“War-G.o.d Campas is fair to all. He gave the ability to become a sacrifice to some but the power to sustain berserk mode to others with a stronger build. The battle-hardened Beamon soldiers are able to integrate the blessing of the berserk battle song into their body and rage in battle. Having entered the berserk mode, they are able to comprehend the power of the war-G.o.d’s bugle, stirring up their blood and anger and guiding them into a frenzied mode. This increases their combat efficiency many folds. Such formidable beastman warriors are called ‘Berserk beast warriors’ in the human world. Some beastman warriors do not need the help of ‘berserk battle song’ to enter berserk mode whereas some rely on the blessing of ‘berserk battle song’. The ones who are able to exploit berserk mode on their own are called ‘auto-mad’.” Hailun said.

“Demerol Hydrochloride also has this effect.” Liu Zhenhan thought.

“When an ‘Auto-mad’ warrior’s fighting power breaks out, its gives far better effect than the warriors that are driven into the berserk mode by the blessing of ‘berserk battle song’. However, more important is the points that after coming out of the berserk mode, an auto-mad warrior at most feels slight dizziness and still remains in a state to continue fighting. This is not something an unauthentic berserk warrior can achieve. While facing the human army which is generally ten times more in number compared to ours, the incredible ability of auto-mad warriors come out as the best means to deal with human beings, but also the most helpless means.” Hailun looked at Liu Zhenhan and said: ” I have partic.i.p.ated in the annual hunting trophy contest, and witnessed elephant soldiers, who are capable of using auto-mad ability, in action. I still remember vividly how I could clearly see the bulging veins creeping underneath their skin, like a bunch of earthworms creeping on the ground. Just imagine the terrifying level of their exploding raw power.”

“Well, my power was indeed quite terrifying yesterday.” Liu Zhenhan gazed at the crumbled pieces of coconut sh.e.l.l underwear.

“Also, Beamon witch doctors can refine a drug with similar effect, however, the side effects of that drug are also grave.” Hailun said: “I am worried that the Yalong egg has had the same effect on you two.”

“What exactly are the consequences of taking that drug? Can you be a bit specific?” Liu Zhenhan was very eager to know about the side effects.

“Let’s just not talk about the beastman soldiers who are born with auto-mad ability because they are the naturals. In order to be able to enter the berserk mode, one needs to have strong will and a strong faith in War-G.o.d Campas in order to maintain a calm state of mind all the time. Ordinary soldiers are certainly not capable of such high demands, and that is where the role of us sacrifices comes into play. If beastman soldiers are like the swords, sacrifices act as the hands to hold the swords in a battlefield; psychic battle song, version requiem, allows them to not being aware of fatigue and fear while in berserk mode, basically sending them directly into a killing spree.” Hailun downcast her eyes, gently sighed and said: “After entering the berserk mode even once, and even with the comfort of requiem, the body is unable to withstand the high degree of operating performance and the excessive load leads to paralysis, sometimes even death.”

“Indeed, formidable strength always comes at a high price.” Liu Zhenhan felt a bit suffocated. Now that he had come to accept his new ident.i.ty as a beastman, he had also started to favor beastman race with his whole heart, while not having even the slightest trace of favor for the human race of this world.

“My Fox clan has a total of 800,000 va.s.sals under its command and not more than 20 are able to use the ‘auto-mad’ ability. Therefore the very fact that you went into berserk mode was really inconceivable to me. I am unable to describe the pain you were in back then and I was in so much pain just from seeing you in that painful state. You know, to be honest, you are nothing but a weak sacred sacrifice on beastman standards.” Hailun gave out a tempting moan as she said: “War-G.o.d is fair to all! He is never going to give you a body robust enough to withstand the berserk mode, considering the fact that he has already made you an inborn singer.”

“Wait, Hailun! Do you really think I entered the berserk mode? I think you are misunderstanding something.” Liu Zhenhan thought for a moment as if trying to remember the state he was in at that time then he said with certainty: “I was not raging or feeling anger at all. I felt my body turning hot and that made me feel very uncomfortable! In addition, there was no other feeling in my heart.”

These words compelled Hailun to think more about it.

Liu Zhenhan looked at Hailun in a more dignified manner. The sheer amount of confidence in his eye made her heart beat like a drum.

“If it was not berserk mode, then…” Hailun’s complexion suddenly paled: “I think you are in big trouble!”

Hailun thought for a long time then suddenly looked at him and said: “Dear Li Cha, if you were not affected by berserk mode then there’s only one possibility…”

“What the h.e.l.l, just tell me already?” Liu Zhenhan stared at Hailun.

“When the pet of a sacred sacrifice dies a non-natural death, sometimes, they accidentally graft their own magical power to their partner before dying. This phenomenon has happened only twice in the historical records of sacrifices and is known as ‘blood memorial curse’. The sacrifice who gives the most disappointing performance directly suffers from this curse and the symptoms are similar to berserk state.”

“What do you mean?” Liu Zhenhan’s eyes opened wide as if to jump out of the eye sockets. He clearly noticed the word ‘curse’ placed mockingly at the end of this phenomenon’s name. Though he was still not convinced whether it was really a curse or he misunderstood its meaning.

“There is a deep connection between a sacrifice and their pet, in fact, a sacrifice must always treat their magic pet as family. This is most likely the case with all sacrifices, thereby leaving no scope for resentment from the pet’s side. This is the reason why there have been only two cases of this curse in thousands of years’ worth of our history.” Hailun said.

“What did those two do to get cursed?” Liu Zhenhan asked.

“They abandoned their injured magic pets on the battlefield and escaped themselves. This cowardly act directly resulted into them getting cursed.” Hailun said angrily: “And I must say, those two chickens deserved to be cursed!”

“Indeed! Those two b.a.s.t.a.r.ds were traitors and had it coming.” Liu Zhenhan frowned then hastily asked: “But I still do not quite understand, what is this magic grafting? I mean those two traitors gained the magic traits of their magic pets, right? Does that make them different from human magicians? In that case, can we really call it a curse?”

“When a sacrifice betrays their own dignity and ident.i.ty and causes their pet to suffer, the curse comes into play as a stain of anger and resentment, think of it like a curse directly given by the War-G.o.d Camaps. And as punishment, the battle songs of the cursed sacrifice will no longer have any magical effect. This is the price a sacrifice must pay for betraying the trust of their pet. And do not think that having the power of magic is a good thing because ‘magic’ and ‘song power’ are distinct elements of power. Controlling any of the two elemental powers needs years worth of practice and expertise, not to mention not everyone is compatible with magic. This curse is going to bring great misfortune for you.” Hailun’s complexion turned unsightly because she was worrying about herself. She had to sacrifice her precious ‘corolla’ to save her dear Li Cha, only to see him in such a tragic state again.

“What misfortune?” Liu Zhenhan asked.

“Although they accepted the magic power, it does not mean that they could easily use magic. You must know that magic is a very wonderful thing, and in order to control it, there is an essential need of systematic study and inborn sensibility toward magic elements. Otherwise, a rebound is inevitable and can instantly destroy an amateur magician – this is the true implication of blood memorial curse, after all, magical beasts are not deficient of wisdom.”

Hailun’s words were like a pot of melted ice, suddenly poured upon his naked and vulnerable heart.

“I, I…” Liu Zhenhan spoke a little incoherently: “But when did I offend that big turtle??? I did not abandon her on the battlefield, neither did I escape myself!”

“She was my first magic pet d.a.m.n it! How can she do this to me?!” Liu Zhenhan gritted his teeth and shouted.

Hailun did not speak and was staring at the shattered pieces of eggsh.e.l.l.

“But she was already dead at that time! How can she know that I ate her egg?” Liu Zhenhan realized what Hailun was thinking right now and immediately said in self-defense.

“Greedy, gluttonous, ah, these are certainly the dominant traits of pig race.” Hailun sighed and seemed a bit dejected.

“Hey.” Liu Zhenhan shook his head: “I still do not believe in this theory of yours. I think we are missing something important.”

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