Moravian Chapel.

" Missionary.


Morrish, Rev. Mr.


Murder of a planter.

Musgrave, Dr.

Negro Grounds.

Negro Quarters.


Newby, Mr.

Newfield, visit to.

n.o.ble trait in the apprentices.

Nugent, Hon. Nicholas.

Obstacles to free labor in Antigua.

Old school tyrant.

Opinions in Antigua in regard to Emanc.i.p.ation.

Opinions of the United States.

Opposition to slavery in Jamaica.

O"Reily, Hon. Dowel.

Osburne, Mr.


Packer, Rev. Mr.

Parry, Archdeacon.

Partiality of the Special Magistrates.

Peaceableness of negro villages.

Peaceableness of the change from slavery to freedom.

Peaceableness of the negro character.

Persecution of a Special Justice.

Peter"s Rock.

Phillips, Rev. Mr.

Physician, Testimony of.

Pigeot, Mr.

Plantain Garden River Valley.

Planter, a severe one.

Planters, cruelty of.

" in Barbadoes.


Police Court.

" of Antigua.

" Officers, Testimony of.

" Reports.

Policy of colored people in regard to prejudice.

Port Royal.

Prejudice against color.

"Prejudice Bell."

Preparation for freedom.

Prescod, Mr.

Promiscuous seating in church (See _"Amalgamation," &c._) Proprietor, testimony of.

Pro-slavery pretences.

Providence of the emanc.i.p.ated, the.

Provost Marshal, Testimony of.

Punishment, cruel.

Punishment in Antigua.

Ramsay, Mr.

Real Estate.

Rebellion, so called.

Rector of St. John"s.

"Red Shanks."

Reid, Mr. E.

Religion in Antigua; in Barbadoes; in Jamaica.

Religious condition of slaves in Antigua.

Religious instruction desired.

Report of a Special Magistrate.

Resolution in regard to Messrs. Thome and Kimball.

Resolutions of Wesleyan Missionaries.

Respect for the aged.

Results in Antigua.


Ridge Estate.

Right of suffrage.

Rogers, Mr.

Ross, A., Esq.

Rowe, Rev. Mr.

Rum, use of in Antigua.

Sabbath in Antigua; in Barbadoes; in Jamaica.

Sabbath school in Bridgetown.

Safety of immediate emanc.i.p.ation. (See _Insurrections_.) School, adult; at Lear"s; Parochial; Wolmer Free.

Schools in Antigua; in Bridgetown; infant; in Kingston; in Spanishtown.

Scotland in Barbadoes.

Scotland, James, Esq.

Scotland, J., Jr. Esq.

Security restored.



Shands, Mr. S.

Shiel, Mr.

Shrewsbury, Rev. Mr.

Sickness, pretended.

Silver Hill.

Sligo, Lord.

Smith, Sir Lionel.

Social intercourse.

Societies, benevolent.

Society among colored people.

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