* 1/2 lb. Suet--1d.

* 1/2 teaspoonful Parsley *

* Pepper and Salt *

* 1/2 lb. Flour--1d.

* Total Cost--11 d.

* Time--One Hour and a Half.

Skin and fillet the fish and cut into small pieces; make a dry crust of the suet, and flour and line a pudding basin with it. Lay the fish in lightly, and season with the parsley, pepper, and salt. Pour over the melted b.u.t.ter; this should be made with 1/2 oz b.u.t.ter, 1/2 oz flour, and 1 gill of water. Cover the top of the pudding with crust, tie down securely with a cloth and string, and plunge into plenty of boiling water. Boil for one hour and a half, turn out of the basin, and sprinkle with chopped parsley. Serve hot.


* 1/2 lb. Cold Fish--4d.

* 1 oz. b.u.t.ter--1d.

* 1 gill Milk--1d.

* Bread Crumbs *

* Hot Fat *

* 1 oz. Flour *

* 1 teaspoonful of Anchovy *

* 1/2 teaspoonful of Parsley *

* Pepper and Salt--2d.

* Total Cost--8d.

* Time--5 Minutes *

Pick the fish free from skin and bone, and chop it up. Make a smooth thick sauce with the flour, b.u.t.ter, and water, by directions given elsewhere. Flavour it with anchovy, parsley, pepper, and salt; stir in the fish, and mix well. Turn on to a plate till cold. Make up into small b.a.l.l.s, cover with egg and bread crumbs, and fry in hot fat; drain for a few minutes on kitchen paper, arrange carefully on a dish, and garnish with parsley.


* 2 Bream--1s.

* 2 Tomatoes--1/2d.

* 1 oz. b.u.t.ter--1d.

* 1 f.a.got of Herbs *

* 1 Carrot *

* 1 oz. Flour *

* Pepper and Salt *

* 1 Onion *

* 1 doz. Peppercorns *

* Lemon Juice--1 1/2d.

* Total Cost--1s. 3d.

* Time--One Hour *

Fillet the fish, put the bones in a saucepan, and just cover them with water. When they boil, skim well, and add the tomatoes sliced up, the peppercorns and vegetables; boil quickly without the lid for half an hour, then strain, rubbing the pulp of the tomatoes through with the liquor. Make a smooth sauce with half a pint of this liquor, the b.u.t.ter, and the flour; if the colour is not good add a few drops of cochineal. Fold the fillets of fish neatly, and bake in the oven with a little lemon juice, and covered with a b.u.t.tered paper. Arrange them on a dish and pour the sauce over. Serve hot.


* 1/2 lb. Gold Fish--4d.

* 1/4 lb. Boiled Rice--1d.

* 2 Hard Boiled Eggs--2d.

* 1 oz. b.u.t.ter *

* Pepper and Salt--1d.

* Total Cost--8d.

* Time--5 Minutes *

Flake up the fish and mix it with the rice; sh.e.l.l the eggs and cut them in half, put the yolks on one side. Chop the whites and mix them with the rice and fish; season nicely and put into a saucepan with the b.u.t.ter, and stir until thoroughly hot. Pile on a dish, and either chop the yolks and sprinkle them over, or hold a sieve over the kedgeree and rub them lightly through. Serve hot.


* 2 Mullet--6d.

* 1/2 pint Vinegar--2d.

* 1 gill Water *

* 1 f.a.got of Herbs *

* 1 doz. Peppercorns *

* Salt--1/2d.

* Total Cost--81/2 d.

* Time--One Hour *

Wash the fish, dry them on a cloth, and rub them with a little salt.

Lay them in a deep dish, put in the herbs and peppercorns, pour over the vinegar and water. Cover with a tin, and stand in a cool oven, and bake very slowly for an hour. Take them out and let them get quite cold in the vinegar, then lay them in a dish, and strain the sauce over. Garnish with sprigs of parsley.


* 1 Eel--1s.

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