The Antelope And Night Wolf

Chapter 84 – We"ll Always Be Brothers    

Chapter 84 – We"ll Always Be Brothers    
Wild Wolf Empire Community BDSM Discussion

OP: Let"s discuss, during a play session, would you guys have s.e.x? 1L: It depends on my mood. I"ll do it if I"m happy, and leave if I"m not. 2L: I"ll leave it up to the masters, different masters have different habits. However, if I manage to make a master did not want to have s.e.x request for it, I"ll see it as an accomplishment. 3L: I"ll never do it. I"ll only have s.e.x with my BF. We"ll set the limits before meeting up, and meet up only after agreeing on them. 4L: Looking at the body, heart and soul, s.e.x belongs to the body, while SM belongs to the soul. A play session is to do with submission and domination, a mental pleasure is enough, no need for s.e.x to fill in the gaps. It"s the outsiders" misunderstanding that SM is foreplay. 5L: Nonsense, no matter what, everyone is pursuing the unity of body and soul. s.e.x can exist in all three states, and SM can be just a physical desire as well. 6L: The discussion above is too profound. I"ll just like to ask, the chicken and the egg, which came first? There"s no right or wrong answer, it all depends on what they"re interested in. 7L: Most people would hope that their s.e.x partner would be someone they can spend the rest of their lives with. However, to all the subs here, the issue would be, where is this person they can spend the rest of their lives with? 8L: To the one above, if there"s really someone like this, I"ll do whatever he wants. However, a partner like this mostly exist only in fairytales.


[Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
To save me, he had to get sixteen st.i.tches on his back, and from then on, he could never become a pilot again. 

The global chat fell into silence for a long period of time.
After awhile, Bengal Tiger then sent another message.

[Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
Although YangYang never blamed me for it, but I could see that he was only putting on a cheerful front. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
He was born hyperactive, ever since young, he could not stay still. However, in his  third year of high school, he could sit on the balcony or on a tree looking at the skies and the birds, and remain sitting there for hours. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
After going through that incident in the sea, other than his back injury, YangYang also got a very serious problem of getting dizzy near water, and was unable to go swimming again. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
He always dreamt of being an air force pilot, but this dream was destroyed. He said that if he could not be an air force pilot, he would become a navy soldier. However, now he was also unable to be one. I"m the one who caused him to be unable to go up into the skies nor go down into the water. For the rest of his life, he"ll only be able to remain on land. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
Having put in so many years of effort to try and help him achieve his dreams, only to ruin it in one day. I"m the one who broke his wings. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
Ever since I was born, my life has been laid out in front of me. Graduating from high school, enrolling in the military school, joining the army, becoming a civil servant, rising up step by step, just like my elders before me. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
I didn"t know how to make it up to YangYang. When they were recruiting for pilots, I signed up behind my family"s back. Unexpectedly, I pa.s.sed through the inspections with flying colours, and was accepted into pilot training. I can only continue his dream with this method, and this is the only thing I can do for him. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
Pale Soul happened to just release their closed beta as we graduated from high school. To divert YangYang"s attention, we dragged him into playing the game. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
Previously, YangYang had loved playing games. But to protect his eyesight, he was determined and did not play them. Now, he no longer had to keep himself away from it, and could play as much as he wanted to. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
Still remember that quest in Pale Soul where you have to go through many maps, and the reward was a feather that could allow you to fly for 3 minutes? [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
There was no limits to the number of times this quest could be done, and each completion would give you a few thousand xp. To collect that feather, YangYang repeated that quest over and over again, and even levelled one level by doing so. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
YangYang started to become very invested in the game. He slowly become more and more like his previous self, and we all sincerely felt happy for him. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
After that, he started becoming interested in PK, and finally found a goal to work towards again. That was to enter the PK compet.i.tion held by the developers. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
I"ve mentioned it before, he"s someone who would put his utmost effort into achieving his goal. Even though it was only a game, he also treated it as though it was a very serious matter. By then, he was already somewhat famous within the server, but if you saw how much work he put in, you would feel that his reputation was well-deserved, that it was a result of his efforts. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
To help YangYang fulfil his wish of getting the championship, another childhood friend — the one that was pushed into the river — and I both worked hard to train ourselves. We are both in the military school, and so did not have as much free time as he did. However, we still tried our best to squeeze out some time to practise online. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
Our thinking was very simple. This time, no matter what, we did not want to let YangYang have any more regrets. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
We entered the semifinals, and could play in the matches held offline. However, for some reason, YangYang"s mood got worse, and even started distancing himself from me. During the semifinals, his skills were not up to his usual standards. If not for the opponents" mistake, we would not have been able to qualify for the next round. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
He did not even turn up for the finals the next day. We couldn"t find him anywhere, and he never picked up any of our calls. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
My mood was already not very good then, together with YangYang"s previous performance, as well as our rival telling me some nonsense, I lost control of my emotions. Without even considering the reason for YangYang"s absence, I started scolding him very harshly when he finally picked up his phone. He hung up without saying a word, and then switched off his phone. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
From then on, he vanished from my eyes, no matter how I looked, I couldn"t find him. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
Actually, I immediately regretted it after that call. However, when I wanted to apologise, the recipient of my apology had long disappeared. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
At first, I thought that he would only be temporarily be angry with me. However, I then discovered that he was determined to avoid me. I know, I was wrong, but was that crime worthy of death? We"ve been together for sixteen years, and because of that one impulsive action of mine, he actually decided to severe ties with me. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
There are two things that I"ve regretted the most in my life. One is to bring you to the beach, and the other is that phone call. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
I want to apologise to you, but you won"t even give me the chance to do so. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
I won"t even expect you to forgive me, and would only like an explanation. If I have to die, you have to also let me understand why.

“Sorry, please let me interrupt quietly. I feel that your relationship with each other is so good, and have been together for sixteen years. To severe ties because of a phone call… It doesn"t seem very logical?”
“That"s right, from your description, the other person doesn"t seem to be such a narrow-minded person.”
“I feel the same way, is there a misunderstanding somewhere?”

[Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
I don"t know about any misunderstandings, and I"ve also thought about the reason for his absence from the compet.i.tion. It must have been because he was unable to do so, and not because he did not want to. However, I still don"t know the exact reason for it, if he never say it, I"ll never know.

“Then, did something ever happen between the two of you, like some unhappy incident or something?”

[Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
During that period of time, he pretty much kept a distance from me, and was instead a lot closer with the other childhood friend. Sometimes, I even felt as though I was being pushed aside. [Loudspeaker] BengalTiger:
Yes, that night when we were done with the semifinals, the developers organised a gathering for us at a bar. My alcohol tolerance is very low, and because of my bad mood, I had a few drinks. When I was drunk, YangYang came to look for me. At that time, my vision was very blurry, and could barely manage to see that he was talking to me. However, I could not hear a single word that he said, and then he left. That was the last time I saw him. [Party] BaiShaoTang:
What… The… f.u.c.k…

XuXian was very startled upon seeing the party chat. It was very common for guys to spew vulgarities, but for BaiLong, who always considered himself to be a Young Master, would never say anything that demeaned his status. Knowing him for so long, this was the first time he saw him being so rough with his words.

[Party] LittleAntelope:
What the f.u.c.k! What the f.u.c.k! What the f.u.c.k! [Party] FlowerHouse:
… What"s going on with the two of you? [Party] LittleAntelope:
What the f.u.c.k!!!!!!!!
[Party] FlowerHouse:
…… [Party] BaiShaoTang:
After so much trouble, it turns out… [Party] BaiShaoTang:
I really have an impulse to create an account on WeiBo with the name, @MyFriendIsAnIdiot [Party] BaiShaoTang:
f.u.c.king h.e.l.l, even my IQ has been affected by him. [Party] LittleAntelope:
!!! Where is Tiger now??? [Party] BaiShaoTang:
At the school"s computer room. [Party] LittleAntelope:
Wait for me!!!

LingYang flew downstairs to hail a cab to QianTang. After seeing MengHu, he emotionally clapped both his hands onto his shoulders, “Hahaha we"re still good brothers, hahahaha!”
“Then, what you said that night…?”
“I only wanted you to drink less, don"t drink too much!”
“As for your absence the next day…?”
“I drank too much and overslept!”
Coming out from the computer room, LingYang clasped his chest joyfully. “Ah, I feel so relieved now, it"s as though a large stone has flown away.”
XuXian looked at the trailing YeLang in sympathy, “And that stone has flown onto a certain somebody"s shoulders now.”
Ever since the start, YeLang had not spoke a single word. XuXian walked back to him, and with a voice soft enough that the two people in front could not hear, he consoled him. “Don"t worry, although he"s YangYang"s first love, and grew up with him, they share sixteen years of history, his profession happens to be a pilot, which is YangYang"s dream, and he"s also more handsome than you… But I"m still on your side.”
YeLang"s face darkened as he listened. “Are you even trying to console me? Also, who said he"s more handsome than me?”
“It"s because he"s more handsome than you, that"s why your chances of winning is higher. You must have confidence in yourself, YangYang has admitted himself that he fell in love at first sight with you.”
BaiLong had joined them as well. “That"s right, LingYang"s aesthetic standards has always been strange. Did you forget, his favourite male star is Wu GuanFeng.”
“What the f.u.c.k!”
LingYang looked back to see the three of them whispering to each other. He ran back towards them, and hung off YeLang like a koala, “Are you guys talking bad about me?”
“We"re talking about how you"ve forsaken the new for the old, and discarding people after making use of them.”
“Nonsense! Don"t tarnish our pure friendship, we"re brothers for life!”
When MengHu saw LingYang running back, he remained standing there. The rest of the group caught up with him, and LingYang suddenly remembered something, “Next time, don"t use the loudspeakers like that. You"re wasting military expenditure, that"s the money we paid as taxpayers!”
YeLang snorted, “You"re also considered a taxpayer? By the time you can pay taxes, I can already take a concubine!”
“You dare!!”
(T/N: Taxpayer – 纳税人 (NaShuiRen), take a concubine – 纳妾 (NaQie). It"s supposed to be funny because they both start with Na.)  

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