=2.= In what manner is the priesthood conferred?

=3.= Name the princ.i.p.al holders of the priesthood from Adam to Moses.

=4.= Cite instances of G.o.d"s disapproval of unauthorized ministrations. (Give the circ.u.mstances in the following cases: 1, Korah and his a.s.sociates; 2, Miriam and Aaron; 3, Uzza; 4, Saul; 5, Uzziah; 6, sons of Sceva.)

=5.= Give scriptural predictions concerning false teachers who would arise.

=6.= Prove the existence of the priesthood in the Church today.

=7.= Give an account of the restoration of: 1, the Aaronic, and, 2, the Melchizedek priesthood, in the present dispensation.

Fore-ordination and Pre-existence.

=8.= How was the fact of fore-ordination made known to Abraham?

=9.= Give scriptural proofs of Christ"s fore-ordination as the Redeemer of mankind.

=10.= Cite other scriptures supporting the doctrine of fore-ordination (1, New Testament; 2, Book of Mormon).

=11.= Show that fore-ordination does not infringe upon free agency.

=12.= Give scriptural proofs of the pre-existence of spirits.


Church Organization.

=1.= What is the Church? (Sustain your definition by scriptural records.)

=2.= What is meant by the Primitive Church?

=3.= What evidence have you that a general apostasy from the Primitive Church occurred?

=4.= Show by the scriptures that this apostasy was fore-told. (Give evidence: 1, from the Old Testament; 2, from the New Testament; 3, from the Book of Mormon.)

=5.= Show that the restoration of the Church to earth was fore-told.

=6.= Define "priesthood."

=7.= Name the princ.i.p.al orders of priesthood as revealed.

=8.= What relationship exists between the Aaronic and the Levitical priesthood?

=9.= Name the special offices in the Aaronic priesthood, in order, with a statement of the specific duties and authority of each.

=10.= Name the special offices in the Melchizedek priesthood, in order, describing the authority and duties of each.

=11.= Describe the const.i.tution and authority of each of the following presiding "quorums" in the priesthood:--1, The First Presidency; 2, The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles; 3. The Presiding Quorum of Seventy; 4, The Presiding Bishopric.

=12.= Define "branch," "ward," and "stake," as used to designate divisions of the Church.

=13.= Explain the const.i.tution, authority, and special duties of:--1, Stake Presidency; 2, Standing High Council; 3, Ward Bishopric.

=14.= What ordination in the priesthood is requisite in the case of members of the presiding organizations last named?

=15.= Define "quorum" in its special sense as used by the Latter-day Saints.

=16.= What is a Patriarch? (1. Define in this connection the term "evangelist"; 2. show in what respect succession to the presiding patriarchal office differs from that in other offices and callings in the priesthood.)

=17.= Name the auxiliary organizations which operate as "helps in government" within the Church.

=18.= Give the special duties of each of these. (Named on p. 216.)

=19.= Show how the principle of common consent is observed in appointments to office within the Church.


Spiritual Gifts.

=1.= Show that the existence of spiritual gifts has ever been characteristic of the priesthood.

=2.= Give scriptural proof that such gifts will always be found in the Church.

=3.= What is a miracle?

=4.= Why are miracles called, by some, supernatural occurrences?

=5.= For what purpose are spiritual gifts manifested in the Church?

=6.= Show that miraculous manifestations are not an infallible indication of the operation of the priesthood.

=7.= Name the spiritual gifts specifically mentioned in the scriptures.

=8.= Describe the usual manifestation characterizing each of the following gifts, with scriptural ill.u.s.trations of each:--1, The gift of tongues and interpretation; 2, of healing, and the gift of faith to be healed; 3, of visions; 4, of dreams; 5, of prophecy; 6, of revelation.

=9.= Cite scriptural promises that certain sign-gifts of the Spirit shall follow the believer.

=10.= Give instances of miracles wrought by evil powers.

=11.= Cite the predictions of John the Revelator regarding such imitations of the gifts of the Spirit, which are to characterize the work of G.o.d in the last days.

=12.= What did Christ say about signs and wonders that would be wrought by wicked men?

=13.= What evidence have you of the existence of spiritual gifts in the Church today?

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