* 3 teaspoonsful Jam--1 1/2d.

* Total Cost--7d.

* Time--10 Minutes.

Beat the eggs and sugar together for five minutes, mix the flour and baking powder together and stir them lightly in. Pour into a well-b.u.t.tered tin and bake in a quick oven for eight or ten minutes. Turn on to a damp cloth and roll up directly; warm the jam in a saucepan while the roll is cooking, and if it is very stiff mix in a spoonful of water. Take the roll out of the cloth and lay flat on a piece of sugared paper, spread the jam on quickly and roll up again; place on a sieve till cold.


* 1 lb. Flour--2d.

* 6 oz. Dripping *

* 6 oz. Sugar--1 1/2d.

* 1 1/2 teaspoonsful Caraway Seeds--1/2d.

* 1 Egg--1d.

* 2 teaspoonsful Baking Powder *

* 1 gill Milk or Water--1 1/2d.

* Total Cost--61/2 d.

* Time--One Hour and a Half.

Sift the flour into a basin and rub in the dripping; carefully stir in the sugar, baking powder, and caraway seeds.

Beat up the egg and milk or water, and mix the dry ingredients into a dough; beat for two or three minutes. Turn into a cake tin which has been well rubbed with dripping, stand on a baking sheet and place in a moderate oven. Bake for one hour and a half or longer, test it by running a skewer right through the centre; if it comes out clean the cake is done. Turn it out of the tine carefully and stand on a sieve till cold.


* 3/4 lb. Flour--1 1/2d.

* 1/2 pint Milk--1d.

* 1 oz. b.u.t.ter--1d.

* 2 teaspoonsful Baking Powder--1 1/2d.

* Total Cost--5d.

* Time--10 Minutes.

Rub the b.u.t.ter into the flour, stir in the baking powder, and make into a very light dough with the milk; turn on to a floured board, knead for a few minutes, roll out about half an inch thick. Cut into shapes, put on to a floured tin, and bake in a quick oven for about ten minutes.

Serve either hot or cold.


* 1 lb. Flour--2d.

* 1/2 pint Sour Milk *

* 3 teaspoonsful Baking Powder *

* 1 teaspoonful Salt--1 1/2d.

* Total Cost--31/2 d.

* Time--5 Minutes.

Mix the flour, baking powder, and salt together, mix into a very light dough with the milk, adding a little more milk if necessary; turn on to a floured board and knead till smooth, roll out half an inch thick. Cut into small rounds and bake for about five minutes.


* 1 lb. Flour--2d.

* 2 oz. Dripping *

* 1 oz. Sugar *

* 1/2 pint Sour Milk *

* 1 teaspoonful Cream of Tartar *

* 1/2 teaspoonful Carbonate of Soda--1 1/2d.

* Total Cost--31/2 d.

* Time--20 Minutes.

Rub the dripping into the flour; stir in the sugar, cream of tartar, and soda. Mix into a very light dough with the milk, turn on to a floured board; divide into two parts. Flatten these out into two cakes, divide each one into four pieces, brush over with milk. Put on to a floured tin and bake in a hot oven from fifteen to twenty minutes.


* Cold Potatoes *

* 1 Egg *

* 2 oz. Sugar *

* Nutmeg or Lemon Peel *

* Hot Fat *

* Total Cost--11/2 d.

* Time--5 Minutes.

Mash up the potatoes very smoothly, beat in the sugar and a flavouring of nutmeg or grated lemon peel. Beat up the egg and pour over the potatoes and mix into a paste; form into small round cakes. Fry in very hot fat till brown; pile high on a dish, sprinkle with sugar and serve.

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