Francis de Guingand--Operation Victory, 1947.

W. F. Halsey--Admiral Halsey"s Story, 1947.

Gordon A. Harrison--The Cross-Channel Attack, 1950.

B. H. Liddell Hart--Sherman, 1934.

The Future of Infantry, 1934.

The German Generals Talk, 1949.

G. F. R. Henderson--Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War, 1898.

The Science of War, 1905.

Pendleton Herring--The Impact of War, 1941.

R. D. Heinl, Jr.--The Defense of Wake, 1947.

Marines at Midway, 1948.

John Hersey--Into the Valley, 1943.

Russell Hill--Desert War, 1942.

Max von Hoffmann--The War of Lost Opportunities, 1925.

Ralph Ingersoll--The Battle Is the Pay-Off, 1943.

Douglas Wilson Johnson--Topography and Strategy in the War, 1917.

Melvin M. Johnson and Charles T. Haven--Automatic Arms, 1941.

Walter Karig, Russell L. Harris and Frank A. Manson--Battle Report, 1944-1949.

George C. Kenney--General Kenney Reports, 1949.

Roger Keyes--Naval Memoirs, 1933.

Alexiei Kuropatkin--The Russian Army and the j.a.panese War, 1909.

Lee J. Levert--Fundamentals of Naval Warfare, 1947.

Bert Levy--Guerilla Warfare, 1942.

Charles B. MacDonald--Company Commander, 1947.

A. T. Mahan--Influence of Seapower Upon History.

George McMillan--The Old Breed, 1949.

George C. Marshall--General Marshall"s Report, 1946.

S. L. A. Marshall--Island Victory, 1944.

Bastogne: The First Eight Days, 1946.

Men Against Fire, 1948.

Giffard Martel--An Outspoken Soldier, 1944.

Walter Millis--The Last Phase, 1946.

This Is Pearl, 1947.

John Miller, Jr.--Guadalca.n.a.l: The First Offensive, 1949.

Drew Middleton--Our Share of Night, 1946.

Samuel Taylor Moore--America and the World War, 1937.

Samuel Eliot Morison--History of United States Naval Operations in World War II (14 vols.), 1947--.

W. F. P. Napier--History of the War in the Peninsula (6 vols.) 1828.

James R. Newman--The Tools of War, 1942.

Frederick Palmer--America in France, 1921.

John J. Pershing, 1921.

George S. Patton, Jr.--War As I Knew It, 1947.

Thomas R. Phillips--Roots of Strategy, 1940.

Frederick Pile--Ack-Ack, 1949.

Fletcher Pratt--Ordeal by Fire, 1935.

Road to Empire, 1939.

The Marine"s War, 1948.

Navy: A History.

Leonard Rapport and Arthur Northwood--Rendezvous With Destiny, 1948.

Roland Ruppenthal--Utah Beach to Cherbourg, 1947.

W. T. Sherman--Memoirs, 1886.

Robert E. Sherwood--Roosevelt and Hopkins, 1948.

Milton Shulman--Defeat in the West, 1948.

Holland M. Smith--Coral and Bra.s.s, 1949.

E. L. Spears--Liaison 1914, 1930.

Prelude to Victory, 1939.

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