* Salt and Pepper--1d.

* Total Cost--3d.

* Time--One Hour.

Peel and slice up the onions and fry them in the b.u.t.ter till they are a good brown colour. Sprinkle over the flour and brown that too. Pour on the boiling stock and boil steadily till the onions are very soft, then rub through a sieve. If there is any fat on it remove it carefully, pour back into the saucepan, add the milk, pepper, and salt, and boil up.

Just before serving put in a few drops of lemon juice. Send fried bread to table with it.


* 1 small Pumpkin--4d.

* 2 oz. b.u.t.ter--2d.

* 1/2 pint of Milk--1d.

* 2 Onions, 1 Carrot *

* 2 quarts of Water--1d.

* Total Cost--8d.

* Time--One Hour and a Half.

Peel and slice up the pumpkin, onions, and carrot, put them into a saucepan with half the b.u.t.ter, and sweat the vegetables in it for five minutes, then pour over the boiling water and boil until the vegetables are very soft. Rub through a sieve and return to the saucepan with the milk and some pepper and salt; stir until it boils up.

Just before serving, stir in, in tiny pieces, the rest of the b.u.t.ter and a little lemon juice.


* 2 lbs. Mixed Vegetables--4d.

* 2 oz. b.u.t.ter--2d.

* 1/4 lb Haricot Beans--1d.

* Peppercorns, Salt, and Sugar *

* 4 quarts of Water--1/2d.

* Total Cost--7 1/2 d.

* Time--One Hour and a Half.

Take any vegetables that may be in season, such as carrots, turnips, leeks, onions, and celery, and slice them up; put them into a saucepan with the haricot beans and the b.u.t.ter, and turn them all about till the b.u.t.ter is all absorbed; sprinkle over them a teaspoonful each of salt and sugar, add the peppercorns and the water, and boil until the vegetables are very soft.

Rub them through a sieve, return to the saucepan and make thoroughly hot, and it is ready to serve.


* 2 oz. Semolina--2d.

* 1/2 pint of Milk *

* 3 pints Bone Stock *

* Salt and Pepper--1d.

* Total Cost--3d.

* Time--One Hour.

If the stock has been made without vegetables, as it must often be in hot weather, boil an onion, carrot, f.a.got of herbs, and a dozen peppercorns in it for half an hour, then strain the stock and put it back in the saucepan. Sprinkle in the semolina and stir until it boils; simmer till the semolina thickens, then add the milk, pepper, and salt, and boil up. Pour into a warm tureen, and send fried bread to table with it.


* 6 Carrots--2d.

* 1 oz. b.u.t.ter--1d.

* Sugar, Salt, and Pepper *

* 3 quarts Bone Stock--1/2d.

* Total Cost--3 1/2 d.

* Time--One Hour.

Sc.r.a.pe and slice up the carrots and put them into a saucepan with the b.u.t.ter. Sprinkle over a teaspoonful each of salt and sugar and a quarter of a teaspoonful of pepper; turn them about in b.u.t.ter for five minutes, pour over the boiling stock and boil for an our. Rub through a sieve, return to the saucepan and boil up, season to taste, and serve very hot.


* 1 doz. Tomatoes--4d.

* 1 oz. b.u.t.ter--1d.

* 2 Onions, 1 Carrot *

* 2 oz. Flour *

* Salt and 1 teaspoonful Sugar *

* 2 doz. Peppercorns *

* 3 quarts Bone Stock--1 1/2d.

* Total Cost--6 1/2 d.

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