* 1 oz. Sugar--1d.

* 2 Eggs--2d.

* 2 spoonful Jam--1d.

* Total Cost--6d.

* Time--One Hour.

Put the milk into a saucepan, mix the flour with a little cold milk; and when the milk in the saucepan is nearly boiling, stir it in, and let it boil up. Pour into a basin and beat in the yolks of the eggs and the sugar; turn into a pie dish and bake till firm. Spread a spoonful of jam on the top; whip the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth and spread them over, sprinkle with sugar, and put back in the oven to set.

Serve cold.


* 1 Egg--1d.

* 1/2 gill Milk--1/2d.

* 1 teaspoonful Sugar *

* 1 teaspoonful Jam *

* 1 teaspoonful Flour--1d.

* Total Cost--21/2 d.

* Time--5 Minutes.

Beat the yolk and white of egg separately; beat the flour and milk together, and mix in the sugar and yolk of egg. Stir in the white, b.u.t.ter a saucer, put the jam at the bottom. Pour in the mixture, bake in the oven for five minutes, sprinkle with sugar, and serve.


* 1 pint Milk--2d.

* 1 1/2 oz. Rice--1/2d.

* 1 oz. Sugar *

* Rind of Half a Lemon--1/2d.

* Total Cost--3d.

* Time--Two Hours.

Wash the rice well, strain off the water and put it into a pie-dish.

Mix in the sugar and the rind of the lemon; pour over the milk, and let it sand for half an hour. Put it into a very slow oven, and bake till firm. This is a very delicious pudding if properly made; it should be firm, but not dry.


* 1/2 lb. Flour--1d.

* 1 gill Milk--1/2d.

* 1 oz. b.u.t.ter *

* 1/4 saltspoonful Salt--1d.

* Total Cost--21/2 d.

* Time--10 Minutes.

Rub the b.u.t.ter into the flour, sprinkle in the salt, and make into a dough with the milk; knead till smooth, roll out very thin. Cut into small rounds, p.r.i.c.k well with a fork, put on to a floured tin and bake for about ten minutes. They should not get brown.


* 1 lb. Flour--2d.

* 1/2 lb. Currants--2d.

* 1/2 lb. Sugar--1d.

* 6 oz. Dripping *

* 1 1/2 teaspoonsful Carbonate of Soda *

* 1/2 pint Milk--2d.

* Total Cost--7d.

* Time--Two Hours.

Rub the dripping and the flour together; clean and stir in the currants and sugar. Stir in the soda and mix into a dough with the milk, beat for a few minutes. Pour into a tin which has been well rubbed with dripping, bake in a moderate oven for two hours.


* 1/2 lb. Brown Meal *

* 1/4 lb. Flour--1 1/2d.

* 1 1/2 gills Water *

* 1 oz. b.u.t.ter or Lard *

* 1 oz. Sugar--1d.

* Total Cost--21/2 d.

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