=10.= Show that Adam understood the nature of his act in partaking of the forbidden fruit.

=11.= What is known of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden?

=12.= Show that the expulsion of our first parents from Eden was a necessity after their transgression.

=13.= What were the immediate results of the Fall?

=14.= Give scriptural proof that the Fall was necessary and fore-ordained.

=15.= Show that mortality is a blessed heritage to mankind.

=16.= State the doctrine of the Atonement as declared to Adam after the Fall.

=17.= Describe the joy of Adam and Eve when they learned of the effect of the Fall and the Atonement provided.


The Atonement and Salvation.

=1.= Define "atonement" in its scriptural usage. (Compare its meaning with that of "reconciliation," as the latter term occurs in the New Testament.)

=2.= State what you know of the nature of the Atonement.

=3.= Show that the Atonement is a necessary sequence of the Fall.

=4.= What is meant by a vicarious sacrifice? (Give scriptural instances of such as recorded in the Old Testament.)

=5.= Show that Christ"s sacrifice was, 1, vicarious; 2, voluntary on His part; 3, love inspired.

=6.= Give scriptural proofs (from each of the standard works) that the Atonement was fore-ordained and fore-told.

=7.= Show:--1, the general, and 2, the individual effect of the Atonement amongst mankind.

=8.= Define:--1, "salvation;" 2, "exaltation."

=9.= Name the "Degrees of Glory" in their order, as revealed of G.o.d.

=10.= Give a summary of the scriptural descriptions of:--1, the Celestial kingdom of glory; 2, the Terrestrial; 3, the Telestial.



=1.= State the nature of faith.

=2.= Define the terms "faith," "belief," and "knowledge," in their relation to one another.

=3.= Give scriptural instances of belief in Christ, which had no saving power.

=4.= What do you regard as the essential foundation of faith in G.o.d?

=5.= Give Joseph Smith"s summary of facts respecting the character and attributes of G.o.d.

=6.= Show how misplaced faith may result from false evidence.

=7.= What is meant by the statement that faith is a principle of power? (Give scriptural instances.)

=8.= Prove that faith is essential to salvation.

=9.= Show from the scriptures that faith is a gift from G.o.d.

=10.= Show that faith, to be effective, must be accompanied by good works.


=11.= What is meant by true repentance?

=12.= State the conditions under which forgiveness of sins is promised.

=13.= Prove that repentance is essential to salvation.

=14.= Show that repentance is a gift from G.o.d.

=15.= How may this gift be lost or forfeited?

=16.= What evidence have we that repentance is possible in the hereafter?

=17.= Give a summary of the teachings of Amulek regarding the danger of procrastination in the matter of repentance.



=1.= State what you know of the earliest revelation from G.o.d regarding baptism.

=2.= What is the special purpose of baptism? (Give proofs, 1, from the Bible; 2, from the Book of Mormon; 3, from modern revelation.)

=3.= Who are fit subjects for Baptism?

=4.= Show that infant baptism is unscriptural (1, that it is unsustained by the Bible; 2, that it is forbidden in the Book of Mormon, and by modern revelation).

=5.= Give a brief account of the history of infant baptism.

=6.= Define:--"Pedobaptists;" "Anabaptists." (Give derivation of the terms and their present meanings.)

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