The Antelope And Night Wolf

Chapter 2: Flirting with a Shuaige(1) is hazardous

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Chapter 2: Flirting with a Shuaige(1) is hazardous

Sender: Antelope (Small Antelope has moved out)

Sub-section: h.o.m.os.e.xual

t.i.tle: The first day living with flowers

Post Station: Yanshan University Bainianshuren(2) BBS

With Hana桑; we officially moved residence.

In the morning he personally made breakfast. A really virtuous wife.

You guys can envy jealous hate(3) it.

Whoa Kaka ~ O (∩ _ ∩) O ~Sender: Ironman (Ironman・Real Madrid won the championship, so I went to the soccer field to streak naked)

Sub-section: h.o.m.os.e.xual

t.i.tle: Re: The first day living with flowers

Post Station: Yanshan University Bainianshuren BBS

Originally, I was quite jealous.

But when I saw that special smiley (受受专用笑脸), I was relieved.

I wish you good luck.

When Ling Yang logged into the game, the guild channel went wild.

“F*ck, am I blind?”

“!!!!!! Sister-in-law!!!!”

“Yii~~~! Did I open my client wrong?”

“Oh, what"s happening?”

“Is that really Little Bell?”

“d.a.m.n Swindler! You still have the face to go online again ah! How could such a person be left staying in the guild instead of being kicked out?"

“The truth is yet to be known. Don"t act rashly old man.”

“The occupational hazard of taking a wife: stirring more joy. Little Bell is a living precedent.”

These people were really noisy for Ling Yang so he readily turned off the guild channel.

Sooner or later, the people in the guild will tire. First, he should carefully inspect his newly bought account. Even without mentioning the equipment, the appearance alone has already been slighted. On a closer look, it"s really quite pitiful.

And that ring (戒指)! I don"t know from which tomb it was dug out. Its properties could make people go silently shed tears.

"Nima! A High Priest wearing a ring with strength attributes! Is the staff it"s holding actually for pounding?!"

(TNnier1: Quick Lessons!

Up: The Chinese word used for F*CK is卧槽 or wòcáo (lie on groove), which is a slang term that can be used as saying sh*t, f*ck, or awesome to express surprise;

Nímǎ (尼玛) which pertains to Nyima, a county in Tibet, is also a h.o.m.ophonic term with nǐmā (你妈), which means "your mother". It can mean here as expressing "Come on!", "My G.o.d!" or maybe "F*ck" again? XD

Lastly, priests normally use MP or spirit to heal instead of banging and pounding, cough, what I wanted to say is that priests usually don"t need strength. Weps, don"t mind me.)

Fortunately, this account has some achievements. From the Distribution View (分布来看), the original owner of this account preferred PVE and rarely did any PVP. The instance achievements were numerous, but not much in the battlefield. Even the arena related battles almost had no success, and yet its mapping (踩地图) appeared to be quite neat. The original seemed to be a travel-lover.

With Ling Yang"s tens of years of walking rivers and lakes experience, he learned to look things in different perspective. He knew that this account should be a wife with a husband and since the two cannot roll on the sheets, all they can do was to stroll a date in the map.

Help! (以凌扬几十年行走江湖的经验来看,这样的号基本都有老公/老婆,游戏里俩人在一起没法滚床单,就只能踩踩地图了。)

Life skills… the original practiced the cooking skill only. Indeed a chihuo ah.

(TNnier2: 吃货 chīhuò - a foodie, a chowhound or a good-for-nothing)

Ling Yang was a life skills fanatic. In fact, his previous account had all its three slots of life skills at full (if it were not for the system"s policy of learning only three skills per account, he knew he would have learned all the life skills available). Even fishing, this simple time-killing skill designed to be boring will be at full level with him.

However, for this account, he still has no idea which skills to pick. The weed-digging and pharmacy is his favorite combination, but the tailor is also another of his favorite. Forging weapons is also a good choice and one that he won"t definitely give up.

Apologies for the long discussion again. (从长再议从长再议)

He didn"t look at the Social Panel. He will delete them anyway.

The last one is the Skill Tree Panel. This is also the biggest feature of 《Soul Light OL》.

The game has six kinds of occupations. Each job has many different branches and these branches can also be combined with each other. In addition to the popular mainstream builds, a few other unpopular builds can also be derived and developed.

With a little difference, the characters combat methods also completely differ from each method.

The study of different builds and fighting methods have always been a hot topic in 《Soul Light OL》. The Official Forum of 《Soul Light OL》 even has a special section to discuss these. Senior Jellyfish, Ling Yang has been a regular in these sections.

Take the Priest as an example, there are at least three mainstream or build programs for Priest profession. (就拿祭司这个职业来说,至少有三种主流加点方案)

The first is the Holy Light Cla.s.s (圣光系).  It"s an expert when it comes in healing and together with skills that generally attend to the red bars, most of the time chanting, plus a considerable amount of health points (血); it"s an indispensable role in any raid teams. It"s also commonly called as the big milk (大奶).

The second is the Slaughterer Cla.s.s (毁灭系). It has good damage output and the greatest feature is that the damage to their enemy can be transformed into their own blood (血). Commonly known as vampires; both hated by many people and loved as the most common field PK role.

The third is the Phantom Beast Cla.s.s (幻兽系). It"s good with supports, can greatly boost the combat capability of the pet (宝宝) and also add blood to their pet. 《Soul Light OL》 has a lot of kinds of pet; physical attack type, magic spell type, curse art, (etc)… A Phantom Beast Master from a group of players can actually be used in several positions. It"s can be so unpredictable and be the most elusive member of the group. Also the game’s pet visual designs are very cute. There are lots of girls that play the Phantom Beasts cla.s.s just because of these pets.

Of course there are also monk cla.s.s, other mixed builds, and a variety of minor choices, with each differences from another.

However, for Ling Yang, he would rather add a bit of combination from the natural builds.

Originally, Natural build (自然系) is a lonely but also cannot be lonely cla.s.s, really a neglected branch (冷得不能再冷的冷门). But ever since a Master Natural Priest published his PK videos online one after another, it set off a Natural Priests fever in a period of time. Many priests soon imitated this person"s way of using points and learning techniques.

However, eventually, they found out that this pointing-style was hard to manipulate. Not everyone can practice it so some people with not so high technical control had to give up. The trend has gradually receded then.

However, Ling Yang never took the usual route. He still liked to play a Natural Priest.

The account of [Little Bell] also picked the most popular and took the path of the Holy Light Priest.

Ling Yang was not surprised since when he saw the Achievement Panel he had expected it to be like this. However, Ling Yang didn"t like to just stand still in the same place or simply read a pile of scripts; even if it (Holy Light Priest) has increase in blood, he also liked to leap and dance (蹿下跳).

So he decided to go to Profession Mentor (职业导师), the NPC that reset (洗掉) points.

A reset is not expensive. It"s only 20 gold coins. However, the Profession Mentor told him that he carry insufficient funds and then asked him to come again and bring enough money.

Ling Yang opened the Item Panel. 36 silver and 88 copper…

"Oh, this powerlessness is frustrating."

Although his old account didn"t have a large amount of money, but on average he still had hundreds of in-game gold, at most it could be around 1,800 much of total gold. Back then, Ling Yang felt rich with flowing oil and already cannot wait to find a shuaige to nurture.

The taste of having been beaten back to the starting point (回解放前) really makes people feel really frustrating.

Now it"s imperative to get some money to reset stats no matter what. Afterwards, he"ll slowly run his business to make money.

Suddenly, he saw something swoosh—then someone was standing in front of him.

The moment this person appeared, Ling Yang’s whole screen turned white.

The better a person’s equipment and the higher the level of reinforcement, the more advanced the enchanting effects would be; the more precious the inlaid gems are, the more luminous are the effects when a character appears.

Therefore, this person who just appeared has actually a full-body “rich” label all over him.

In a single glance, Ling Yang recognized that this person"s black armor is the highest level of full armor in the game. Only a member of a large raid team can wear them. As he looked at the weapon and shield that this man has with him, he knew that he played the tank position in a team. And most likely the main tank.

That"s right. He should be the person in front of the team who always shows his chrysanthemum as he shoulders every attack from the BOSS. He"s one of the so called StupidX (傻X) Character.

(TNnier3: Weps, chrysanthemum or b.u.t.ts. 菊花 júhuā - slang. a.n.u.s)

Many men like to play this protective role of “sacrificing myself while guarding the whole team.” They are said to produce strong psychological pleasure as they satisfy their macho self-inflating desire.

As someone who"s lacking a sense of responsibility, Ling Yang was unable to understand this kind of pure masochism and proud mentality. However, this person actually appeared too timely. Even the full raven black armor looked like a pair of beautiful white swans in Ling Yang"s eyes.

Ling Yang"s current location was not a transmission point but suddenly everything lit up which almost blinded his eyes, but the person who caused this has no care at all. But looking at him again, Ling Yang eyes brightened—previously with pa.s.sive light, but then came actively bright.

At this point he had only one idea in his heart: The heaven has sent him a golden pig son-in-law. (这不是天上掉下来个金猪婿嘛)

【Nearby】 Little Bell: Hi, handsome.

The man did not reply.

Guys always like to play cool, Ling Yang understood.

【Nearby】 Little Bell: Shuaige, help me please. My account was hacked. I need to reset my skill points but my money was also stolen. Can I borrow 20 gold? I will return it in the future.

20 gold for such a person simply but a drop in a bucket. Actually, Ling Yang believed that these people may not even care for such an amount.

He waited for a long time but the person in front of him didn"t move. Just as Ling Yang began to curse this rich guy as some stingy-miser in his mind, the man suddenly sent a trade request.

Ling Yang confirmed it and was able to get 20 gold coins from the other side.

"Aiya, I thought I just robbed a poor man. Can"t even squeeze a bit more. I asked for 20 and was really only given 20 ah. Truly, the more money people have, the stingier they get. He should know I actually needed 50." Ling Yang did not think about his moral anymore since his mouth still had to play a performance.

【Nearby】 Little Bell: Thank you, Shuaige. ╭(╯3╰)╮MUA ah ~

【Nearby】 Little Bell: Take care, Handsome. Goodbye, Shuaige.

Ling Yang turned around and gave the "hot money" to the NPC and quickly restored all his original skill points.

He hadn"t played for some time, and previously he added his points bit by bit and not as one big lump. Together with his little memory (from his previous account), he arranged his stats while also considering the new skill points distribution scheme.

This took him twenty minutes.

Ling Yang finally pressed the confirmation key, turn off the Skill Tree Panel, and found that the rich guy who he just borrowed money was still standing behind him. He didn"t even move in that twenty minutes. Even his posture didn"t change.

Ling Yang flinched. "Is he afraid that I won"t pay him back?"

【Nearby】 Little Bell: Shuaige, are you also going to reset?

【Nearby】 Little Bell: Then you go, reset slowly. I"m done. Go now. BYE~

Ling Yang just took a step forward when the guy who has been silently standing there suddenly "opened his mouth" and actually used the private chat.

【Private Chat】 Night Wolf: Do you not know me?

"Shoot! Is this rich person the lover or just an acquaintance? Honestly, from his reactions just now he"s  not like a friend… is he an enemy?" Ling Yang blinked his eyes.

【Private Chat】 Little Bell: Should I know you?

【Private Chat】 Night Wolf: You, press the "O key" on the keyboard, located on the left of the "P key", by the right of "I key", on top of "L key".

The man patiently guided Ling Yang.

Dumbstruck, Ling Yang followed him and was able to open the Social Panel that he earlier disregarded.

【Private Chat】 Little Bell: …and then?

【Private Chat】 Night Wolf: See the above three tabs? Click the second item with the left mouse b.u.t.ton.

(TNnier4: Pfft…)

There are three tabs on the Social Panel, namely: Friends / Couples / Enemies.

Ling Yang chose the middle tab, the tab for husband and wife relations.

Since the game is not open for bigamy (which may not be open even in the future), there"s only one person"s name at that moment.

【Private Chat】 Night Wolf: Know who am I now?

【Private Chat】 Little Bell: Ah…

【Private Chat】 Night Wolf: Now, you tell me who are you?

TL"s Corner:

I just wanna say this: I"m no longer gonna censor the curses used here. This chapter is the only exception. Using "*" makes it look messy. Hahaha. So beware.

I tried to cut down my notes. Now I only got four TN and three after notes. Once again, please let me know of any corrections and suggestions. I believe I missed some since there are too many slang and game terms along.

Well, I"m also taking this chance to officially open my coffee b.u.t.ton! Yay, thank you in advance! (=^ェ^=)

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 (1)帅哥 Shuàigē - handsome guy, ikemen (I"ll mostly use the Chinese terms)

(2)百年树人 Bǎiniánshùrén - idiom, It takes ten years to nurture a tree, but a hundred years to train a man, fig. a good education program takes a long time to develop. Here, this should be the tagline of Yanshan University. (This will always be included in forum post on every start of each chapter)

(3)羡慕嫉妒恨Xiànmù Jídù Hèn - lit. Envy, Jealous, Hatred; a popular line which means that there is both envy and jealousy and then hatred for themselves for not being the another person.

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