* 1 Apple *

* 1 Onion *

* 1 Carrot--1d.

* 1/2 oz. Curry Powder *

* 1 oz. Flour--1d.

* 1 oz. b.u.t.ter--1d.

* Total Cost--3d.

* Time--One Hour *

The liquor in which poultry or a rabbit has been boiled is the best for this soup. Slice up the apple, onion, and carrot, and fry them in the b.u.t.ter; sprinkle over the curry powder and flour and brown that too; pour over the boiling stock and stir until it boils up, simmer gently for one hour, then rub through a sieve and return to the saucepan. Bring to the boil, flavour with salt and lemon juice. Pour into a warm tureen and serve. Send well-boiled rice to the table with this soup.


* 3 Potatoes *

* 3 Carrots *

* 2 Turnips--1 1/2d.

* 2 quarts Bone Stock *

* Pepper *

* 2 Onions *

* 1/2 stalk Celery--1d.

* 1 oz. b.u.t.ter--1d.

* 1 teaspoonful Sugar *

* Salt--1/2d.

* Total Cost--4d.

* Time--One Hour.

Peel and slice up the vegetables and sprinkle them with the sugar and salt, and put them into a saucepan with the b.u.t.ter, and sweat for five minutes. Pour over the boiling stock and stir until it boils; boil slowly for an hour, then rub through a sieve. If it is too thick, reduce it with a little more stock or milk, return to a saucepan, and bring to the boil. When tomatoes are in season slice up two with the other vegetables; these will make the soup a good colour and improve the flavour.


* 3 oz. Sago--1d.

* 1 pint Milk--2 1/2d.

* 2 quarts Bone Stock *

* 1 Leek *

* Salt and Pepper--1/2d.

* Total Cost--4d.

* Time--Half an Hour.

Wash the sago in cold water, boil the leek in the stock for ten minutes, take it out and stir in the sago; continue stirring until the sago is transparent and the stock quite thick, then pour in the milk and bring up to the boil. Season with salt and pepper, and serve.


* 2 heads of Celery--2d.

* 2 quarts Pot Boilings *

* 1 pint of Milk--2 1/2d.

* 1 oz. Sago--1/2d.

* Total Cost--5d.

* Time--One Hour *

If vegetables have been boiled with the meat the stock will be sufficiently flavoured; if not, boil an onion and carrot in it and strain out. Wash the celery thoroughly and cut it into pieces one inch long, put it into the boiling stock and boil for half an hour, then sprinkle in 1 oz of sago and stir until it is transparent. Pour in the milk and bring to boiling point; it is then ready to serve. This is an excellent soup for any one suffering from or subject to rheumatism or gout.


* 4 Turnips--2d.

* 1/4 lb. Rice--1d.

* 2 quarts Water *

* 1 pint Milk--2 1/2d.

* Onion and Salt--1/2d.

* Total Cost--6d.

* Time--One Hour and a Quarter *

Peel and slice up the turnips, wash the rice and put into a saucepan with the onion and 1 dozen white peppercorns. Pour over the water and boil for an hour, rub through a sieve and return to the saucepan, with the milk and a seasoning of salt and pepper; stir until it boils, then pour into a warm tureen and sprinkle some chopped parsley on top. This soup is much improved by putting one ounce of b.u.t.ter into the water in which the rice and turnips are boiled.


* 2 oz. Tapioca--1d.

* 1 Onion *

* 1 Carrot *

* 3 quarts Bone Stock--1/2d.

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