=9.= What is the Millennium?
=10.= Give scriptural authority for your belief as to the conditions that are to characterize the Millennium.
=11.= What will be the condition of Satan during and after the Millennium?
Regeneration and Resurrection.
=1.= Explain the statement that the earth is under a curse.
=2.= What is meant by the predicted regeneration of the earth?
=3.= When will this change be completed?
=4.= What is known as to the future condition of the earth in its regenerated state?
=5.= What is the att.i.tude of science regarding the earth"s regeneration?
=6.= What is meant by the resurrection of the body?
=7.= What are the teachings of the Church regarding the literalness of the resurrection?
=8.= Upon what does our belief in the doctrine of the resurrection depend?
=9.= Give scriptural evidence supporting belief in the resurrection (1, Old Testament; 2, New Testament; 3, Book of Mormon; 4, modern).
=10.= Specify the general resurrections spoken of in the scriptures.
=11.= How was the first resurrection inaugurated?
=12.= Give an account of the resurrection of the just immediately following the resurrection of Christ.
=13.= Cite Book of Mormon prophecy regarding the resurrection of Christ and that of the righteous immediately following.
=14.= Give a summary of the teachings by the apostles of old, regarding the resurrection at the time of Christ"s second coming.
=15.= Cite modern revelation on the same subject.
=16.= Compare the scriptural descriptions of the first resurrection, or the resurrection of the just, with those of the second, or the resurrection of the unjust.
=17.= Show that the resurrection is to be universal, applying both to righteous and wicked.
=18.= What will be the lot of the heathen in the resurrection?
(Support your answer by scripture.)
=19.= What is known of the intermediate state of the soul, between death and the resurrection?
=20.= Define "Paradise." Show that Paradise is not the place of final glory.
Religious Liberty and Toleration.
=1.= What is worship?
=2.= Show that man"s ability to worship rightly is a measure of his conception of G.o.d"s attributes and powers.
=3.= Show that worship, to be valid, must be voluntary.
=4.= Demonstrate man"s right to freedom in worship.
=5.= Explain the intolerance, in matters of worship, characterizing early and modern times.
=6.= Show that intolerance is unscriptural.
=7.= Demonstrate that tolerance is not necessarily acceptance.
=8.= Show that man, being free to choose for himself, is justly held accountable for his acts.
=9.= Explain Christ"s expression, "In my Father"s house are many mansions."
=10.= What kingdoms or degrees of glory are specified in the revealed word?
=11.= Who are to inherit the Celestial glory?
=12.= For whom is the Terrestrial glory provided?
=13.= Who will be consigned to the Telestial kingdom?
=14.= What is known of the gradation of glory within each of the kingdoms specified?
=15.= Who are the Sons of Perdition? What is known of their fate?
Submission to the Law of the Land.
=1.= What are the teachings of the Church regarding the duties of its members with respect to the secular law?
=2.= Cite instances recorded in the Old Testament of Divine approval and admonition regarding the secular laws.
=3.= Give examples from the life of the Savior.
=4.= What were the teachings of the apostles of old regarding the observance of the law of the land by the members of the Church?