Conversation with negroes on Harvey"s estate.

Conversation with apprentices.

Corbett, Mr. Trial of.

Corner stone laid.

Courts in Barbadoes.

Courts in Jamaica.

c.o.x, Rev. James.

Cranstoun, Mr.

Crimes, Diminution of.

Crimes in Jamaica.

Crookes, Rev. Mr.

Crops in Barbadoes.

Crops in Jamaica.

Cruelty of slavery.

" to apprentices.

Cultivation in Barbadoes, (See _Crops_.) Cultivation in Jamaica.

c.u.mmins, Mr.

c.u.mmins, Rev. Mr.

Cuppage, Captain.

Custom House returns, Barbadoes.

Daily meal Society.

Dangers of slavery.

Daniell, Dr.

Death-bed of a planter.


Defect of law.

Demerara, Apprenticeship in.

Desire for instruction.

Dinner at Mr. Harris"s.

" at the Governor"s.

Disabilities of colored people.

Discussion, Effect of.

Distinction between _serving_ and being _property_.

Distressed Females" Friend Society.

Disturbances, Reason of.

Docility of the negroes.

Domestic Apprentices.

Donovan"s Estate.

Drax Hall.

Dress in Antigua.

"Driver and overseer."

Drought in Antigua.

Dublin Castle Estate.

Duncan, Mr.

Dungeons in Antigua.

" in Barbadoes.

Economy of the negroes.

Edgecomb Estate.

Edmonson, Rev. Jonathan.

Education of Apprentices.

" in Antigua.

" in Barbadoes. (See _Schools_.) Education, Queries on, replied to.

" Results, in regard to.

Edwards, Colonel.

Eldridge, R. B. Esq..

Elliot, Rev. Edward.

Emanc.i.p.ation, Immediate. (See _Preparation, &c._) Emanc.i.p.ation, Motives of, in Antigua.

Emigrants from Europe.

Employments of the colored.

English Delegation.

Enrolment of colored militia.

Escape of slaves from French islands.

Expectations in regard to 1838 and 1840.

Expense of free compared with slave labor.

Expense of Apprenticeship compared with slavery.

Explanation of terms.

Exports of Jamaica for 53 years.

Fair of St. John"s.

Favey, Mr.

Feeding in Barbadoes.

Feeling, intense, of the negroes.

Females in the field.

Fences wanting in Antigua.

Ferguson, Dr.

Fines upon the planters.

Fire in the canes.

Fitch"s Creek Estate.


" machine.

Forten, James.

Four and a half per cent tax.

Fraser, Rev. Edward.

" Mrs., ---- Free children.

Freedom in Antigua.

Free labor less expensive.

Freeman, Count.

Frey"s Estate.

Friendly Societies.

Fright of American vessels.

Galloway, Mr.

Gangs, Division of.

Gardiner, Rev. Mr.

Gilbert, Rev. N.

Girl sold by her mother.

Gitters, Rev. Mr.

Golden Grove Estate.

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