=22.= Who were the three witnesses to the genuineness of the book?

Give an outline of their testimony.

=23.= Name the eight witnesses. To what did they testify?

=24.= What is the so-called "Spaulding Story" of the origin of the Book of Mormon? Show its absurdity.

=25.= Explain the arrangement of the several parts of the Book of Mormon.


Authenticity of the Book of Mormon.

=1.= Summarize the proofs of the authenticity of the Book of Mormon.

=2.= Show that the Book of Mormon and the Bible corroborate each other in matters on which they treat in common.

=3.= Demonstrate the fulfillment of ancient prophecy in the coming forth of the Book of Mormon (1, of prophecies contained in the Pearl of Great Price; 2, of Old Testament prophecies, specifically those of Isaiah and Ezekiel).

=4.= State what you know of the consistency of the Book of Mormon in style and matter.

=5.= Give examples of Book of Mormon prophecies, the fulfillment of which is recorded therein.

=6.= Give examples of Book of Mormon prophecies, the fulfillment of which has taken place since the closing of the record.

=7.= State what you know of Book of Mormon prophecy yet awaiting fulfillment.

=8.= Summarize the general results of modern investigation and research with which the Book of Mormon is in striking accord.

=9.= Give evidence that America was inhabited at a very ancient period (1, cite the conclusions of investigators; and 2, compare with the Book of Mormon account).

=10.= Give the princ.i.p.al evidence of the successive occupation of the American continent by different peoples in ancient times, confirm by the Book of Mormon account.

=11.= Give the princ.i.p.al conclusions of investigators concerning the Asiatic origin of the first colonies who came to America.

=12.= Summarize the evidence indicating their Israelitish origin.

=13.= State in a general way the traditions of America"s native people concerning:--1, The Deluge; 2, the Divinity of Christ, and His crucifixion.

=14.= Show the resemblance of certain religious ceremonies as practiced by the Jews, and by some of the native American peoples.

=15.= What evidence is there, external to the Book of Mormon, indicating the common origin of all the American "races"?

=16.= Confirm the foregoing conclusions (11 to 15) by the Book of Mormon record.

=17.= What is known of the written languages current among the Nephites? In what language were the plates of Nephi and those of Mormon inscribed?

=18.= What external evidence is there of the Egyptian language having been known among the American peoples?

=19.= Give evidence of the survival of the Hebrew language among the native tribes.

=20.= What test of the authenticity of the Book of Mormon is given by the last of the writers?


Revelation, Past, Present, and Future.

=1.= What is revelation? Compare with inspiration.

=2.= Show that revelation is G.o.d"s chosen method of communication through the priesthood.

=3.= What is known of G.o.d"s revelations to:--1, Adam; 2, Enoch; 3, Noah; 4, Abraham; 5, Isaac; 6, Jacob; 7, Moses?

=4.= Give examples of Divine revelation through other Old Testament prophets.

=5.= Show that Christ was a revelator, while He dwelt among men.

=6.= Give scriptural evidence of revelation having been given through the apostles of old.

=7.= Show that the doctrine of continual revelation is reasonable.

=8.= Show that it is scriptural.

=9.= Show that continual revelation has ever been characteristic of the operations of the priesthood.

=10.= Cite the princ.i.p.al objections to this doctrine, professedly founded on scripture. Show their unscriptural foundation.

=11.= Give specific scriptures predicting that revelation is to characterize the Church in the last dispensation (1, from the Bible; 2, from the Book of Mormon).

=12.= Give instances of modern revelation. Cite promises of the Lord in this dispensation a.s.suring the continuation of revelation in the Church.

=13.= Show the reasonableness of expecting yet further revelation.

=14.= Show that the doctrine of no further revelation is comparatively modern, and unscriptural.

=15.= Show that inspiration does not deprive man of his freedom or individuality.


The Dispersion of Israel.

=1.= Explain the term "Israel" (1, derivation of the word; 2, bestowal of the t.i.tle on Jacob; 3, its use as the name of Jacob"s posterity; 4, as a name of one of the kingdoms after the division of the nation; 5, as a t.i.tle of the chosen people of G.o.d in a collective sense).

=2.= Give a general outline of the Israelites" history from the time of Jacob receiving the name Israel, to the time of the first king.

=3.= Outline the history of Israel as a united nation under the kings.

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