"re not the one deciding if the excuse is lousy, people can decide for themselves!
[Local] Bell: If you don"t believe you can ask around, LuoMingWind was the one who guaranteed for me!
[Local] HandsomePeng: You"re lying again, you"re from rival guilds why would he guarantee for you?
[Local] Bell: Like I"ll waste my energy lying to you!
His monitor turned white, it was Night Wolf who arrived using the couple ability.
[Local] HandsomePeng: Then you must have cheated with him.
[Local] NightWolf: Cheated?
[Local] Bell: Don"t teleport here halfway through the conversation! >皿<
[Whisper] NightWolf: Because the things you said are too shameless for me to see?
[Whisper] Bell: It"s not a good habit to randomly infer sentences!
[Whisper] NightWolf: Words that I didn"t hear I can fill them in myself.
[Whisper] Bell: ....... It"s completely different from what you filled in!
[Local] HandsomePeng: Hi, it"s you.
[Local] NightWolf: It"s me.
Night Wolf performed a warcry to buff his damage, swinging his spear he defeated Handsome Peng in two strokes.
Although he was a defensive warrior without much combat ability, but with the support of his gear, and that the other party did not seem to want to retaliate, and to be killed by Night Wolf like this, LingYang who was twice defeated by him did not know what to feel.
[Local] Bell: .... Husband what are you doing?
[Local] NightWolf: Didn"t he kill you twice just now? Both the couple system and guild chat announced it.
[Local] Bell: Uhh... This is a long story.
[Local] HandsomePeng: He"s a ladyboy.
[Local] Bell: How many times do you need me to say before you believe I was hacked (#`皿′)
[Local] NightWolf: I know very well if my wife is a ladyboy or not, no need for outsiders to worry, what"s more 
                               it"s you.
[Local] HandsomePeng: We"re now both buddies on the same boat, you"re actually not on my side?
LingYang thought. What the f.u.c.k, what kind of emotional development is this?
[Local] NightWolf: Who is on the same boat as you? I haven"t settled your account with you yet.
[Local] HandsomePeng: Bro you can"t be like this, you should be able to empathise with me the most right?
                                          We"re both victims of ladyboy wives.
LingYang was stunned when he saw this, he could not help but look at his head, just below HandsomePeng"s name there was a line of words.
Just now LingYang"s attention was fully on the chat window, this line of words did not attract his attention, now after looking at it carefully, he then discovered his t.i.tle was actually .
[Local] Bell: You"re Flower"s husband?
[Local] HandsomePeng: You"ve recovered your memories?
[Local] Bell: ... Then why did you still kill me!
[Local] HandsomePeng: Who is that ladyboy"s husband? Do you know I hate ladyboys the most!
[Local] Bell: Then why did you marry him in the first place?
[Local] HandsomePeng: How would I know that that girl was a ladyboy then!
[Local] Bell: ...
[Local] Bell: Did Flower ever said he was a girl?
With LingYang"s understanding of FlowerHouse over the past few days, he was definitely not the type to pretend he was a girl.
[Local] HandsomePeng: Never, but he is playing a female account, isn"t this a ladyboy?
[Local] LingDangEr: But he"s called FlowerHouse.
[Local] HandsomePeng: So what? This name is so girly, everyone would misunderstand.
[Local] Bell: ...
[Local] Bell: No, then do you think Little Phoenix Lu is a guy or a girl?
[Local] HandsomePeng: Of course it"s a girl, this name is even more girly ok.
[Local] Bell: Husband, is this person from the same planet as us?
[Local] NightWolf: You don"t have to talk so much c.r.a.p with him.
(T/N: HuaManLou, translated as Flower House here, and LuXiaoFeng, translated as Little Phoenix Lu, are male characters from the wuxia novels by Gu Long, and here"s what the t.i.tle is referring to.)
While LingYang was still talking nonsense here, over there members of Handsome Peng"s Hot-Blooded Guild after seeing the announcement of Handsome Peng"s death on the guild chat had teamed up and came over, sending Night Wolf and Bell this refugee couple to the nether world.
Pa.s.sionate Sword"s people after seeing their main tank and his wife get murdered, they even stopped raiding and ran there to start a group-P with them, both groups fighting non-stop.
Handsome Peng after being revived saw that FlowerHouse was also there, so he kept chasing and attacking him, FlowerHouse was better at PVE, his PK was not very good, getting continuously attacked by Handsome Peng, even LingYang could not bear to watch it any longer.
[Whisper] Bell: Where are you? Come here and intervene.
[Whisper] LuoMingWind: This isn"t him.
[Whisper] Bell: Faint, where is he?
[Whisper] LuoMingWind: He went to shower.
[Whisper] Bell: Why didn"t you go together?
[Whisper] LuoMingWind: Why do I have to go with him!!!
[Whisper] Bell: Hey T.Rex don"t get angry...
A few minutes pa.s.sed.
[Whisper] LuoMingWind: I"m back? Why did you bully Angry again? He was fine just now, now he"s losing
                                           his temper again.
[Whisper] Bell: ... I don"t bully him as much as you do, if I didn"t know you, I would really be fooled by your
                         gentle appearance.
[Whisper] LuoMingWind: Heheh.
[Whisper] Bell: Hey let"s not talk about this now, you better come quick, a world war"s about to happen.
[System] Your friend wants to use the friend locator to teleport to you, do you agree?
                Confirm / Cancel
The G.o.d himself came to intervene, as Hot-Blooded Guild had a pretty good relationship with Ninth Heaven LuoMing, so they gave him face, leaving quickly.
Pa.s.sionate Sword"s people although not on good terms with LuoMing, but they also would not gang up on LuoMingWind alone, hanging around for awhile and then went back to raiding.
[Whisper] HandsomePeng: You really have some standing, the G.o.d himself guaranteed for you, forget it, I"ll 
                                               believe you"re not a ladyboy.
[Whisper] Bell: Hmph, I"ve told you already╭(╯^╰)╮
[Whisper] HandsomePeng: But I don"t believe you didn"t cheat on your husband.
[Whisper] Bell: What the f.u.c.k (ノ`Д′)ノ︵┻━┻
The more LingYang thought about it the more he felt that he was unlucky today, he got kicked while raiding, abused while PK-ing in the wild, he could not help but think, he could probably challenge the server"s distressed list No. 1, nothing could be worse than his current situation.
He called out to the heavens. Where is my Golden Finger? Where is my protagonist halo?
As though hearing his prayers, a player appeared on his screen and started happily running towards him.
LingYang noticed the player"s name, when he rubbed his eyes and confirmed it again, an ominous feeling welled up in him.
His right hand flew towards the ESC b.u.t.ton, bringing up the system menu, ready to go offline.
But he was still too slow, that player was already in front of Bell,  he happily called out:
[Local] Husband,PleaseDoItGently: Master~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chapter end


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